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马瑞华 《全球科技经济瞭望》2003,(8):52-53
历史与现状新西兰的乳品业启始于1814年。当年,英国移民将2头奶牛和1头公牛带进新西兰,以满足基本的生活需要。随着牲畜的不断繁衍,牧场的逐步扩大,带动了养牛与奶业的发展。1871年第一家合作乳品公司成立并开始生产奶酪。从1882年开始批量向英国出口黄油。独特的地理环境和技术上的不断创新与改造,使得新西兰乳品产业有比较快的发展,并逐渐成为国家的主要产业。奶油分离器和机械式挤奶器都是新西兰早期的发明。到2002年,新西兰各类养奶牛的牧场大约有15万个,平均面积在90~100公顷左右(约1平方公里)。每个牧场拥有的奶牛数量在230~300头之… 相似文献
刘元 《全球科技经济瞭望》2000,(7):21-21
概要该计划实质上是匈牙利政府制订的今后两年国家宏观经济发展计划。它由匈经济部提出 ,旨在改善匈经济的全球竞争力 ,保持匈经济健康协调发展和为匈入欧盟做准备。该计划致力于推动公路及住房建设 ;促进研究、开发及技术创新 ;强化国内企业 ,特别是中小企业成为跨国公司在匈生产供应商的能力 ;发展旅游业及消除地区不平衡。为此 ,匈政府将在2001~2002年的两年间 ,在2000年中央财政预算的基础上 ,增加4340亿福林 ,约相当于17亿美元 ,占匈1999年国内生产总值的约3.5%。该计划是在90年代末匈经济已不再受政府支… 相似文献
刘子建 《全球科技经济瞭望》2004,(3):9-10
美国能源部2003年11月10日宣布了面向未来20年的《未来科学设施计划》,提出今后20年间将要建设的28个大型科学设施建设项目。并根据其重要性和可行性将这些项目进行了排序,从中可以看出美国对于未来20年科学挑战的思考和战略布局。 相似文献
宏裕闻 《全球科技经济瞭望》1998,(9):27-28
在美国,植物基因组研究得到国会和联邦政府的高度重视。白宫国家科学技术委N会于!997年5月16hA立I一个亏I’]负责制订国家植物基因组计划的植物基因组机构间工作组,由农业部、国家科学基金会、国立卫生研究院、能源部、白宫科技政策办公室和管理与预算办公室的有关负责人组成。该工作组经过半年多的认真研究和讨论,并吸收了有关学术界和产业界的意见,于1998年1月正式公布了国家植物基因组计划。一、内容和目标美国将基因组研究分为三部分:结构基因组研究,研究基因组的结构和组织;功能基因组研究,研究基因组结构和组织与植物功能… 相似文献
润华创 《全球科技经济瞭望》1998,(4):10-14
匈牙利环境政策和国家环境计划润华创一、匈牙利环境政策匈牙利历届政府都十分重视环境保护,现政府在其施政纲领中,将改善环境质量作为其经济政策的三大支柱之一。1995年匈议会以法律形式,颁布了国家环境计划以及环境保护总则,明确指出将环境质量改善和新的经济增... 相似文献
俄罗斯国家科学中心 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
龚惠平 《全球科技经济瞭望》2006,(7):61-64
在俄罗斯没有设置国家实验室.但俄罗斯结合本国国情,从1993年以来前所未有地实行了国家科学中心体制.作为政府在发展科学技术领域重点支持的国家政策.与国家实验室的作用可谓殊途同归。目前,在俄罗斯存在着两种科学中心,一类就是从1993年以来在全国建立的由俄罗斯联邦政府批准命名的国家科学中心,最初为61个,现有58个。其构成以政府各部所属的科研单位和企业为主.都是独立的科研生产实体.相当于国家级重点科研单位。另一类是由俄罗斯科学院在其欧洲部分组建的地区科学中心,总计14个,均由多个科研单位组成.相当于地方分院。 相似文献
张永宏 《全球科技经济瞭望》2009,24(7):62-68
把科技发展的一般规律和非洲的现实结合起来看,非洲科技发展所面临的严峻挑战主要来自五个方面:其一,R&D投入低,信息化水平低。其二,发展基础薄弱,发展速度缓慢。其三,政治、经济稳定性不够,缺乏强有力的教育支撑。其四,文化传统、殖民后遗症影响科技政策的制定和执行。其五,全球经济一体化和知识经济的挑战。 相似文献
排放交易体系与新西兰农业 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
吴依林 《全球科技经济瞭望》2009,24(4):9-11
本文在分析新西兰国情的基础上,阐明了新西兰为何有别于其他发达国家,将农业一并纳入排放交易体系的原因。扼要叙述排放交易立法将农业纳入减排体系的机制和过程。通过个案研究,定量分析农业成本的增长幅度。深入研究农业减排所面临的困难和风险、可能产生的经济社会效应、带来的发展机遇以及存在着的不确定性。 相似文献
新西兰农牧业发展模式及其启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
新西兰农牧业经营机制与模式创新点是:完备的农牧业科研机构和科技创新体系,便捷的农牧业成果推广与服务合作机制,高效的农牧业管理与技术调控模式。进入转型时期的中国农牧业应借鉴新西兰的经验,着力打造加入WTO后中国畜牧业参与国际竞争的产品优势和区域优势,努力提高中国特色农牧业综合生产水平和可持续发展能力。 相似文献
吴依林 《全球科技经济瞭望》2008,23(6):60-64
一、持续增长:增加研发投入 新西兰从20世纪90年代至今平稳增长,1990-2003年GDP平均增长3%,此后4年中的增幅在1.9%~4.4%,2007年6月底(2006-2007财年结束)同比增长2.2%. 相似文献
Troy D. Matheson 《International Review of Applied Economics》2007,21(1):55-73
New Zealand shares a wealth of common interests and experiences with Australia. This has tempted some to assume that these economies form an ‘Economic Club’, in which one would expect to identify common aggregate trends and growth experiences. In this paper we present results that test, and generally reject, convergence in labour productivity across Australia and New Zealand, using both aggregate and disaggregate, industry‐level data. We find that only two industries satisfy our definition of Conditional Convergence (Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing and Cultural and Recreational Services), and that the Mining and Wholesale Trade industries have particularly important roles to play in explaining the measured divergence. Cointegration‐based tests reveal more stochastic trends governing Australian productivity than in New Zealand. The evidence suggests, therefore, that the underlying growth processes of the two economies are fundamentally different, thereby questioning the relevance of aggregate comparisons between them. New evidence using industry‐level data does not, therefore, resolve the aggregate‐level ‘non‐convergence puzzle’ identified here, and elsewhere. 相似文献
