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基于对湛江市区居民的问卷调查,采用条件价值评估法对湛江特呈岛红树林生态旅游资源价值进行了定量评估,并利用相关性分析对影响支付意愿的因素进行了研究。研究结果表明,湛江市民对特呈岛红树林的认知程度普遍较高,生态旅游资源的支付意愿为43.59元/年/人,基于湛江市和广东省范围内总人口基数的特呈岛红树林生态旅游资源价值分别为3.14亿元和46.75亿元。红树林景区的旅游经历、受教育程度及收入水平与支付意愿之间具有较高相关性,是影响公众支付意愿的关键性因素。  相似文献   

滏阳河衡水市区段严重的黑臭污染给两岸居民造成了工作,生活上的威胁。本研究采用意愿调查价值评估法,调查居民对滏阳河环境改善的支付意愿。从环境经济学的角度,首次全面评价了滏阳河衡水市区段水体黑臭对舒适性的影响,为政府决策提供依据,为我国的意愿调查价值评估法应用研究提供实例。研究结果表明,衡水市居民对消除滏阳河水体黑臭,提高舒适性的平均支付意愿是66.82元/户/年,全市总支付意愿是633.8万元/年,说明全市人民对滏阳河的治理需求还是非常迫切的。  相似文献   

基于西部三省区的调查样本,对小城镇居民对排水设施提升的支付意愿进行研究。基于612份问卷资料,利用二元Logit模型对小城镇居民提升排水设施支付意愿的影响因素进行了分析,结果显示:54%的小城镇居民愿意为提升排水设施进行支付。其中,是否接受过排水知识宣传、受到水污染等因素能够稳定地影响全部居民,包括从事农牧业的居民与其他职业居民的意愿;年龄对非农牧业居民的支付意愿具有显著影响,健康状况与排水设施建设情况对全部居民的支付意愿具有显著影响,但是对不同职业的居民的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

本文以内蒙古煤炭矿区生态环境为研究对象,以污染较重的矿区内蒙古伊金霍勒矿区为代表,通过设计问卷、调查实施运用意愿价值评估法对煤炭矿区环境改善居民支付意愿(WTP)及影响因素进行分析。结果表明:户.年平均支付金额介于500~800元之间。影响是否支付的主要因素是矿区居民对目前的生态环境满意度及家庭年收入。  相似文献   

本文以内蒙古煤炭矿区生态环境为研究对象,以污染较重的矿区内蒙古伊金霍勒矿区为代表,通过设计问卷、调查实施运用意愿价值评估法对煤炭矿区环境改善居民支付意愿(WTP)及影响因素进行分析。结果表明:户·年平均支付金额介于500~800元之间。影响是否支付的主要因素是矿区居民对目前的生态环境满意度及家庭年收入。  相似文献   

通过对西安市主城区的实地调查,运用条件价值评估法(CVM)和二元logistic方法,对居民城市生活垃圾分类回收减量化管理的总经济价值及支付意愿的影响因素进行了分析。结果显示,研究范围内的居民对于5年内将西安市垃圾产量降低50%这项政策的平均支付意愿是11.56元/户.月(按5%修整均值),实现这项政策的总经济价值为11102821.51元/月(2009)。分析结果一方面能够使社会对城市生活垃圾分类回收的价值产生科学认识,表明垃圾分类回收使得人们在获得收益的同时还能够享受环境改善所带来的福利;另一方面可以为政府和社会投资提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文基于中国地级市的房地产市场数据,通过享乐定价方法研究了中国居民对空气质量改善的边际支付意愿。结果显示,平均而言,PM10的年平均浓度每降低一单位(1μg/m3),居民愿意为商品住房多支付35.91元/m2,相当于同期商品住房价格的0.9%;SO2的年平均浓度每降低一单位(1μg/m3),居民愿意为商品住房多支付41.65元/m2,相当于同期商品住房价格的1.01%。本文对中国城市的空气质量价值进行了更为准确和全面的评估,并通过对空气质量变化所带来的经济效益及福利损失的估算,为政府治理空气污染的决策制定与制度安排提供了可靠全面的参考。  相似文献   

苏州古典园林在古城区的传统居住街区中占有一定规模的空间,是重要的空间资源.但是古典园林的这一价值在制定园林保护政策时并未得到重视.园林的保护资金主要依赖于旅游门票收入,这造成一些园林遭受过度的旅游开发.为促进对古典园林的保护性利用,建立可持续的园林保护模式,有必要重新确认园林在城市生活中的价值.本研究运用CVM价值评估法,以苏州古典园林之一的五峰因为例,评估园林作为街区开放空间的价值.根据问卷调查的结果,得到社区居民的支付意愿(WTP)的人均值为每月5.94元/户,中间值为每月5元/户,并且分析了影响居民支付意愿的主要因素.基于对园林作为街区开放空间价值的评估,对以五峰园为代表的中小型苏州古典园林的保护提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

