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对于中央企业应承担的社会责任,存在着这样两种看法:一种认为中央企业就应该满足所有社会期望和要求;另一种则将中央企业社会责任等同于慈善公益。对于具有特殊地位的中央企业来说,这两种看法实际都未能准确揭示出中央企业社会责任的内容。而要科学有效地引导中央企业的社会责任实践,这是必须厦清的问题。在上期“立足战略和全局的高度深刻理解中央企业社会责任的重要意义”的基础上,作者从中央企业的特性出发,对中央企业社会责任的内涵与外延做出了界定。  相似文献   

社会责任定义:掌握ISO26000标准的核心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将企业社会责任(CSR)推广到任何形式组织的社会责任(SR),被认为是ISO26000最重要的意义之一。要准确客观地理解ISO26000标准,首先必须深刻理解ISO26000最重要和最主要的术语——社会责任。在公众的理解看来,组织社会责任往往是指组织应该承担哪些社会责任,如经济贾任、法律责任.道德责任等。但作者分析指出,ISO26000标准对社会责任的定义,与公众对社会责任的直觉理解存在着很大的差异;从实质上看,ISO26000标准是对社会责任定义的详尽扩展和具体阐述。  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Academic research suggests that variances in contextual dynamics, and more specifically religion, may lead to disparate perceptions and practices of corporate social...  相似文献   

Allthough small business accounts for over 90% of businesses in U.K. and indeed elsewhere, they remain the largely uncharted area of ethics. There has not been any research based on the perspective of small business owners, to define what echical delemmas they face and how, if at all, they resolve them. This paper explores ethics from the perspective of small business owner, using focus groups and reports on four clearly identifiable themes of ethical delemmas; entrepreneurial activity itself, conflicts of personal values with business needs, social responsibility and the impact of owners' personality on business ethics. The mechanisms for resolving ethical dilemmas is not at all clear, as there appears to be a web of filters which are used in an inter-connected way. However a common starting point for resolving an ethical delemma which involves others is based on identifying who it is (e.g., a friend or institution) and the quality of the relationship with that person. The research yielded a rich source of material on business ethics and it is clear that future researchers must focus on this sector if business ethics is to make significant advances.  相似文献   

In this article, we contend that due to their size and emphasis upon addressing external social concerns, the corporate relationship between social enterprises, social awareness and action is more complex than whether or not these organisations engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). This includes organisations that place less emphasis on CSR as well as other organisations that may be very proficient in CSR initiatives, but are less successful in recording practices. In this context, we identify a number of internal CSR markers that may be applied to measuring the extent to which internal CSR practices are being observed. These considerations may be contrasted with the evidence that community based CSR activities is often well developed in private sector small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) (Observatory of European SMEs, 2002), a situation which may be replicated in social enterprises especially those that have grown from micro-enterprises embedded in local communities. We place particular emphasis upon the implications for employee management. Underpinning our position is the Aristotelian-informed capabilities approach, a theory of human development and quality of life, developed by Sen (1992; 1999) and Nussbaum (1999) which has been developed further, in an organisational context, (e.g., Cornelius, 2002); Cornelius and Gagnon, 2004; Gagnon and Cornelius, 1999; Vogt, 2005. We contend that the capabilities approach offers additional insights into CSR in social enterprises in general and internal CSR activity in particular. Our article concludes with proposals for future research initiatives and reflections upon social enterprise development from a capabilities perspective.  相似文献   

This paper examines recent developments in U.K. utility regulation from a business ethics perspective. The regulatory framework that facilitated privatisation of the utility companies has foundations based upon free market principles involving a transfer from regulation to competitive markets wherever possible. Where competition is not feasible, continuing economic regulation is relied upon, designed to mirror the competitive market to induce, through comparative competition and the price capping mechanism, incentives for greater efficiency. The New Labour Government, having fundamentally reviewed this framework when it came to office, has surprisingly endorsed its basic tenets. However, it wishes to superimpose social responsibility regulations designed to achieve social policy rather than economic objectives. This interventionist approach is in itself in conflict with the free market inspired regulatory framework but additionally, the imposition of social policy objectives creates fundamental ambiguities within the framework for the key stakeholders. The paper concludes that the Government's policy, by eliciting stakeholder confusion and perverse behaviour, could be counter-productive but that ethical theories and frameworks can contribute to thinking in this vital area of the economy.  相似文献   

公共管理视角下企业社会责任缺失原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>企业的社会责任,是指企业在追求利润最大化的同时,对社会应承担的责任或义务,最终实现企业的可持续发展。具体来说企业的社会责任大致包括企业的个体责任、企业的市场责任和企业的公共责任。  相似文献   

