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经济全球化进程的加快导致对会计服务贸易需求激增。本土会计师事务所面临执业环境复杂、服务理念淡漠,营销意识缺乏的局面,使得本土会计师事务所在与外资会计师事务所竞争中处于不利地位。据此,阐述了本土会计师事务所开展服务营销的必要性,提出了本土会计师事务所服务营销的主要内容,指明了本土会计师事务所服务营销应避免的误区。  相似文献   

会计师事务所作为在会计市场上提供鉴证财务信息的中介企业,其服务营销如今面临各种挑战,越来越引起业内管理者的重视。目前,我国的会计师事务所的服务营销既无系统的营销理念,又缺乏有效的营销实践,具体表现在缺乏对服务市场规律的正确认识;观念落后,固守传统思维方式和经营理念;服务质量、品牌意识淡薄;营销策略过于简单;未形成创新机制等方面。会计师事务所服务营销策略,主要包括:服务质量控制战略、客户关系策略、业务多元化策略、品牌策略和建设优秀的诚信文化和团队文化等。  相似文献   

申建英 《商业研究》2003,(19):92-95
加入WTO后我国会计服务行业进一步开放,外国会计会计师事务所将大量涌入我国。基于外国会计师事务所先进的经营方式和管理经验,在抢占会计服务市场、专业人才及满足客户需要方面技高一筹,这势必对我国尚不成熟的会计服务市场造成较大的冲击。面对外国会计师事务所的严峻挑战,我国会计师事务所应采取积极有效的对策,做大做实事务所,从而提高事务所的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

我国的会计师事务所作为一种提供专业服务的机构,为了在日益变化的国际国内环境中求得生存和发展,也必须一改往日对市场营销的态度,充分利用市场营销的方法与手段来扩大自己的市场占有率并在竞争中处于优势地位。营销理念发展到现在已经变为以客户关系管理为中心的阶段,因此,本文将探讨我国会计师事务所引入客户关系管理理念的一些基本问题。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO后,会计市场全面开放,客户的需求也从单一的会计、审计服务过渡到多元化和全方位的需求,这就对于会计师事务所也逐渐形成了多元化的发展,目前我国的会计师事务所类型主要包括三大类:国际会计师事务所、国内大型会计师事务所和中小型会计师事务所,其中国内大型会计师事务所和中小型会计师事务所在我国占主导地位。文章针对这两大类的会计师事务所的发展现状展开简单阐述并提出相应对策,实现会计师事务所在我国形成协调发展的合理布局。  相似文献   

伴随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建成和中国-东盟自由贸易区《服务贸易协议》的逐步实施,中国-东盟自由贸易区会计服务市场的开放将有利于国内会计师事务所拓展境外会计服务市场,开发非审计业务,改善会计师事务所的业务结构.我国国内会计师事务所应在信息、人才、行业理念、法律环境和行业对接等方面做好准备.本文对我国会计师事务所拓展东盟会计服务市场的机遇加以探讨,并对应采取的措施进行了思考.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,在国内会计服务市场竞争激烈的同时,我国会计师事务所还面临着国外强大对手的压力。面对严峻的现实,会计师事务所作为以提供知识型劳务为主的服务行业,应该引入先进的管理理念, 研究本行业现状、外都环境特点,发现各种市场机会和威胁,在此基础上认识自身营销的特殊性,寻找并建立适合于我国国情并符合事务所实际需要的竞争战略,为会计师事务所的发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

随着会计服务市场的国际化,必将加剧我国会计事务所之间的竞争。一些规模较小,防范风险能力较差的会计师事务所会面临破产或被兼并,从而成为外国会计公司的收购目标。另一方面,随着国际"五大"和其他中小会计师事务所加快其在国内组建成员所、合作所的步伐,通过提供高水平的服务直接与国内的会计师事务所抢夺会计服务市场。  相似文献   

张蓉 《商业研究》2002,(3):86-88
脱钩改制对事务所、注册会计师而言无疑是场革命,会计师事务所就此走上了自主发展的道路,一些有实力的所率先开始了规模化发展的步伐。但是,由于我国会计服务市场的不成熟,会计师事务所的不正当竞争并未就此消失,反而在利用其他手段和其他方面突出表现出来,从而影响我国会计服务市场的整体发展和会计师事务所的规模化发展的进程。  相似文献   

张蓉 《商业研究》2002,(2):86-88
脱钩改制对事务所,注册会计师而言无疑是场革命,会计师事务所就此走了自主发展的道路,一些有实力的所率先开始了规模发展的步伐,但是,由于我国会计服务市场的不成熟。会计师事务所的不正当竞争并未就此消失,反而在利用其他手段和其他方面突出表现出来,从而影响我国会计服务市场的整体发展和会计师事务所的规模化发展的进程。  相似文献   


