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李远红  侯晓娜 《金卡工程》2010,14(10):22-24
ADR是个源自美国的话语,其是建立在效率伦理、个体化伦理和公正伦理基础之上的。ADR机制可以在中国的传统儒家伦理文化中探寻到其渊源,其法治理念与儒家"无讼"法律思想统治下的纠纷解决理念耦合。和谐是两者共同的价值目标,ADR的三大法治理念皆源于儒家"无讼"法律思想。  相似文献   

仍在蔓延的这场疫情,是对我国医疗卫生水准的考验,也是对全社会卫生习惯、生态智慧、道德伦理的考验。人怎样对待自然,对待自身?我们不由再一次深思当代环境哲学直至生态文明转型所要解决的根本问题--与自然的关系问题。  相似文献   

生态文明视角下如何实现林业可持续发展之对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生态文明视角下,如何以环境资源承载力为基础,遵循自然与经济的规律,建设新型林业,同时在符合社会发展规律背景下,使之与周边环境和人们的目标达成一致,实现林业建设稳定持续发展。所以,加速建设生态文明,强化保护林业生态系统并实现稳定持续的管理,不但能够促进地区经济发展的持续性,也可以在改变生态环境、维持生态平衡和保证人类发展的过程中起着重要的无可代替的作用。  相似文献   

蒙古草原作为草原文化的典型代表和集大成者,表现了一种特殊的文化精神,尤其是其万物有灵的自然崇拜文化,生态意蕴十足。蒙古草原自然崇拜有其现实的生态基础,乃人与自然沟通的特殊方式,蕴涵着朴素的生态文化思想,体现着人对自然的无限伦理关怀,对今天的启迪不可小觑。  相似文献   

随着世界生态环境危机的日益加剧,传统生态伦理观的经济学缺陷越来越明显.和谐生态伦理作为使经济社会可持续发展的新的生态伦理观念,它的存在是有经济学依据的.这种经济学依据可以从和谐生态伦理的内涵以及和谐生态伦理与实践的关系两个方面解读出来.和谐生态伦理的基本主张所蕴涵的经济学内涵使我们对它的存在不仅不能怀疑,而且要对和谐生态伦理发展的经济学思路作认真的思考.  相似文献   

自然美是自然事物的外在形式美,科学美是自然事物的内在规律美。它们都为对自然事物或现象的审美,但具有不同的审美特征表现,从形态上,自然美表现为形象性,科学美表现为抽象性,从美感特征上,前者表现为感性的美,后者表现为理性的美。  相似文献   

小桥、流水、人家,是一种和谐;蓝天、大海、雄鹰,是一种和谐;窈窕淑女、红装素裹、眉目传情,也是一种和谐。这种和谐之美,是返璞之美、环境之美、自然之美。这种美,虽有人为的因素,但大自然的赋予是主要的。  相似文献   

<正>美丽乡村不只是外在美,更要美在发展、美在生活。因此,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,加速城乡一体化发展的规划布局,加大农村基础设施建设,强化农村环境综合治理和保护力度,让美丽乡村建设真正成为惠民利民之举。科学规划,提升乡村风貌档次。一是突出乡村"美"和乡村  相似文献   

张虎林 《理财》2006,(4):68-68
近年来,性感低腰露脐装风靡世界。就连一向内敛羞涩的中国女孩,也被这种时髦靓丽的“迷你装”所吸引。顷刻间,都市里“偶露风情”成为时尚。怎样才能拥有一个玲珑有致的迷人小肚脐?更成了千万都市女性关注的焦点。于是,“美脐师”这种新鲜职业便应运而生。青海女孩刘晶,最早在深圳创办了“美脐工作室”。  相似文献   

诗序公历1991年5月,松游四川峨眉。观览山色,雾霭沉沉;苍松翠竹,亭榭飞泉;杜娟遍野,花香四溢。山势婉转起伏,听鸟鸣松涛声声。感自然之雄浑,念苍生之窘迫。噫吁!豪气之来天地间,欲为人间花主持。思春、夏、秋、冬,春暖梅花开,夏暑牡丹胜,秋风菊叶香,争尽人间风流,惟冬花无主。雪莲傲然,远泊西域,不争中原。想我虽无仙家之飘逸,终不忍为世俗误,故  相似文献   

在推进主体监管模式的过程中,我们试图通过开发外汇管理系统,完善外汇管理法规,梳理办事流程、简化手续等来规范审批事项等外汇管理软硬件以实现监管模式由行为监管转变为主体监管。但系统的进步、法规的完善和流程的规范仍无法消除或减少违规行为的发生。改善外汇管理环境,在管制存在的情况下,建立外汇征信体系,改变外汇管理只罚不奖的监管方式,以增加守法长期收益的方式增加违规的机会成本,形成经济主体自觉自律的遵守规则的外汇管理生态文明才能让微观经济体从本能上消除违规冲动。  相似文献   

党的十八大提出将生态文明建设纳入中国特色社会主义事业“五位一体”总体布局,有着现实的经济学背景,也是对我国现代经济发展理念的重大创新。生态产品概念的提出,有助于我们从经济学的视角来理解生态文明建设的目的和要求。从微观产品角度来说,可以将生态产品的供给能力作为考评地方政府业绩的指标;从宏观制度层面,需要完善各项法律法规、建立健全生态文明考评体系,推进生态文明建设创新。  相似文献   

21世纪我国财务管理理论将会向多个领域学科交叉发展,可以预见,在新世纪里,财务理论将汇集金融、自然科学、社会科学、各门类科学的优秀成果而生成崭新的综合学科。同时,财务管理实务也将会有长足的发展。  相似文献   

