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余茜 《广东经济》2016,(14):255-256
德国学者马克斯·韦伯提出了社会科学方法论,而“价值无涉”理论则是其中非常重要的一个概念.该理论的提出是为了抵制对自然科学的盲目推崇,反对将学术研究与价值判断相混淆,保持科学研究的客观性、严肃性.我们对“价值无涉”理论的正确认识和理解对于现如今的中国来说也具有相当重要的意义.  相似文献   

邵建 《开放时代》2000,(11):111-114
“一事物虽然不美,但却可以是神圣的,还不仅如此,而且神圣就神圣在不美上……一事物虽然不善,但可以是美的,还不仅如此,而且美就美在不善上……一事物虽然不美、不神圣、不善,却可以是真的,还不仅如此,真就真在不美、不神圣、不善上。”  相似文献   

赵晓航 《经济论坛》2014,(6):169-173
公共领域概念雏形最先产生于古希腊城邦社会背景之下,经由哈贝马斯在《公共领域的结构转型》一书中将其系统化。在1989年该书被首先翻译为英译版后,公共领域的概念越来越引起学界的关注。随后,随着社会语境的变迁,不同学者从各个方面对公共领域进行解读,哈贝马斯本人也针对不同学者对他的挑战与质疑,不断完善公共领域概念。近年来对公共领域的探讨往往是侧重其在互联网语境中的作用,但是理论的厘定是有其内涵和外延的。本文通过社会语境变迁对公共领域概念产生的影响,从历史源流的角度对公共领域概念的内涵与外延进行梳理,意在将公共领域概念与社会语境的相互关系做一梳理与说明,以便更好地解读此概念。  相似文献   

<正> 有人说,现在踏上英伦的感觉与一百年前踏上英伦的感觉差不多,至少不会迷路:白金汉宫依然在每天上午11点半钟进行禁卫军的换岗仪式,依然是屋顶挂出王室族旗表示女王在宫内,而挂起英国国旗表示女王外出。泰晤士河大铁桥旁的“大笨钟”钟楼依然准点报时,河中代表了近代科学之最高水准的军舰依然昭示着昔日的辉煌。只是,随着“日不落帝国”在本世纪的逐渐解体,随着“世界工厂”在全球影响的易位,过着优裕生活的人们明  相似文献   

第四届“中国公共预算研究”全国学术研讨会综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由南京审计学院公共管理与绩效评估研究院、中山大学中国公共管理研究中心、中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院、北京大学政治发展与政府管理研究所共同主办,南京审计学院公共管理与绩效评估研究院承办的第四届"中国公共预算研究"全国学术研讨会,于2012年4月7-8日在南京举行。国  相似文献   

马克思在论述阶级斗争和无产阶级国家建立过程中,在不同场合对含有公共产品蕴意的满足社会公共需要的那部分社会总产品在范围、供给(资金)来源、供给方式、供给目的和政府供给责任等方面都作了论述。马克思主义公共产品理论与现代西方公共产品理论在立论基础、理论假设、研究方法以及公共产品内涵特征等方面都存在重大的理论分野。马克思主义公共产品理论采用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的分析方法,坚持社会主义集体利益与个人利益关系统一观,坚持公共产品供给的国家职能和政府责任主导性,坚持公共产品的公益性本质和满足人的自由、全面发展之目的。马克思主义公共产品理论对中国特色公共产品理论具有指导性的建构价值。  相似文献   

基于公共价值理论,结合质量概念分析,定义知识产权高质量发展,并对其内涵与作用机制进行阐述。从创造、运用、保护、环境4个维度构建知识产权高质量发展评价指标体系,采用LASSO回归、Auto encoding、随机森林模型等方法,以实现的公共价值贡献度为依据进行指标遴选与权重确定,采用离差系数协调度模型计算一级指标协调度并进行知识产权高质量发展指数合成,对我国内地31个省区进行知识产权高质量发展评价。研究结果表明,我国区域知识产权发展质量整体不高,发展质量与发展协调度并重的知识产权发展模式尚未形成;知识产权高质量发展指标权重分布具有长尾效应,研发投入强度、专利奖获奖指数、每万人口知识产权服务机构拥有量是对公共价值贡献度最大的3个指标。  相似文献   

学术期刊既是作者发布和确认思想成果的平台,也是读者获取学科各方面最新研究进展的最重要途径,因此其根本任务就是为读者与作者服务。对作者所发布思想成果的学术价值进行恰当评价.既是对其劳动成果的一种尊重,也可让读者更便捷、更准确地获取最具学术价值论文信息的导引。为了客观、  相似文献   

刘炯 《经济研究导刊》2010,(27):264-266
管理经济学是对公共管理学科具有基本方法论意义的基础课程。但是,目前这门课程的教材偏重于企业管理,与公共部门的管理需要尚有一段距离。通过对这门课程与微观经济学的分野、在公共管理学科中的定位以及案例选择这三个基础性教学问题的探讨,力图明晰这门课程在公共管理学科中的性质、定位以及案例选择标准,期望有助于优化教学策略,提升教学效果。  相似文献   

