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本文分析了当前沈阳市建设保障性住房的紧迫现状,提出了在保障房建设的过程中引入PPP模式的建议,然后分析了当前沈阳市在保障性住房建设过程中采用PPP模式的必要性和可行性,列举了几种政府部门与开发企业可以采用的PPP合作模式,最后对PPP模式引入保障性住房建设的风险分担机制做出了规定.  相似文献   

1 PPP模式简介及分类 近年来,PPP模式日益成为公共部门提供公共产品的新的探索方向.根据《国家发展改革委关于开展政府和社会资本合作的指导意见》(发改投资〔2014〕2724号)文件中的定义,政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式是指政府为增强公共产品和服务供给能力、提高供给效率,通过特许经营、购买服务、股权合作等方式,与社会资本建立的利益共享、风险分担及长期合作关系.广义的PPP包括公共部门(政府)与私人部门为提供公共产品或服务而建立的各种合作关系,可具体分为外包、特许经营和私有化三类.狭义的PPP仅指公共部门(政府)与私人部门以合资组建公司的形式展开合作,共担风险、共享收益.  相似文献   

一、对PPP模式的解析 PPP模式(Public、Private、Partnership,公共私营合作制)是指政府管理部门和私营部门之间,为了合作开展城市基础设施项目的建设,或是为了提供某一方面的公共产品和服务,以特许经营协议为基础,彼此之间形成的一种合作关系,并通过签署契约方式来明确双方权利义务和承担的风险,以确保合作的顺利完成,最终实现公私双方的合作共赢.在PPP模式下,公共部门决定合作的领域和目标,私人组织负责基础设施和公共服务发展计划的实施. 在公共服务领域大力推广PPP模式的优点: (一)可以有效缓解地方政府融资压力.中国社科院2015年报告显示,中国的资产负债比例虽总体上健康,但在结构上还是存在一定的风险.地方政府设立的融资平台借债比例较重,截至2014年末,地方政府总负债超过3万亿元.引进PPP模式通过债转股等多种途径,可以吸收社会资本特别是民间资本参与公共服务及基础设施建设,将有利于缓解地方政府融资压力,减少地方债增量风险,有利于释放存量.  相似文献   

PPP模式是由政府公共部门和私营企业所建立的一种新型的伙伴关系。文章借鉴发达国家和地区在公共住房领域的"公私合作"实践经验,构建了大连市基于PPP的廉租房运作模式,以期解决大连市廉租房制度实施中存在的问题。  相似文献   

PPP模式作为一种新型的政府与社会资本的合作模式,对PPP模式具体实施阶段的研究较少。根据以往BOT或PFI模式下应用代建制的经验,文章提出PPP模式下实行代建制项目的现实性。从PPP项目与代建单位之间均为风险规避的假设出发,构建委托代理模型。揭示了在非对称信息下为实现PPP项目效用的最大化,外部风险,代建单位能力、寻租成本、双方风险规避程度等因素与激励程度的关系,为制定合理的支付合同提供参考。  相似文献   

贾丽  徐振宇 《科技和产业》2014,14(11):57-61
社会化养老问题已成为社会的焦点问题。吸引并鼓励社会资本进入养老服务领域,创新养老服务模式是历史的必然选择。PPP作为一种基于合作、优势互补、风险分担、利益共赢的公私合作模式,其在养老服务业中的推广应用重点是解决好风险和收益的科学对等分配;对比多种模式下的收益分配效率,发现基于风险分担的Shapley值方法更能真实公平地反映公私双方的贡献度,也有利于实现项目总收益最优,提高社会公共服务水平与质量。  相似文献   

在地方政府债务规模扩张和风险加大背景下,PPP模式的推出有利于控制地方政府债务膨胀、缓解财政资金紧张状况,也可促使地方政府转变职能、增强债务及综合治理能力。文章在阐述地方政府债务风险现状及危害基础上,剖析PPP模式在地方政府债务治理中的应用优势及存在问题,最后从秉持内涵发展、严格控制PPP项目无序增长、健全法律体系、加强运行监管、促使政府角色转换、完善风险分担和利益共享机制等方面提出优化PPP模式的建议。  相似文献   

针对目前我国保障性住房建设融资难、资金缺口大的问题,本文梳理了国内外关于保障性住房融资模式的相关研究文献,提出了我国保障性住房建设可行的融资模式:资产证券化(ABS)模式、房地产投资信托基金(BEITs)模式和公私合作建设(PPP)模式等。  相似文献   

刘洋 《黑河学刊》2011,(7):78-79
国家提出加快保障性住房建设,在经济欠发达地区存在"政府财力支持少、投资主体限制、利润微薄风险大"等保障性住房建设资金来源问题,使其难以进行。分析问题成因,并提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

