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我国2019年1月1日起执行5号准则,将公共基础设施纳入会计体系核算,与很多原则性要求,如确定会计主体、资产范围和后续计量等,都存在一些难点,缺乏参考经验,本文就此展开探讨。  相似文献   

本文从我国当前公共基础设施管理的现状出发,阐述加强公共基础设施管理的重要意义,对实务处理加以分析,从公共基础设施内涵外延、资产管理和财务处理三方面对新政府会计准则下公共基础设施存在的问题进行归纳总结,提出下一步管理工作的对策建议。  相似文献   

公共基础设施资产是政府资产的重要组成部分,具有体量大、专业性强、管理复杂、历史问题多等特点,其核算和管理有一定的特殊性和难度。本文通过对湖北省襄阳市市本级行政事业性公共基础设施资产管理的调研,发现实际管理中遇到的“四难”,即会计主体确认难,资产移交接管难,入账成本确定难,资产清查处置难;其形成的原因有“四个不够”,即相关人员不够重视,制度不够健全,操作不够明确,技术力量不够强大;针对管理中的问题和形成的原因,提出了四个方面的相应对策,即建立“三个机制”,健全“六个制度”,推进“三个结合”,增加“三个投入”。  相似文献   

近年来,陕西省安康市财政部门积极推进公共资产管理体制改革,创新管理理念、管理机制和管理方法,盘活公共资产,开展整合运营,取得了良好的经济社会效益。截至目前,全市累计实现国有资产收益9.7亿元,极大地缓解了财政压力,支持了地方经济的发展。下面,我将我市公共资产运营的一些做法向大会做以汇报。  相似文献   

PPP模式助推存量债务化解,将存量资产转型为PPP资产。但由于缺乏专业的指导,自资产评估、交易定价等工作方面产生较多违规行为,为PPP项目合规有序开展留下隐患。本文对存量公共资产的转型为PPP项目资产过程中,如何依法依规开展资产评估及交易定价工作进行详细的阐述并提出具体措施。  相似文献   

如何通过加强行政事业单位的资产管理与公共支出绩效管理,来降低政府对其的成本投入,提高其经济效益是具有重要作用的。本文以医院为例,根据其资产管理的特点,结合资产管理及公共支出绩效管理的现状及存在的不足之处进行分析,针对其优化策略展开论述,对于行政事业单位的改革,优化、完善其资产管理与公共支出绩效管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

周爱珍  蒋翔 《时代金融》2015,(5):284-285
如何通过加强行政事业单位的资产管理与公共支出绩效管理,来降低政府对其的成本投入,提高其经济效益是具有重要作用的。本文以医院为例,根据其资产管理的特点,结合资产管理及公共支出绩效管理的现状及存在的不足之处进行分析,针对其优化策略展开论述,对于行政事业单位的改革,优化、完善其资产管理与公共支出绩效管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来,政府、央行等公共部门持有的资产规模不断攀升,在历史上数次金融危机过程中对于维护一国宏观经济稳定发挥着重要的作用。传统公共财政理论集中于对政府财政收支流量、财政预算的讨论,而缺乏对公共部门掌握的资产存量的关注与思考,最新金融危机理论揭示了资产负债表以及公共资产的宏观稳定作用。本文系统总结了金融危机理论关于公共资产研究最新进展,重点分析了金融危机中外币公共资产宏观稳定作用的文献研究,并指出当前宏观经济领域急需对广义公共资产如何抵御金融危机冲击和维持宏观经济稳定进行系统、深入研究。  相似文献   

胡卫升 《新会计》2021,(9):55-56
公共基础设施是国有资产的重要组成部分,对其准确进行会计核算有助于客观评价政府履职情况,完整准确报告国有资产状况,提升政府公共服务能力.本文介绍公共基础设施的现状,重点总结会计核算存在的主要问题并提出对策建议,以期为完善公共基础设施的会计核算提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

The generosity of public pensions may depress private savings and provide incentives to retire early. While there is plenty of evidence supporting the latter effect, there remains considerable controversy over whether public pensions crowd out private savings. This paper uses international micro‐data sets collected over recent years to investigate whether public pensions displace private savings. The identification strategy relies not only on cross‐country differences in generosity but also on differences in the progressivity or non‐linearity of pension formulas across countries. We estimate that an extra dollar of pension wealth depresses accumulated financial assets around the time of retirement by 22 cents. An extra 10,000 dollars in public pension wealth reduces the average retirement age by roughly one month, which implies an elasticity of years of retirement with respect to pension wealth of 0.15.  相似文献   

资产是评估的对象,有关资产本质的理论也是评估理论的基础,但在我国资产的概念更多的是从会计角度出发的,评估中资产定义也过多地体现了会计的计量性质.本文从资产评估的几个基本问题入手,结合资产评估的前提假设、原则,试图从评估中的资产与其它领域的资产的区别于联系中把握资产的概念.  相似文献   