The concept of corporate social responsibility is becoming integral to effective corporate brand management. This study adopts a multidimensional and cross-country perspective of the concept and analyses consumer perceptions of behaviour of four leading consumer products manufacturers. Data was collected from consumers in two countries – Spain and the UK. The study analyses consumers’ degree of interest in corporate responsibility and its impact on their perception about the company. The findings here suggest a weak impact of company-specific communication on consumers’ perception. The implications of this study are relevant to companies for strengthening their social responsibility associations with the consumers. Dr. Jaywant Singh is Senior Lecturer at Kingston University, London where he teaches consumer behaviour and international marketing. His research interests include customer loyalty, product variants, new brands, corporate social responsibility, and consumer panel data. He received his PhD in marketing in 2004. Dr. Maria de Mar Garcia de los Salmones is Lecturer at University of Cantabria (Spain). Her current research interests include corporate social responsibility, brand image and consumer behaviour. She received her PhD in business administration in 2002. Dr. Ignacio Rodriguez de Bosque is Professor of Marketing at the University of Cantabria (Spain). His current research interests include Business Communication, relationship marketing and distribution channels. He has published in several international journals such as Tourism, Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and Industrial Marketing Management.  相似文献   

Many health providers sponsor online communities that enable health consumers to connect and share experiences. This qualitative study draws upon both social capital and consumer behavior theories to demonstrate that consumers participating in the creation of social capital co-create value for themselves and each other. This netnographic study contributes and operationalizes theoretical frameworks for identifying social capital and consumer value within online communities. Results identify 14 social-capital-building practices and further reveal that these practices represent two distinct themes: practices that create a caring environment and practices that assist others. Findings indicate that members of online health communities gain affective, functional, social, and rational benefits such as empathy, self-esteem, status, connectedness, and efficiency. As a managerial and practical contribution, this study establishes online communities as an important component of patients’ healthcare networks not only for exchanging information and support but also as settings for accessing social capital.  相似文献   

作为世界著名国际航运企业,中远集团在生产经营和企业管理中始终秉承“国际公民”、绿色航运、安全环保的理念,为我国外贸运输、经济发展、建设和谐社会做出了巨大贡献。但多年的国际经营实践让中远集团认识到,企业能否正确处理生产经营与社会经济、自然环境的关系,事关企业生死存亡自身发展。企业只有在获取商业利益的同时主动承担社会责任,才能得到社会广泛认可,实现可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are increasingly popular corporate marketing strategies. This paper argues that CSR programs can fall along a continuum between two endpoints: Institutionalized programs and Promotional programs. This classification is based on an exploratory study examining the variance of four responses from the consumer stakeholder group toward these two categories of CSR. Institutionalized CSR programs are argued to be most effective at increasing customer loyalty, enhancing attitude toward the company, and decreasing consumer skepticism. Promotional CSR programs are argued to be more effective at generating purchase intent. Ethical and managerial implications of these preliminary findings are discussed. Julie Pirsch, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Villanova University. She researches in the areas of cause-related marketing, corporate social responsibility, and new product development. Shruti Gupta, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Management at The Pennsylvania State University at Abington, in Abington, Pennsylvania. Dr. Gupta’s research interests lie in the area of corporate social responsibility, cause-related marketing, environmental consumerism, and social marketing issues. Stacy Landreth, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of North Texas. She researches in the areas of cause-related marketing and social marketing alliances, as well as advertising source effects.  相似文献   

This paper uses social network analysis to examine the interaction between corporate blogs devoted to sustainability issues and the blogosphere, a clustered online network of collaborative actors. By analyzing the structural embeddedness of a prototypical blog in a virtual community, we show the potential of online platforms to document corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and to engage with an increasingly socially and ecologically aware stakeholder base. The results of this study show that stakeholder involvement via sustainability blogs is a valuable new practice for CSR communications and stakeholder engagement. It also opens new horizons for communicating CSR issues to key constituencies online.  相似文献   

浅谈企业社会责任问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,社会责任正在成为制约企业提升竞争力的新要素,不仅对企业本身,而且对整个社会都会产生深远的影响。目前,我国存在着一些企业不讲社会责任、损害百姓利益的情况.构建企业社会责任体系成为紧迫而重要的任务。市场竞争的主导方式正在沿着“价格竞争-产品竞争-服务竞争-关系竞争”的轨迹演变。在竞争时代,企业社会责任成为企业竞争优势的新增长点。为此,企业应强化社会责任意识,实施社会责任战略,培育社会责任文化,优化社会责任关系,从而提升长期盈利能力,增强竞争优势。  相似文献   

