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陈冯军 《金融纵横》2012,(10):64-67
随着智能手机的普及和移动互联网的快速发展,我国的移动电子商务迎来了新的发展机遇,而移动电子商务的核心在于支付。支付手段的易用性、安全性、信用度和用户接受度会影响电子商务的发展。本文从移动支付的两种模式着手,对当前移动支付存在的不足进行了深入分析,提出了促进移动支付产业健康快速发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

移动支付已经成为连接电子商务、移动通信、电子支付、设备制造四大产业的桥梁。因此,移动支付产业的发展在新型电子支付领域占有重要的地位。我国移动支付发展近十年,与传统的支付业务相比发展较为缓慢,盈利模式不清晰、技术标准不统一、尚未形成移动支付运营模式是制约我国移动支付产业发展的重要因素。一、移动支付分类与实现方式1.移动支付模式分类按照支付的方式,移动支付可  相似文献   

正国际互联网的迅猛发展使基于网络的电子商务模式成为一种重要的商业形态,互联网、移动通信服务、电子商务进一步融合发展,特别是移动电子商务市场的不断扩张带动了移动支付需求快速增长,电信运营商、互联网企业、支付厂商、银行等纷纷进军移动支付领域,推动支付产业发展壮大。一、移动支付业务发展现状及特点目前,我国已初步形成银行机构、银行卡组织、通  相似文献   

互联网的快速发展,促生了以信息网络技术为手段的、以商品交易为中心的商务活动,也就是现在的电子商务。电子商务的发展又促进了以移动支付的交易手段的迅速发展。现在社会一个巨大比例的移动用户群,加上不断完善的移动网络,移动支付用户基础已经扎牢。移动支付标准还不够统一,移动运营商、营运商、第三方支付企业和银行机构之间存在一定竞争,就在移动支付系统在开发阶段出现了一定的问题,并且这个时期是产业发展的关键期。所以有必要对移动支付系统的设计进行一定的分析和研究。  相似文献   

中国工商银行信息科技部副总经理钱斌:移动支付主要在三个领域大有作为:一是移动电子商务结算。二是远程自助支付。三是小额快速支付。人民银行《中国金融移动支付系列技术标准》的颁布,满足了当前和今后一段时期内我国移动支付发展的技术需求,促进了我国移动支付安全管理水平和技术风险防范能力的提升,必将推动我国移动支付集约化、规模化发展进程。可以预见,我国金融支付发展将以此为契机,进入全新发展阶段。  相似文献   

正移动支付是用户通过手机等移动终端对消费的商品或服务进行支付的一种方式。移动支付技术将移动终端设备、互联网、应用提供商以及金融机构相融合,为用户提供货币支付、缴费等金融业务。与传统支付方式相比,移动支付具有"随时、随地、随身"、产业链长、行业跨度大、社会影响面广等特点。近年来,移动支付业务发展迅速,各国试点层出不穷,我国的移动支付产业也进入了快速成长阶段。在移动支付成为社会热点的同时,支付安全问题也成为全产业关注的  相似文献   

与整个社会环境相适应,银行业随着数据通信技术的发展,不仅改变了银行与客户相互联系的方式,也改变了银行的服务方式、产品营销方式和交易处理方式。数据通信技术的发展极大地推动了银行业的业务创新,特别是在移动银行和移动电子商务方面大胆探索。 作为移动银行和移动电子商务基石的移动电子支付也已经具备了充分的技术条件。目前在日本、欧洲等地移动电子支付应用正逐渐走向成熟。而在中国,银行也与电信运营商、IC卡片商以及移  相似文献   

随着电子商务的火热,可随时随地实现支付的移动支付成为时下最热门的支付方式。本文主要讨论了目前移动支付存在的几种主要模式,以及用户在使用过程中出现的问题和解决策略,旨在为未来移动支付的发展改进提供参考。  相似文献   

为营造我国移动支付安全可信的产业生态环境,促进移动互联网时代金融服务创新发展,人民银行坚持"安全、规范、合作、创新"的原则,推动我国移动支付标准化建设。自2008年以来,人民银行全面跟踪国际上移动支付新技术的创新发展,多次组织商业银行、中国银联、电信运营商、支付机构等深入分析我国移动支付标准的业务与技术需求,全面梳理国内外移动  相似文献   

第三方支付作为基础设施,推动了互联网金融的形成和电子商务的发展。以第三方支付企业为纽带,互联网金融企业、电子商务公司参与形成第三方支付产业集群,能够提高市场效率,节约交易成本。本文基于互联网金融视角,阐述了第三方支付产业集群内涵,分析了第三方支付产业的特点,探讨了第三方支付产业集群的发展模式,对促进第三方支付产业集群发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of mobile payment on the adoption and use of traditional payment instruments such as cash, checks, and credit, debit and prepaid cards at the point of sale (POS). Data are from a 2012 representative survey on consumer payment choice in the United States. Using discrete-choice random utility models to simulate consumer behavior, the estimation provides two major findings. First, mobile payment does not replace physical payment cards, but is likely to substitute for paper-based payment methods such as cash and checks at the adoption stage. Second, mobile payment does not statistically significantly influence the choice of payment means at the POS in terms of usage. However, there is suggestive evidence that it is complementary to card payments and a substitute for paper-based payment instruments. The findings highlight the potential social welfare gains of mobile payment and provide key insights into challenging issues for the private industry sector. This paper furthermore offers novel evidence on the impact of mobile payment on the use and adoption of existing payment instruments and contributes to the literature on consumer payment choice.  相似文献   

