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中国烟草工业企业竞争力实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用因子分析法和模糊综合评价方法,对国内37家烟草工业企业2004-2006年期间的竞争力水平进行了评价。研究结果表明:我国烟草工业企业之间的竞争力水平存在显著差异,企业间"强者趋强、弱者更弱"的分化现象日益突出,优势企业的综合竞争力快速提升。为此,要继续提高我国烟草工业整体竞争力水平,必须深化企业间跨省区的联合重组,进一步提高烟草工业的企业规模和市场集中度。  相似文献   

尽管在过去的30年里中国在经济增长方面取得了巨大的成就,但近十几年来穷人的处境却开始恶化。如果没有公平的宪政秩序,就不可能创建符合穷人利益的制度与公共政策,进而就不可能使穷人从经济增长中获益。作为制度与公共政策重要组成部分的公共支出对有利于穷人的经济增长的形成有重要作用。本文的分析表明,二元结构下政府对农村的公共支出比例与穷人向现代部门的迁移能力与密切相关。当穷人向现代部门的迁移能力较强时,可以通过不断减少对农村的支出比例,增加对城市的支出比例来促进穷人的收入增长:当穷人向现代部门的迁移能力不足时,要使经济增长有利于穷人,必须增加政府对农村的公共支出比例来。  相似文献   

拉丁美洲地区的一些国家在反倾销调查中对国外企业提交的应诉材料存在领事认证的要求。这种要求给国外企业尤其是中国企业的应诉造成了不便。文章简要介绍和分析了拉美国家反倾销中的领事认证制度,并结合我国的具体情况提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

公民参与公共政策过程是公民政治参与的重要方面,也是公共政策研究的新话题。在我国,公众参与政策制定的水平有了一定的发展,公民可以通过各种形式参与到政策制定中。目前,我国公众参与政策制定过程中还存在制度、组织缺陷和参与水平不高等问题。我国应大力推进公民参与的制度化,大力发展公民组织,拓展参与渠道,采取有效措施提升公民参与的整体水平。  相似文献   

湖南省作为中国第七人口大省,人口老龄化问题尤为突出。然而,目前湖南省内公立养老机构发展现状却不容乐观,其规模设施、从业人员素质等条件皆未达到成熟程度。为改变现状,必须做好公立养老机构的新增、改建工作,努力提高其专业化服务水平,并多方筹措资金,完善监督机制。  相似文献   

Public involvement is increasingly becoming the norm as stakeholders recognize the need to inform, consult and engage the public. However, there is limited understanding about the meaning and implications of public involvement, in particular elements like the levels of public involvement, the goals of the involvement, the type of public to be involved, the methods of involving the public and the need to assess effectiveness. We conducted a systematic review of policy documents/guidelines published between 1998 and 2009, by governments, health professionals and the public regarding public involvement in the area of human genomics. Documents were identified using the HUMGEN database and organizational web sites. A total of 70 documents were retrieved addressing public involvement and human genomics. The review revealed that 22 documents mentioned the active process of partnership and collaboration, whereas 27 mentioned consultation and 29 mentioned education. The most common goals were building trust and respect, followed by education, governance and lastly, understanding risks and benefits. We found that less than a third of the documents defined who the public is, and when mechanisms for public involvement were mentioned, they were rarely placed into a context. Few documents drew attention to evaluation. It is reassuring to see that there has been an emphasis placed on public involvement in the area of health and genomics. The findings underscore the gaps existing in the actual policy documents/guidelines and the need to clarify the goals, the methods, who is the public, what mechanism are appropriate and the need for evaluation when addressing public involvement in health genomics.  相似文献   

This paper critiques a recent article in this journal in terms of its use of persuasive techniques. The central issue of the original article by Miles, Munilla and Covin and this paper is whether there should be a change in intellectual property rights to address the needs of impoverished people who are HIV positive or have full blown AIDS and the countries that do not have the means to buy AIDS medication in the absence of subsidies. This paper argues that patents are state sanctioned monopolies that worked effectively for nearly a century. However, new circumstances and a globally interdependent world represent a new environment calling for an adjustment in the conventional public policy premises underlying patents. Most of the meaning and complexity of this issue is lost to the persuasive techniques of the original article.Dennis Ray teaches and researches international and comparative entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship and business in Asia. He teaches the international business strategy capstone course.  相似文献   

