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农村基层民主政治建设是建设社会主义政治明的基础性工作,农民的有序政治参与是农村民主政治建设的重要内容和标志,村民有序政治参与具有深厚的理论依据和鲜明的现实意义,村民有序政治参与存在的问题说明,必须从我个方面入手来推进和扩大村民有序政治参与的途径,形式和内容,以实现政治参与的制度化,规范化和程序化。  相似文献   

秦小霞 《农业经济》2006,(11):31-33
中国的改革开放,以生产力发展为标准对社会主义的重新界定,重构了中国整个社会生活,在中国乡村,农村生产经营机制转变,政社合一的公社消失,村民自治确立,这些变化与乡镇工业化进程一起推进着乡村社会从传统向现代的转型,乡村政治社会化也由意识形态的纯政治化参与转为更多的利益型参与,农民的参与化程度普遍提高。农村的体制改革和新的经济发展战略,在农民社会分层、政治交往、政府与农民的相关性(政府职能)、发展模式、农村组织等方面引起深刻变化,这些改变着农民政治参与的社会资源,是影响农民政治参与的重要体制性因素。只有深入分析改革带来的这些因素变化,才能深刻认识当今农民政治参与的特点。进而提出解决今后农民政治参与问题的对策。  相似文献   

农民进行政治参与是其实现政治权利和维护自身权益的重要途径,农民有序政治参与是影响社会主义政治文明发展的关键因素。在实际中,农民有序政治参与存在不合法现象;参与程序缺失;参与的理性化程度不足,本文认为应从以下几方面进行解决:完善农村社会的法治建设、政治参与制度建设、提高农民受教育程度。解决好农民有序政治参与发展中存在的问题,有利于推进基层民主政治建设,促进现代民主政治的稳定发展。  相似文献   

本文基于结构方程模型,以CGSS2015调查数据为研究样本,分析了资本禀赋和获得感对农民有序政治参与行为的影响机理。结果显示,农民经济资本、社会资本对其有序政治参与有正向影响,直接影响系数为0.428、1.373;经济获得感、政治获得感和民生获得感对农民有序政治参与的直接影响系数分别为-0.296、-0.242和0.012,异质影响农民有序政治参与行为;在获得感中介作用下,社会资本、经济资本、文化资本对农民有序政治参与间接影响系数为-0.174、-0.141、-0.078,存在抑制作用。资本禀赋、获得感对农民有序政治参与激励效应不足。因此,一方面要进一步推进农村地区产业兴旺,强化农民资本禀赋积累;另一方面更应加快农村政治参与平台制度建构与公共服务供给机制优化,降低获得感钝化效应,提升农民有序政治参与动机与信任,以提高农民有序政治行为参与程度。  相似文献   

当前中国农民政治参与研究综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
政治参与是民主政治的重要内容和显著标志 ,是衡量政治现代化的重要指标。当前我国农民的政治参与水平有了较大提高 ,但还存在许多问题 ;制度化参与和非制度化参与是农民政治参与的主要方式 ;农民参与政治既有经济动因也有非经济动因 ;影响农民政治参与的因素主要是经济因素、政治因素、文化因素、心理因素及其他因素 ;通过发展经济、提高农民自组织性、利用大众传媒扩大和提高农民政治参与成为大多数学者的共识。  相似文献   

农民政治参与的广泛化是农民参与政治生活的规模、渠道、方式不断扩展和参与的理性化、制度化水平不断提高的过程.党的十一届三中全会以来,农民政治参与主体逐步扩大化,农民政治参与渠道日益多元化,农民政治参与形式更加复杂化,农民政治参与逐渐自主化,农民政治参与广泛化的轨迹逐渐清晰.  相似文献   

推进农村民主政治建设,必须破解农民无序政治参与这一难题。非正式制度依然是农民政治参与极具解释力的框架,与农民无序政治参与之间有较强的关联性。从非正式制度方面促进农民有序政治参与,要实现人际网络系统的转换与升级,信仰信念系统的变革与创新,规则规范系统的利用与改造。  相似文献   

