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一、我国个人住房贷款业务的发展阶段 (一)我国个人住房贷款业务的发展时期 1.业务初始期,即1992年至1997年。在这一时期,我国的住房制度改革全面推进,取得了较大的突破和实质性进展。在这一时期,我国的房地产投资逐年大幅度增加,因而促进了个人住房贷款业务的迅速增加。  相似文献   

9月27日,宝鸡·中国钛谷《国家新材料高技术产业基地建设发展规划(2008—2015)》,通过了陕西省发展与改革委员会组织的专家评审,并将报请国家发改委批准全面实施。这标志着宝鸡·中国钛谷产业集群建设已强势推进,进入了一个全新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

2001年9月,省政府颁布了《陕西省妇女发展规划(2001——2010年)》和《陕西省儿童发展规划(2001——2010年)》(下称“两个规划”)。十年来,全省各级政府大力推进规划的实施,使妇女儿童工作又好又快发展。取得辉煌成绩。  相似文献   

<正> 党的十五届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》明确指出,新世纪开始的5—10年,是我国经济和社会发展的重要时期,是进行经济结构战略性调整的重要时期,是完善社会主义市场经济体制和扩大对外开放的重要时期。这一时期,也是南京全面建设宽裕小康社会和加快推进现代化的关键时期。"十五"计划对质量技术监督工作提出了新的更高的要求。  相似文献   

一、对"十二五"时期全州农牧业和农牧区经济发展基础条件和内外环境的总体判断及认识(一)海西州农牧业和农牧区经济发展所处阶段当前,海西州农牧业和农牧区经济正处在新的发展阶段,这一时期全州农牧业和农牧区经济经历着许多新的情况和变化。一是全州农牧业结构加快调整和农牧区改革不断深化的时期,  相似文献   

<正>一、建立社会主义市场经济的几个阶段 众所周知,党和政府正式把社会主义市场经济做为我国经济体制改革的目标,是在1992年的“十四大”提出的.但这并非意味着向市场经济的过渡自这一年开始,实际上,从1978年底的十一届三中全会起,我国就开始了从计划经济向市场经济的转变.这期间可划分为以下三个阶段: 1、初始和试验阶段(1979——1984年). 1978年12月的中国共产党十一届三中全会公报指出:我国经济管理体制的一个严重缺点是权力过于集中,应该有领导地大胆下放,让地方和企业有更多的经营管理自主权;应该着手大力精简各级经济行政机构;应该重视价值规律的作用.从此,我国开始了经济体制改革这一伟大历程.这一时期的主要改革如下: (1)普遍实行了多种形式的农户承包制,彻底改变了不适应农村生产力水平的产权制度及“政社会一”的组织制度; (2)改革了农产品流通体制,除少数重要的农产品继续实行“统购”和“派购”外,放开非统购派购农产品的市场,允许多渠道、多形式和多主体的经营. (3)扩大城市国营企业的自主权,包括计划外产品和完成计划后产品的生产权、销售权及定价权; (4)对国营企业相继实行“利润留成”和“利改税”,通  相似文献   

俄罗斯沿袭了前苏联时期的教育制度,尽管这一制度曾为国家科技的发展做出了重要贡献,但随着时代的发展,其弊端日益显现,改革势在必行。2002年出台了新的《普通基础教育国家教育标准(草案)》和《普通教育国家标准的联邦成分(草案)》,这两个草案,在保持原来大致内容的基础上,某些方面的规定又有了新的变化。按政府规定,从2001年12月1日起,教师工资提高一倍。官方数字表明,2001年,俄联邦和地方政府对教育拨款分别为800亿卢布(约26亿美元)和3000亿卢布。目前,定向培养基金主要用于培养国家急需的教师和医生。  相似文献   

文章从先导性与免疫性两大维度构建了后金融危机时代国家金融安全预警指标体系,通过选取KLR信号分析法,从先导性、免疫性与总体警情3个方面对我国1992~2011年金融安全的警情警度进行了动态定量测算分析。研究得出:1992~2011年我国金融安全程度处于从重警、中警到轻警、无警逐渐上升的过程;依据我国金融安全警度值可将我国金融安全警情划分为有警时期(1992~2003年)与无警时期(2004~2011年)两个明显时期,其中有警时期包括重警度时期(1993年)、中警度时期(1992年、1994~1996年、1998~2001年)、轻警度时期(1997年、2002~2003年);2001~2011年我国金融体制建设保障能力不断增强,银行机构风险快速下降,对外债务风险持续改善,宏观经济风险得到合理控制,这些是促使国家金融安全程度提升的关键因素。  相似文献   

