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现阶段存在的就业困难、有效需求不足、生产能力过剩等结构性矛盾,困扰着我国经济社会的健康发展,其实质是市场机制发育不完善,“二元结构”呈刚性,产业结构与就业结构严重偏差,城市化滞后和“三农”等突出问题造成的。在改革中要加大政府宏观调控的力度,提高第一产业的现代化水平和第二产业的质量,大力发展第三产业,提高其在整个国民经济中的比重,激活社会有效需求,促进我国经济的可持续发展。金融可以在产业结构调整中发挥重要作用,通过建立多层次的商业银行体系,提高信贷融资质量,加快发展资本市场,鼓励和促进民间投资等措施,引导社会资金的优化配置。  相似文献   

科学技术的进步与创新在加快转变经济发展方式、促进产业结构调整升级、推动经济社会又好又快发展中发挥着重要作用。本文分析了金融支持西安市科技自主创新的现状及存在的问题,并就如何发挥金融对科技自主创新的促进作用,从完善和优化科技自主创新的银行间接服务体系、构建多层次的直接融资服务体系、完善创业风险投资服务体系和金融服务网络体系等方面提出了有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

韦超 《金融研究》1993,(9):12-16
一、引言产业结构一般是指各物质生产部门之间,以及各部门内部建立起适当的比例关系,目的是使国民经济各部门协调地发展,再生产得以顺利进行,其中,农业,能源、原材料、交通运输等基础产业与加工工业的平衡是再生产得以顺利进行的关键。八十年代前期,我国出现加工部门过快发展,原材料、交通、能源等部门的供给陷入瓶颈的状态。随之,生产资料价格上升,通货膨胀压力加剧,经济过热信号出现。可以说,中国扩张政策的实施效力受着短期给定的产业结构的严重制约,基础产业的落后使整个国民经济的发展遭遇掣肘。这样的现实,说明数量型经济增长模式已难以为继,应向重质量,求效益的增长方式转变,而这种增长方式的一个重要含义,就是发展市场经济,通过资金在各产业之间的优化配置,消除结构不合理,实现经济的良性循环。  相似文献   

结构调整是经济发展的永恒主题。经济发展不仅表现为总量的增长,更表现为结构的调整和演进。经济结构调整的过程就是经济资源不断优化配置的过程,而优化资源配置正是金融市场的一项基本功能。因此,对产业结构调整中的金融因素的分析,具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。  相似文献   

人民银行在山东提供金融服务的历史可以追溯到新中国成立以前。北海银行(山东解放区银行)、华北银行和西北农民银行于1948年12月1日合并成立了中国人民银行,其提供的金融服务既包括中央银行服务,也包括商业银行服务。1983年年底人民银行独立行使中央银行职能,经过二十余年发展,金融服务手段不断创新,金融服务职  相似文献   

多年来我国就一直致力于产业结构调整,然而成效并不十分显著。产业结构的合理化既包括各部门间的平衡关系,又包括产业结构的高度化方面的内容。产业结构的调整是涉及到一个国家资源配置的大问题,产业的发展与进步意味着资源配置的不断优化。当前我国产业  相似文献   

资金的流向与合理配置是产业结构调整中金融支持方面的关键问题,虽然国家明确要求对产业结构调整要大力支持,但在实践中由于各方面原因,金融支持始终是产业结构调整中的薄弱环节。有必要在相关政策制定、信贷产品创新、融资渠道拓宽及保险和担保体系的构建等方面进行改革和调整,提高金融支持产业结构调整的力度。  相似文献   

产业结构的调整离不开金融的支持与协同发展。在对金融影响产业结构的过程及作用机制进行分析的基础上,本文提出当前我国银行(信贷)主导型金融模式不能适应产业结构调整和经济发展的需要,因此我们要建立银行为金融体系主体、市场力量配置金融资源为主的新型金融模式。  相似文献   