Professional service firms have relied heavily in the past on a small number of rainmakers-people who have influence and bring business into their firms. In today's competitive marketplace, everyone in the organization must be involved in the practice development process. This paper, based on a series of interviews with accounting professionals, identifies the roles and responsibilities for practice development inherent at every stage of the professional accountant's career path. Additionally, the roles and responsibilities of marketing professionals in professional service firms are also considered.  相似文献   

李金龙 《北方经贸》2003,(6):119-120
我国加入WTO后,必须开放会计服务市场,以“保证我国与外国合作的事务所和职业人士享受与东道国同行同等的权利”;“消除市场准入的歧视性壁垒”。因此,加入WTO后的中国会计服务市场竞争将会日趋激烈。对此,我们应采取积极对策,例如,健全审计的法律法规制度,尽快与国际审计惯例接轨,提高注册会计师的职业道德和执业水平等措施。  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that services and goods marketers can share internationalization and market entry frameworks. Very little research has investigated any similarity of marketing customization frameworks of services and goods exporters. This study has proposed a common customization framework, which was examined using the experiences of 101 services and goods firms operating in a highly different environment. It was found that the marketing environment–marketing strategy framework for service and good exporters was mostly similar, but that the extent of the influence of selected factors was stronger for service firms. The framework of marketing strategy–performance was confirmed to be mostly similar. The results of this study suggest that, after internationalization and market entry mode theories, a common marketing customization framework can probably be identified across selected services and goods sectors.  相似文献   


Results of a survey of accounting firms suggests that market penetration is the preferred strategy among accounting firms followed by market development, service development and diversification. Using the Miles and Snow typology, prospectors were most aggressive in their preference for any strategy, followed by analyzers, defenders and reactors. Most small accounting firms were self typed as defenders or reactors suggesting their use of marketing concepts and strategies is limited.  相似文献   

This study compares between firms in the US mature market economy and in the Polish transitional economy. The study found that Poland's past as a planned economy may continue to hinder interdepartmental connectedness and act as an obstacle to firms in adopting a market orientation. According to the study, for Polish firms, there is less shared information and cooperation across departments, and less shared responsibility for departmental tasks, compared to US firms. The status of marketing in Poland remains that of a junior department, subordinate to influences from functional areas such as finance and accounting, which directed production in the former planned economy. The study supports the hypothesis that Polish firms have lower interdepartmental connectedness than US firms and finds strong support for the relationship between interdepartmental connectedness and firm performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study that examined two areas of interest in marketing accounting services for fax preparation. First, the question of whether the price charged by an accounting firm has an impact on the perceived quality of the tax preparation service is explored. Second, the effect of the CPA credential on the expected quality of the service provided is examined. The managerial implications of the findings are discussed for organizations with and without the CPA credential and guidelines are offered for analysis of the quality of the accounting service provided.  相似文献   

Developing effective marketing strategies for profes- sional service firms presents many unique challen es and is an im- portant area of practice development that many &ns often wer- look. Professional service firms ossess very distinctive P characteristics which differentiate them rom other service firms and require specialized marketing strategies. The purpose of this article is to assist practitioners in their efforts to develop promotional strat- egies which will enhance their firm's professional image and in- crease the firm's ability to engage new clients. These strategies arc aimed specifically at certified public accountants, lawyers, archi- tects, and other professionals.  相似文献   


This study investigates how professional service firms (PSFs) compete in the market. Drawing on strategic marketing literature, a managerial rather than customer perspective is adopted. The study investigates the competitive positions sought by professional service providers and the specific marketing activities actually undertaken to achieve these positions. Thirty-seven depth interviews with senior management from a range of PSFs indicate that firms seek to differentiate themselves by developing long-term relationships, providing better service quality and greater value, and developing brands with strong reputations. Organisations typically seek such interrelated competitive positions simultaneously. A list of marketing activities used by the PSFs to achieve these competitive positions offers practical insights into the specific activities needed to achieve the various competitive positions sought.  相似文献   

我国商业银行市场营销中存在的问题与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,市场营销在我国商业银行中刚刚起步,由于垄断式经营的惯性作用,形成了一种非理性的无序行为,有许多活动甚至脱离了市场营销的基本理念。这主要源于理论研究缺乏系统性,营销组织体系不健全,缺少专业营销人才及相应的营销策略与手段。我国商业银行要在日益激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须树立正确的市场营销观念,理解现代市场营销的内涵,培养造就一支高素质的营销队伍,制定竞争性营销策略,建立高效的营销服务体系,借鉴国外先进的营销模式,创造性地开展营销,对产品和服务进行全过程的市场营销,全面提升中国金融品牌的市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

我国企业营销控制模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈昀  贺远琼 《商业研究》2006,(8):141-143
在对23家案例企业营销经理的深度访谈过程中,研究发现营销控制模式是影响企业营销绩效的关键要素。在分析不同营销控制模式及其适用条件的基础上,剖析科诺公司的“双回路”营销控制模式,旨在为改善我国企业的营销管理工作、提高我国企业的营销绩效提供有益的建议。  相似文献   

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