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近几年来,随着我国中央直属粮库和世界银行贷款改善中国粮食流通项目建设的实施,我国的产粮区和购销区建成了一批可发放接收散粮、自动化程度高的现代化粮库。这将为改善我国粮食流通,加强中央调控,实现粮食顺价销售起到很积极的作用。笔者曾参与了多个粮库的工程建设,在粮库建设的机电安装方面,尚存在一些不完善的地方,在这里愿与广大读者做一探讨。1卸粮坑部位的除尘问题卸粮坑是粮食入库的第一道设施,在进行设计和施工时,为了改善作业环境,在卸粮坑的上部设置一闭尘装置,闭尘装置下方留两个通风除尘孔,并专门为此配备了1台…  相似文献   

粮食入库整理的工艺设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用粮库原有的散粮接收系统和两个立筒仓,进行改造,增添必要的粮食清理设备和通风降湿、粮情监测系统等,使之具备杂质清理、除水降湿和粮食储备等多种功能,使进入仓库的粮食达到中央储备粮入库质量标准,以达到安全储粮的目的  相似文献   

粮库建设,是粮食流通体制改革的重要一环。在深化粮改中,有些关系应注意处理好,主要有如下几点:1按照经济区域或行政区域来摆布粮库的关系粮库的布局是否合理,对粮食行业的经营管理关系极大。建库选点时,一般应掌握按照经济区域和主要粮种的产销流向,方便群众售粮和粮食入库后的调运,以及有利粮食安全保管等原则,进行合理规划。近年来,国家把粮库建设的重点放在35个大中城市和东南沿海销区,同时,围绕京九等新增交通动脉建设新库。此外,还在西南、西北地区建设了一些新的库点。1998年国家投资150亿元建设中央直属储备粮库,可增…  相似文献   

国以农为本,民以食为天,粮食问题一直是关系到我国社会稳定和经济发展的重要问题。回顾我国历史,每逢粮食丰收,我国经济就出现一派繁荣景象,粮食歉收时,我国经济也会随着发生一些困难。因此,保护农民生产粮食的积极性,保持粮食稳定增产,是关系到我国发展的重大问题。粮食价格,粮食深加工增值,影响着农民生产粮食的经济收益。建好粮库,解决农民卖粮难的问题,也是调动农民积极性的重要措施。   要搞好粮库建设,就必须搞好粮库建设规划,合理确定粮库总仓容,科学确定粮库的类型和功能,造好仓库,利用国家有限的财力逐步改善…  相似文献   

长期以来,由于粮食商品实行统购统销,牌价购销倒挂。因此,粮库经营量越大,费用越大,亏损越多。特别是政策性亏损和经营性费用混在一起,采取由国家补贴的办法,无法明确粮库应负的经济责任,这就导致粮库戴着亏损帽子,吃大锅饭,严重  相似文献   

1998年以来,为了缓解我国粮食仓容不足、存储压力大的问题,国家分三批投资建设了1000多亿斤国家储备粮库。这批粮库建成投入使用后,对缓解存储矛盾、保证粮食供给、增加农民收入、保证粮食安全、增强国家宏观调控能力发挥了重要作用,但是这些粮库在运营管理过程中也发现了不少问题,其中部分问题是由于工程设计缺陷造成的。为了总结粮库建设存在的设计问题,研究提出解决办法,保证粮库安全生产和安全储粮,进一步完善粮食工程建设标准和设计规范,提高行业整体设计水平,为今后的粮库建设和粮食现代物流体系建设奠定良好的基础,国家粮食局在郑州组织召开粮库设计研讨会。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,国家对粮食行业越来越重视,粮食是国家和人民的保障,对国家百姓都有着很重要的意义。而仓储管理在粮库的管理中彰显出了越来越重要的地位和作用。充分利用仓储管理,能够给粮库带来极大的经济效益,优化仓储管理,能够为粮库降低成本费用,保障粮食安全。在这种背景下,粮库应该开始重视仓储管理的建设,以求能够通过仓储管理为粮库的发展添加更大的助力。  相似文献   

介绍了正平粮库的出入库业务运转情况。分析了粮库在空间布局、入库包装、库存质量、组织结构四个方面存在的问题,并针对以上问题,从四个方面提出了解决问题的策略。  相似文献   

我国是一个粮食大国,同时也是一个人口大国,人均耕地面积低于世界的平均水平。我国拥有大量的粮库,但粮库管理不到位,每年都会有大量的粮食受到病虫害的危害,进一步增加了粮食危机。为此,本文对粮库储粮害虫的防治进行探讨,并提出一些有效的对策,希望对我国粮食事业的发展可以起到促进作用。  相似文献   

粮食流通体制市场化改革与国家储备粮库建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从粮食购销市场化改革的发展,国有粮食企业的改革,国家粮食定购制度和粮食保护价制度等方面分析了粮食流通体制的改革趋向,并从储备粮管理引入市场机制入手,对完善储备粮管体系,确定粮库建设规模、布局和粮库管理等问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Competition in Markets and Competition for Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper builds on a distinction that is sometimes made between competition in a market and competition for a market. Competition for a market refers to the struggle to create a new market, or to erect a new standard, and it is usually associated with the process of innovation that brings new displacing technologies to market. Competition in a market is the conventional view of competition, and concentrates on the actions of incumbents and imitative entrants in well-established markets. The paper reviews some of the issues that competition for markets raises for anti-trust policy makers, and then asks whether competition for a market is a perfect substitute for competition in a market.  相似文献   

