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付晓光  段成荣  郭静 《城市问题》2015,(3):81-85,104
利用第六次全国人口普查数据,对我国城市内人户分离人口的基本情况和主要特征进行了分析。研究发现,我国城市内人户分离人口的规模在不断扩大,地域较集中;以青壮年为主,且受教育水平高;人户分离时间长;人户分离为拆迁搬家、家属随迁以及务工经商所致。  相似文献   

人户分离群体是城市化背景下城市空间研究的特殊群体和典型样本之一。以南京主城区为例,以第六次全国人口普查的数据为依据,从三个层面探析了人户分离群体的空间特征:其一、在空间聚集方面,通过比重、密度等典型指标来表征人户分离群体空间的总体结构,并基于"密度指数"与"比重指数"的测度,将人户分离群体空间划分为三级聚集区;其二、在特征分布方面,从户籍、性别、分离时间、教育程度等方面来测度和图解人户分离群体社会属性的空间特征;其三、在交叉分析方面,则发掘了人户分离群体各项社会属性之间的不同关联性。最后,探讨了影响人户分离的个体原因和环境因素。  相似文献   

郭永 《数据》2010,(6):45-45
人户分离尤其是“空挂户”现象是第六次全国人口普查的一个难点。北京市东城区结合第六次全国人口普查试点工作情况,以及近年来人口变动抽样调查情况,对如何做好”空挂户”的普查提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的发展,城市暂住人口队伍不断壮大,暂住人口的增加在一定程度上促进了经济的发展。但由于西己套管理工作没跟上,在暂住人口中也存在一些不可忽视的问题。对此我们对襄樊市区大庆路、长征路、肖家台三个居委会辖区内的暂住人口情况进行了调查。在这三个居委会辖区内共有常住户993户。其中有60.2%的常住户出租了私房。在这些私房内共住暂住户1465户3348人,分别是常住户和人口的1.48倍、1.25倍。其中,长征东路  相似文献   

一、城市住宅与人口城市人口无论现在和未来都是一个非常敏感和人们十分关切的问题。从某种意义上说,城市住宅问题归根结底是城市人口的问题。城市人口的增加是城市化的重要标志。建国以来,我国的城市化走过一段曲折的道路。1949年城市化水平为10.06%,1949—1955年城市人口增加2.518万人,一年平均增长417.9万人,1956—1960年净增  相似文献   

章林海 《中国就业》2014,(11):34-35
虞姬故里,花乡沭阳,是江苏人口最多、陆域面积最大的县份,也是全国人口第三大县。近年来,沭阳秉承全方位、全领域、全激活发展理念,把创业作为发展之基、富民之本、活力之源,围绕创建省级创业型城市目标定位,大力推推动各类主体在家门口创业,在全县形成了万马奔腾的全民创业热潮。2013-2014年,组织创业培训8962人,培训合格率95%;新增创业劳动者1.2万人,带动就业7.1万人;新发展个体工商户5.2万户。  相似文献   

张家港市是一座新兴的港口工业城市,至2007年底,全市户籍人口88.8万人,其中农业人口47.5万人,另有外来暂住人口约60万人。全市共有各类企业近2万家,个体工商户34000多户。2007年,全市实现地区生产总值1050亿元,其中三次产业占比分别为1.2:63.8:35;全年财政总收入194.58亿元,其中地方一般预算收入83.98亿元;  相似文献   

近年来,我国开发区遭遇的"产城分离"困境受到普遍关注。基于工业化促进城市化的微观机理,并结合中国开发区集聚产业和人口的独特机制,探讨了中国开发区遭遇"产城分离"的内在原因。研究表明,中国开发区加工制造环节的集聚更多吸引了低收入群体在开发区周边生活,从而制约了工业化促进服务功能优化的潜能,特别是地处城市远郊的开发区,由于高收入群体大多选择克服通勤成本以获得较好的城市服务,"产城分离"比较明显,但在城市近郊发展的开发区则可能较好地克服"产城分离"问题。江苏昆山自县城周边自费办开发区开始,就注重依托旧城服务功能吸引各阶层人口就近居住生活,从而较好克服了"产城分离",为开发区的产业转型升级优化了人力资本环境。由此可见,中国开发区遭遇"产城分离"是由独特的空间生产过程和区位特点共同决定的,而促进开发区的"产城融合"关键是以提升城市服务功能吸引高收入群体就近居住生活。  相似文献   