农民政治参与意识是衡量新农村民主建设的重要标志,农民政治参与意识淡漠对于农村基层民主、农村基层党组织以及农民向现代公民的转化都产生了消极影响,要提高农民的政治参与意识,建设社会主义新农村,就必须大力发展农村经济,努力提高农民文化素养,加强农民政治参与的制度建设.  相似文献   

通过对三类浙江省级示范专业合作社农民的政治认知、政治态度、参与动机、参与方式等调查,发现专业合作社发展水平越高,农民的政治参与意识越浓厚、参与能力越强。专业合作社能够成为未来我国农民制度化参与政治的有效组织载体,积极引导其政治参与行为有利于农村稳定。  相似文献   

我国农民非制度化政治参与的诱因及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十一届三中全会以来 ,我国农村地区发生了翻天覆地的变化 ,占我国人口绝大多数的农民的政治参与程度大为提高 ,农民通过投票、选举、申诉、检举等方式行使自己的合法权力 ,维护自己的合法利益。但是 ,当前我国农民政治参与中也存在着令人忧虑的一面 ,那就是非制度化政治参与现象的出现 ,如行贿、越级上访、暴力对抗、冲击基层政府等。非制度化政治参与是指采取不符合国家宪法、法律、规章、政策、条例等所规定的制度和程序 ,而进行的影响政治决策过程的活动。  农民非制度化政治参与不仅会影响我国基层政权职能的正常有效的发挥 ,而且会影…  相似文献   

“代耕农”群体存在承租权、政治参与权、子女受教育权以及社会保障权等权益方面存在严重缺失问题。本文以珠三角农业流动人口“代耕农”群体为例,分析我国农业流动人口“代耕农”权益缺失问题及其成因,在此基础上提出完善我国“代耕衣”权益保护的建议。  相似文献   

家庭农场、农民创业与制度环境相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对学术界相关研究文献进行梳理可知,当前对家庭农场的研究多基于微观经济组织视角,将农民创业与家庭农场结合的研究尚属空白;此外,还存在对家庭农场及农民创业制度环境定义模糊、对农民创业及家庭农场制度环境的定量研究较为缺乏等不足.从创业经济学视角研究家庭农场发展以及对家庭农场型创业制度环境进行定量分析可成为理论与实践研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

Lawmakers often subsidize farmers in times of financial distress. This article models this political impulse as a constraint on government farm policy, describing how ex ante government farm insurance can deter ex post "disaster relief" and improve production incentives by countering the moral hazard that otherwise prevails. Absent ex ante government policy, ex post relief takes the form of revenue insurance, which prompts excessive entry into farm production and under-production by operating farmers. Ex ante government policy can raise economic and political welfare by buying out low productivity farmers and offering profitable farmers a combination of revenue insurance, price supports, and a program participation fee.  相似文献   

Influencing farmers to make positive contributions to the environment is one of the goals of agri-environment schemes (AESs). Understanding the drivers of farmer behaviour and the choices they make with regards to AESs is important as this aids policy makers in creating schemes that have a wider scope and are more likely to achieve environmental goals. Past studies have identified the importance of farmer self-identity and attitudes in decisions made on farms. Little emphasis has been put on modelling the relationship between self-identity and attitudes towards schemes and the resulting impact on participation in voluntary AESs. Using Ireland as a case-study, this paper employs a survey of 1000 farms to look at participation in AESs through the lens of farmer perceived self-identity and their attitudes towards schemes. A relatively novel approach of combining factor analysis, to generate a self-identity typology, with an AES participation regression model is implemented. The model results suggest that self-identity and attitudes have a significant impact on AES participation. Neighbouring farmers’ viewpoints also have a significant and positive impact on the participation decision made by farmers.  相似文献   

以新疆阿克苏地区为例,应用多元有序Logit模型,对比分析贫困农户与非贫困农户的退耕意愿及其影响因素,为强化新一轮退耕还林工程的精准扶贫效用提供信息支持。研究结果表明:第一,林业生产经营技能、退耕补偿满意度等是影响农户退耕意愿的重要因素,且不存在显著的贫困尺度差异;第二,亲戚中是否有乡(村)干部、同村人的退耕效果、退耕风险感知、退耕预期收入等对贫困农户与非贫困农户退耕意愿的影响存在较大差异。因此,应规范并强化乡(村)干部的引导作用,建立退耕还林的典型经验推介机制,提升退耕农户的林业生产能力与非农就业技能,以切实增强工程区贫困农户的退耕意愿,有效凸显退耕还林工程的扶贫减贫效用。  相似文献   