居民对环境品质的需求在商业住宅开发和城市规划中都具有重要意义,但如何测度居民对环境绿化的支付意愿(WTP)一直是一个技术难题。本文选取了上海市1043个楼盘2005年9月至2007年10月间的月成交数据,运用特征价格模型,实际测度了上海居民对楼盘绿化覆盖率的支付意愿。实证研究发现:上海居民对楼盘绿化覆盖率具有很高的正向支付意愿,但是支付意愿的程度在不同的空间存在着显著差别。主要表现在,市中心居民对楼盘绿化覆盖率支付意愿最高,而随着楼盘地段到CBD距离的增加,居民对绿化的支付意愿呈下降趋势,但这一趋势在减缓,且以CBD为中心,东、西、南、北四个方向的梯度并不相同,南向梯度最平缓,北向梯度最陡峭。这些实证结果丰富了我们对居民住房选择行为和环境偏好的理解。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,获得了青岛市居民的空气质量意识和对空气质量改善的支付意愿的相关数据。引入人口统计变量、经济变量和空气质量意识变量,建立Logit模型分析了影响是否支付的因素;再利用Tobit模型,并采用更适合误差项非正态分布和异方差的对称修剪最小二乘法(STLS)进行估计。研究结果显示:青岛市愿意为改善空气质量进行支付的居民人数比例为86.71%,空气质量意识对是否愿意支付的影响最大,而收入水平对支付数额的影响最大;居民目前对改善空气质量的总支付意愿为每年11.84亿元,并且随着收入水平和空气质量意识的提高会不断增加。我们建议:如果政府加大空气质量相关知识的宣传力度,提高居民对空气质量的关注度,引导居民形成良好的价值判断,提高居民对空气质量的满意度,公开透明收费的使用,对居民收费改善空气质量就越具可行性。  相似文献   

Consumer choice behavior is crucial to supporting cleaner production and plays an essential role in low‐carbon development and environmental policy‐making. Therefore, combining system dynamics with an agent‐based model (SD–AB), the present study explores influencing factors on both providers' and consumers' sides. Using empirical data from selected firms and a questionnaire survey of residents in China, the simulation results revealed that consumers' low‐carbon awareness and income have little effect on their willingness to pay for low‐carbon products. In contrast, some factors have an obvious effect on consumers' willingness to pay for low‐carbon products, including the delivery speed of low‐carbon products, consumers' patience and degree of satisfaction. Thus, companies that provide low‐carbon products should be more focused on customer expectations and should ensure timely and efficient delivery to consumers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

地表水环境生态服务具有公共物品特性,消费者需求信息难以获得,影响资源的有效配置和环境公共政策的科学性.应用意愿价值评估法调查496户居民上海城市景观河流水质改善的支付意愿,通过计量分析揭示影响需求的主要因素,并重点计算收入水平及差距、户籍、收入与户籍交互作用因素的边际影响.结果既符合消费理论的一般预期,也充分反映了我国转型经济阶段的社会特殊性.  相似文献   

Affluent towns often deliver high-quality public services to their residents. I estimate the willingness to pay to live in a high-income suburb, above and beyond the demand of wealthy neighbors, by measuring changes in housing prices across city–suburban borders as the income disparity between the two municipalities changes over time. I find that a $10,000 increase in town-level median income is associated with a seven percent increase in housing values at the border. The estimated demand for high-income municipalities is primarily driven by school quality and lower property tax rates.  相似文献   

A moral engagement with sustainability enhances consumers' willingness to pay an increased rate for renewable energy when utility firms offer a variety of financial incentives to buy, rent and lease energy solutions to promote the uptake of energy‐efficient technologies. Using structural equation modelling, with data collected from 140 residential energy consumers in Canada, this paper tests and finds evidence that consumers' moral disengagement with environmental concerns negatively influences their willingness to pay more for renewable energy. Furthermore, it is observed that a consumer's perceived sense of control when evaluating energy solutions further accentuates the effects of moral disengagement on willingness to pay. These findings also illuminate the socio‐economic factors that encourage moral engagement concerning renewables. These findings underscore and build upon the claims of the theory of moral self‐regulation. The results and implications guide energy suppliers in potential niche business models to promote the uptake of energy efficient technologies. Similarly, the findings can guide policy‐makers on the cognitive and psychological factors that shape consumers' moral engagement with environmental concerns.  相似文献   