国家发改委体改司司长范恒山最近指出,中国改革在各领域有序展开,取得重要进展,特别是一些多年酝酿的重点领域和关键环节的改革有所突破。但是,目前改革到了真正啃“硬骨头”的时期。  相似文献   

李长秀 《老区建设》2010,(11):37-39
2002年以来,江西省宜春市扶贫开发整村推进工作在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在省办的关心和支持下,认真贯彻《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001—2010年)》,狠抓各项扶贫措施的落实,圆满完成了整村推进的各项任务,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

Should cohesion policy in the EU be reformed? This question becomes pressing in light of the coming enlargement of the EU. Indeed, without reform enlargement will involve an increase in the budget for cohesion policies, as well as a reallocation of funds across regions. Furthermore, it is an appropriate occasion to rethink the various rules and criteria associated with cohesion policies. Recently, the European Commission published its Second Report on Economic and Social Cohesion (henceforth SRESC, (2001)). The report praises the effectiveness of current cohesion policies and suggests a mere continuation of current practices in the future. This paper challenges this conclusion and discusses some options for reform. The paper starts with a brief introduction to the current cohesion policy and the changes that will occur in light of EU enlargement. Subsequently, we address two questions. Is there a need for cohesion policy reform? And if so, how should it be reformed?  相似文献   

The recent exchange between Groenewald and Brand on the report tabled by the Committee of Inquiry into maize marketing arrangements makes for interesting reading. Professor Groenewald raises a wide range of important conceptual and pragmatic concerns, with the stinging conclusion that the Commission did not achieve its primary mission and an opportunity for substantive reforms was lost. Dr Brand countered by pointing out that the Commission focused on changes that were politically acceptable and would ‘set in motion a movement towards a more market‐oriented situation’. There is wisdom in the comments of both authors and the time is ripe for agricultural economists in South Africa to address an expanded research agenda on these issues.

At the outset, it should be made clear that no special knowledge of the maize marketing system in South Africa is claimed. However, the current debate bears many similarities to that which is currently engulfing agricultural policy observers in Canada and the United States. Agricultural reform and the need to remain competitive in an increasingly open world market is a theme that has thrust itself on policy analysts. In Canada, agricultural economists have engaged in an active professional debate on the merits of supply management and one‐channel marketing systems over the past ten years. Although the strengths and weaknesses of these systems have been well documented from theoretical and conceptual bases, the major impetus for change has come from empirical analysis and the realization that Canada had created an environment which fosters unproductive agricultural sectors, International uncompetitiveness, and food prices that penalize consumers, expecially those in low-income categories. In some cases, prices are so far out of line with the United States that border crossings are deluged on weekends with Canadian shoppers returning home with goods purchased. Food items, expecially those under one-channel supply management marketing systems, figure prominently in the goods brought back to Canada. The system of supply management is in crisis and even the marketing boards have acknowledged that significantly more market orientation is necessary.

Agricultural economists can make a significant contribution to the policy debate in South Africa. Brand is quite right in pointing out that the process will be evolutionary — what is politically unacceptable today may become the policy of tomorrow. The time frame of policy reform fits well into that which is needed to conduct empirical research. But this research must focus on the important issues, even though they may be unpopular. Groenewald makes an important first step in this direction by drawing attention to the issues of productivity and pricing. However, more steps are needed. A critical issue, from my perspective, is the capitalization of benefits from protective agricultural policies.  相似文献   

丰晓旭  李勇坚 《改革》2020,(2):89-101
新中国成立以来,对新中国服务业改革的研究伴随我国服务业改革实践进程逐渐得到丰富完善,研究与实践之间呈现互为影响、互为促进的关系,具有明显的问题导向和时代发展特征。服务业改革的相关研究可分为六个阶段:1949—1978年:服务业改革的初步探索;1978—1984年:就业和需求压力下服务业改革的再认识;1984—1992年:增长压力推动下的服务业改革思想大解放;1992—2001年:财政压力推动下的服务业市场化改革研究;2001—2012年:服务业开放背景下的服务业改革新突破;2012年至今:新时代服务业改革研究再出发。展望未来,服务业改革的相关研究应关注新应用、新业态的发展趋势,遵循创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展方向,深化服务业供给侧结构性改革研究,重视网络化时代服务业治理改革问题。  相似文献   

