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随着城市化、全球化进程的深入,政府主导、市场主导的城市更新所面临的空间资源稀缺、使用效率低下、公平正义缺失等问题都日益加剧。因此,国内外的城市更新正在经历从政府主导、市场主导向多元主体协同的模式转型。从"伙伴关系"切入,以纽约为例,分析几个城市更新案例中多元主体间的合作关系变化以应对不断变化的更新需求,并且讨论了纽约实践对中国城市的启示。  相似文献   

旧区改造是城市社会经济发展过程中必然的产物,其模式也伴随着城市发展的脚步而逐渐演进。在对美国城市更新政策及其背景进行系统梳理的基础上,归纳总结了美国城市更新合作伙伴关系(PPPs)模式的特点和经验,结合上海市当前旧区改造模式的局限性及未来旧区改造发展理念的需求,探索上海市旧区改造的模式创新,以缓解政府融资压力,引领旧区改造向更加注重社区参与和社会公平、向更加多元化和综合化的方向发展。  相似文献   

试图通过对二战后英国城市更新政策的历史演进进行梳理,并从中总结出城市更新的发展在不同历史时期的政治、经济、社会背景下的政策特点。试图从两个角度进行历史的分析和总结:通过总结中央政府、地方政府、社会组织、私人开发商、社区参与等的相互关系,理清政府在城市更新历史进程中角色由管理向治理的转变;总结"二战"后英国城市更新由区域规划理念主导到当前倡导地方主义理念的演变。我国城市更新起步较晚,政策不尽完善,城市更新发展的积累上存在很多空缺;新时期,城市更新政策的编制实施是未来要做的事情。从不同的角度分析国外的城市更新政策在不同历史时期的政治、经济、社会背景下的出发点,推进形式,无疑可以为我国的城市更新发展提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

王欣 《城市问题》2004,(5):72-75
研究了伦敦道克兰城市更新的历程,阐述了其在城市更新中的一些政策及所存在的问题,通过对道克兰地区前后17年的比较及对其所存缺陷的分析,提出了建立以市场为主导,鼓励私有资本参与城市开发,建立城市开发公司,促进地区经济发展等对策.  相似文献   

城市更新景观设计的要点和难点在于保护历史文化、塑造城市形象、融入地方特色、促进社区参与和可持续发展。解决策略包括综合能力提升、规划与设计整合、科技创新与政策支持。展望未来,设计师应加强文化了解、注重可持续性,推动城市更新向更美好和宜居的方向发展。  相似文献   

垃圾分类一直是近几年的城市治理重点,但也出现了居民垃圾分类参与意识淡薄,社区垃圾分类相关配套设施不完善的问题。我国大多采取政府主导的垃圾分类模式,为研究居民在政府主导的背景下垃圾分类参与意识提升问题,对上海两社区进行研究,通过访谈、问卷进行数据收集,得出居民垃圾分类参与意识在强制性垃圾分类政策前后具有显著差异性,两社区居民垃圾分类参与主要由于社区的管理差异。由此,社区可以通过改进管理举措而提升居民垃圾分类参与意识。  相似文献   

论城市更新的管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随城市化高潮而及早到来的大规模城市更新,土地刚性约束使城市化必须借助于城市更新,集中爆发的社会矛盾和公平效率问题,使城市更新管理上升为公共管理的重要内客.其问题根源为体制性利益主体缺失,城市更新管理研究滞后和社会关注的物质技术化倾向以及城市更新共识科学标准缺失.在公共物品有效供给与合理调整各社会群体利益的前提下,在城市更新中必须推动第三方评估制度,实现利益主体的监管到位和城市规划主导城市更新,完成城市政府公共管理的职能定位.  相似文献   

<正>近年来国家出台一系列关于完整社区建设、老旧小区改造、城市更新等方面的政策,可见对改善居民居住条件以及城市环境的重视程度。坚持以人为核心的城市发展理念,以“美好环境与幸福生活共同缔造”为手段,建设安全健康、设施完善、管理有序的社区和城市,是满足人民美好生活需要的重要方面。  相似文献   

地方政府融资平台是城市建设发展的重要力量。在城市大规模建设阶段,地方政府融资平台在发挥积极作用的同时,也暴露出治理机制不健全等问题。在城市更新阶段,融资平台参与城市更新具有业务优势、平台优势和融资优势。从发达国家经验看,半公有化机构参与并有力推动城市更新进程。结合我国实际情况,认为参与城市更新是地方政府融资平台的重要机遇,提出以城市更新推动融资平台市场化转型发展、融资模式创新。  相似文献   

