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在对实证城市居住空间分异现状分析的基础上探寻城市居住空间分异影响因素及这些因素的作用机理。鉴于城市居住空间分异在主城及郊区等层面表现出不同的特征,文章运用GIS的空间分析方法分别对南京市主城区及郊区居住空间分异的现状进行比较分析。主要结论有:主城和郊区住宅板块在区位价值、容积率、绿化率、建筑年代、建筑面积等指标上都有差异存在,显示出主城与郊区居住板块之间在发展方式、成长规律、表现形式上的差异。随着居住郊区化和新城居住空间结构的变化,南京市城市居住空间结构表现出新的特征。文章选取我国副省级城市南京为实证研究对象,对我国住房转型期大城市居住空间分异现状进行个案研究,其城市居住空间分异的规律及结论具有一定的示范意义。  相似文献   

城市女性就业的空间分布——以南京为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何流  黄春晓 《经济地理》2008,28(1):105-109
女性就业问题是当前重要的城市社会问题之一,但目前从空间的角度对女性就业问题进行探讨的研究很少,忽视了就业与城市空间结构之间的关系。文章以南京为例,利用第五次人口普查的数据,分析了女性就业,包括制造业、服务业和行政管理业的女性就业在城区和郊区的空间分布和分异状况,并总结了女性就业的空间分布特征,即:在宏观空间层面上的中心化与在微观空间层面上的边缘化。  相似文献   

The paper examines the complex interrelationship between economic growth and the urban–rural income inequality in China by estimating a simultaneous equation system. This study uses a panel data-set that covers 29 provinces from 1988 to 2007, and compares the earlier period with the later period. It finds a robust and positive impact of the rural surplus labor on urban–rural inequality, which is consistent with Lewis’ dual economy theory. Economic growth is found to aggravate the urban–rural inequality in the earlier period, but there is no hard evidence in the later period. This implies that China has not yet, or at least by 2007, entered the second stage of the Kuznets curve. We also find no robust evidence on the impact of the inequality on growth in either period, but find robust evidence on the impact of both foreign direct investment and exports on the increasing inequality during the earlier period, whereas no significant impact in the later period is found. Finally, the spread of education reduced the inequality in the earlier period, but no such impact is robust in the later period.  相似文献   

城市通勤是西方地理学、规划学和社会学等学科的重要研究内容.文章从居住与就业的空间关系角度对西方国家的城市通勤相关研究进行了回顾,涉及到城市通勤的理论与模型、通勤行为的影响因素、过剩通勤和空间失衡等,在简单回顾国内相关研究的基础上,最后对国内相关研究提出展望,认为应该注重社会调查,加强个体层面的研究,关注从居住-就业的空间关系研究城市通勤量大规模增加的原因,并重视研究居住-就业的空间失衡所造成的社会空间后果,为社会福利政策寻求更好的解决措施.  相似文献   

中国城市人口可比增长速度的空间差异(1949──1995)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文川计算城市人口可比增长速度的方法.分三个阶段检验了我国城市人口增长速度的总体状况和空间差异.认为城市人口增长速度呈明显的马鞍形,大城市增长速度波动最大,与决策者的认识与愿望不一致。通过三个阶段快速增长城市和缓慢增长城市分布的分析、认为东中西之间和南北之间的差异都很明显。我国城市发展的重点,第一阶段在西部.第二阶段在中部、第三阶段在东部。南方城市的增长速度在第一阶段远远落后于北方。第二阶段差距有所缩小.第三阶段南方城市接近或超过了北方城市。东部快于中西部.南方快于北方的趋势仍在继续。城市人口增长速度空间差异的变化与我国宏观经济发展方针的转变相一致。  相似文献   

Starting from the late 1980s, despite rapid economic growth, female labour force participation in urban China has shown a general declining trend. Using repeated cross‐sections from the Chinese Household Income Project Series (CHIP), this paper attempts to systematically relate the decrease in the labour force participation of married women to the socio‐economic changes happening in urban China during the same period of time. Adopting both linear and nonlinear decomposition techniques, the results indicate that the changes in married women's labour force participation during the periods 1995–2002 and 2007–2013 can be explained by the concurrent changes in the distribution of socio‐economic variables, while the changes during the periods 1988–1995 and 2002–2007 are mostly driven by the leftward shift of married women's participation function.  相似文献   

中国城镇贫困的变化趋势和模式:1988—2002   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用中国家庭收入项目(CHIP)调查数据,估计了1988—2002年中国城镇绝对贫困的变化趋势。根据CHIP调查数据所绘制的贫困发生曲线表明,不论把绝对贫困线确定在哪里,在该时期内中国城镇贫困都在显著减少。1988—1995年,收入分配不平等加剧,但此后基本保持稳定。分析收入和贫困决定因素的多元回归模型显示,教育、性别和中共党员等特征扩大了收入差异。来自政府反贫困措施的生活困难救助对减少城镇贫困影响很小。城镇贫困的缓解几乎完全归因于经济增长而非收入再分配。  相似文献   