New Zealand (NZ) dairy farms used to be the lowest input and most efficient dairy farms of the world. However, intensification of the traditional pasture-based system has occurred over the last decade and has not always been accompanied by increased efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to produce an updated reference of the eco-efficiency of NZ dairy farm systems and to analyse the implications of intensification on their eco-efficiency. Results for an average NZ dairy farm system were compared with those for three dairy farmlet systems representing a wide range in intensification practices. A low input system (LI) (no N fertiliser, no brought-in feed supplement, stocking rate of 2.3 cows/ha) was compared with an N-fertilised farm system (NF) (170 kg fertiliser-N/ha/year, 3 cows/ha) representing a first level of intensification and with an N-fertilised and maize silage supplemented system (NFMS) (170 kg fertiliser-N/ha/year, 13 t DM maize silage/ha/year, 5.2 cows/ha), representing a possible future intensification option. Their eco-efficiency in terms of milk production and land use was compared using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. NZ dairy farm systems rely on favourable temperate climate conditions and long-term perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture, to achieve eco-efficient milk production and land use compared to European systems. However, intensification of NZ dairy farms was shown to be detrimental to their eco-efficiency in terms both of milk production and land use functions and could greatly reduce their advantage compared to European systems. The eco-efficiency of LI was very high whatever the functional unit which is remarkable from an LCA perspective. NF and NFMS had a similar eco-efficiency except for energy use which corresponded to the most critical hot spot of NFMS. All studied NZ systems presented some areas for improvement where some new technologies available for dairy farms might play a promising role in the future. Finally, it should be highlighted that the comparison with European studies based on the literature available needs validation through a more comprehensive study using harmonised methodology and assumptions across countries. 相似文献
Counterfactual experiments with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's core model provide some insight into the implications for New Zealand's economic performance over the 1990s, had it credibly fixed its currency to the Australian dollar. If New Zealand had faced the relatively more stimulatory Australian monetary conditions prevailing over the 1990s, then output growth may have been temporarily boosted. However, demand pressures would have probably been greater and inflation higher. In particular, results suggest that over the latter part of the 1990s annual inflation would have been approximately 1% point higher on average. Stochastic simulation experiments provide a vehicle to analyse what the implications of currency union might be more generally. Results suggest that if New Zealand were to lose its ability to set monetary policy independent of that set in Australia, then the variability of inflation and output would increase over the business cycle. 相似文献
大学科技园是通过集聚大学优势创新资源促进科技成果转化、推动高技术企业孵化、强化产学研合作的支撑服务平台,对区域经济发展和创新战略实施具有重要意义。以中国30个省级行政区的国家大学科技园为研究对象,运用数据包络分析(data evelopment analysis,DEA)和Malmquist生产率指数法分析2014—2017年国家大学科技园运行效率。研究结果表明:中国国家大学科技园整体平均效率较高,但各地区间的差异较大;规模效率过低是导致多数省区国家大学科技园运行效率DEA无效的主要原因;国家大学科技园全要素生产率呈逐年下降趋势,且下降幅度越来越大,技术进步是抑制全要素生产率提升的主要因素。据此,提出增强资源利用效率、提高技术进步贡献、加强政府宏观调控等发展建议。 相似文献
Jane Cameron Barbara Nicholas Katherine Silvester Karen Cronin 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2008,20(3):271-285
New Zealand's 'Navigator Network' is a national scanning network of scientists and policy analysts providing 'early alert' advice about emerging areas of science and technology. It was established by the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) to enhance the government's readiness to respond to the opportunities and risks around new technologies, particularly in biotechnology and nanotechnology. The Navigator Network has been tailored to the New Zealand context, which is characterised by a small, well-connected government sector and a strong focus on agricultural biotechnology and food. The network builds on these features, and is 'people-centric' rather than 'information-centric', using dialogic approaches to generate new knowledge between diverse stakeholder groups. It also focuses on building futures capability in the government and science sectors. Representatives from government agencies are integrated into the process as scanners to facilitate uptake. It also has an adaptive development process via an action learning component. 相似文献
国防科技知识产权关系着国家安全,具有重要的战略意义,选取中国工程物理研究院X重点实验室以及西南科技大学Y国防重点实验室知识产权的创造、运用、保护和管理现状进行调研,结合数据包络分析法对近7年两个科技平台知识产权的创造和运用进行效率评估,分析引起效率变化的原因,并提出改进对策。 相似文献