公共财政形成与运行机制的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据马斯洛的需求层次理论,通过liapnuov定理和Chebyshev不等式阐明了公共需要的存在性与显化问题;运用博弈论基本知识与微观经济学的分析方法,通过一个两阶段非合作策略性博弈模型,说明了公共财政是建立在政府代理人与市场主体博弈均衡结果基础之上的,而现实中的不均衡是博弈双方理性的利益趋向的必然结果;没有恒善或恒恶的政府行为人或市场主体,博弈的结果产生了对政府代理人的激励与淘汰机制以及对市场主体的约束机制.这种治权民授、相互约束的制度框架奠定了公共财政形成的社会基础,而公共财政正是在这种由不均衡到均衡的博弈过程中产生,并得到不断发展与完善的.  相似文献   

The accounting treatment of publiclyowned cultural, heritage and scientific collections has been the subject of international debate, including a number of articles in recent issues of Australian Accounting Review. Here, the debate continues with a rejoinder to a view published in the May 1997 issue of the journal.  相似文献   

In Canada, the public interest has always been a significant consideration in the restructuring of insolvent corporations. And with the introduction of new proceedings under Canada's restructuring statute, liquidating proceedings, an important consideration is whether these proceedings are in the public interest. Unfortunately, although the Supreme Court in Century Services traced the history of the CCAA and spoke of its remedial purpose, it did not discuss liquidating CCAAs or how they can be reconciled with the public interest purpose of the legislation, which leaves unanswered questions about the seemingly contradictory purpose of the CCAA and the nature of these liquidating plans of arrangement, and their impact on the public interest. Given the importance of achieving a public interest goal in CCAA proceedings, it is important to determine how to conceptualize liquidating CCAA proceedings as working towards that goal. Eight decades ago, when the CCAA was enacted, the types of proceedings taking place under the legislation were different because the asset bases of corporations were different. Reconciling these changing proceedings with the public interest goal of the legislation is necessary if proceedings are going to continue evolving under the CCAA. The argument in this paper took a broad, value‐based approach. I maintain that so long as the ‘public interest’ can be defined to include the continuance of value in the economy, in any form, then any proceedings, regardless of form or outcome, that add value or serves to maintain the value already there, would fulfill that purpose of the CCAA. Put another way, so long as the proceeding causes value to be retained that is more than the sum of its parts, I argue that it is in the public interest. Conversely, if value is lost in liquidation because certain assets cannot be valued and sold, then these proceedings (or any proceedings) are not achieving the goal of the legislation. But the answer is not to cease taking these proceedings; it is to find a way to acknowledge and account for the value of intangible assets. Once that happens, a more accurate determination can be made as to how to proceed in any restructuring. I drew three conclusions in this paper. First, the public interest in the context of the CCAA should be considered in the context of value maximization rather than the welfare of the different constituencies. This should take into account the changing nature of corporate assets, and the public interest in this paper refers to the interests of directly and indirectly affected stakeholders of the corporation. Second, corporations have changed since the enactment of the CCAA. Their assets have evolved to become less firm or industry specific, and they have also become less tangible. Third, the consideration of value added in a restructuring of a corporation containing intangible assets is difficult because these assets have value not easily quantified. In addition, although tangible assets have evolved to become less firm specific, intangibles remain firm specific, and unless they can be transferred to another company as a whole, much of their value is lost. Once those premises are accepted, then a liquidation of a modern corporation leads to a potential loss of value, which means the public interest, one of the underlying considerations of the CCAA, may well not be served unless a way can be devised to value these evolving intangible assets. Copyright © 2013 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

财政与资源性资产管理的关系问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源与环境问题是我们必须越来越重视的问题,在财政管理中尤其要体现这一问题的重要性。本文通过对财政与资源性资产管理的关系的分析,提出了对我国目前国有资产管理进行改革的政策建议。  相似文献   

看了《中国财经报》2003年5月14日第五版的一篇报道:济南产权交易所接受山水集团的委托,对山水集团下属的济南新型建筑材料公司改革改制过程中的资产评估及审计业务进行公开招标。经过激烈竞争和评委的公正评判,新求是会计师事务所、舜天信诚会计师事务所和颐通地产评估公司三家中介机构中标,资产评估、审计和土地评估的中标价格分别为5800元、4000元和2000元,三项共计11800元,按中介机构行业收费标准应支付费用42000元计算,实际节约资金30200元,占应收费金额的71.9%,大大降低了企业改革的成本。我们认为,这个案例非常典型,它涉及到资产评估…  相似文献   

资产评估行业作为一个特殊行业,其质量管理体系的建立应掌握三个基本点,即建立负有质量管理责任的组织管理体系;建立以人为本的资源管理主线;建立以资产评估项目管理为核心的程序控制过程。  相似文献   

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