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绩效考核:要结果,也要过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张剑辉 《银行家》2007,(5):46-48
绩效考核是一根指挥棒,它决定了企业行为、管理者行为和员工行为.银行股改上市后,要把公司治理贯彻落实到人、到事、到岗位,让我们的效益"绿色"起来,让我们的人际"和谐"起来,让我们的企业"长寿"起来,企业年终考核就必须重视过程考核.  相似文献   

企业折旧政策和企业定价策略不应局限在短期的狭隘的范围,应站在定价政策与折旧政策相协调的宏观、长远的角度进行使用。这样,不仅可以使企业充分利用由此可能带来的所得税利益,而且可能为企业造成在市场竞争中极为有利的态势,为企业进行更高层次的经营——资本经营奠定长远的基础。  相似文献   

需求包括业务需求(Business Requirement)、用户需求(User Requirement)和功能需求(Functional Requirement)。业务需求反映了组织机构或客户对系统、产品高层次的目标要求,用户需求描述了用户使用产品必须完成的任务,功能需求定义了开发人员必须实现的软件功能。需求管理是通过调查与分析,获取用户需求并定义产品需求,在业务部门与项目组之间建立对需求的共同理解,  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,几乎所有的银行业务都要通过计算机和网络技术收集、加工、处理。信息以一种资产的方式存在于银行业中,并早已成为银行业赖以生存、发展的基础,同时信息资产风险也是银行业资产风险的核心部位。信息资产风险会对银行产生全面、系统的影响,也会连带地产生声誉风险和法律风险。特别是近两年来银行业数据集中程度不断提高,信息科技风险已成为影响银行业金融机构稳健运行的重要因素。  相似文献   

对于系统安全来说,有效安装的杀毒软件能够为计算机系统提供强有力的保护,使绝大多数的病毒被检测出来并有效清除或隔离。那么,为什么还要讨论“防病毒软件不能清除的病毒”这一问题呢?原因在于我们使用的防病毒软件是针对已有的计算机病毒而设计的,病毒产生在先,诊治手段在后,所以不可能自动防治一切病毒,尤其是新产生的未知病毒。  相似文献   

Vertical integration is often proposed as a way to resolve hold‐up problems. This ignores the empirical fact that division managers tend to maximize divisional (not firmwide) profit when investing. I develop a model with asymmetric information at the bargaining stage and investment returns taking the form of cash and “empire benefits.” Owners of a vertically integrated firm will then provide division managers with low‐powered incentives to induce them to bargain more cooperatively, resulting in higher investments and overall profit as compared with nonintegration. Vertical integration therefore mitigates hold‐up problems even without profit sharing.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of trust and the ways in which trust is created within the prospectus process. It is argued that trust is a necessary condition for economic exchange and that trust must exist prior to contracting. The theoretical analysis provided deconstructs the contract as the original event and points to the limitations of traditional accounting analyses in understanding economic exchange. In addition, examples from the prospectus process are used to illustrate how some of the capital market institutions and institutional practices that we observe create and recreate the trust necessary for exchange.  相似文献   

We extend a linear version of the liquidity risk model of Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004) to allow for price impacts. We show that the impact of a market order on prices depends on the size of the transaction and the level of liquidity. We obtain a simple characterization of self-financing trading strategies and a sufficient condition for no arbitrage. We consider a stochastic volatility model in which the volatility is partly correlated with the liquidity process and show that, with the use of variance swaps, contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the value of the asset can be approximately replicated in this setting. The replicating costs of such payoffs are obtained from the solutions of BSDEs with quadratic growth, and analytical properties of these solutions are investigated.  相似文献   

自2016年1月1日实行熔断机制,四天时间,A股触发四次熔断.网友问:你家保险丝老烧掉,是不是要检查一下线路了?的确,该检查一下线路了! 实行熔断机制的初衷,是当市场出现非理性暴涨、暴跌的时候,停止交易一段时间,给大家冷静思考、回归理性的机会,以期避免股市过度波动.美国实施这项制度几十年来,只触发一次熔断,然而中国四天四熔断.橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳.何故?土壤异也!  相似文献   

This case is ideally suited to integrate organizational goals and strategies with budgeting, feedback, and variance analysis. It demonstrates the interplay between the budget process and organizational goals and strategies. The case is also useful in integrating accounting concepts with concepts which students have studied in management or organizational behavior courses. It suggests that the way that managers respond to variances is affected by the environment in which the firm operates and the product(s) manufactured by the firm. This case is based upon an actual situation in which a firm experienced rapid growth through acquisition. Integration of the budget process with organizational goals and strategies enhances the students' interest and their understanding of the role of budgets in the planning and control process. The case demonstrates that budgets are part of a “big picture,” and can be traced and related to managerial goals and strategies. Further, the case allows students to develop an understanding and appreciation of variance analysis. The case has been used successfully with undergraduate cost accounting students and with participants in a 2-week executive-education program. The students find the case interesting and are eager to participate in the discussion.  相似文献   

国有银行海外上市:是开始而不是结局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年将以银行改革过关之年载入中国金融史册:中国建设银行步交通银行海外上市后尘在香港挂牌上市;中国工商银行股份有限公司正式挂牌成立;中国银行海外上市筹备工作也进入了关键阶段,计划在2006年上半年完成.周小川曾指出:股改上市是国有银行改革的里程碑.通过股份制改革,特别是转变为上市公司以后,国有商业银行外部制约问题和内部改革动力问题都将得到改善.解读银行业的这段改革新历程意义显著.  相似文献   

They're not employees, they're people   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this essay, business thinker Peter Drucker examines the changing dynamics of the workforce--in particular, the need for organizations to take just as much care and responsibility when managing temporary and contract workers as they do with their traditional employees. Two fast-growing trends are demanding that business leaders pay more attention to employee relations, Drucker says. First is the rise of the temporary, or contract, workers; 8 million to 10 million temp workers are placed each day worldwide. And they're not just filling in at reception desks. Today, there are temp suppliers for every kind of job, all the way up to CEO. Second, a growing number of businesses are outsourcing their employee relations to professional employee organizations (PEOs)--third-party groups that handle the ever mounting administrative tasks associated with managing a company's employees. (Managers can easily spend up to one-quarter of their time on employee-related rules, regulations, and paperwork.) Driving these trends, Drucker observes, is the shift from a dependency on manual labor to create wealth and jobs to a dependency on specialization and knowledge. Leaders are increasingly trying to keep up with the needs of many small groups of product or service experts within their companies. Temps and PEOs free up leaders to focus on the business rather than on HR files and paperwork. But if organizations outsource those functions, they need to be careful not to damage relationship with their people in the process, Drucker concludes. After all, developing talent is business's most important task--the sine qua non of competition in a knowledge economy.  相似文献   

2009年并非银行业周期底部 我国银行业的盈利模式决定了其景气周期与经济周期紧密相关.以2008年9月末的数据计算,我国上市银行的净利息收入和非息收入占比分别约为82%和18%,且利息收入的主要来源是贷款和垫款类业务.  相似文献   

This article constructs a real options model in which a firm has a privileged right to exercise an irreversible investment project with a stochastic payoff. Supposing that the investment costs are fully sunk, a firm that exercises the investment option after debt is in place will then choose a better state to exercise this option as it issues more bonds. This debt-overhang phenomenon, however, benefits the firm since waiting is itself valuable. Accordingly, the firm will both exercise the investment option later and issue more bonds as compared with a firm that issues bonds upon exercising the investment option.  相似文献   

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