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该文从《同业拆借管理办法》入手,简要介绍了新形势下我国货币市场开放、透明、市场化的管理思路;进而科学地分析了当前货币市场的发展形势,指出货币市场利率波动性的加剧和金融产品的创新等都给货币市场的监管提出了进一步的挑战,认为监管部门应该从理念创新入手,进一步创新监管手段,加强信息透明度,促进货币市场又好又快、健康发展。  相似文献   

文章从日本加密货币市场发展状况、日本加密货币市场监管背景介绍了日本加密货币市场,对加密货币名称、加密货币交易机构、加密货币发行行为、加密货币相关业务及公司经营等监管内容进行了规定,借鉴日本加密货币监管经验,提出我国应明确加密货币法律地位、探索加密货币经营监管、建立监管政策沟通机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

吉林省支农资金的紧张带来了资金的供需缺口,推动地方金融机构通过场外货币市场进行的资金融通业务活跃,而交易动机、流动性管理方式、监管强度不一致等因素,助长了异常交易行为的发生。人民银行长春中心支行立足实践、大胆创新,改进监测方式和监管手段,通过建立风险预警指标体系,对地方性金融机构货币市场业务实施非现场监管,动态监测金融机构流动性状况和市场风险情况,从实践上取得了良好的效果。这些有益的探索和尝试,对开展区域货币市场监管有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

加密货币是一类蓬勃发展的依托区块链架构设计的去中心化资产。同时,加密货币市场也伴随着较高的投机性和剧烈的价格波动。考虑到加密货币拥有的内在金融属性以及背后去中心化技术本身所具有的潜力,研究加密货币的风险与定价并进行加密货币市场的风险管理显得尤为重要。本文对加密货币市场的价格形成、加密货币的风险因子及收益率预测的相关研究进行梳理和分析。同时,本文对加密货币市场的交易行为及目前的监管政策和框架进行相应的分析与展望,说明了加密货币市场进行风险管理的必要性。中国政府需要在监管体系内最大程度发挥数字加密货币的价值,妥善处理好金融创新与监管之间的关系,进一步完善自身的加密货币监管框架。  相似文献   

货币具有鲜明的时代特征。针对金融产品货币化问题,本文分析了金融产品和传统货币资产特征的差异,以及新货币经济学货币职能分离的观点和局限性,进一步研究了货币市场理论对金融产品货币化的意义。随着互联网的发展,统一的互联网市场将有利于促进金融产品货币化的发展。本文认为,货币管理是国家宏观经济管理的重要内容之一,有必要对互联网条件下货币发展和制度创新进行前瞻性研究。  相似文献   

影子银行体系高度依赖于货币市场的短期批发资金来源和证券化结构性产品长期投资的运作方式导致其具有内在的脆弱性,它不受监管或弱监管、既游离在央行的金融宏观调控之外又不受金融安全网的保护,蕴藏着巨大的系统性风险.加强对影子银行体系的监管是危机之后的题中之义,但是如何改革监管制度和创新监管工具却充满了不确定性,有待进一步的探讨和研究.我国影子银行体系的发展仍处于初级阶段,但此次由影子银行体系崩坍所导致的金融危机对我国仍然具有一定的警戒意义,必须着手完善金融监管体制,创新监管工具储备  相似文献   

随着信息与互联网技术的高速发展,虚拟货币交易以其便捷、高效和经济的特点在网络小额支付中被广泛采用,然而,其应用也带来了一定的风险。文章概括了虚拟货币的定义、功能与特点,分析了虚拟货币在发行、流通等环节存在的风险隐患,并从明确监管原则、建立虚拟货币发行主体信用评级机制等方面就进一步规范虚拟货币市场发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国以银行间债券市场、同业拆借市场为主的货币市场业务获得了快速发展,在促进资金在金融机构和不同区域间合理配置的同时,对加速社会资金的流动速度、提高资金使用效率和促进区域经济发展等方面具有重要作用,但货币市场相对于经济发展速度和增长规模来说,无论在体制架构、规模效果和工具创新等各方面还远远不能适应,本文从货币市场对区域经济金融发展的促进作用入手阐述了进一步发展货币市场的必要性、存在问题和对策建议.  相似文献   

近年来,我国以银行间债券市场、同业拆借市场为主的货币市场业务获得了快速发展,在促进资金在金融机构和不同区域间合理配置的同时,对加速社会资金的流动速度、提高资金使用效率和促进区域经济发展等方面具有重要作用,但货币市场相对于经济发展速度和增长规模来说,无论在体制架构、规模效果和工具创新等各方面还远远不能适应,本文从货币市场对区域经济金融发展的促进作用入手阐述了进一步发展货币市场的必要性、存在问题和对策建议。  相似文献   

从市场要素角度看,我国货币市场结构的合理性已大大提高,但市场发展的最终目的是要充分发挥其特有的功能,因此有必要进一步从功能角度考察我国货币市场结构的合理性.货币市场是企业筹集短期资金的市场,是商业银行进行流动性管理的市场,是中央银行实施金融宏观调控的市场,本文从这三个方面系统评判了我国货币市场结构的合理性.  相似文献   