The credit card industry is made up of two business segments: the issuance of credit cards to consumers and the acquisition of merchants into the credit card payment scheme. Accepting credit card payments is an important business decision that involves cost, benefits and risk considerations. The paper discusses the merchants' personal and business characteristics and the perceptions of merchants towards the credit card payment system, both of which contribute significantly to merchants' acceptance of credit card payments. It is found that perceptions related to the social influence and performance expectancy constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology play the most important role in a merchant's decision.  相似文献   

The United States payment system costs around $225 billion annually and checks account for 75% of all noncash payments. Other electronic payment methods (debit cards, automated clearing house direct deposits, and debits) cost only around one third to one half as much as a check. This paper outlines the main reasons why the shift from checks to cheaper electronic payments has been slow, much slower here than in other countries. We also forecast the future use of checks and electronic payments and end by discussing policy initiatives that may speed up this substitution process.  相似文献   

尹志超  公雪  潘北啸 《金融研究》2019,472(10):40-58
本文运用2017年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,基于鲍莫尔—托宾模型研究了移动支付对家庭货币需求的影响。为了克服移动支付的内生性,本文选取工具变量,用两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)进行了估计。研究发现,相较于没有移动支付的家庭,拥有移动支付的家庭现金在金融资产的占比下降25%,对其他层次的货币需求也有显著的负向影响,表明移动支付的使用减少了家庭不同层次的货币需求。机制分析表明,交易成本变化是导致移动支付影响现金需求的重要渠道。进一步,本文用分位数回归发现,移动支付对预防性货币需求的影响大于交易性货币需求。移动支付对货币需求的影响在不同的年龄水平、教育水平、城乡地区、东中西部地区和不同城市之间也存在显著差异。本文的研究为理解中国家庭货币需求的变化提供了新的证据,可为相关政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

We consider a simple Poisson cluster model for the payment numbers and the corresponding total payments for insurance claims arriving in a given year. Due to the Poisson structure one can give reasonably explicit expressions for the prediction of the payment numbers and total payments in future periods given the past observations of the payment numbers. One can also derive reasonably explicit expressions for the corresponding prediction errors. In the (a, b) class of Panjer's claim size distributions, these expressions can be evaluated by simple recursive algorithms. We study the conditions under which the predictions are asymptotically linear as the number of past payments becomes large. We also demonstrate that, in other regimes, the prediction may be far from linear. For example, a staircase-like pattern may arise as well. We illustrate how the theory works on real-life data, also in comparison with the chain ladder method.  相似文献   

We develop a novel theoretical and experimental framework to study adoption and use of cash versus electronic payments in retail transactions. The design allows us to assess the behavioral impact of sellers' service fees and buyers' rewards from using electronic payments. In the experiment, buyers and sellers faced a coordination problem, independently choosing a payment method before trading. Sellers readily adopted electronic payments but buyers did not. Eliminating service fees or introducing rewards significantly increased adoption and use of electronic payments. Buyers' economic incentives were crucial for the diffusion of electronic payments but cannot fully explain their adoption choices.  相似文献   

近年来,我国非金融支付机构发展快速,为消费者提供了更加高效、便捷的服务,传统意义上以银行为主的支付结算服务得以不断延伸和拓展,弥补了银行服务的不足。随着非金融支付机构竞争加剧,非金融支付服务行业的快速发展与非金融支付领域金融消费权益保护不相匹配的矛盾日益显现,非金融支付领域金融消费权益保护工作需引起关注。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simplification of Macaulay's formula for duration. The derivation treats any bond as a portfolio of a coupon bearing bond at par and a zero-coupon bond. The resultant equations are simple to use and show how coupon payments, premiums, and discounts affect duration. The equations are easily modified without loss of simplicity for various coupon payment intervals and for calculations between payment periods.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence and extent of economies of scale in the European payment processing industry. It is expected that the creation of a single European payments area (SEPA) will spur consolidations and mergers among European payment processors to more fully realize payment economies of scale. We find evidence for the existence of significant economies of scale using data of eight European payment processors during the years 1990–2005. The analysis also reveals that ownership structure is an important factor to explain cost differences across European processing centers.  相似文献   

I examine how mandatory extraction payment disclosures (EPD)—a policy solution intended to discourage corporate payment avoidance in the oil, gas, and mining industries—affect fiscal revenue contributions and investments by multinational firms in foreign host countries. Using the staggered adoption of EPD across firms headquartered in Europe and Canada, I find that disclosing companies increase their payments to host governments, decrease investments, and obtain fewer extraction licenses relative to non-disclosing competitors. These effects are stronger for firms that face a high risk of public shaming, operate in corrupt host countries, and have a high exposure to bribery-prone payments, suggesting that EPD increases the reputational cost of corporate behavior that could be perceived as exploitative. The resulting reallocation of investments from disclosing to non-disclosing firms reduces drilling productivity and resource production in host countries, consistent with uneven disclosure regulation distorting capital allocation.  相似文献   

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