The American corporate financing system, unlike that of most other countries, has not been organized around a set of “universal banks” that perform a variety of functions for their clients. Indeed, the distinguishing feature of American financial history is the number and variety of financial intermediaries, and their relationships with corporations (and one another). Besides commercial banks, there are investment banks, insurance companies, venture capitalists, commercial paper dealers, mutual funds, and many others. The economic role of such intermediaries is to reduce market frictions such as “asymmetric information” and “agency problems” that otherwise raise the cost of outside capital for U.S. companies. This article views the changing menu of such intermediaries and their networks as the driving force behind the evolution of American corporate finance. U.S. financial history is seen as a series of institutional and financial innovations designed in large part to work around costly restrictions on relationships–particularly, limits on the scale and scope of U.S. banks–that do not exist in most other countries. In terms of its success in reducing the information and control costs of corporate finance, the history of the American financial system includes periods of significant progress as well as major reversals. Three relatively successful periods– the early 19th-century in New England, the “incipient” universal banking of the 1920s, and modernday financial capitalism–are separated by periods of drastic reductions in the menu of financial relationships– particularly the Great Depression and its 20-year aftermath. Besides new financial claims like preferred stock and new intermediaries such as venture capitalists, another important innovation is new forms of cooperation among intermediaries– especially among banks, venture capitalists, trusts, pensions, and investment banks–that have enabled the U.S. financial system to provide some of the key advantages of universal banking systems. Some of the largest U.S. commercial banks today can be viewed as positioning themselves to play a central coordinating role in these new coalitions of intermediaries. In so doing, they may become the platform for a distinctively American universal banking system.  相似文献   

今年是习近平总书记“两山理念”提出16周年,也是全面建成小康社会和谋篇布局“十四五”开局之年,深入贯彻落实习近平生态文明思想,充分发挥绿色金融在调结构、转方式、促进生态文明建设、推动经济可持续发展等方面的积极作用,需要全行认真践行总行党委绿色金融发展战略,以“48字”工作思路为引领,更加积极主动作为,推进我行绿色金融建设迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

武志伟  陈莹 《金融论坛》2002,7(3):13-16
高新技术产业对中心城市的经济发展具有重要的现实意义.本文以江苏南京市为例,从理论和实证两个角度全面分析了金融在中心城市高新技术产业发展中的作用.理论分析显示,金融发展可以为高新技术产业的成长提供各种必要的金融工具,并有利于形成高新技术产业发展所必需的分散生产性风险、流动性风险管理和项目评估等机制,是实现高新产业发展的必要条件之一;实证结果也支持这一结论,金融发展在投入和产出两个方面对高新技术产业的发展都具有促进作用.因此,今后各中心城市应着手建立一个有利于高新产业发展的金融体系,通过金融发展水平的提高促进中心城市高新技术产业的成长.  相似文献   

Privatisation has been one of the most important and controversial policy initiatives to emerge in the U.K. over the last decade. Yet despite its prominence, little so far is known about its impact on those centrally involved in its implementations: senior management. This paper will investigate the ways in which senior management within one of the major privatised industries, the Water Industry, have sought to give effect to the strategic change involved in the transformation of a public sector Water Authority into a private sector Water plc. Although the monopoly character of the supply of Water services has remained intact, managers in the new Water plcs have had to respond to new expectations and assessments of corporate performance from shareholders, investors and financial analysts; from customers; and from a new economic regulatory regime operated by the Director General of the Office of Water Services. The Director General, in addition to operating price controls, is committed to developing “yardstick” competition which will provide the opportunity to make comparative judgements about performance levels achieved by each of the new Water plcs. In pursuit of improvements in efficiency and profitability, senior managers have engineered a variety of restructurings of corporate organisation to give more focus to achieving new business objectives, and to move away from a public sector bureaucratic management style with its traditional tall-pyramid structure to flatter and less hierarchical management structures. Although many of the changes have been justified in terms of empowerment and providing more autonomy for local managers, the paper argues that the experience of change for these managers has largely consisted of being subjected to much greater accountability for their performance through greater emphasis on the achievement of financial targets, more systematic monitoring of performance, the introduction of individual performance appraisal, and performance-related pay. Central to this intensification of the scrutiny of performance have been changes in accounting information systems and how they are used. In examining how these changes have functioned in their organisational context, the paper seeks to contribute to an understanding of the role of accounting in processes of organisational change  相似文献   

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