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在经济发展和科技进步的同时,旅游产业已经逐渐成长为一个与社会发展密切相关的、日渐庞大的产业.当前我国旅游产业出现了新的趋势,我国旅游者呈现新特点、我国旅游供给出现新特征、旅游需求出现新变化、旅游形式出现新趋势.当前要加快我国旅游产业发展,要在旅游开发上彰显旅游资源和文化优势,建立旅游产业持续发展的规划与机制,是我国旅游业发展的出路所在.  相似文献   

从旅游市场和旅游企业的角度分析了金融危机对我国旅游业的具体影响,境外市场萎靡、出境游热潮正在酝酿、国内游还有很大潜力.金融危机对我国旅游业既是挑战也是机遇.完善旅游产品,整合旅游品牌,提高旅游服务是我国旅游企业应对金融危机应该采取的紧急策略.  相似文献   

我国科技旅游的发展使得以中国科学院奥运村科技园区为代表的园区类科技旅游资源的研究受到关注.中国科学院奥运村科学园区拥有科普场馆、实验室、仪器,设备、野外台站、科技名人和科技活动等类型的科技旅游资源.通过对444份有效问卷的分析,获取了我国公众对待科技旅游的整体态度、对园区类科技旅游资源的感兴趣程度等数据.对统计数据的进一步分析后.认为我国现阶段科技旅游的产业地位不高;我国公众对科技旅游资源的感知存在明显的学科偏好;公众对园区型科技旅游资源普遍感兴趣;我国公众对活动型科技旅游资源也存在明显偏好;科学家为代表的科技名人型旅游资源将成为园区类科技旅游资源的亮点.  相似文献   

乡村旅游作为一种新型的旅游形式,对我国的旅游业发展具有重要的意义.根据对乡村旅游的理解,概括性的描述了乡村旅游的概念,分析了乡村旅游可能面临的问题,并针对问题制定了相应的措施.为我国乡村旅游的发展提出了意见和建议,对我国旅游业的发展具有非常重要的参考和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

我国旅游保险业发展探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
刘春济  高静 《旅游学刊》2006,21(1):81-86
本文在分析旅游保险特点及其根源的基础上,结合我国旅游业发展的实际得出了如下结论:①法定保险商业经营导致了我国的旅游保险不保险;②旅行社无法承担旅游保险销售的重任;③利益问题使我国的旅游保险陷入了困境;④旅游保险产品与服务体系亟需建立.同时认为,我国旅游保险业的健康持续发展,其根本措施在于旅游保险体系的创新.  相似文献   

杨勇  许鑫 《旅游学刊》2017,(9):103-115
H指数作为评价研究者学术影响力的参考依据得到了学界的广泛认可.文章在H指数的基础上,引入时间因素,构建Ht指数,对CNKI数据库中1994—2014年旅游研究领域129位学者的引文数据进行统计分析,测度了我国旅游研究者的学术影响力,在此基础上探讨了我国旅游学科发展的趋势.研究结果表明,在考虑时间因素的情况下,我国旅游研究者Ht指数普遍低于H指数;20世纪60年代出生的旅游研究者是当前我国旅游学术研究领域中的中坚力量,拥有较为显著的学术影响力;职称、高校层次等对我国旅游研究者Ht指数有着显著的影响.Ht指数与H指数的对比可以反映出旅游学术研究特定领域变化,其中,旅游规划与设计、旅游地理学和旅游管理学等一直是旅游领域的研究热点,而旅游经济学等也日益受到研究者的关注.  相似文献   

我国旅游产业在蓬勃发展的同时,市场竞争日趋激烈,企业效益不佳.根据新产业组织理论,应用SCP框架分析我国旅游产业组织结构特征,发现旅游企业规模偏小、竞争手段单一是我国旅游产业市场绩效差的直接原因.提出了组建大型旅游集团,且进一步强调了政府政策的重要性,最后对传统SCP范式进行了修正.  相似文献   