我国城市发展方式从增量发展逐渐转变为以城市更新为主,城市规划范式也相应地从综合理性的宏大叙事转化为协作沟通方式,在此背景下出现的《上海市城市更新实施办法》是以提供"公共要素"为核心的制度设计。在这个制度下,急需一个工具来破解当前上海城市更新所遇到的沟通难点,本研究构建了上海城市更新沟通矩阵,沟通矩阵包括更新主体和利益焦点两个维度:更新主体维度代表更新中的多元主体之间的伙伴关系,利益焦点维度代表更新项目能够提供的公共要素,以及政策能够提供的优惠条件。运用沟通工具,分析了两个上海城市更新案例,在应用中发现沟通矩阵具有过程公正、达成共识、推进实施的价值。  相似文献   

The increasing threat of climate change has created a pressing need for cities to lower their carbon footprints. Urban laboratories are emerging in numerous cities around the world as a strategy for local governments to partner with public and private property owners to reduce carbon emissions, while simultaneously stimulating economic growth. In this article, we use insights from laboratory studies to analyse the notion of urban laboratories as they relate to experimental governance, the carbonization agenda and the transition to low‐carbon economies. We present a case study of the Oxford Road corridor in Manchester in the UK that is emerging as a low‐carbon urban laboratory, with important policy implications for the city's future. The corridor is a bounded space where a public‐private partnership comprised of the City Council, two universities and other large property owners is redeveloping the physical infrastructure and installing monitoring equipment to create a recursive feedback loop intended to facilitate adaptive learning. This low‐carbon urban laboratory represents a classic sustainable development formula for coupling environmental protection with economic growth, using innovation and partnership as principal drivers. However, it also has significant implications in reworking the interplay of knowledge production and local governance, while reinforcing spatial differentiation and uneven participation in urban development.  相似文献   

Haram City is Egypt's first ‘affordable’ gated community, hosting both aspirational middle‐class homeowners and resettled poor urban residents. Amidst legal ambiguity during Egypt's 2011–2013 revolutionary period, the management team of this public–private partnership was tasked with creating a ‘fully self‐sufficient’ city. While Haram City is the product of top‐down ‘seeing like a state’ master planning (Scott, 1998 ), the day‐to‐day resolution of class vulnerabilities and disputes over ‘reasonableness’ in city life requires forms of interpersonal adjudication otherwise addressed through local urban law‘seeing like a city’ (Valverde, 2011 ). This article uses ethnography of management techniques aiming to ‘upgrade behaviour’ to theorize that a private entity, in a strategically indeterminate relationship with the state, reconciles future‐oriented planning and storied prejudices by merging two visions of governance. Imitating the repertoire of urban law, managers plan the very realm of bottom‐up decision making. They then adapt top‐down urban planning to bottom‐up dispute resolution to spatially consolidate the ‘consensual’ outcomes of a rigged game. Evoking both colonial Egyptian vagrancy laws and neoliberal paternalist welfare, ‘seeing like a city‐state’ governance amounts to authoritarianism that conceals itself within custom, appearing neutral so as to plan streets, codes and inner lives at once.  相似文献   

Efforts to promote community empowerment within regeneration management have been persistently critiqued. Particular concern regards the potential capture of civic organizations into the sphere of influence of more powerful governance stakeholders, leaving communities marginalized and frustrated. Although such ‘capture’ is a discernible threat, this article presents a more nuanced perspective demonstrating the scope for community‐based organizations to dissent from seemingly inexorable regimes of power. The article details a series of tensions that emerged across the evolution of a community‐led regeneration partnership. It then outlines how civil society organizations challenge ‘partnership orthodoxies’, seeking autonomy albeit nested within—and relative to—formal bureaucratic and administrative regimes. Community partners can therefore assume a hybridity of capture and autonomy—or a mutuality—that is rarely acknowledged by accounts that critique regeneration governance.  相似文献   

In this article, public art is proposed as creative agency mobilized to form urban imaginaries. These alternate visions are largely facilitated by artists and art collectives using urban communities as performative grounds. These projects promote a view of art as an effective channel for ‘recentering’ — the identification of a multitude of centers that endlessly fracture and shift, very much resembling the nature of cities themselves. An alternate vision of the city through cartography informed by contrast, temporality and ephemerality is proposed alongside dominant representations of the city. Works by artists Alma Quinto, Mark Salvatus and Wire Tuazon are representative examples of such strategies. Diverse in tactics and platforms, defined by site‐specific mediations, the projects facilitated by these artists reveal the uneven conditions that beset Metro Manila and its outlying areas. Quinto's altered Urban Plan/Duyan is the result of her engagement with women in an informal settler community in San Andres Bukid, Manila, while Salvatus's web‐based Neo‐Urban Planner is an astute observation of the obsessive yet futile ordering of people and space by the state. Tuazon's Amphibian installation is a commentary on the encroachment of multinational interests in local communities. These interventions are foils to state‐ and private‐led urban development schemes. Their strength lies in their direct engagement with the sphere of public dialogue and self‐determination. These artistic practices and strategies are shaped by community interaction, revealing that meanings residing in urban forms are relentlessly negotiated by the numerous actors that inhabit the city.  相似文献   

