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从一 《中国质量》2012,(2):34-35
有人认为企业的惟一责任就是赚钱,有人认为股东价值至上,有人认为所谓企业社会责任就是捐点钱、做点慈善。关于企业社  相似文献   

当前在社会主义市场经济条件下,有人认为标准化工作跌入低谷;有人认为标准化工作高潮即将来临;有人对标准化工作的前途悲观之至;有人认为大可不必(悲观)。  相似文献   

对于鹏润电器的改弦易辙,回归传统,业界专家褒贬不一,有人认为是战略上的倒退,有人认为是对现实的灵活妥协,有人认为市场消费环境尚未形成,有人则认为坚持下去迟早会赢。[编按]  相似文献   

<正>一、集成创新是自主创新的重要内容“十一五”期间增强我国自主创新能力,是推进产业结构优化升级的重要战略措施,也是保持经济平稳较快发展,提高经济增长质量和效益的重要保障之一。但何谓自主创新,自主创新能力包括哪些内涵,一直存在一些不同看法。有人认为创新就是原创,有人认为创新就要有突破,有人认为创新就是改进,也有人认为创新就是为企业创造价值,还有人认为赚钱就是创新。我认为创新不是单纯指的技术  相似文献   

<正> 目前,关于企业核心竞争力的观点和论断众多,在究竞什么是企业核心竞争力这个问题上还存在分歧。有人认为是“一种积累性学识”;有人认为是“一种技能、互补性资产和规则的结合”;有人认为是“一种核心创新能力”;有人认为是“一种知识体系”;有人认为是“一种企业的素质或资源”;有人认为是“一种动态平衡系统”等等。我们认为,企业核心竞争力是由人才竞争力、制度竞争力、文化竞争力、信誉竞争力和学习竞争力等五部分组成的,能为企业的长期发展提供相对竞争优势和可持续动力的整体综合竞争实力。  相似文献   

职业成功一直是人们的期望。对于职业成功的影响因素很多。关于它的决定因素。有几种流行的说法,有人认为是性格决定职业成功。有人认为是机遇决定职业成功,有人认为是性格与机遇一起共同决定职业成功。  相似文献   

当前,在乡镇企业审计上人们的认识还不够一致。有人认为,乡镇企业是集体经济,国家审计不必管;有人认为,乡镇企业数量多,审计部门管不了;还有人认为,乡镇企业起步较晚,存在一些问题也在所难免等等。究竟乡镇企业要不要加强审计监督?国  相似文献   

正讲到写文章,有人认为逻辑很重要,要条理清晰,衔接紧密;有人认为语言很重要,要辞章考究,气势磅礴;有人认为素材很重要,要独特新颖,紧扣主题。确实如此,这些都很重要,而作为文章眼睛、概括文章观点的标题,同样非常重要。一、好标题为何好标题一方面为主题服务,拟  相似文献   

肖知兴 《中国企业家》2014,(13):103-103
民主起源于何处?有人强调基督教传统的潜移默化,有人追溯到丛林时代日耳曼人的原始习俗,有人认为北欧海盗的组织方式贡献不菲……  相似文献   

经济增长的源泉到底是什么,很多经济学家都对此进行过研究。有人认为是技术进步,有人认为是人力资本,也有人归结为制度变迁。本文从更宽广的全要素分析的角度,对经济增长的源泉进行了深入的分析,提出了自己独到的看法和观点。  相似文献   

Recent fiscal stimulus packages depend for their effectiveness on the assumption of non-Ricardian savings behavior. We show that, under the same assumption, higher fiscal deficits can have problematic implications if they turn out to be permanent. First, if they occur in large countries they significantly raise the world real interest rate. Second, they cause a short run current account deterioration equal to around 50% of the fiscal deficit deterioration. Third, the longer run current account deterioration equals almost 75% for a large economy such as the United States, and almost 100% for a small open economy.  相似文献   

商店印象对消费者购物行为有重要的影响,尤其当消费者面对零售商提供类似商品或服务的商店时,消费者通常会通过其心中的商店印象来决定其光顾的对象。  相似文献   

Taxes on capital are economically and socially counterproductive. The economy and society would benefit from their abolition. The obstacle to their abolition is not financial or economic but a failure of political will. This article looks at taxes on capital from an economic perspective: how do they differ from other taxes, what costs do they impose on the economy, and what are the consequences of their abolition? And, even if they are a failure economically, can they be justified socially or politically?  相似文献   