关于建立健全我国旅游政策的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旅游政策,是国家或地方为促进旅游发展所制定和实施的有关方针政策、法律法规、规章制度和办法措施的总和,不仅是国家或地区促进旅游发展的重要措施和手段,也是国家或地区管理旅游行业的重要政策依据和准则.目前,加强对我国旅游政策的研究,制定有利于促进我国旅游健康发展的旅游政策体系,既是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的迫切要求,也是促进我国旅游健康发展的当务之急.  相似文献   

旅游目的地网络营销系统是旅游目的地进行旅游推广和旅游营销的重要工具和渠道,但是从目前来看,我国的旅游目的地营销网络系统并没有取得较好的效益.本文从游客需求的角度出发,按照4个层级和技术支撑构建了44个二级指标的评价体系,并对我国的31个省市级旅游官网进行了评价.评价发现,我国省级旅游官网总体的营销功能较弱,在信息提供方面能够满足需求,但是其交互、技术、关系、交易的功能都较差,我国旅游目的地网站应该充分考虑游客需求,以满足游客需求为目标,进一步在不同层级的旅游营销功能上进行提升.  相似文献   

“十三五”时期是我国打造旅游经济发展升级版、初步实现世界旅游强国目标的战略机遇期.近年来,国际市场上出现的一项具有鲜明外向化特点、高端服务业特质以及旅游项目创新特征的医疗旅游这一新兴产业,十分符合我国“十三五”旅游发展战略所倡导的鼓励产业融合、创新驱动、立足全球视野、加强国际合作、支持新业态发展的产业导向.医疗旅游在全球范围内的发展十分迅猛,许多国家纷纷把医疗旅游业作为拉动经济增长的重要产业予以扶持.在我国,这一产业正处于起步摸索的关键时期.因此,在将要编制的“十三五”旅游规划中,深入研究我国医疗旅游这一专项市场的发展战略,是十分迫切和重要的时代命题.  相似文献   

Leisure travel has become a major lifestyle in the United States since World War II. This paper describes the social, economic, and technological changes that have been adopted by the industry and society during three eras of travel evolution. A synoptic view of the development of travel is provided by a review of five travel industry components: transportation, attractions, facilities and services, information, and the consumer. Emphasis is placed on the consequences of the adoption of major social and technological innovations that have impacted this vibrant industry and will continue to do so in the future. The paper concludes with eight observations on the present and future status of leisure travel in the United States.  相似文献   

Development of Africa's immense tourism potential is severely limited for reasons including lack of capital, distance from the large North American and European markets, the cost of travel to Africa, and Africa's poor image abroad. A key factor contributing to this image problem is political instability. Since World War II, almost all African countries have achieved independence. In several countries, this decolonization process has taken the form of long and often bloody liberation wars. This paper examines the impact of Zimbabwe's protracted liberation war on tourism development in Zambia and suggests that a detailed examination of major internal and external political events associated with the decolonization process in Zimbabwe could provide important perspectives on the obstacles to tourism development in other African countries.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of geographical interest in tourism during the past half century and examines the range and scope of the geography of tourism. The available literature is reviewed and suggestions are made regarding possible research aveneus and theoretical developments. Six major areas of interest are identified: spatial aspects of supply, spatial aspects of demand, the geography of resorts, patterns of movements and flows, the impact of tourism, and models of tourist space. Through an emphasis on spatial interaction an attempt is made to provide some cohesion and synthesis for this body of knowledge which constitutes the basis of the geography of tourism.  相似文献   

The automobile has radically changed tourist habits this century. In the first decade it was enthusiastically embraced by a small, wealthy elite. In America this elite “rediscovered” the romantic northeastern scenery painted by the Hudson Valley School of artists. This process is documented both in the general elite tourist literature of the period and in a specific case study from an elite summer colony. In the second decade “mass followed class.” Cheaper automobiles allowed the middle classes to follow the elite tourists of the first decade. The elite began to lose interest in the automobile as something exclusive to them, and turned their attention to the possibilities for touring of aviation.  相似文献   