了解近代南京山水风景资源的时空分布与演变,有 助于探究风景名胜的发展规律,为当代城市风景系统的营建 与可持续发展提供科学依据。基于历史地理信息系统,运用 ArcGIS平台,以南京钟山风景区为例,对近代历史景观资源 的时空分布及影响因素进行研究。结果表明:1)历史景观资 源数量呈现2次波动,民国时期的景观资源类型趋于多样化, 纪念建筑数量最多;2)历史景观资源集聚于钟山头陀岭、独 龙阜、小茅峰,鸡笼山南坡,玄武湖梁洲等地;3)历史景观 资源的分布重心由西北向东南长距离偏移,1840—1912年 的移动趋势较弱,1912年之后的分布趋势逐渐增强;4)地形 地貌、水系等自然因素直接作用于历史景观资源的选址,交 通条件、统治阶级的干预及战争动乱等人文因素推动着时空 演变过程。研究结果证明了基于园林文献史料构建山水名胜 历史地理信息系统的可行性,为历史景观资源空间分析提供 了方法借鉴。  相似文献   

借助GIS技术揭示了新时期北京市商业土地出让的空间分布特征、动态演变,探讨了对城市土地利用和空间发展的影响。北京商业土地出让的分布由二环至四环逐步向五环外转移,城市功能拓展区出让数量减少,城市发展新区增加,旧城区分布一直比较集中。商业集聚区表现出旧城高集聚区面积增大、远郊新城中低集聚区数量增多、城郊大型居住区集中程度提高等特征。商业土地出让时空格局动态演变存在显著差异,东北方向扩展距离较远,波动大;西北与西南方向外延扩张典型,扩展距离远,年均速率大;东南方向空间扩展不显著。最后,探讨了商业土地出让时空格局演变在土地利用方式与效率、商业郊区化、功能疏解与职住分离等方面产生的影响。  相似文献   

Abstracts.   The Eurocentric growth model has been the basic workhorse for numerous Chinese economic historians. This deep seated Eurocentric paradigm is concerned mainly with conterfactuals and tends to ignore past reality. To illustrate the problems of this Eurocentric approach, this paper examines the rural economy of Jiangnan, also known as the Yangzi Delta, during late imperial times. A main characteristic of the villages in the Wuxi county in Jiangnan were the mixture of the rural–urban lifestyle and development. Jiangnan's developmental patterns, in the Song and the Qing dynasty, from the Maoist period (pre-1979) to post-1979 development, contrast sharply with the predictions of the Western development models.  相似文献   

利用遥感影像和城市建成区图,运用GIS分析技术,以淮安市主城区为例,对城市空间扩展与外部形态演变进行了分析,结果表明,淮安主城区空间扩展具有明显的阶段性与各向异性特征,1965年以前,城市扩展缓慢,以北向、西北向扩展为主,1965—1979年,扩展规模较小,以西南向扩展为主,1979—1995年,扩展速度开始加快,以西北向、西南向为扩展的主导方向,1995年以后,城市空间加速扩展,以东向、东南向扩展为主。城市空间扩展的模式可概括为扇翼缓慢扩展型、圈层式扩展型和扇翼快速扩展型三种类型。淮安主城区形态经历了由星形向块状演变的过程,具有明显的趋圆性特点,城市空间扩展的阶段性与各向异性对外部形态的演变具有明显的影响作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of labour markets and the evolution of a structure of wages in China, using household surveys for 1988, 1995, 2002 and 2007. It finds evidence of both provincial and sectoral segmentation in labour markets, with eastern regions and the state-controlled sector enjoying high wage premiums in the early reform period. During the reform, China has progressed slowly towards an integrated labour market with convergence in incomes between the rural non-agriculture sector and the urban market-based sector by 1995, when industry flourished in the rural areas. The wage gap between the rural non-agriculture sector and other sectors increased and the urban state-controlled sector remained segmented with respect to all other sectors up to 2002. However, the data from 2007 show there has been increasing sectoral and spatial integration.  相似文献   

城镇劳动力市场雇佣关系的演化及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用跨度为二十年(1988年到2007年)的微观家计数据,分析了我国城镇地区雇佣关系在经济转型时期从单一固定工向多元灵活雇佣关系转变的过程。将我国城镇地区的雇佣关系分成四种类型,探讨了雇佣关系构成从1988年到2007年的变化及其影响因素,以及各种因素的相对重要性。分析发现,从1988年开始,我国的雇佣关系构成中灵活雇佣比重开始逐步上升,到2002年,短期雇佣、无合同雇佣等灵活雇佣形式的比重达到一个较高水平,进入2007年,稳定雇佣关系的比重略有回升。扩展的Oaxaca-Blinder分解所得结果表明,从1995年到2002年,劳动力市场灵活性增强主要受到转型过程中制度变迁等不可观测因素的影响;进入2007年,稳定的雇佣关系比重略有回升,放松管制和市场深化的效应逐渐释放殆尽,特征变量对提高雇佣稳定性的作用开始显现。  相似文献   