减负及摈弃课外教育给公共教育投入带来空间。而我国家庭普遍面临资源约束,子女教育支出构成家庭经济上的压力,这对公共教育投入、学业成绩与生育意愿之间的关系提出了新的拷问。本文利用中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)和中国综合社会调查(CGSS)的数据,发现公共教育投入对孩子学业成绩有显著正向影响;居民的公共教育服务满意度对生育意愿有显著的正向影响,这一结论对农村居民和低收入家庭的影响显著,但对城镇居民和高收入家庭的影响虽然是正向的,但统计上不显著。个案分析表明,孩子学业成绩对生育意愿有正向影响。  相似文献   

韦伯命题与中国现代性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单世联 《开放时代》2004,8(1):34-51
“多元现代性”的命题和“回到中国自身”的方法是文化中国学人反思韦伯的主要成果,作为“德国思想与中国现代性”专题研究之一,本文述评中国现代性话语与“韦伯命题”的关联方式,认为需要把作为现代化理论家的韦伯与作为文明比较论者的韦伯统一起来,在多元发展的文明史中理解现代性的多元形态,在现代化的普遍规范中把握不同文明的共同趋势,实现全球化与本土化、普遍价值与特殊形式之间的平衡。  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the comparison of the locations of a facility resulting from voting and planning procedures. It is shown that a voting location exists and coincides with that minimizing the total distance covered by the users to go to the facility when the transportation network contains no cycles. For a general network, least upper bounds on the ratio of the social values of the voting and planning locations are given in the cases where the total or the maximal travelled distance is minimized.  相似文献   

The Review of Austrian Economics - This paper explores Max Weber’s intellectual relationship to the first generations of the Austrian School. Challenging his portrayal as a one-sided...  相似文献   

This paper interprets the discussion on entrepreneurship and economic development that started off with Weber's papers on the Protestant Ethic. Weber sought the reason for the relatively rapid growth of the Occident in the rational, Calvinist attitude to life. Calvinism – in his view – exactly suited a society of free labourers, who were not tied to master and soil by extra-economic considerations as in tribal and feudal societies. Schumpeter gave an alternative explanation, emphasizing the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship. Knight, who stressed neither rationality nor innovation but uncertainty and perceptiveness as the sole source of progress and profits, followed up German language writing on this subject. Only the investor who can detect hitherto hidden qualities in people can gain. The paper demonstrates how these three authors influenced each other. The debate between these three authors has raised many issues of governance and organization that feature contemporary thinking.  相似文献   

Max Weber in 1905 claimed that Protestantism, and more specifically Calvinism, facilitated the rise of capitalism. This paper assesses the quantitative plausibility of his hypothesis by introducing religious beliefs into a dynamic general equilibrium model of development and growth. Through counterfactual exercises, the paper investigates whether differences between Catholics and Protestants most closely identified with the Protestant Work Ethic can account for long delays in the start of Industrialization observed between various countries and regions. The main finding is that these differences may possibly explain why Northern Europe developed before Southern Europe, but they cannot explain why Europe developed before Latin America.
Many of the tenets of Calvinism have had profound social implications–in particular, that thrift, industry, and hard work are forms of moral virtue and that business success is an evidence of God’s grace. Because these views helped to create a climate favorable to commerce, Calvinism played a role in the overthrow of feudalism and the establishment of capitalism. Microsoft Encarta
We thank Doug Gollin, Larry Neal, Richard Layton, as well as seminar participants at University of Wisconsin Madison and Vanderbilt University for their comments.  相似文献   

虚拟经济:人类经济活动的新领域   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究虚拟经济旨在表明人类经济活动的变化 ,对此必须排除固有的观念 ,必须深入理解马克思经济学中的各种虚拟资本论。虚拟经济不能等同于虚拟资本、网络经济、泡沫经济。当代值得关注的虚拟经济是衍生金融商品交易、电子货币和网络银行。  相似文献   


The present paper begins with a presentation of Foucault's lectures on economic issues. Departing from his previous views on government, Foucault offered a new approach to eighteenth-century liberalism and neo-liberalism, interpreting these political theories in terms of what he called biopolitics. Then the paper endeavours to demonstrate that the line of reasoning pursued by Foucault coincides with that found in Weber's sociology of religion. In as much as Weber studies the relation between the religious and the economic, the paper draws a parallel between the Weberian concept of ‘life conduct’ and the concept of ‘technique of the self’ advanced by Foucault in order to study the moral foundation of the economic agent.  相似文献   

Weber recognized explicitly that his concept of ideal-type is directly borrowed from economic theory and as it is commonly admitted from the German-speaking ‘marginalist school’. Nevertheless, the construction of ideal-types reminds greatly the definition of economic rationality made by John Stuart Mill, who also built up a concept to explain, in individualistic terms, the real world in a given historical and geographical context. The position defended here is that Weber generalizes Mill's methodological proposition of concept formation regarding economic rationality to accomplish his much larger project of determining the social factors responsible for the rationalization of the Western civilization.  相似文献   

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