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尤峰 《江苏商论》2020,(2):28-30
社会发展是一个不断促进生产力发展的过程,当生产力发展到一定阶段,物质财富相对丰盛,消费将会逐渐成为人们生活的核心部分。法国学者鲍德里亚在工业时代消费社会理论的基础上形成了自己的后工业时代消费社会理论。本文通过对其理论的探讨,窥探消费社会的形成过程,分析消费社会中人们对于消费观的变化,并对当下中国的消费现状予以思考。  相似文献   

This essay criticizes the romantic ethic of consumption (Campbell, 1987) from the tragic perspective (Nietzsche, 2006). By tragic, we refer to the constant tension between Apollo and Dionysius (Nietzsche, 2006, p. 47). It is suggested that the romantic ethic of consumption, which orders our existence, is associated with Apollonian ideals, thus, creating a protective and individuating illusion against the chaotic, the amorphous, and the contradictory—characteristics associated with the Dionysian. What has been considered as the romantic-Apollonian ethic of consumption promises to satiate our desires (Campbell, 2006), even though this is not possible since incompleteness is inherent to the individual (Freud, 1996, 1997). This ethic may prove frustrating for some consumers since the satiation of wills has a transient effect and the individual therefore remains in a state of desire. In cases like these, an alternative to the romantic meaning would be the adoption of a tragic conception of consumption, a conception consubstantiated in the knowledge of its uselessness as a strategy to recover a lost completeness. Thus, this article describes the figure of the tragic consumer, the one who knows the chaotic side of the act of consuming, but who reaffirms his or her will, either consuming—since he perceives that there is no escape from the logic imposed by consumption—or by choosing to abandon specific categories of goods that do not respond to the reiteration of his will. As a practical instance for the development of this critique, we have reflected on the phenomenon of category abandonment (Suarez & Chauvel, 2012).  相似文献   

消费者增权理论与我国消费者权益保护法的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消费者增权理论是近年来西方社会科学领域关注的热点问题之一,在消费者增权理论中,信息供给型增权和制度供给型增权是两种主要模式。我国现阶段的消费模式和消费者权益保护实践表明,制度供给型消费者增权可以更好地保护消费者利益。所以,从消费者增权理论出发,完善消费者权益保护法律体系,是增进消费者利益保护和实现消费和谐的重要举措。  相似文献   

殷慧芬 《商业研究》2011,(6):203-206
消费信用与消费者破产之间存在密切的联系。进入消费者破产程序的消费者必然有无法偿还的债务,而消费者只有接受了消费信用,才可能成为债务人,因此,消费信用是消费者破产的根本原因。消费信用越容易获得,消费者过度负债的可能性就越高,相应地,消费者对宽松的消费者破产制度的需求就越强烈。从消费市场的繁荣程度和消费者破产数量的关系来看,二者是成正比关系的。消费者破产制度作为消费信用的回收制度将影响消费信用的供给与需求,促进信用体系的建设。消费信用在我国进入快速发展时代,从控制社会危机的角度来看,消费者破产制度的建立已经迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Despite an ongoing debate, authors agree that factors that determine consumers' involvement in any goal object are the characteristics of the object, the characteristics of the customer involved and the situational context of the decision. With this as the theoretical background, this paper advocates the need to study African‐specific contextual factors to gain a thorough understanding of consumer involvement and successful marketing practice in this society. An extensive review of the extant literature was done to provide a relevant framework for exploring consumer involvement and African‐related issues. The paper concludes that existing postulations on the subject matter could not robustly capture consumer involvement in Africa due to pertinent influences of cultural values and mores that do not apply elsewhere in the world. Hence, empirical studies to gauge the context‐specific application of the subject in relation to Africa are suggested as imperative. This paper advocates a society‐oriented consciousness for marketing activities in relation to consumer involvement with specific reference to Africa. Therefore, it cautions against undue generalization about the existing postulations on the subject, and provides directions for future research towards updating the literature.  相似文献   

