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近年来,以大学生为消费群体的校园网络借贷行业发展迅速,但由于校园网络借贷参与各方的法律风险防范意识不强,相关法律规定滞后且监管存在缺位,校园网络借贷行业暴露出越来越多的问题.因此,完善相关法律、坚持全面合理监管加强对大学生的引导等措施才能促进校园网络借贷健康发展.  相似文献   

网络舆论成为公民参与公共决策制定的新途径,在公共政策制定中的作用越来越突出。本文将从辩证的角度分析网络舆论对公共决策影响的两面性,并对网络舆论的健康发展提出一些思考。  相似文献   

最近几年,因借贷门槛低、行业暴利、监管缺失等多个因素,校园网络借贷飞速发展.校园网络借贷迅速发展的同时也引发一系列校园特殊风险事件,如“裸条借贷”风波、“网贷赌球欠债60万跳楼身亡”事件等.要解决此问题,建议有关部门应考虑大学生群体的特殊性,出台校园网络借贷监管法规,整顿校园网络借贷行业;各大高校在做好学校安保工作之余,应当加大学生互联网金融方面的教育,提倡理性消费;校园网络借贷行业应加强行业自律.  相似文献   

当前新形势下,网络舆论已经成为社会舆论的重要组成部分,网络舆论的巨大力量也越来越渗透到人们的日常生活当中.而网络舆论由于其特殊性,某一社会热点问题在网络上往往会产生具有爆发性的或正面或负面的舆论,而其中存在的涉警舆论,时公安机关的形象有着重要的影响,因此,如何正确引导疏堵涉警网络舆论具有重要的现实意义,本文将重点就如何...  相似文献   

在网络化影视日益发展的形势下,深刻反思当代大学生在价值观教育方面存在的问题,进一步加强和改进大学生价值观教育,发挥影视行业、电视电影专业组织、校园网络的优势进一步加强大学生价值观教育,促进大学生的全面发展.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,"伪卡盗刷、电信诈骗、网络诈骗、P2P平台跑路、非法集资、校园毒贷款"等等社会问题一直是新闻舆论报道的热门词汇,尤其是最近发生的几起针对大学生的电信诈骗又一次引发了全社会的关注和声讨。据不完全统计,每年电信诈骗案30余万起,涉案资金多达千亿元。这些严重的犯罪行为和亟待解决社会问题,将银行业金融机构推向了舆论的风口浪尖。随着我国经济进入新常态、金融创新突飞猛进、影子银行的迅速发展、互联网技术广泛应用  相似文献   

网络文化给大学生的思想和行为带来了很大的冲击,向我国高校的思想政治教育提出了严峻的挑战.发挥网络文化的积极影响,必须逐步健全网络立法,加强网络建设和管理;积极疏通引导,用先进的思想观念占领网络文化阵地;利用校园网络开展学生心理咨询和辅导,提高大学生的心理素质;转变教育观念,加强队伍建设,建立一支高素质的新型思想政治工作队伍.  相似文献   

文章基于社会学调查方法,以校园内网络群体为例,采用问卷调查法对2340名在校大学生进行调查,深度剖析网络群体在湖工大学生中的影响及应用,分析出网络群体的作用现状等,为进一步改善并加强网络舆论的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

最近几年,校园网络借贷飞速发展。但由于校园网络借贷自身的特殊性,再加上相关监管的缺失,引发了一系列校园特殊风险事件。引发校园网络借贷风险事件的原因包括实际费率畸高、审核不严、野蛮催债等多个因素。要解决校园网络借贷存在的问题,首先要发挥行业自律组织的作用,提倡校园网络借贷平台自律;其次,应当加强大学生理财教育,提倡理性消费;再次,可以借鉴国外的先进经验,对借贷金额做一定的限制,提高校园网络借贷的风险控制能力;最后,出台相关监管法规,打击校园网络借贷的违法违规行为。  相似文献   

占海文 《中国外资》2013,(20):361-361
新时期下,人类社会越来越高度国际化、信息化,相对应现代教育面临一系列的改革。尤其是多媒体计算机在校园应用越来越普遍,使校园网络信息平台建设成为必然。本文就校园网络信息平台的建设提出了相应的思考。  相似文献   

随着中国数字科技托管平台的开发,传统媒体在新媒体的强势浪潮中不断受到挤压甚至走向灭亡.自媒体正以它独有的特质努力改变信息传递碎片化的状况,在和传统媒体共享受众和市场,成为网络传播最活跃的主体和新兴舆论场.因此,对于经营传统广播、报刊、杂志、电视新闻媒体的企业,新媒体所带来的挑战和颠覆不容小觑.本文立足“流动空间”理论,基于SCP(structure-conduct-performance,结构-行为-绩效)模型,对自媒体品牌人格化“意见领袖”及自媒体传播模式、盈利模式进行了阐述,旨在探索自媒体更好的盈利模式及未来更广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

When negative media coverage causes reputational crises, companies must find suitable tools to repair their reputation and reverse their negative image. As a CSR activity with political- and livelihood-related implications, targeted poverty alleviation may be an effective tool. Using data on negative media coverage of Chinese A-share private listed companies, we examine whether companies engage in targeted poverty alleviation in response to reputational crises caused by negative media coverage. We find that negative media coverage leads private companies to engage more actively and intensively in targeted poverty alleviation because of the significant increase in public attention to the bad news. These companies must urgently rebuild their positive image using targeted poverty alleviation to resolve their public opinion crisis. Further analyses suggest that original and in-depth negative media coverage is more likely to cause companies’ active participation in targeted poverty alleviation. In addition, negative media coverage is more likely to lead companies to engage in targeted poverty alleviation when they are in heavily polluting industries or face greater pressure from external investors. Finally, we find that active involvement in targeted poverty alleviation helps companies improve their market reputation and thus effectively manage public relations crises caused by negative media coverage.  相似文献   