When President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) took office in October 2014, he promised to usher in a new style of politics, generating optimism among many Indonesians that his government would enthusiastically promote reform. Yet Jokowi has since placed greater value on realpolitik than on reform, as evidenced by his choice of cabinet members, his response to the controversy surrounding senior police officer Budi Gunawan, and his handling of attempts by the police and others to weaken Indonesia's respected Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This article shows that Jokowi failed to deliver on his promises of reform largely owing to a combination of personal and external factors. He failed to show leadership on anticorruption and human-rights issues, for example—in part because he prefers economic development over democratic reform, but also because he is not immune to the oligarchic politics that dominate Indonesia's political life and promote the interests of Indonesia's elite.  相似文献   

During the twentieth century Japan and the United States attempted land reform in Micronesia. Japan was more successful because a growing population had led to an increasing demand for agricultural products, which could only be met by expanding agriculture across its empire. This required investment in land reform to transfer ownership from common to private rights. Conversely, the Americans faced no such domestic pressures, valuing Micronesia only for its strategic location and military testing. We formulate a model to examine the outcomes of Micronesian land reform under the long‐sighted policy of the Japanese compared with short‐sighted approach of the Americans.  相似文献   

In the present paper, anti‐dumping (AD) duties levied by the European Commission against products from ASEAN countries in the period 1991–2001 have been considered. The ASEAN countries were among the countries most targeted by AD measures imposed by the EU in the 1990s. A panel regression has been applied to estimate the impact of AD duties on trade in some 12 products that have been subject to AD duties targeting ASEAN countries in the period considered. A significant negative impact of AD duties is found, on both the value and the quantity of imports from ASEAN countries. Our estimation provides some (although not overwhelming) indications of trade diversion in favor of EU countries, but no evidence of trade diversion in favor of non‐targeted non‐EU countries.  相似文献   

周雨风 《特区经济》2008,(3):195-197
2007年6月,重庆市被国家发改委正式批准为"全国统筹城乡发展综合配套改革试验区"。今年"两会"期间,胡锦涛总书记为重庆的发展提出了"314"总体部署,即"三大定位"、"一大目标"和"四大任务",其中"加大以工促农、以城带乡的力度"被列为首要任务。在试验区的建设过程中,应该充分发挥重庆市农产品加工业的作用,本文阐述了重庆市农产品加工业的现状和统筹城乡综合配套改革面临的问题,提出了重庆市农产品加工业对推动统筹城乡综合配套改革的五点作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to investigate the impact of economic reforms on the economic issues in Ethiopia. Different economic issues — parameters determining the effectiveness of economic reforms — are separately discussed to measure how far Ethiopia has benefited from the reform policy. A simple and comparative analysis of various economic indicators between the pre‐reform and post‐reform, that is, between 1985/86–1991/92 and 1992/93–2001/02, reveals that those economic reforms have revamped the economy by moving its GDP from its long‐standing poor record to a respectful growing state. Nevertheless, the reforms have failed in attaining other direct economic objectives, such as standard of living, external debt, trade balance deficit and current account deficit. Economic reforms have, no doubt, attracted a significant amount of private investment, but its volume started declining within the reform period and so were privatization proceeds. This study suggests that a full‐fledged and committed reform is indispensable at the earliest to attaining the full benefits of reform policy.  相似文献   

经济全球化推动了加工贸易的开展。我国的对外开放开始于加工贸易活动的开展,开展该项活动的经济体都是通过开放具有比较优势的劳动力市场吸引外部直接投资来从事加工装配活动。我国加工出口的快速增长得益于农村的经济体制改革和农村剩余劳动力转移带来的低劳动力成本,得益于改革开放后实施的出口导向战略,解决了农村大量剩余劳动力就业,我国在加工贸易分工和利益分配中所处的地位也是基本合理的,实施新劳动法等因素导致了劳动力成本大幅度上升。劳动力成本和商务成本上升已使我国东部地区在劳动密集产品加工装配环节的比较优势丧失,次贷危机也使加工出口的外部环境恶化,加工企业面临前所未有的困难,也带来了严重的失业问题。应鼓励加工企业及其配套产业向中西部地区转移。  相似文献   

新一轮的课程改革自2001年颁布《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》起就开始实施,到现在已经取得了很大的效果。但是,在实施新课程改革的过程中,也出现了很多问题。本文旨在通过总结现阶段我国新课程改革出现的问题,提出一些解决策略,以期能够对我国新课改的实施和改进提出意见,推动新课改的发展。  相似文献   

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