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The Third "Brother Cup" China International Young Designers Contest was held in April 1995 at the Century Theatre in the Beijing Sino-Japanese Youth Exchange Centre. The Contest, an important activity at the '95 China International Clothing and Accessories Fair, is the largest one in the world at present with designers from many countries and regions. Recently I interviewed the sponsor of the contest—  相似文献   

China's post and telecomsector achieved furthergiant development in 1995,afterit accomplished its eighth five-year plan a year ahead ofschedule,and realized its targetof eight-fold expansion duringthe period of 1980-2000 sixyears ahead of schedule,thusresulting in a historic leap.  相似文献   

Bicycles are generally considered "Green Vehicles", with their cheap price and easy maintenance. China, known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles", has the largest output and export volume of whole bikes, but the industry has been in difficulties in recent years. The blind import of international capital is the main reason for the decline of the bicycle industry in the country. In the mid 1980s, cheap labor and optimistic market forecasts attracted international capital to China's bicycle indus-  相似文献   

Restoring China as a signatory of GATT is not only needled to raise the country's status internationally but also for deepening reform and expanding opening to the outside world. Without doubt, it will have profound impact on the national economy, particularly on the development of the machinery industry. Re-entry to GATT can help China speed up the pace of industrial reform, establish the socialist market economy,  相似文献   

Enjoying a good reputation as the"Automobile City",the China FirstAutomobile Group Corporation(theFirst Automobile Factory) is located in thewestern part of Changchun City,covering anarea of 17.69 million square kilometers.Itpossesses fixed assets of RMB8.9 billionand has a total staff of 100,000,making it asuperlarge key enterprise of China'sautomobile industry.  相似文献   

During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, the output value of the industry increased at a growth rate of 21 percent each year. By the end of the period, its total output, total output value, export volume and export value all ranked first in the world, and China became the world's top clothingmaking and exporting country in the world. In 1996, its exports of clothes were worth US$25 billion——a record figure. Its export value accounted for over 17 percent of the nation's total and clothes constituted the major part of all the commodities exported from China. The number of the countries whose clothes import value from China was more than  相似文献   

The 1994 China International Auto Exposition attracted some of the world's famous carmakers such as Germany's Benz, the Swedish SAAD, Japan' s Mazda and Korea' s Hyundai. The only Chinese enterprise rivaling these international giants is the Shanghai Volkswagen Auto Co., Ltd. whose luxury Shanghai Santana car aroused great interest among its counterparts at home and abroad. Situated in the Anting Industrial  相似文献   

1.Products of the basic rawmaterials industry Products of the basic raw materialsindustry should improve product quality,make great efforts to realize diversification,serialization and specialization in productvariety,develop new varieties,and expandproduction so as to adapt to the demands forthe development of the food industry. Cereals:Develop high quality riceand wheat flour on a grade and class basis;develop special rice and wheat flour suitablefor the needs of processing various kinds offood;actively utilize coarse cereals such ascorn to open up various kinds of deep  相似文献   

First business: to clean a tea pot. Income: RMB 0.20 (less than 10 US cents at the time). Second business: to clean a boiler. Income: RMB 1, 200. Three months later, incomereached RMB 240, 000. Ten years later, the company had 350 subsidiaries across China and four joint ventures abroad, with an annual output value of more than RMB 300 million. The data are simple but intriguing, recording the history of the Blue Star  相似文献   

Ⅰ.The current situation of China's autoparts industry 1.High-level conglomeration has beenseen in production.A number of large autoparts enterprises have been set up,withproducts from some of them having occupiedmore than 30% among the similar productsof the domestic market. 2.The sense of product quality hasbeen gradually enhanced.When importinghardware and technical software,many autoparts manufacturers have adopted advancedforeign managerial methods,and set up and  相似文献   

Real estate has been one of the fastest growing sectors in China since its opening to the outside world. The sustained, steady growth of the national economy has provided favourable conditions for the rapid growth of the real estate industry, and the higher profits anticipated have attracted a large volume of overseas capital into the industry. Various real estate companies have flourished, and a number of luxury hotels, villas and holiday inns  相似文献   

Under the first shock of price pressure from China's WTO accession, the Shanghai General Auto Corporation firmly took the initiative. On January 28, 2002, its new models SAIL and BUICK G2.5 were launched on China's market, seeing a rise in demand for the …  相似文献   

Thefirstfourmonthsofthisyearwitnesedtheapprovalof5704newforeign-investedenterprises,a6.84percentreductionoverthesameperiodo...  相似文献   

On July 3, 1994, recognized by the International DNV and the State Quality Appraisal Centre, the Yantai CMC Bearings Co., Ltd. was awarded the ISO9002 (87 version) certificate and gained three firsts—the first enterprise to obtain an ISO9002 certificate in the field of bearings production, in foreign trade circles and in Yantai: The ISO9002 (94 version) certificate was conferred on the enterprise after the first DNV reexamination in March 1995. Yearly growth in output and efficiency enables the enterprise to become the best in the bearings production field. It cannot be denied that the China National Machinery  相似文献   

Recently the newly-appointed Director-General Zhang Renwei, Bureau of the China Building-Material Industry, introduced to reporters the situation and development of China's building-materials industry. He said, "China's building materials have developed rapidly since the policy of reform and opening was implemented. Cement increasd 50 million tons a year  相似文献   

In 1994, Motorola (China) Electronics Co. Ltd. injected a further US$120 million of investment in its Tianjin Factory to enforce and expand its rear procedure for semiconductor production, and establish a devices and components division and power source Components division. In August of the same year, the company offered another US$ 200 million to purchase land for new factories, to set up a front procedure for the production line for semiconductors, to produce double-way radio equipment. In October,its Shanghai division was established. It has been disclosed that before 2000,  相似文献   

As 2007 comes to an end,China's housing market is preparing for another controversial year. Increasingly restrictive macro-control policies and growing public concern have pushed China's housing market through the initial rise in price over the last couple years,a price blowout at the middle of this year,and finally the  相似文献   

To the end of 2008, China's acces-sion into WTO has been seven years. During those seven years, informationization has been upgraded globally, the acquisitions of transnational corporations, based on global strategy, are changing the pattern of the global communications industry.  相似文献   

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