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We construct a model based on market microstructure and examine the information transmission effect of equity prices in A-share and B-share markets in China. The data on foreign share discounts raise a question: How are asset prices determined if uninformed foreign traders obtain signals by observing public information? Our investigation on the measure of the information transmission effect presents a substantial segment of the cross-sectional variation in B-share discounts and finds that the information transmission effect plays a critical role in explaining how foreign share discounts become more contractive.  相似文献   

In this paper, I formulate and test a one-period capital asset pricing model under ownership restrictions to explain the price differentials between the classes of shares that can be bought by Chinese citizens and by foreign investors, respectively. I find that time-series variability in the spread between domestic and foreign share returns is consistent with differences in risk exposures and expected risk premium, thus supporting the hypothesis of effective market segmentation and price discrimination. I also find that cross-sectional differences between domestic and foreign share returns are correlated with individual shares'; market betas. The result further supports the price discrimination hypothesis.  相似文献   

We provide causal evidence on the value of asset pledgeability by exploiting a unique feature of Chinese corporate bond markets: bonds with identical fundamentals are traded on two segmented markets with different rules for repo transactions. Using a policy shock that rendered AA+ and AA bonds ineligible for repo on one market only, we compare how bond prices changed across markets and rating classes around this event. When the haircut increases from 0% to 100%, bond yields increase by 39 bps to 85 bps. These estimates help us infer the magnitude of the shadow cost of capital in China.  相似文献   

任哲  邵荣平  汪航 《投资研究》2012,(4):101-110
货币政策与资产价格之间的关系一直以来都是学术界研究的重点,但从房地产信贷视角分析房地产价格的文献却相对较少。本文基于多元MGARCH—BEKK模型和GRACH均值方程模型分析了房地产信贷、货币供应量与房地产价格的波动相关性以及它们的各种波动对房地产价格的影响。研究发现,房地产信贷增长的波动能影响房地产价格的增长,而货币供应量的波动,对房地产价格增长影响不显著。同时实证分析显示在对房价的调控中,房地产信贷的调控是抑制房价波动的一个工具选项。以银行信贷为主的货币供应量已经不能全面反映社会的流动性状况。与货币供应量相比,社会融资总量指标与实体经济指标的联系更加紧密。  相似文献   

Risk Sharing and Asset Prices: Evidence from a Natural Experiment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When countries liberalize their stock markets, firms that become eligible for foreign purchase (investible), experience an average stock price revaluation of 15.1%. Since the historical covariance of the average investible firm's stock return with the local market is roughly 200 times larger than its historical covariance with the world market, liberalization reduces the systematic risk associated with holding investible securities. Consistent with this fact: (1) the average effect of the reduction in systematic risk is 6.8 percentage points, or roughly two fifths of the total revaluation; and (2) the firm-specific revaluations are directly proportional to the firm-specific changes in systematic risk.  相似文献   

We design an experiment to study the implications of information networks for incentives to acquire costly information, market liquidity, investors' earnings, and asset price characteristics in a financial market. Social communication crowds out information production as a result of an agent's temptation to free ride on the signals purchased by her neighbors. Although information exchange among traders increases trading volume, improves liquidity, and enhances the ability of asset prices to reflect the available information in the market, it fails to improve price informativeness. Net earnings and social welfare are higher with information sharing due to reduced acquisition of costly signals.  相似文献   

Prior empirical evidence regarding the impact of dividend taxes on firm valuation is mixed. This study avoids some of the complications encountered in previous empirical work by exploiting institutional characteristics of REITs, such as their limited discretion over dividend policy and the relative transparency of REIT assets. We regress the market value of equity on the market value of assets and tax basis, which creates tax deductions that lower future dividend taxes without affecting future pretax cash flow. We find that firm value is positively related to tax basis, suggesting that future dividend taxes are capitalized into share prices.  相似文献   

Cornell and Reinganum (1981) , hereafter CR, report that price differentials for future contracts and forward contracts are statistically insignificant in foreign exchange markets. Based on this finding, CR conclude that marking-to-market is insignificant in the formulation of currency futures prices. This note identifies two potential concerns with the CR tests. One problem relates to the timing of delivery dates for “matched” contracts. A second problem relates to the time period for the CR study. We show that correcting for these problems does not affect the overall conclusions of the CR study; marking-to-market does not appear to have a significant effect on currency futures prices.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of the Treasury Bill markets have revealed substantial differences between the futures price and the implied forward price. These differences have been attributed to taxes, transaction costs, and the settling up procedure employed in the futures market. This paper examines the forward and futures prices in foreign exchange in an attempt to distinguish between the competing explanations.  相似文献   

We document a prominent abnormal stock return of –14% during the [–120, +20] day window around 482 lockup expirations in the split‐share structure reform in China. The abnormal stock returns (selling volumes) are positively (negatively) correlated with firm information transparency and postreform performance improvement, but negatively (positively) related to the level of agency problems, suggesting the existence of information‐based trading during the lockups. We present important evidence that institutional investors, especially mutual funds, possess superior information discovering capabilities than that of individual investors. Our findings confirm the information roles of lockups as a tool to signal firm quality and a commitment device to alleviate agency problems.  相似文献   

Consumer Confidence and Asset Prices: Some Empirical Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the time-series relationship between investor sentimentand the small-stock premium using consumer confidence as a measureof investor optimism. We estimate the components of consumerconfidence related to economic fundamentals and investor sentiment.After controlling for the time variation of beta, we study thetime-series variation of the pricing error with sentiment. Overthe last 25 years, investor sentiment measured using consumerconfidence forecasts the returns of small stocks and stockswith low institutional ownership in a manner consistent withthe predictions of models based on noise-trader sentiment. Sentimentdoes not appear to forecast time-series variation in the valueand momentum premiums. (JEL G10, G12, G14)  相似文献   