在我国地方债问题日趋严重的背景下,PPP模式是未来我国基础设施建设的发展方向,而商业银行作为资金融通最重要的中介,势必在PPP项目中发挥较大的作用。首先概述了PPP的内涵和参与PP项目的三方主体,其次对PPP项目中的各类风险进行了分类,然后利用三方静态博弈模型讨论了政府、私营企业和银行的风险分担模式,得出应由风险偏好系数大的一方承担风险的结论,最后对商业银行在参与PPP项目中的风险分担的策略提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper surveys officials involved in public–private partnerships (PPPs) in the water sector in order to examine the differing motives of Indonesian actors in adopting PPPs. It also analyses the challenges of vertical coordination across different levels of government in PPP programs. We find that four motives for adopting PPPs are perceived differently by central government respondents and subnational government respondents. However, no significant differences are found between the two groups’ perceptions of the importance of vertical coordination problems. These results highlight the need for local capacity-building programs and improved coordination mechanisms to enhance PPP adoption and implementation in the water sector.  相似文献   

公共项目PPP模式选择路径研究——基于交易合作三维框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公私伙伴关系(PPP)模式在中国的公共项目中正在得到日益广泛的应用。由于对PPP模式分类不清晰,并且缺乏对各种具体模式运作特征的深入了解,政府仅将诸如BOT、BT、TOT等少数模式简单套用到众多的公共项目中,如此就会出现PPP模式制度安排特征与公共项目属性不相匹配的问题。文章在文献调查的基础上,构建出PPP模式的二十二个小类、九个中类和四个大类的三级分类结构,提出政府在该分类结构中选择PPP模式时遵循从上至下的决策思路。针对九个中类的PPP模式,在所有权转移效益、经营权控制程度、公私合作程度构成的三维框架内,识别出公共项目PPP模式选择的三条路径,结合公共项目属性给出每条选择路径的适用条件。  相似文献   

Telecommunications reform in Indonesia has occurred in two phases. In the first, from 1989, private participation was permitted in the fixed-line sector through public–private partnership (PPP) arrangements. In the current reform phase, which began in 1999, a duopoly structure was created in fixed-line sector operations, accompanied by a pro-competitive regulatory regime. The first reform phase was not successful. This paper explains that contract-based PPP programs provided only short-term solutions to the problem of lack of capacity. The more wide-ranging 1999 reforms acknowledge the importance of competition and a sound regulatory regime in telecommunications reform, but there are still limits on market entry, and the problems of lack of interconnection and network development disparities remain.  相似文献   

By identifying the political motives of officials and local governments, this study aims to provide a new political economic analysis framework for understanding China's incentives for investing in public–private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. Chinese urban panel data for the period 2013–17 were used to examine the mechanisms of promotion pressure and financial burden in relation to investments in PPP infrastructure projects. Based on our findings, the following policy recommendations are proposed: standardise the behaviour of local government officials in promoting PPP projects, establish a lifelong accountability mechanism for PPP project performance, establish a mechanism for local government debt risk assessment and prevention, and avoid the risk of local debt arising from over‐investment in PPP infrastructure projects. Moreover, a match should be formed between local economic infrastructure planning and investment plans to avoid over‐ or under‐investment.  相似文献   

我国大中城市公共绿地开发经营模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为一种重要的公共空间资源,城市公共绿地的开发建设正在得到政府和社会各界的重视。然而,政府单一渠道投资建设公共绿地的模式已越来越不能满足社会的需求。本文提出运用PPP模式开发经营城市公共绿地的理念。通过介绍PPP模式的概念、运作思路等,分析其优势.结舍典型案例、指出新的城市公共绿地开发经营模式。鼓励引导私营投资机构参与融资.形成可持续的符合市场经济环境的城市空间开发经营机制。但要看到现阶段在我国公共绿地建设中运用PPP模式存在的问题,并制定相应的对策。  相似文献   

While public–private partnerships (PPPs) have become an increasingly popular approach in both developed and developing countries, very little is known about whether or not PPPs are more efficient than pure-public or pure-private modes. Building on some recent work studying PPP issues this paper improves the understanding of public–private capital structures, provides some theoretical considerations as well as empirical evidence that private participation affects PPPs cost through the knowledge-transfer effect and the cost-increase effect, and demonstrates a U-shaped relationship between the project costs and private shares. Empirical analysis also finds that the private shares in China's infrastructure PPPs are excessive, and BOT (build, operate, and transfer) projects, compared to other PPP types, are not efficient in China.  相似文献   

The provision of decent, affordable and well-located housing for low-income communities has been an intractable problem, especially for developing countries. A recurrent issue in the discourse of this problem relates to the appropriate role of the state on one hand and the private sector on the other. The debate has been given renewed urgency in the current context of a growing critique of ‘neoliberalism’. Through rigorous literature review, this paper intends to review the successes and failures of neo-liberalism and explore the intricate linkages between neo-liberal housing policy and low-income housing provision. The raison d’être for the paper is that, despite the growing disenchantment with neo-liberal housing policy, the empirical basis of this criticism has not been established convincingly, and neither have that of potential alternative policies. This paper therefore fills a critical gap in the low-income housing policy literature.  相似文献   

为了解决个人保障性住房建设中的融资难问题,文章采用实证的分析方法,以保障性住房的融资现状为切入点,通过对保障性住房融资的文献介绍,提出了相关的融资建议,研究结果发现:通过政府财政与民间资本的合力效应,不仅有利于提高民间投资者对个人保障性住房的建设积极性,整体社会福利也会因此而增加,而且更有利于政府对民间资本投资的有序引导。  相似文献   

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