Smoke haze and dengue fever seasons were nationwide environmental health risk events that plagued Singapore between April and June 2013. Although relatively harmless compared to dengue fever, people in Singapore were visibly more disturbed by smoke haze. They engaged in preventive behaviors such as frantic purchasing of protective masks or staying indoors most of the time. Such reactions hint at the possibility of the social amplification of risk, a term coined to explain irrationally high public concerns over relatively minor risk issues, due to the visible nature of the risk event or people’s reactions to it. The current study aims to confirm the social amplification of risk for the haze event, as well as to test for the underlying reasons behind this phenomenon. Among the antecedents explored were the influence of information channels (traditional media and social media) on risk perception, negative affect, information seeking, and information sharing on the enactment of preventive behaviors. Data were collected from a sample of 343 college students through an online questionnaire. Results supported the presence of social amplification of risk for the haze event, and social media exposure was found to overshadow the influence of traditional media exposure on risk perception, negative affect, information seeking, information sharing, and preventive behaviors.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯是法兰克福学派的代表人物,他提出的交往理论所内涵的交往理性,交往真实性、正确性和公正性对于目前人文素养教育具有非凡意义和影响。媒介素养教育作为同样培养人与外界关系的学科,也应该遵守哈贝马斯交往理论中的交往原则。现实来看,我国大学生尤其是外语专业大学生媒介素养的缺失是不争的事实,但造成这种局面的原因有多方面。鉴于此,作为教育主体,不仅要强化教育各层级的媒介素养教育观念,建立媒介素养教育体系,而且要改革高校外语专业教育的内容和方式,从而让学生树立正确的媒介素养观念。  相似文献   

虽然在现代社会经济发展的过程中,大学生的价值观受多方面因素的影响,但大学期间是大学生价值观形成的重要时期,越来越多的教育者意识到校园文化可以作为一种重要的教育力量,成为大学生价值观教育的重要载体,是影响大学生价值观最直接的要素。为了使研究更具有针对性、说服性,笔者设计了校园文化对大学生价值观影响的调查问卷,以问卷的形式进行了实证研究,从而分析出大学生对校园文化的价值认可度和校园文化对大学生价值观的影响力。  相似文献   

诚信是中华民族的传统美德,也是大学生立身之本、成事之基、处事之道。当前,大学生诚信缺失现象日益突出,大学生诚信缺失给高等教育和社会发展带来极大的危害,这个问题已经引起高校乃至全社会的高度重视。加强大学生诚信教育是大学生成长成才的需要,是实现高校内涵式发展的应有之义,更是构建"和谐社会"的重要内容。本文通过对高校大学生诚信教育现状进行分析,提出了加强大学生诚信教育的途径,旨在为高校开展诚信教育提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Academic, government, employer, and individual interest in personal financial literacy have mushroomed as financial decision making has become more complex, costly, and less paternalistic. Financial illiteracy in America manifests in many ways, including low levels of personal saving, high levels of personal debt, negative financial wealth, a decline in standard of living, and increased demand on social safety networks. For college students, of particular concern is the high level of public and private debt accrued while working toward a degree. It is important to understand how prepared households are for retirement planning decisions and which factors can improve their preparedness. We show that financial education is impactful in reducing financial illiteracy, and provides evidence that taking a personal risk management and insurance course helps to prepare college students to make retirement decisions. Second, we provide evidence that life stage explains differences (similarities) in how professionals self‐rate the importance, familiarity, and motivation to plan and save for retirement versus their opinion on how vital the questions should be to students. Finally, additional evidence is provided showing that demographic characteristics explain differences in the importance and motivation to plan and save for retirement and in the familiarity that respondents have with retirement planning and saving products.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a way of bringing an innovative data source, social media information, to the government accounting information systems to support accountability to stakeholders and managerial decision-making. Future accounting and auditing processes will heavily rely on multiple forms of exogenous data. As an example of the techniques that could be used to generate this needed information, the study applies text mining techniques and machine learning algorithms to Twitter data. The information is developed as an alternative performance measure for NYC street cleanliness. It utilizes Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and XGBoost to classify the tweets, illustrates how to use the sampling method to solve the imbalanced class distribution issue, and uses VADER sentiment to derive the public opinion about street cleanliness. This study also extends the research to another social media platform, Facebook, and finds that the incremental value is different between the two social media platforms. This data can then be linked to government accounting information systems to evaluate costs and provide a better understanding of the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育事业的快速发展,大学生数量与日俱增,高等院校大学生思想状况也呈现出许多新特点。在新的历史阶段,大学生思想政治教育是一项全方位立体式的工作,在教育内容上不仅是思想政治理论方面的教育,更多的是学生日常生活中为人处世方面的教育;在形式上不仅是课堂教学,更多的是日常生活的人文关怀;在力量上,不仅包括政工人员和教师,更多的是让学生自己感悟、自我体验、自我教育、自我提高。本文从提高大学生思想政治教育战略意义的认识上提出加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的思路。  相似文献   

当前,我国大学生失业问题日益严重,为了有效地缓解这一问题,劳动保障部门在借鉴发达国家成功经验的基础上提出了具有自身特色的高校毕业生就业见习计划。近年来,该计划蓬勃发展,取得了可喜成绩,但由于该计划起步比较晚,在发展过程中出现了诸多问题。文章在关注该计划存在问题的基础上,深入分析了其产生原因,进而提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

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