公众参与及美国城市规划制度的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市规划中公众参与的发展过程与市民运动以及政府行政改革的兴起密切相关.从20世纪60年代在英美等西方发达国家的起步发展到现在,不仅公众参与的社会环境发生了深刻的变化,而且参与活动本身在形式、参与程度等方面与初期相比都发生了极大的变化,进而也对原有的城市规划制度产生了各种深远的影响.回顾美国城市规划中公众参与的发展历程,分析公众参与的主要形式和内容,总结公众参与的主要特点及其发展中的问题,进而探讨公众参与对规划制度的影响以及今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

From the 1930s onwards America's housing assistance policies have largely been shaped by the federal government's response to catastrophe, whether of an external nature (the Great Depression, the urban riots of the 1960s) or an internal nature (mismanagement, excessive costs). Consequently, today's collection of federal housing policies resemble more the results of an archaeological dig through 70 years of activity than a coherent approach to a longstanding problem. Nonetheless, one key theme that emerges is the shift from wholly government solutions to a hybrid public–private partnership approach in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

城市公共服务设施空间分布分异调查——以广州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会经济体制综合转型以来,市场机制逐步取代行政命令成为我国城市公共服务设施配置的主体方式,其空间分布形态也由空间均衡趋向社会分异。以广州市为例,基于3954份有效问卷和城市公共服务设施专项调查数据,对城市公共服务设施的空间分布进行了社会生态学分析。研究结果表明,广州城市公共服务设施空间分布的社会分异特征显著,中心城区116个街镇单元可以划分为6个类型,不同阶层社会群体居住单元的公共服务设施配套及可达性存在显著差异;受旧城区社会经济持续繁荣及历史沉积效应影响,社区地位与城市公共服务设施供给及可达性之间呈非完全一致性,体现出类似西方国家城市公共资源配置过程中的"城市生态法则"的作用特征。  相似文献   

Since college development officers supply recognition to alumni and seek donations in return a model is devised wherein this exercise of market power in the exchange is included. Data for three years is used from eighteen universities and colleges-public and private, large and small, research and teaching oriented. The findings indicate that schools with higher development costs generate substantially more donations. Several demographic characteristics of the student body were tested. Schools with higher participation in fraternities and sororities have higher giving, while schools with a higher proportion of part-time students have lower giving. Surprisingly, having an NCAA Division I athletic program has no significant effect on alumni giving. Likewise, alumni donations seem independent of whether a school is public or private, or is or is not a research institution. Finally, the size of a school's endowment has no predictive value, but the level of annual bequests is strongly positively related to alumni giving.  相似文献   

This article examines how community representatives from a disadvantaged neighbourhood engage with neoliberal urban governance structures and assess the power afforded to them. It seeks to understand how community groups manage the challenges they face in times of neoliberal urbanism. This study follows calls to pay greater attention to the existence of imaginaries other than neoliberal ones, examining community actions and discourses surrounding the Historic Area Rejuvenation Project (HARP) area in Dublin, a project aimed at stimulating private property development and investment. The case highlights tensions between the pursuit of community‐based and collaborative urban regeneration and the increased legitimacy of neoliberalism as a guiding principle of public policy. It confirms the existence of resistance movements and the importance of local and national contexts in explaining the outcomes of contestation. Despite participative structures established by the local authority, the views and interests of local community activists were ignored and excluded. Furthermore, in contrast to trends towards co‐option within participative structures, the community actively resisted the imposition of neoliberal plans. Overall, while they had little success in influencing the plans or mindsets of the local authority, they did succeed in delaying the process until the project became unviable as a result of the economic crisis.  相似文献   

This article engages with recent debates which assert that community participation and empowerment are place‐contingent. The particular nature of localities has regularly been taken to account for success or failure in processes of participation and regeneration. In contrast, this article exposes the failings based in the nature of the process of regeneration in the complex intersection of national agendas of community participation, regional objectives of economic growth and local aspirations of social cohesion and improved amenities. These agendas meet in the seemingly mutual pursuit of the ‘active community’. They become manifest in the micro‐politics of negotiating and enacting different constructions of community by the different actors ‘empowered’ in the regeneration process: regional development agencies, local government and local civil society. The article is based on ethnographic research in the Kent coalfield. The coalfields as distinct places have commanded a lasting place in the academic and policy literature: romanticized as the epitome of ‘communityness’ but demonized as the site of problem groups. This otherness has outlasted the industry the communities were built on. The analysis here shows that the social organization of regeneration in an arguably ‘different’ place is less driven by local specificities than by a failure to make visible conflicting constructions of community; therefore both the pathologizing of disadvantaged social groups and calls for more ‘community’ in policy delivery rather than policy reform are called into question.  相似文献   

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