This research explores relatively short, low‐intensity flow states, called microflow and demonstrates that they differ from their longer, more complex deepflow variants with regards to antecedents. As an advancement to flow theory, we demonstrate that the ideal condition to elicit microflow is when skills are slightly higher than the difficulty of the task. Importantly, despite being relatively shorter, microflow experiences still have a strong positive influence on consumer attitudes. Our research also advances theory by demonstrating that the two dimensions of microflow have different relationships with the level of difficulty and consumer attitudes. We discuss both theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Consumer ethics continues to draw the attention of academicians and practitioners as a significant economic and social issue globally. Consumer ethics refers to moral principles that govern a consumer's behaviour. This literature review seeks to enrich the discourse on consumer ethics through a comprehensive and detailed review of 106 articles, covering 21 journals from 2010 to 2020. Through an examination of theories, contexts, characteristics, and methodologies used in consumer ethics research, our review (1) presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the research in this field and (2) sets a future research agenda to spur scholarly research. We found studies have primarily relied on a single theoretical lens such as the theory of marketing ethics, planned behaviour, and neutralization theory. Further consumer ethics research focuses on advanced countries, with a narrow focus on developing countries. We have diagnosed the need to examine boundary conditions impacting consumer ethics. Finally, we provide actionable inputs to combat unethical consumer actions as well as promote ethical consumption.  相似文献   

Consumer competence is increasingly important in today’s commercialized society. This paper refers to some main findings from a national representative survey on consumer competences and practices in Norway. To be a competent consumer, it is decisive to be informed about products and to be familiar with how markets function. In this paper, consumers’ self‐reported efforts to keep themselves informed about specific markets is treated as an indicator of consumer competence. First, the results indicate that Norwegian consumers’ competence, according to their own judgement, is rather mediocre. Second, different groups of consumers seem to have different consumer competence profiles. Accordingly, we find that some consumers are price‐conscious in their daily purchases, others are price‐conscious when they make their yearly dispositions in the financial markets, while a third group is community‐oriented and active in the environmentally friendly and ethical product markets. Third, the analysis indicates that consumer competence is an important indicator of how market‐rational and reflective consumers’ choices and practices are.  相似文献   

Marketing relationships can be placed on a continuum from short, discrete transactions to ongoing brand relationships. The majority of recent work has focused on relational exchanges, with some scholars even suggesting early on that the marketing discipline was undergoing a paradigm shift from a transaction-based marketing perspective toward a relational exchange perspective. However, there has been a growing recognition that not all customers seek relational exchanges. Consequently, the current research considers customer relationship management from the less studied, but oft seen, perspective of transactional exchange. A study is presented using recent advances in structural equation modeling analyses, including Bayesian estimation methods and mediation analyses. We further consider the psychological processes underlying the formation of consumer loyalty based on pre- and post-purchase measurements taken over multiple time periods. We specifically hypothesize that consumer satisfaction judgments will fully mediate any influences of post-purchase trust judgments on future loyalty intentions. With American consumers’ trust in businesses at an all-time low, coupled with the recent trend that more and more brick-and-mortar retailers are at risk of “showrooming” for online retailers, there is an apparent need to also consider retail customers who see the value of relationship marketing only selectively.  相似文献   

