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谈在新形势下如何加强企业思想政治工作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在现代化建设和改革开放深入发展的过程中,如何加强和改进企业思想政治工作,充分发挥党的政治优势,始终是一个十分重要的课题。本人试图分析在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业思想政治工作所面临的新特点、新问题,提出加强企业思想政治工作的思路和对策,探索在市场经济条件下政治思想工作的新路子。  相似文献   

We investigate the welfare implications of monetary policy arrangements in a small open economy, considering firms' bank‐based finances that are widely observed in emerging ASEAN countries. The impact of an unexpected change in the lending rate spread, or a lending rate spread shock, depends on the presence of banking activity in the economy. This presence is important in Malaysia and Vietnam, where welfare effects of this type of shock are at least comparable to those of foreign monetary policy shocks. We also find that a rigid exchange rate arrangement amplifies the effect of a shock.  相似文献   

Empirical analyses attributing the 1980s’ debt crisis to inconsistent stabilization policies rest on an inappropriate long‐run approach. Revising this long‐run approach yields opposite results: terms of trade shocks and foreign indebtedness explain this crisis, regardless of domestic stabilization policies. This prompts us to consider a new hypothesis, of delays in trade‐policy reforms, with a model in which terms‐of‐trade variation (under shocks) is endogenous to export structure and efficiency of resource allocation. Evidence from the structural equations model shows that allocation distortions negatively affect changes in terms of trade, which then explain this crisis. A political economy extension demonstrates that income inequality and regional trade policy determine the distortions, which in turn leads to this crisis.  相似文献   

The Dollar-Mark Axis. — Over the last two decades, most European currencies have tended to weaken against the mark as the latter strengthened against the dollar. Moreover, the strength of the response of European cross rates has tended to remain in the same order over time. The paper first sets out the stylised facts of this phenomenon, referred to as the dollar-mark axis, and then tries to identify its determinants. In addition to exchange rate policy, the paper examines the correlation of cyclical fluctuations and trade links and the bias of international investors in the currency composition of their portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the causes of the Korean economic crisis from a political-economic perspective. The author points out that the economic causes which had been mentioned often such as overvalued won exchange rate and moral hazard of financial sector and corporate sector, have political origins. If the Korean economic crisis was caused by political economic factors, structural reform of the economy alone is not sufficient for economic recovery. Therefore, this paper argues, the behaviors of politicians, bureaucrats, and interest groups had been influential for resource allocation in the Korean economy. It concludes that the self-interest seeking activities of various interest groups should be properly controlled.  相似文献   

Free Trade or Protection? Belgian Textile and Clothing Firms' Trade Preferences. -This paper examines the positions of Belgian textile and clothing firms on trade policies. Observations on positions are generated by a survey. Along the lines of the political economy of protection and anti-protection we test whether firm-specific characteristics influence textile and clothing firms' trade policy preferences. The results show that international competition and having foreign establishments significantly determine firms' positions, but that product differentiation does not. A Chow test indicates no significant difference between firms' sensitivities in the textile and clothing industries. This suggests that the two professional organizations should co-operate on trade issues.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the experience of Switzerland’s devaluation in 1936. We ask the following questions: what were the issues at stake in the political debate? What was the cost to Switzerland of the delay in the franc devaluation? What would have been the costs and benefits of an earlier exchange rate policy? To answer these questions we construct a simple open economy macro model of the interwar Swiss economy. We then posit counterfactual scenarios of alternative exchange rate pegs in 1931 and 1933. Our simulations clearly show a significant and large increase in real economic activity.  相似文献   

文章从国史与国际角度考察中国发展方向,着眼经济增长与政策转型核心问题,并探讨有关社会科学研究及其中国特色。1978年摒弃“以阶级斗争为纲”的历史转变,彻底实现了“经济国家”使命并借助改革开放取得经济成就。但目前面临的重大社会课题(包括社会公平、政府结构及其经济职能蜕变等)亟需深入研究。国家总体公共政策正面临从“以经济建设为中心”走向更高阶段的新的转折。经济仍然是不能取代的重要基础,但各项政策规划需要尽快向社会经济平衡发展模式转变。在马克思主义政治经济学及科学社会主义指导下有关人的发展经济学研究,可成为中国社会科学的一大特色。  相似文献   


The paper examines Danish unemployment and the employment policy in the 1930s. The unemployment data indicate that though the unemployment increased dramatically the rate of unemployment remained low. The official Danish unemployment records definitely underestimated the actual unemployment in the early 1930s, but the discrepancy was hardly as big as some scholars have suggested. The paper furthermore points out that the rather atypical rise in the Danish unemployment from the mid-1930s can be attributed to a rise in the natural rate of unemployment due to an improved unemployment insurance coverage and a more comprehensive registration of the unemployment. The second part of the paper deals with the Danish employment policy. Unemployment remained high on the political agenda, but the employment problem never became the main target for the economic policy. An active employment policy was constrained by the problems of the balance of payments and the political disagreements in parliament. While the macroeconomic policy did help to stabilize the economy and the employment, the number of measures directly targeting the labour market was small, and they seldom gave rise to much job creation.  相似文献   