履行社会责任是中央企业的天然使命,也是社会对中央企业的普遍期望,并且中央企业社会责任实践对我国企业社会责任运动的蓬勃发展具有重要的影响力和带动力。然而在履行社会责任的同时,中央企业对社会责任具体内容的认识存在一定的差异。如何结合企业实际,找准履行社会责任的落脚点,是当前提升中央企业履行社会责任水平的重要课题。在明确中央企业社会责任的重要意义、内涵与外延后,作者区别中央企业作为整体、中央企业特定个体和中央企业领导层三个不同层次,对中央企业社会责任的内容边界做出了科学的定位。  相似文献   


The U.K. Government has argued that more transparency in the ways that companies address and manage environmental, economic, and social issues can help improve relationships with employees, customers, and other stakeholders and U.K.'s large food retailers are increasingly keen to report their commitment to CSR. This paper offers a preliminary examination of the extent to which the U.K.'s major food retailers currently use CSR as a means of communicating with customers within their stores.  相似文献   

在ISO26000发布前,关于“什么是社会责任?”有着林林总总的回答,ISO26000尽管给了“社会责任”一个较为明确的回答,但是,关于如何界定企业社会责任的内涵和外延,仍然有着各种各样的解读。曾经有学者戏言,在企业社会责任领域,大家都如同“盲人摸象”,每个人摸到的都只是象的一个部分,便以为是整体。作者从“元定义”的角度另辟蹊径,对“什么是企业社会责任”进行了最高层次的抽象定义,即:企业社会责任的“元定义”就可界定为:在特定的制度安排下,企业有效管理自身运营对社会.利益相关方.自然环境的影响,追求在预期存续期内最大限度地增进社会福利的意愿.行为和绩效。  相似文献   

This study explored several proposed relationships among professional ethical standards, corporate social responsibility, and the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility. Data were collected from 313 business managers registered with a large professional research association with a mailed self-report questionnaire. Mediated regression analysis indicated that perceptions of corporate social responsibility partially mediated the positive relationship between perceived professional ethical standards and the believed importance of ethics and social responsibility. Perceptions of corporate social responsibility also fully mediated the negative relationship between perceived professional ethical standards and the subordination of ethics and social responsibility. The results suggested that professions should develop ethical standards to encourage social responsibility, since these actions are associated with enhanced employee ethical attitudes. Sean Valentine (D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University) is an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business at the University of Wyoming. His research interests include ethical decision making, organizational culture, and job attitudes. His research has appeared in journals such as Human Relations, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, and Journal of Business Research. Gary Fleischman (Ph.D., Texas Tech University) is an Associate Professor of Accounting and the McGee Hearne and Paiz Faculty Scholar in Accounting at the University of Wyoming. His teaching expertise is in accounting and entrepreneurship, and his research interests are in business ethics and behavioral business research. He has published in journals such as Behavioral Research in Accounting, The International Journal of Accounting, and Journal of Business Ethics.  相似文献   

The Fair Trade Idea: Towards an Economics of Social Labels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of Fair Trade is applied to the marketing of a variety of goods. In recent years it has met a continually increasing interest among consumers. Different Fair Trade organizations are trying to accomplish an improvement in working and living conditions in developing countries by means of Fair Trade certificates and by paying a price markedly above world market standard. This is meant to lead to the attainment of basic social standards, especially in agricultural production. The article deals with how Fair Trade works and whether the social aims can be achieved by the application of this trade concept. Our main result is that even though efficiency of redistribution through the Fair Trade institutions is lower than through traditional relief organizations, the Fair Trade concept provides an additional incentive to support better living conditions in the Third World. Moreover, it provides a stimulus for producers to reorganize the production process in a socially more acceptable manner even when this is not rewarded by the Fair Trade company.
Sebastian Jaenichen (Corresponding author)Email:

有这样一份企业社会责任报告,总裁在致辞中自我发问:"作为一个管理者,将把企业带向何处,带往何方,什么才是基业长青的要诀,什么才能避免那些垮掉企业危险的教训?"在报告内的所有橘红色分隔页上,满是企业内部员工充满活力的笑脸;报告的主题取之为"可靠的伙伴"。  相似文献   

A company’s product-harm crises often lead to negative publicity which substantially affects purchase intention. This study attempts to examine the purchase intention and its antecedents (e.g., perceived negative publicity) during product-harm crises by simultaneously including perceived corporate ability (CA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as moderators. In the study’s proposed model, purchase intention is indirectly affected by perceived CA, negative publicity, and CSR via the mediation of trust and affective identification. At the same time, the influences of perceived negative publicity on trust and affective identification are moderated by perceived CA and CSR, respectively. Empirical testing using a survey of car users from 477 working professionals confirms most of our hypothesized effects except the insignificant moderating effects of perceived CA. Finally, managerial implications and limitations of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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