At first sight it appears plausible that customers who display more positive evaluative reactions to a company, which previously had sold goods to them (=?supplier-related attitudes [SRA] such as customer satisfaction or loyalty), generally should be willing to pay higher prices for additional offerings of this supplier than their counterparts with less positive SRA. However, sizes of the respective correlations reported in past empirical research diverge considerably. Therefore, two empirical studies were conducted to explore the extent to which eight socio-demographic and psychographic customer characteristics influence relationships between SRA and willingness to pay intentions in the sense that the characteristics systematically increase or decrease (moderate) the considered relationships. In a first study of 238 customers of power companies, four characteristics (age, female gender, household size, electricity bill) were found to significantly negatively moderate the relationship between customers’ attitude toward their electricity supplier and their price tolerance for “green electricity” and one characteristic (involvement) was detected to have a significant negative moderating influence. A second study of 319 mobile communication customers suggested that customers’ involvement and relationship length with their current mobile services supplier positively moderated the association between the customers’ attitude toward their supplier and willingness to pay for a packet offer of their mobile service provider, whereas female gender exerted a negative moderating influence. The results imply that companies should conduct analyses aiming at the identification of socio-demo- and psychographic moderators or customer segments with heterogeneous impacts of SRA on behavioral price intentions respectively as part of their marketing planning process.  相似文献   

Green purchase behaviour is receiving a growing attention in the academic community, as understanding it is crucial for the growing number of companies developing and marketing green products. In order to provide a broader and novel picture of the phenomenon, this study extends the widely used Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) model in several ways, through a large survey of Italian consumers. First, three dimensions of green purchase behaviour are considered, namely, the willingness to pay a premium price, the green purchase frequency and the green purchase satisfaction. Second, several antecedents are considered simultaneously. Third, new (consumer creativity) or so far marginally studied (materialism and green practices) antecedents are included. Fourth, the mediating roles of green purchase satisfaction and willingness to pay a premium price in the link between the considered antecedents and the frequency of green purchase are investigated. Results show that the three dimensions of green purchase behaviour have different antecedents, so highlighting that green purchase behaviour is a multi-faceted phenomenon that should not be studied as a single general concept. Personal norms and value for money emerged to be very relevant predictors. The significant effects of creativity, materialism and green practices provide evidence that extending the TPB model with these three antecedents is useful to more deeply understand green purchase behaviour. Green purchase satisfaction is the strongest predictor of purchase frequency and mediates the effects of personal norms and value for money.  相似文献   

贺明华 《企业经济》2020,(1):119-128
以社会交换理论为基础,探讨了共享经济下多维度感知利益和多维度感知风险对消费者持续共享意愿影响机制的性别差异。研究表明:感知利益对消费者信任/持续共享意愿的正向影响显著,感知风险对消费者信任/持续共享意愿的负向影响显著,消费者信任在感知利益/感知风险与持续共享意愿之间发挥部分中介作用。同时,感知利益和感知风险对持续共享意愿的影响路径上表现出显著的性别差异。当前,我国共享平台企业应注重加强参与共享的利益宣传,通过完善制度机制提高消费者信任,减轻消费者的风险感知水平,同时应在运营和营销实践中关注性别差异,实行差异化运营管理和营销策略。  相似文献   

We examine the willingness to pay (WTP) for green products in air travel. Green products in aviation are supplementary services, which are sold on top of the travel service (e.g. carbon offsets, organic on‐board food). We identify a set of potential green products in aviation and report the preferences for additional airline services of 811 Swiss air travellers using an adaptive choice‐based conjoint survey. We find that 20% of those passengers who are interested in purchasing supplementary services show a considerable WTP for green products. The green segment differs from the regular segment only in terms of behavioural features, not in terms of demographic or socio‐economic characteristics. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

A bstract .   In order to satisfy legal requirements, many federal agencies must assess the potential effects of their policies on the public. This is often done through surveys, but frequently those surveys are only administered in English. This paper tests whether there are differences in survey response rates, refusals to pay, and willingness to pay (WTP) across different ethnicities and language for forest fire reduction in the State of California. The ethnicities studied were Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic (half in Spanish, half in English).
There was a statistical difference in survey response rates across all ethnicities, and no statistical difference among ethnicities for reasons of refusing to pay. The influence of ethnicity and language was tested using a logit model with ethnicity intercepts and bid slope interaction terms. The Hispanic-Spanish intercept shifter and the Hispanic-English dollar bid amount interaction terms were statistically significant and positive. There was a significant difference in the logit willingness to pay coefficients between Hispanics surveyed in Spanish with each of the other ethnicities. The annual willingness to pay of Hispanics taking the survey in Spanish was twice that of Caucasians, but no statistical difference in mean and median WTP between these two groups was found, due to large confidence intervals around each estimate. Nonetheless, the WTP of both Hispanics and Caucasians for the forest thinning program is substantial, and statistically different from zero, suggesting there may be broad support for this program in California.  相似文献   

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