Shibor与货币市场利率体系的关系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shibor的推出对于完善货币市场利率体系具有很重要的作用。文章探讨了自Shibor推出以来,其与货币市场其他利率之间的关系;重点采用相关性分析、协整检验、因果检验等数量分析方法,确定了决定Shibor利率水平变动的货币市场因素,通过建立模型初步研究了这些因素对Shibor利率曲线结构的影响,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

我国虚拟货币监管机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟货币在网络交易中表现出一些货币特征。本文根据我国虚拟货币的市场规模和流通方式,分析虚拟货币在流通与交易中存在的风险,借鉴美国和欧洲等国家经验,提出构建以虚拟货币发行厂商交易平台为枢纽的监管体系。  相似文献   

The impact of swap-related risks on the safety and soundness of the banking system has been a topic of concern. This article provides evidence that some banks may have engaged in swaps as a means to generate income when their loan activities were constrained by the fixed capital requirements. However, the results also suggest that creditworthiness plays an important role. All money center banks (too-big-to-fail) and those nonmoney center banks that are highly rated by S&P experience higher swap demand and achieve higher swap market shares. This implies some market discipline for nonmoney center banks, which may compensate for risk-measurement inadequacies in the current risk-based capital requirements. On the other hand, the results suggest that greater oversight may be required for money center banks.This article was adapted from the dissertation the author completed at the Stern School of Business, New York University. Part of the work was completed while the author was an assistant professor at the School of Management, Syracuse University.Baruch College, City University of New York  相似文献   

该文分别从货币市场、债券市场、存贷款市场、资金拆人和拆出格局变化以及利率互换市场五个方面分析了各个市场对Shibor报价的影响,认为Shibor利率在不同的市场上的表现并非一致,其基准性有待进一步完善;同时这种情况也是我国利率体系二元化的具体体现,具有一定的合理性。文章认为应提高Shibor中长端的拆借交易量,增强其交易的真实性;扩大Shibor基准的资产量和交易量,从而提高Shibor的基准性,进而进一步完善Shibor利率体系。  相似文献   

基于ARMA模型的银行间质押式回购利率的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
银行间质押式债券回购是目前我国货币市场交易最为活跃、成交金额最大的品种,其利率已经成为货币市场的代表性利率,同时也是我国短期金融产品定价的利率基准之一。本文试图寻找影响银行间债券市场回购利率的重要因素,并通过建立自回归移动平均模型,研究各种宏观经济与金融市场变量对该利率的影响。  相似文献   

The 1960s and 1970s witnessed rapid growth in the markets for new money market instruments, such as negotiable certificates of deposit (CDs) and Eurodollar deposits, as banks and investors sought ways around various regulations affecting funding markets. In this paper, we investigate the impacts of the deregulation and integration of the money markets. We find that the pricing and volume of negotiable CDs and Eurodollars issued were influenced by the availability of other short-term safe assets, especially Treasury bills. Banks appear to have issued these money market instruments as substitutes for other types of funding. The integration of money markets and ability of banks to raise funds using a greater variety of substitutable instruments has implications for monetary policy. We find that, when deregulation reduced money market segmentation, larger open market operations were required to produce a given change in the federal funds rate, but that the pass through of changes in the funds rate to other market rates was also greater.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the short-run and the long-run relationships among the financial assets of the money market funds, the commercial paper market, and the repurchase agreement market by undertaking a cointegration analysis of quarterly data over the 1985–2017 period. This was based on the empirical observation that the commercial paper and repo markets account for 50 percent of the assets of money market funds. The evidence suggests that there exists a common long-term cointegrating trend among these three components of the shadow banking system. Any disequilibrium in this long-run relationship among these variables is corrected by movement in the financial assets of money market funds. The Beveridge-Nelson decomposition from the estimated cointegrating relationship shows that the cyclical component of money market funds is large and captures huge swings in these markets during the financial crisis. We also find evidence of change in these dynamic relationships in the post-crisis period, where in addition to the money market funds, the commercial paper market also exhibits a tendency to correct for the disequilbrium.  相似文献   

Lagos and Wright (2005) introduced an influential model of monetary exchange in which trade alternates between centralized and decentralized markets and money is essential. A limitation of their model and of the literature that follows is that they do not provide a microfoundation for the process of exchange in the centralized market. In this paper, we show that how one models exchange in the centralized market matters for the essentiality of money by describing the centralized market as a strategic market game and studying conditions under which money is essential.  相似文献   

The conventional solutions to the corporate investment decision have been seriously challenged by recent developments in portfolio theory. In this paper, the author argues that, assuming the security market is composed of efficient diversifiers, there is no need, in the evaluation of investment projects, to adjust the time value of money to take account of risk. He concludes that the appropriate cut-off rate for any investment is equal to the yield on a 'risk-free' security such as undated or long-dated Government Stock.  相似文献   

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