1.人口13亿,地球上每五个人中就有一位是中国人。2.拥有20个500万人口以上的城市,100个百万人口以上的城市。3.中国拥有几乎无限大的劳动力资源,有劳动能力的人口达7.52亿。4.现有老年人的人口达1.31亿;2015年将达2亿。到2040年,60岁以上人口将占全国人口的28%,而现在是11%;2002年,人的寿命已从1949年的40岁提高到了71.4岁。5.上海是中国第一大城市,人口1700万。上海地区的国内生产总值与巴西相仿。6.据世界银行统计,20年里,4亿人口脱贫。7.自2000年以来,2亿农村人口离开乡村定居城市;2030年以前,还将有3亿农村人口离开乡村来到城市。8.中国…  相似文献   

2000—2010年北京市人口空间分布与变动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2000年和最新的2010年人口普查资料分析了2010年北京人口的空间分布特征,以及近10年人口的空间分布变动。研究表明,北京人口增长十分迅速,老城区人口依然在增加,仅有西城和崇文区出现了人口净减少,其他区域人口都在增加,总人口越来越多地集中到城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区;人口分布不均,人口密度从市区到郊区递减;人口城市化进入了一个新的阶段,市区基本为100%城市化,没有出现中心衰退,城市郊区化和远郊区农村城市化加速发展;人口增长主要是常住外来人口的增加,并且户籍人口和常住外来人口都在向城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区集中。最后探讨了它对城市和区域规划和政策的启示。  相似文献   

采用文献资料分析法、归纳总结法探讨城镇地区区分所有建筑物空间关系,思考统一登记理念下建筑物区分所有权登记,建筑物区分所有权是区分所有建筑物专有部分所有权、建筑物共用部分持分权、基地权利及因共同关系所产生的成员权等四要素构成的一种“复合物权”;建筑物区分所有权人以区分所有的意思到不动产登记机构申请登记后才具有法律效力。考虑区分所有建筑物空间关系重构不动产登记簿,对推动不动产统一登记具有实践价值。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a questioning of the negative representation of informal sector entrepreneurship and an emergent view that it may offer significant benefits. This paper advances this rethinking by evaluating the relationship between business registration and future firm performance. Until now, the assumption has been that starting-up unregistered is linked to weaker firm performance. Using World Bank Enterprise Survey data on 2494 formal enterprises in Turkey, and controlling for other determinants of firm performance as well as the endogeneity of the registration decision, the finding is that formal enterprises that started-up unregistered and spent longer unregistered have significantly higher subsequent annual sales and productivity growth rates compared with those registered from the outset. This is argued to be because in such weak institutional environments, the advantages of registering from the outset are outweighed by the benefits of deferring business registration and the low risks of detection and punishment. The resultant implication is that there is a need to shift away from the conventional eradication approach based on the negative depiction of informal entrepreneurship as poorly performing, and towards a more facilitating approach that improves the benefits of business registration and tackles the systemic formal institutional deficiencies that lead entrepreneurs to decide to delay the registration of their ventures.  相似文献   

杨勇 《价值工程》2014,(36):271-272
学生公寓是大学生生活的场所,学生的大部分活动是在学生公寓进行的,在进入新时期,学生党建工作开展过程中,必须重视学生公寓这块阵地,结合学生的思想动态和变化趋势,开展丰富多彩的公寓党建工作,对高职院校人才培养工作有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