城市旅游客流空间体系研究——以南京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨兴柱  顾朝林  王群  卢松 《经济地理》2011,31(5):868-873
从空间动态发展的视角研究城市旅游流空间动态变化,建立了集空间吸引力、空间竞争力、空间成长力于一体的更为综合的城市旅游客流空间体系。选择南京市为代表性案例区,运用了引力模型、偏离份额分析、Surfer等分析方法,从多维视角研究了南京市旅游客流空间动态变化,研究发现:①不同发展阶段客源市场稳定性和集中性具有明显的差异,城市客源市场空间分布总体符合距离衰减规律;②城市间旅游流空间分布存在明显的空间分异规律,旅游客流竞争格局变化明显;③城市内部旅游客流以集聚为主,集聚与扩散并存。  相似文献   

房价水平、差异化产品区位分布与城市体系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
地级及以上城市体系的扁平化趋势可能是我国经济增长粗放、产能过剩的体现。本文将Thünen模型中房价水平对差异化产品区位分布的影响关系植入到新经济地理学Krugman-Helpman模型,详细阐述城市房价水平过快上涨(特别是大型城市)对差异化产品区位选择产生扩散倾向的内在机制,并利用1998—2007年中国地级及以上城市的相关数据进行检验。通过计量模型的参数估计,我们发现,Krugman-Helpman模型中导致城市体系扁平化趋势的"非黑洞"条件在中国是成立的。这一结论意味着,通过遏制房价水平非正常过快上涨等方法来扭转城市体系的扁平化趋势可能对调整经济结构与增长方式等具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Poverty, Growth, and Redistribution: a Study of Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper examines changes in the extent of poverty in Iran in the period 1983 to 1993. More specifically, it investigates the contributions of growth and redistribution factors to changes in poverty over this period of ten years. The analysis is based on household‐level data relating to three Household Income and Expenditures Surveys of 1983, 1988, and 1993. The study reveals that the extent of poverty in the rural sector declined slightly, whereas in the urban sector it increased significantly. Decomposition of changes in poverty into growth and redistribution components indicates that in each sector the redistribution component was positive, implying that the deterioration of income inequality contributed to the worsening of poverty. The growth component, however, affected the two sectors differently: it contributed to a reduction in poverty in rural areas and an increase in urban areas.  相似文献   

张京祥  殷洁  罗震东 《经济地理》2007,27(3):452-457
城市增长机器是全球化激烈竞争环境中城市政府与资本力量结合的一种增长联盟,在转型期的中国城市增长中广泛存在。文章以地域营销大事件作为切入点,具体以南京奥体新城为实证,对城市增长联盟的形成、博弈与解体进行了研究。揭示了转型期中国城市政府的高度企业化倾,以及城市增长机器产生、运作的机制。指出要建立更为稳定、广泛的城市城市增长联盟,实现从“增长型政府”向“发展型政府”治理模式的根本转变。  相似文献   

Declan Curran 《Applied economics》2013,45(17):2187-2201
This article looks beneath the surface of British sub-regional aggregate Gross Value Added (GVA) growth over the period 1995 to 2007, by examining how the differing growth dynamics of the secondary and services sectors have influenced the overall regional growth process. A spatial econometric analysis is undertaken which tests regional secondary and services real GVA per capita for absolute and conditional convergence at the NUTS 3 level. Both local and global spatial analysis techniques are utilized in order to gain a detailed insight into the growth process over the period 1995 to 2007.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of scale economies, technological growth and industrial structure in creating spatial variation in manufacturing labour and Total Factor (TFP) productivity in Britain. Separate estimates of a translog specification are presented for British manufacturing firms located in defined areas of the country over the period 1994–1998. The results show that TFP change due to scale economies and technological growth has been of much less important in influencing the output growth of manufacturing firms than input growth or industrial structure. Regarding the components of TFP, technological growth has been the dominant force at play. The analysis of average labour productivity identifies shifts to other factors of production and industrial structure as being the main determinants of change, scale economies appear to have had a marginal role. The results identify spatial patterns indicating that more favourable locational effects arise for firms in areas adjacent to large urban centres, rather than for those located within cities, on the extreme periphery of the urban hinterland, or in rural areas and smaller towns.  相似文献   

城市空间扩展与城市土地利用扩展的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
许彦曦  陈凤  濮励杰 《经济地理》2007,27(2):296-301
城市空间扩展是城市地理学、城市规划学的核心内容之一。城市土地利用扩展是城市空间扩展的一个重要方面。文章总结了城市空间扩展机制、扩展动力机制、模式、模型及产生的影响,以及城市土地利用的扩展模式、动力机制、研究方法以及用地扩展的类型识别和城市用地扩展的时空演变分析,展望城市空间扩展与土地利用扩展,将在生态环境、生态安全、用地效益、土地集约等方面有很大的发展,进一步与3S技术和CA结合,将推进其快速发展。  相似文献   

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