In agribusiness, profitability critically depends on the choice of proper marketing channels. This article studies the factors influencing marketing channel choices of vegetable farmers. Vegetable farmers have generally 3 choices to sell their produce, which are formal and informal market participation vis-à-vis nonmarket participation. Ten independent variables are considered for the study and a multinomial logistic regression model is used for the analysis. The study finds 4 major variables that can influence farmers’ decision to shift from nonmarket participation to informal or formal market participation. The article further identifies 4 microlevel marketing channels and assesses their efficiency.  相似文献   

The overall goal of our article is to better understand which matters for water savings, farmer income and poverty in China's irrigation systems: incentives to managers or participation of farmers. To pursue this goal, the article has three objectives. First, we track the evolution of water management reform, examining the practice of providing incentives to managers, and increasing the participation of farmers. Second, we identify the impact of water management reform on crop water use. Specifically, we want to measure whether or not incentives to managers and farmer participation in water management institutions affect the performance of the irrigation system. Because we also are interested in the potential results of water management reform, the article explores how changes in incentives and farmer participation affect farmer income and poverty. Based on a random sample of 51 villages and 189 farmers in four large irrigation districts in Ningxia and Henan provinces, both in China's Yellow River Basin, our results show that the two major forms of water management reform, water users' associations (WUAs) and contracting, have begun to systematically replace traditional forms of collective management. Our analysis demonstrates, however, that it is not the nominal implementation of the reform that matters, but rather it is the creation of new management institutions that offer water managers monetary incentives that lead to water savings. In contrast to the original design of China's reform policies, participation of farmers has not played a role in saving water. Importantly, given China's concerns about national food production and poverty alleviation, the reductions in water, at least in our sample sites, do not lead to reductions in income and do not increase the incidence of poverty.  相似文献   

The share of agricultural area enrolled in EU agri-environmental programs varies significantly between EU member states. These national differences are explained, based on a model that reflects both, that these programs internalize externalities and the political economy. We identify six factors that affect the extent to which agri-environmental programs are implemented: environmental benefits, opportunity costs of participation, budgetary pressure, the share of program expenditures financed by the EU, the political weight attributed to farmers at the national, and the political influence of each country at the EU level. In addition, we demonstrate that, if the policy decision-making process is noncooperative at the EU level, countries that contribute less to the EU budget will ceteris paribus implement more programs. Using data of four years and feasible generalized least square methods, we are able to confirm our theoretical results including a noncooperative behavior of EU member states.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the joint effects of small-scale farmers’ guanxi networks and buyer-seller relationships on their marketing behavior in China. A survey of 167 vegetable farmers shows that farmers' guanxi networks have significant effect on trusting relationship building with buyers and on their investment behavior for transactional specific assets. Guanxi networks also help to improve farmers’ participation in modern high-value markets (e.g., supermarkets and international markets) and encourage relational transactions. Farmers’ modern market participation will be further enhanced by trusting buyer-seller relationships with buyers and complying with buyers' quality requirements. The application of formal contracts, on the other hand, is closely related to farmers’ trusting relationships with buyers and transactional specific assets for vegetable transactions. Some policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

小农户参与农业全产业链是"实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接"的有效途径。本文基于山东省339户小农户的入户调查数据,采用选择实验法,建立混合Logit模型分析了小农户参与农业全产业链的选择偏好和偏好异质性来源。研究结果表明:相对于与龙头企业合作,小农户更愿意通过加入农民专业合作社参与农业全产业链,而且稳定紧密的利益联结机制、提供生产技术和市场信息服务及补贴政策会显著提高小农户的参与效用。研究也表明:小农户参与农业全产业链的选择偏好存在异质性,异质性偏好主要来源于小农户的兼业程度、家庭年纯收入和收入在村中所处水平三个因素。小农户兼业程度越低、年纯收入越低、收入在村中所处水平越低,越偏好参与农业全产业链经营。  相似文献   

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