刘立军 《价值工程》2010,29(29):180-181
中学思想政治课的主要价值取向在于实现课本理论与生活世界的融合,克服远离学生生活体验的弊端,使德育回归对生活世界的关照。然而,实际教学中,教学生活化低效现象相当严重。本文指出了低效的表现,并主要分析了导致低效的原因,为探索思想政治课教学生活化的实施道路提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In cities in the global South, internally displaced persons (IDPs) often end up in marginalized places created by uneven processes of urbanization. While IDPs experience similar disadvantages to the urban poor living in these places, they face additional vulnerabilities related to their displacement. Building on insights from urban studies and forced migration studies, we argue in this article that a multidimensional understanding of urban marginality is a useful analytical lens with which to examine the conditions of urban IDPs. Based on multi-sited ethnographic research in Kersa and Sululta IDP settlements of Ethiopia, this study reveals how IDPs experience similar spatial, social and symbolic marginality in different urban contexts. Our findings show the relational manifestation of segregation, social distance and stigmatization that impede IDPs’ access to urban space and services. This study also highlights how these dimensions of marginality interact and reproduce an additional layer of marginality. Our research suggests the need for inclusive urban governance in which IDPs contribute to and benefit from urbanization as citizens.  相似文献   

郑国平 《价值工程》2010,29(23):239-240
根治白色污染,树立保护环境意识,大力推行"限塑令"的实施。"限塑"的最终目的在于培养人们的环保理念,把理念落实到实际行动中,"白色污染"就会从我们身边消失,根治时日将不会太远。  相似文献   

朱丽敏 《价值工程》2005,24(4):115-117
本文首先分析了企业与银行信息供给与需求的相互关系,认为目前商业银行信息需求与企业的供给明显失衡,然后分别从企业信息供给特征—数量缺失与质量低劣和银行未形成有效监督信息质量的需求力量两个层次分析了信息供求失衡现状及其原因。而制度、银行、企业之间存在互动关系,本文提出制度创新是平衡银行和企业信息供求的路径选择。  相似文献   

In recent decades, in most western countries, conventional transport planning has encountered growing social opposition from environmentalists and increasing scientific criticism on the grounds of its unsustainability. In some places, including the United Kingdom, the assumptions, beliefs and values (‘storylines’) about transport have shifted to some degree away from the car in favour of public and slow forms of transport. The article elaborates a concept of ‘ecosocialization’ to describe and explain the various reform pressures that have sought to reorient transport planning away from car‐dominated approaches. We use this concept in preference to the more familiar one of ‘ecological modernization’ in order to foreground the influence of embedded value systems and habits, as well as institutions and rules, on key pathways of social development. Whilst these reformist pressures and their consequences have been evident for decades, it is also apparent that in other contexts, after moments of subordination to alternative policy settings, conventional car‐dominated transport planning has reasserted its pre‐eminence. Our article explores the shifting discourses and practices of transport planning in three national policy settings, charting the contest between critiques of car‐dominated approaches and those ‘countermodernizing’ forces, especially road building institutions, that have resisted this ‘ecosocialization’.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government's neoliberal approach regarding land development and urbanization affects not only the housing market but also burial places, increasing inequality for both the living and the dead. The urgency of tackling the issue of places for burial is all the more pressing given current demographic changes and an existing backlog of public burial places in inner‐city locations. Against this backdrop, this paper focuses on the cultural practices around burial and worship among the inhabitants of Hong Kong, and on their struggle to maintain these practices. It illustrates various forms and means of legitimacy (e.g. pragmatic, normative and cognitive) being applied by all actors, and shows how the continuing practices around worship and burial lead to the production of informality. The main argument is that socially constructed legitimacy can be gained and lost by various actors in a dynamic negotiation process based on belief systems, rules and norms (following Suchman, 1995). Thus, it should be understood as a strategic mode both within and outside the state. This perspective of legitimacy provides a better understanding of how and by what means resources and power are being negotiated in order to draw lessons from informal dynamics.  相似文献   

I offer new evidence on the adjustment of local labor markets to geographic shifts in labor demand within US metropolitan areas using a unique data set in which metropolitan subregions are geographically matched across the 1970–1980 and 1980–1990 decades. The evidence uncovered paints the following picture. Workers, especially those with less education, make incomplete adjustments within metropolitan areas in response to intra-metropolitan demand shifts. Although blacks may not make especially limited adjustments, they have disproportionately suffered deleterious effects from job movements because the demand shifts have tended to be away from their places of residence.  相似文献   

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