冀勇庆 《中国企业家》2012,(13):86-87,13
今天,手机行业突然闯进了一群陌生人,他们既不懂TFT与AMOLED屏幕的区别,也不知道高通和联发科的处理器都有哪些特点,却不停地指手画脚。他们说,他们懂互联网。这个世界到底怎么了?其实,这不过是跨界革命的必然结果。纵观各个产业的发展历程,跨界往往与很多大的创新联系在一起。最典型的就是横跨科技界和文艺界的史蒂夫·乔布斯和他所领导的苹果公司了。没有音乐和消费电子的跨界,iPod不会诞生;没有通信和互联网的结合,iPhone也不可能取得如此大的成功。在这个十倍速的年代,行业界限已经变得越来越模糊,随时都有可能进来个陌生人解构整个行业。  相似文献   

According to the literature on industrial districts, the proximity of small firms operating in a similar sector can lead to several positive externalities, which enhance collective efficiency. We investigate this assumption by building a microeconomic model in which a set of small firms trades off two opposite effects. First, the closer they are to each other, the more they can share fixed costs or pool risks, and the more they can innovate on more efficient processes. Second, the closer they are, the less diverse is their cognitive environment, and the less they innovate on products. We find that there is a “bell-shaped relationship” between proximity and the firms' performance. Moreover, equilibrium configurations tend to produce too much proximity from the consumers' and the workers' point of view, but too few proximity from the firms' point of view.  相似文献   

As CEOs reach the end of their tenure, they attempt to influence the decision about who will replace them in order to safeguard what they have put in place. This prompts them to favor candidates who share similar demographic profiles whom they believe will carry on where they leave off. We suggest that as CEOs are not usually given the authority to name a successor, they make use of informal power to exert their influence. We test our hypotheses on a sample of 137 CEO successions in 67 German diversified companies between 1985 and 2007 and find strong support for our theoretical reasoning that the more informal power incumbent CEOs have, the greater the demographic similarity between them and their successors. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Communication is affected by the aim of the communicators, their bias, and the climate in which they are communicating. It is also affected by their attitudes, their behaviors, and their self-concepts. Finally, before communicating, they should assess the communication situation, create a blueprint for the communication, and choose a communication style. In other words, they should practice the ABCs of communication.  相似文献   

We consider a market comprising a number of perfectly complementary and homogeneous commodities. We concentrate on the incentives for firms producing these commodities to merge and form a vertical syndicate. The main result establishes that the nucleolus of the associated market game corresponds to the unique vector of prices with the following properties: (i) they are vertical syndication-proof, (ii) they are competitive, (iii) they yield the average of the buyers- and the sellers-optimal allocations in bilateral markets, and (iv) they depend on the traders’ bargaining power but not on their identity. The proof uses an isomorphism between our class of market games and the entire class of bankruptcy games.  相似文献   

Shadow banks are broadly defined as entities which conduct credit intermediation outside the formal banking system. Poorly regulated, engaging in opaque forms of intermediation, deeply interconnected with the official banking system, and operating with implicit government guarantees, they pose a major source of systemic risk. Yet shadow banks provide an important service by channeling credit to excluded investors, and can complement the formal banking sector. What explains the rapid proliferation of shadow banks in China? How large are they and what forms do they take? What types of risks do they pose to the financial system? And how best can China utilise the services of shadow banks while at the same time ensuring that they do not create systemic risks for the financial system?  相似文献   

Recently, bookstores in Taiwan have been facing keen competition and the resultant impact. Most shopkeepers understand that when they sell one hundred dollars worth of merchandise, they may not even generate ten dollars worth of profits. However, when they lost one hundred dollars worth of merchandise by shoplifting, it means they lost 100% of cost and possible profits. For this reason, shopkeepers face a crucial task, determining how to construct a model with a set of evaluations, analysis and suggested improvements, in order to promote the management of shoplifting in bookstores. This article, therefore, applied Six Sigma methodology to help reduce the incidence of shoplifting in bookstores.  相似文献   

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