This article develops the findings of an evaluation of European Commission consumer education, information and capacity building actions conducted in 2011, with an examination of action taken by 2016 to address the recommendations. Based on empirical research of documents, in‐depth interviews, focus groups and semi‐structured surveys of Directorate General for Health and Consumers and Directorate General for Education and Culture policy networks, it discusses the journey taken to improve consumer education and empowerment throughout Europe. Implementation of the recommendations aims to transform consumer education and empowerment in Europe, with integrated and updated resources for the maximum number of teachers across the European Union, where teachers can focus the resources on consumer education activities relevant for their learners. A key focus of the new developments is to deliver higher European Union (pan‐European) added‐value, better coordination and synergies with national activities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of e‐commerce transactions and the lack of consumer protection regulation on consumer educators and curricula. The discussion is divided into five sections: conceptualizing e‐commerce; the juggernaut of e‐commerce; consumer education defined, especially consumer protection in the electronic market‐place; the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) 1998 Ottawa conference on electronic commerce; and the implications of this fluid market and policy context on consumer educators. Empowerment of the consumer, the ultimate objective of consumer education, is a total challenge in the global electronic market‐place, but a challenge that must be embraced by staying informed, becoming a consumer advocate, as well as educator, and remaining ever vigilant as curricula are developed for the domestic consumer transacting in an electronic global market.  相似文献   

The current expansion has seen record-high levels of transactions in housing, extraordinary growth in the aggregate value of owner-occupied housing, and large increases in the amount of funds realized from the refinancing of mortgage debt. Many analysts thus have pointed to the strong housing market and rising home prices as a major pillar supporting recent economic growth and have expressed concern that a contraction in housing activity and values could pose a significant risk to consumer spending and real economic growth. This paper explores the channels by which the housing market may affect consumer spending and assesses the potential risk from a softening in the housing market. Our assessment is that while a housing slowdown by itself may slow consumer spending some, it is probably insufficient to precipitate a downturn without some additional shocks outside of the sector. JEL Classification E21,R21  相似文献   

范省伟 《商业研究》2005,(22):160-163
消费者主权是现代市场经济的基本特征和维护市场机制高效运行的重要保障。但由于消费信息的非对称而使消费者主权受到了诸多损害,从而不利于市场机制的高效运作和市场经济的健康发展。为此,应分析消费信息非对称对消费者主权造成的损害,采取有效措施,保护消费者主权,促进经济健康发展。  相似文献   


Consumers increasingly turn to the marketplace in search of spiritual well-being. In this introduction to the special issue, we unpack the concept of consumer spirituality. We define consumer spirituality as the interrelated practices and processes engaged in when consuming market offerings (products, services, places) that yield 'spiritual utility'. The market offerings are purposely designed to quench consumers’ thirst for meaningful encounters with one’s inner self or a higher external power. We identify three vehicles – materiality, embodiment, and technology – that consumers engage with to access consumer spirituality. By unpacking the concept of consumer spirituality along three themes - (1) shaping markets for consumer spirituality, (2) the means for accessing consumer spirituality, and (3) making sense of and researching consumer spirituality - we provide a future research agenda to advance scholarly explorations of consumer spirituality and to facilitate a systematic development of this nascent body of literature in marketing and consumer research.  相似文献   

情境是影响消费者行为的重要因素之一。在贝克情境理论的指导下,提出17个影响消费者行为的情境变量,通过对其进行因子分析得到了六个情境因子:心理、环境、营销、时间、物质及互动因子,并进一步分析指出,情境因素对消费者行为的影响受到其他影响因素的交互作用。该研究既对以往有关消费者行为影响因素的研究进行了完善,又有利于企业更好地了解消费者行为,具有较强的理论价值与实践意义。  相似文献   

电子商务改变了传统商务手段,开拓了新的市场,产生了巨大的效应,同时也为消费者的权益保护带来了新的挑战。本文旨在对这些问题进行分析并提出相应的对策,以保护消费者在电子商务环境下的合法权益。  相似文献   

新消费者的消费行为研究与营销策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把握和分析消费者的心理与行为是吸引消费者的制胜法宝。随着新经济时代的到来和消费者群体经济重要性的发展,我国消费者在心理与行为上发生了根本性的变化,呈现出一批新的消费者群体(简称"新消费者")。商家对新消费者资源的争夺使激烈的市场竞争日趋白热化。要想在竞争中立于不败之地,商家必须对他们加以重视,分析和研究他们的心理与行为,并据此采取有针对性的营销策略。  相似文献   

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