Mathematician Lewis Carroll used Alice’s adventures in wonderland to introduce what may happen in the singularity of a black hole. Physicists still debate whether the singularity is a window to another universe, like Alice’s mirror, or a deadly trap. Although we are not endangered by black holes, we may soon face another type of singularity, one derived from an overwhelming scientific progress. Extrapolating from last century’s scientific progress, this century will be marked by unprecedented technological breakthroughs. As technologies allow for greater increases in scientific output, the result will be an explosion in scientific progress that will reshape human civilization. We may reach a point, a singularity, where humankind will undergo a deeper change than in the past 100,000 years. In addition to incalculable benefits, technology also yields weapons of increasing destruction. Soon, knowledge may be the only resource necessary to build weapons of mass destruction. Due to the both creative and destructive nature of the human mind, the dilemma is whether the technological singularity will be a bridge to wonderland or if it will mean the end of human civilization.  相似文献   

Ulrich Beck's work is beginning to alter how risk is understood. This paper maps out the core of Beck's argument and provides a critique of his analysis. In particular it argues that this emerging concept of risk is flawed because it is not rooted in an ontological view of knowledge and, hence, it misunderstands the relationship between experts, expert knowledge and lay knowledge. Because of his downgrading of ontology, Beck under-theorizes the politics of expertise and the sociality of knowledge hence we should be cautious in our use of his analysis of risk and organization in late modernity.
It has been said civilization is a race between education and catastrophe. With Katrina, we have had the catastrophe, and we are racing inexorably toward the next. Americans want to know; what have we learned?
(US Select Bipartisan Committee, 2006; ix)

通过梳理和分析自然资源核算的历史演进以及典型国家开展自然资源核算的实践经验,对自然资源核算账户、环境经济综合核算以及自然资源资产负债表的关系进行了辨析,指出作为生态文明建设中的一项重要制度创新,自然资源资产负债表与环境经济综合核算两种核算体系揭示和反映的重点不同,但两者都需要以自然资源核算账户为基础进行编制。自然资源资产负债表的构建有助于健全政府宏观会计体系,完善国家资产负债表的数据基础。  相似文献   

Daniel Pinson 《Futures》2004,36(4):503-513
The need for cross disciplinary boundaries appeared in scientific research at least twenty years ago. Since its foundation, at the beginning of the 20th Century, urban planning has been claiming the assets of multidisciplinarity. It is particularly concerned with transgressing disciplinary boundaries. However, multidisciplinarity may weaken urban planning as a discipline, because it is a recent knowledge domain that has borrowed without questioning from the knowledge acquired in both the social and engineering sciences. Urban planning may forget to formulate an inventory and to build its own theoretical and practical assets. This article argues that it is only when a dsicipline has acquired its own identity that it can implement a fertile transdisciplinarity contribution.  相似文献   

中央专项转移支付是目前我国实行生态补偿的主要方式,地区间的横向生态补偿机制尚处探索阶段,加快形成地区间横向生态补偿机制的具体模式是生态文明体系建设的重要内容。2015年,四川省成都市和甘孜州合作共建的“飞地产业园区”——成甘工业园区被认为是贯彻党中央构建横向生态补偿机制精神的典范。本文通过对成甘工业园区的详细考察,在与传统工业园区发展模式进行多维比较的基础上,认为“飞地经济”模式下的工业园区能够为探索地区间横向生态补偿机制提供积极经验,总体上符合两地的共同利益。但与传统模式相比,飞地经济模式存在运行逻辑上的内在差异,这种差异导致博弈过程中的弱势方甘孜州在客观上承担了能源、资源输出以及优惠政策中转的责任,可能引发甘孜州的新型贫困等潜在问题。因此,建议通过加快构建甘孜州水电资源开发生态修复产业化制度、完善现有的“成甘飞地经济”模式、实施“产城一体”的飞地工业园区发展战略等措施推动飞地经济更好服务于生态补偿机制建设。  相似文献   

纵观学者们从各个视角对高校生态文明教育的研究,尤其是从德育的视角,对于我们进一步研究高校生态文明素质教育具有重要的意义。通过对近几年来学者们对高校生态文明教育的研究综述,进而从德育的视角深入探讨高校生态文明素质教育,有利于实现生态文明素质教育的实效性;同时促进学校德育的发展。  相似文献   

Tourism, as all human activities, is dependent on the natural environment and its respective ecosystem services (ES). Different user groups manage and consume these touristic ES differently, resulting in discrepancies and potential conflicts. Despite the urgency to find inclusive local approaches for sustainable development, tourism studies still analyze socio-economic and ecological impacts separately and lack integrated social–ecological approaches to improve foresight in tourism planning. Based on a growing concern regarding the future of Costalegre on the Jalisco coast of Western Mexico, we analyze through interviews, surveys, and participant observation the dependence of tourism on specific ecosystem services and conduct a scenario analysis which shows present and future implications for the social–ecological system. Furthermore, this analysis shows in detail how different scenarios change ES provision and people's livelihoods. Key findings include identifying freshwater provision and cultural ES as the most important touristic ES. At a regional scale, peasants in ejidos are the main ES stewards, whereas high-class tourism facilities constitute important local stewards. Benefits, mainly access to freshwater and the beach, are unequally distributed, provoking conflicts among different ES user groups that may escalate in the near future. Improved communication between all user groups and strengthening of key political actors seem to be the most immediate recommendations to ensure the long term sustainability of this particular region. This work may contribute to improved planning and decision-making as our ES based scenarios are a first step to integrate social–ecological knowledge into improved decision-making. At a local scale, the study reveals the most likely future development options and their social and ecological consequences. It could also serve as a baseline for informed policy making.  相似文献   

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