农产品贸易是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分,加快农产品贸易的发展至关重要。近年来,我国农产品贸易的总体规模不断扩大,不仅在总量上取得了巨大的成就,在出口额和进口额方面也是名列世界前茅,但还存在出口深加工和技术创新不足、附加值低、非关税壁垒严重、出口管理体制不完善等问题。我国应加快建立农产品加工管理体系,加大农产品质量标准体系建设力度,完善农产品出口管理体制,从而更好的适应现代农产品贸易的国际环境,促进其在国际市场的进一步发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the aggregate risk of inhomogeneous risks with dependence uncertainty, evaluated by a generic risk measure. We say that a pair of risk measures is asymptotically equivalent if the ratio of the worst‐case values of the two risk measures is almost one for the sum of a large number of risks with unknown dependence structure. The study of asymptotic equivalence is particularly important for a pair of a noncoherent risk measure and a coherent risk measure, as the worst‐case value of a noncoherent risk measure under dependence uncertainty is typically difficult to obtain. The main contribution of this paper is to establish general asymptotic equivalence results for the classes of distortion risk measures and convex risk measures under different mild conditions. The results implicitly suggest that it is only reasonable to implement a coherent risk measure for the aggregation of a large number of risks with uncertainty in the dependence structure, a relevant situation for risk management practice.  相似文献   

Negotiation support using the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution is a flexible methodology for systematically studying strategic conflicts in the real world, and is therefore a natural tool for negotiation support. The basic definitions underlying the graph model are reviewed, and the techniques for analysis and interpretation are discussed. The modeling and analysis of a case study, an international trade negotiation concerning the export of Canadian softwood lumber to the United States, are used to demonstrate the practical application of the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution as a negotiation support tool. The modeling and analysis is carried out using the GMCR software system. The ability of the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution to provide insights and advice to negotiators is emphasized.  相似文献   

In companies where excellence in logistics is decisive for the outperformance of competitors and logistics has an outspoken role for the strategy of the firm, there is present what we refer to here as a “logistics-based business model.” Based on a multiple case study of three Nordic retail companies, the purpose of this article is to explore the characteristics of such a logistics-based business model. As such, this research helps to provide structure to logistics-based business models and identifies a way forward for companies for whom logistics and distribution are a major concern for the overall strategy of the firm.  相似文献   

针对雷达网欺骗干扰问题,首先讨论了雷达网数据关联处理方法薄弱环节,给出了可以欺骗雷达网的假目标应该满足的条件,然后分析对空情报雷达网密集假目标干扰的产生机理和作用机理,为产生高逼真的假目标,将空间分布转化为非线性最优化问题。当进行多干扰机协同干扰时,将干扰机功率资源在空间的分配问题转化为非线性规划问题。仿真研究了对网络化雷达的假目标欺骗干扰效果以及影响干扰效果的因素,该结果可为对空情报雷达网电子对抗提供理论指导。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of pricing event tickets for initial sale when demand is uncertain. It is a standard industry practice for a performer to contract with a promoter who underwrites the event and offers the tickets for sale at a posted price that is sticky in that it is either fixed or costly to adjust once sales begin. Promoters, therefore, bear price risk, and we show that bearing the risk associated with posting a sticky offer price amounts to writing a put option on the ticket revenue. Further, we show that optimal posted-offer prices can be expected to result in rationing (surpluses) if price uncertainty and price elasticity of demand are material (immaterial), even when the demand forecast is accurate. Our results have implications for a more general set of pricing problems in which items are offered for sale at sticky posted prices.  相似文献   

Transferring knowledge to an agent makes him more successful or productive, which is beneficial for the principal. However, knowledge transfer also increases the agent’s outside option. I identify two reasons for withholding knowledge — to reduce labor costs within a principal–agent relationship, and to weaken the agent in case of a separation. Moreover, the role of synergy is discussed both for building up a principal–agent relationship and for transferring knowledge. While synergy is decisive for knowledge transfer, cooperation between the principal and agent may even take place in the absence of synergy. Furthermore, I analyze whether the principal is more likely to transfer knowledge to a more able or to a less able agent. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of a noncompetition clause are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In an environment where customers can hardly describe new technology-based services (TBSs) of the future and technological engineers are unlikely to understand how a new technology can work for new services, a guideline to generate ideas for TBS can be utilized to achieve successful service innovation. Thus, this paper aims to develop an ideation framework for TBS. Two methods – the technology tree and the function analysis systems technique – are employed to identify core utilities expected from a new technology. Then a new method, the service encounter value matrix, which is based on morphology analysis and is used for generating potential service ideas, is suggested. Finally, these ideas are evaluated, and only those that are of a high priority according to customers’ expectations of future society are selected. In this study, the framework is applied to telecommunication technology, which is timely and useful for designing future services.  相似文献   

We develop a general framework for statically hedging and pricing European‐style options with nonstandard terminal payoffs, which can be applied to mixed static–dynamic and semistatic hedges for many path‐dependent exotic options including variance swaps and barrier options. The goal is achieved by separating the hedging and pricing problems to obtain replicating strategies. Once prices have been obtained for a set of basis payoffs, the pricing and hedging of financial securities with arbitrary payoff functions is accomplished by computing a set of “hedge coefficients” for that security. This method is particularly well suited for pricing baskets of options simultaneously, and is robust to discontinuities of payoffs. In addition, the method enables a systematic comparison of the value of a payoff (or portfolio) across a set of competing model specifications with implications for security design.  相似文献   

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