当前国内关于循环经济的研究不断深入,但是循环经济在企业中并没有热起来,主要原因是人们对循环经济及其政策的经济理论基础的认识不清,造成了循环经济政策的缺乏.依据新的公共政策理论,文章认为发展循环经济更多涉及的是相关主体的利益冲突,因此公共政策就是确定谁的利益得到考虑,并认为循环经济政策不会影响效率.  相似文献   

The present paper uses the political economy model developed by Grossman and Helpman and studies the equilibrium of a game between the two countries; the home country, which exercises the trade policy for maximizing its objective function, and the foreign country, which controls the level of its capital export for the similar purpose. It is shown that if the production costs of the two countries are identical, the equilibrium of the game in which the two countries make simultaneous move will very likely achieve free trade.  相似文献   

区域创新政策在发挥区域创新优势和推动区域经济发展方面具有重要意义,也是实现建设创新型国家战略目标的重要工具。由于不同的区域之间在地理环境、资源禀赋以及经济发展水平方面存在差异,因此并没有一个普适性的区域创新政策模式适用于所有的区域。在制定区域创新政策时需要立足于区域实际情况,遵循差异化原则。基于政策试验背景对我国实行差异化区域创新政策的合理性和必要性进行探讨,并提出对策建议,为开展区域创新活动提供一定参考。  相似文献   

日本产业政策与竞争政策的关系及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过战后日本产业政策与竞争政策关系的演变,来评价日本政府与市场和企业的关系。日本政府根据不同经济发展时期的实际需要及时调整产业政策与竞争政策关系的经验,对目前处于经济转型期的中国具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

雷钊 《特区经济》2010,(2):20-21
当前,我国经济运行中的积极因素不断增多,回升向好的势头日趋明显,货币政策的整体效果初步显现。在复杂的国际国内环境下,货币政策依然是促进经济良性运行的重要工具,但其调整需要审时度势,必须宽松适度,避免通货膨胀。  相似文献   

黄廷义 《特区经济》2006,211(8):260-261
改革开放以来,中国经济一直保持高速发展,然而地区经济发展不平衡加剧,东西部经济发展差距不断扩大,西部大开发实施的效果不如人们的预期,国家经济政策导向在促进东西部经济发展缩小差距、实现地区经济均衡发展并最终实现共同富裕的过程中日益必要。本文就西部地区经济发展中国家的经济政策导向进行探讨,并提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江地区社会经济发展的历史过程中曾经有过繁荣发展时期。清末民初的中央和地方政府调整了满洲边疆的封禁政策,审时度势,制定并实施了"弛禁"、"全部开禁"、移民实边、工商各业全面开放等有利于当时黑龙江地区经济发展的方针政策,从而使社会经济得以迅速发展。  相似文献   

李成  李一帆  张炜 《改革》2020,(1):100-110
基于经济周期的不同阶段,从IS-LM曲线和供求理论的双重视角解析利用财政政策与货币政策对宏观经济进行调控的内在机理,揭示两类政策搭配组合的理论逻辑,分析制约财政政策与货币政策调控效应的现实因素。研究发现,财政政策与货币政策的搭配组合要根据经济发展的不同阶段进行动态供给,以满足经济周期不同阶段的需求,如此方能实现经济的稳定增长。现阶段,我国应采取“更加积极的财政政策与稳健适度的货币政策”这一政策组合。产品市场与货币市场对利率的弱敏感性使政策刺激经济的效果受到制约,因而两类政策不仅要在总量层面“对冲”经济增速减缓的压力,而且要在结构层面增强协调性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues raised in ‘The Background of China's Planning Institutional Reform’ circulated in advance of the International Conference on China's Planning System Reform, held on 24–25 March 2004 in Beijing. The discussion is structured around four topics: (1) the scope of planning; (2) the administration of the planning system; (3) methods of planning; and (4) the coordination of planning with market activities. A critical issue is whether the Chinese government is doing too much or too little in planning the broad range of activities in a market economy, and various policy options are examined in relation to this issue. A central conclusion is that as China's economic and political system evolves within the framework of the Five-Year Plan, the scope of planning will naturally reduce as the market sector replaces a number of activities formerly undertaken by government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of misleading economic ideas that most likely promoted the economic disasters of the two deflationary periods in Japanese economic history. Misleading ideas deepened the depression during the interwar years, and erroneous thinking has prolonged the stagnation of the Japanese economy since the 1990s. While the current framework of political economy is based on the self-interest of political agents as well as of voters, we highlight the role of ideas in policy making, in particular, in the field of macroeconomy where the incidence of a particular policy is not clear to the public. Using two significant examples, this paper illustrates the role of preconceived ideas, in contrast to economic interests, as dominant forces influencing economic policy making.  相似文献   

姚蕾 《乡镇经济》2008,24(6):40-44
发展循环经济、建宴循环型社会是我国城市发展的战略选择。文章以沿海开放城市宁波为研究对象,分析了循环经济发展的可能性和必要性,并对宁波市循环经济现实发展的三个层次模式及其取得的成效进行实证研究。在此基础上,针对目前存在的主要问题提出了构建循环经济的政策体系。  相似文献   

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