We test for the differences in information asymmetry across two organizational forms (external and internal) in the REIT industry. We find significant differences with external REITs being significantly more transparent relative to internal REITs, and these differences are reflected in the loan contract terms and loan syndicate structure of loans made to these two types of REITs. We find that the relatively more transparent externally advised REITs are offered more favourable loan contracts in terms of lower loan rates and lower likelihood of collateral requirement. Further, loans to external REITs have syndicates that are larger in size and the lead lender retains a smaller portion of the loan, reflecting lower information asymmetry.  相似文献   

We use the term structure of futures prices to test whether investors anticipate mean reversion in spot asset prices. The empirical results indicate mean reversion in each market we examine. For agricultural commodities and crude oil the magnitude of the estimated mean reversion is large; for example, point estimates indicate that 44 percent of a typical spot oil price shock is expected to be reversed over the subsequent eight months. For metals, the degree of mean reversion is substantially less, but still statistically significant. We detect only weak evidence of mean reversion in financial asset prices.  相似文献   

Non-U.S. firms cross-listing shares on U.S. exchanges as American Depositary Receipts earn cumulative abnormal returns of 19 percent during the year before listing, and an additional 1.20 percent during the listing week, but incur a loss of 14 percent during the year following listing. We show how these unusual share price changes are robust to changing market risk exposures and are related to an expansion of the shareholder base and to the amount of capital raised at the time of listing. Our tests provide support for the market segmentation hypothesis and Merton's (1987) investor recognition hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examine the diversification discount while controlling for differences in information asymmetry between diversified and nondiversified firms. We show that both diversified and nondiversified firms with higher levels of information asymmetry have discounted firm values relative to firms with lower levels of information asymmetry, although a diversification discount remains at all levels of information asymmetry. Fixed‐effect Fama‐MacBeth regressions confirm the existence of a statistically significant relation between information asymmetry proxies and excess value, but they also show that a significant diversification discount remains after controlling for differences in information asymmetry and other firm characteristics discussed in earlier studies (e.g., size, profitability, leverage, and capital constraint).  相似文献   

罗明津  铁瑛 《金融研究》2021,494(8):100-118
本文从企业金融化的角度解释了上市公司劳动收入份额的变动,虽然基准结果显示,企业金融化能够促进劳动收入份额提升,但基于欧拉方程分解和中介变量法的验证发现,企业金融化一方面对工资水平产生正向溢出并提升了劳动收入份额,即表现出“盈利溢出”效应;另一方面,企业金融化却会抑制企业劳动生产率的改进,客观上造成劳动要素在生产中的地位上升进而带来劳动收入份额的提升,即表现出“技术抑制”效应。进一步分析发现,高管的劳动收入份额获益幅度小于普通员工(私营企业中更明显),说明经典的“委托-代理”框架并不能有效地解释中国企业的金融化行为;与此同时,企业金融化的影响和金融市场收益率具有强相关性,表明企业金融化的动力来自金融市场的收益激励。本文研究结论表明,企业金融化是企业在金融市场超额收益时期的“理性选择”,伴随金融市场回归并运行在合理区间,企业金融化对劳动收入份额的提升作用不仅不可持续,而且会对劳动生产率产生持续损害,借助趋利性的企业金融化来获得劳动收入份额的提升无异于“饮鸩止渴”。本文的研究结论可为我国进一步深化金融体系供给侧结构性改革,引导金融回归本源,更好地服务于实体经济提供有益参考。  相似文献   

I empirically explore the syndicated loan market, with an emphasis on how information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers influences syndicate structure and on which lenders become syndicate members. Consistent with moral hazard in monitoring, the lead bank retains a larger share of the loan and forms a more concentrated syndicate when the borrower requires more intense monitoring and due diligence. When information asymmetry between the borrower and lenders is potentially severe, participant lenders are closer to the borrower, both geographically and in terms of previous lending relationships. Lead bank and borrower reputation mitigates, but does not eliminate information asymmetry problems.  相似文献   

Home-purchase limits, introduced by China’s central government in April 2010 and afterward implemented by the local governments of major cities successively, were usually regarded as the most stringent policy instruments regulating over-heated Chinese housing markets over recent years. Our study attempts to investigate the effects of the home-purchase limits based on the micro data of resale housing transactions between January 2008 and December 2011 in Guangzhou city, one of the largest cities in mainland China. Our regression results show that, while the central government’s notice negatively affects housing prices, the localized home-purchase limit measures have positive effects on housing prices in Guangzhou, which deviate far from the expectations the policy makers might have. We also find that the effects of the policies are significantly stronger for the housing units of high-rise building (or with big size) relative to those without elevators (or with small size). We provide the explanation from the aspects of policy uncertainty and redevelopment option embodied in the housing.  相似文献   

If arbitrage is costly and noise traders are active, asset prices may deviate from fundamental values for long periods of time. We use a sample of 158 closed-end funds to show that noise-trader sentiment, as proxied by retail-investor flows, leads to fluctuations in the discount. Nevertheless, we reject the hypothesis that noise-trader risk is the cause of the long-run discount. Instead we find that funds which are more difficult to arbitrage have larger discounts, due to: (1) the censoring of the discount by the arbitrage bounds, and (2) the freedom of managers to increase charges when arbitrage is costly.  相似文献   

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