The tourism sector globally has become increasingly mindful of how an ageing population is reshaping service provision forms and offerings. This being particularly true of accommodation operations where there is a now a growing recognition of the commercial value for providing market groups with exceptional service. With this in mind, this study sought to ascertain the perceptions of managers in the accommodation sector towards disability service provision with a view to identifying any current service gaps or failings. An inductive, qualitative approach was used with the data collection phase incorporating a series of one on one interviews and a focus group. The in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 managers of hotels deemed to have accessible rooms that complied with the relevant building codes and standards. A focus group comprised 22 managers of hotels located in the Sydney central business district, Australia. Study findings revealed five key themes that had not been previously discussed in the literature. They were: inclusive attitudinal approach; safety; the responsibility of people with a disability to communicate their needs to the hotel; perceptions of accessible rooms by the general public; and operational processes. Related themes that emerged from the data analysis that had previously been aligned with the literature included: legislative responsibility, policy and building codes; disability as a market segment; staff awareness/training; and language, marketing, and promotion information. Implications with respect to management of accessible rooms in the accommodation sector are outlined and further areas of research are proposed.  相似文献   

The geography of tourism is limited by a dearth of published research in geographic journals, the relatively few individuals who actively participate in the sub-discipline, and the lack of prestige the subject matter specialty has in geography. Despite these imperfections geographers make important contributions to the study of tourism because of their unique point-of-view. This characteristic perspective is seen in the context of a conceptual frame-of-reference which consists of a matrix based on two trichotomies. An analysis and interpretation of this framework and its application to the nine substantive articles included in the special issue constitute a majority of the article.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the concept of creative participatory mapping of human–environment relations. It is identified that within human geography, artistic practice and urban design, biomapping and similar community mapping tools and methodologies are increasingly being embraced. However, within sports and leisure research the concept has yet to gain academic attention. Consequently, this paper provides a basis for thinking about how researchers and research participants in the fields of sport and leisure research might benefit if mapping human–environment relations was to be embraced and integrated into research design practices. Referencing recent turns to studying space and affect within sport and leisure studies, mapping is argued to offer innovative methodological opportunities for studying how people relate to and understand the urban environments in which they practice physical activity and leisure forms of embodiment. The paper concludes by arguing that, along with offering up new avenues for conceptual research, mapping human–environment relations, if readily embraced, can go a long way to fostering community engagement in: the identification of (un)safe urban routes for sport/leisure practice (e.g. running, cycling), the development and site identification of health/physical activity initiatives and the design of urban landscapes of sport/leisure.  相似文献   

This article examines the connection of organized youth sport to cultural beliefs, values and practices of contemporary parenting ideologies, specifically the idealization of intensive mothering and involved fathering. It explores how parenting ideologies are constructed by the discourses expressed by individuals in their everyday lives through their children's sport participation. Moreover, the analysis of the parental discourse illustrates how parenting goes beyond the home environment and becomes a public act that is observed by other parents, with these observations creating the basis of what is deemed to be a good parent. Emphasis is also placed on the gendered dimensions of meeting the expectations for being a good parent.  相似文献   

This paper calls for a revisionist reading of the thesis of the leisure class. Veblen's great work The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) argued that society is ruled by a leisure class. The primary identifying characteristics of this class are prodigious wealth, voluntary abnegation from pecuniary labour and conspicuous consumption. Veblen's argument suggested the decomposition of the work ethic because the characteristics cultivated by the rich would be emulated by the lower orders. Schor's The Overworked American (1991) work suggests that overwork, not leisure is one of the primary identifying characteristics of postwar culture. The article uses statistical and biographical data on the rich today to provide a counterpoint to Veblen's thesis. It is argued that the rich are not characterized by a rejection of work. On the contrary the richest people in the world typically work longer hours than the average. For these individuals work adopts a play form which probably contrasts sharply with wider social experience. Data on the leisure of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Richard Branson is examined to assemble a position on leisure and the rich which contrasts with the Veblen thesis.  相似文献   

Souvenirs: Icons of meaning, commercialization and commoditization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the development of souvenirs research in tourism studies. It looks at souvenirs from four broad vantage points, namely historical perspectives on souvenirs research, souvenirs as messengers of meaning, souvenirs as tradable commodities and the commodification of souvenirs and handicrafts. Part of this includes the supply and demand aspects of souvenir production and consumption, including the distribution system and various aspects of producers. The paper also considers the commodification process of native arts and crafts into consumable tourism products and suggests future directions for additional works in this understudied area of tourism research.  相似文献   

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