资源枯竭地区存在的共性问题是产业结构单一、效益下降、环境污染严重、城市基础设施落后。对资源枯竭地区进行公共政策扶持会产生“催化”效应及资源配置效应。应借鉴国际、国内资源型城市成功转型的经验,以政策支持为推动,以生态改善为条件,以产业持续为抓手,以民生改善为目的,实施产业结构优化战略,重视生态政策与经济政策的统一,继续强化政策扶持功能的力度,实现政府协调、服务和引导功能。  相似文献   

National health objectives are driven to increase participation rates. Individual health decisions are determined by attitudes, behavior, lifestyles, and government policies. This research, therefore, examined not just the development and delivery of a message targeting individual voluntary behavior change, but the intention of changes in social structures that will facilitate individuals reaching their potential; thus the purpose of this article is to shed light on the uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization using the health belief model (HBM). Research was conducted with the use of focus groups by drawing on the framework of the HBM. This research approach is conceptual by nature, based on the virtue of marketing promotion and on HBM literature. Though offering the vaccine free to the general public provides additional evidence to certain groups on the intention to act or uptake of the vaccine, awareness levels were found to be poor despite increased efforts by the government trying to promote this vaccine. There was evidence that social capital and trust can produce effective communication message strategies that reinforce social bonds. This article provides an interesting basis for further investigation; however, as implausible as it seems the article also contributes to the concept of perceived benefits and of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件中人道物流的应急法律机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人道物流为突发公共卫生事件防疫工作提供人道援助物资的仓储、运输和配送等服务,对防控疫情有重要意义。在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发生后,国内外慈善团体和个人捐赠了大量应急物资,我国的人道物流体系依照相关应急法律的规定迅速响应,在实施法律的同时也检验着法律的规定。目前,我国已经建立了由相关单行法和行政法规、部门规章、地方性法规等构成的应急法律体系来规范突发公共卫生事件中的应急管理。从实施情况来看,我国人道物流相关的部分法律规范层级较低,缺乏专门性规定。尤其是在交通卫生检疫、行政征用和末端物流配送等环节还存在薄弱点,需要加强相关立法、严格执行交通卫生检疫制度、细化行政征用规则、采取事中监督与事后监管,从立法、执法和守法的角度完善我国突发公共卫生事件中的人道物流应急法律制度,提高疫情防控效率。  相似文献   

The pressure on the UK National Health Service (NHS) to increase public involvement in the planning of future services has never been greater. Politicians and others argue that ‘lay wisdom’ has much to contribute, and that such involvement is essential if public confidence in the service is to be maintained. Many managers and clinicians, however, operating within an essentially technocratic paradigm, remain unconvinced. Their views are often reinforced by a lack of experience of methods for public involvement that can meet the many practical difficulties involved. Using Arnstein’s ‘ladder of citizen participation’, this paper describes the principal nuances of these two paradigms, explores the nature of the conflict between them, and assesses the extent to which they are really incommensurate. It then briefly describes some of the key methodological principles emerging from public involvement work in parts of the NHS in Wales, and assesses their potential to bridge the divide between the paradigms.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的全球大规模流行影响了世界范围内的公众健康,也影响了国际投资的发展。东道国采取的疫情防控措施可能会因损害外国投资者的利益而被诉至国际投资仲裁庭。国际投资协定中起初鲜有公共卫生例外条款,而晚近的国际投资协定在序言及正文中开始包含一种或几种公共卫生例外以尊重东道国的公共卫生规制权。近年来,一些外国投资者依据老旧国际投资协定而提起的国际投资仲裁涉及公共卫生问题时,东道国不得不通过援引国家警察权力、紧急状态等规定对外国投资者提出的征收补偿或者违反公平公正待遇的主张进行抗辩。虽然东道国的这些抗辩得到了部分国际投资仲裁庭的支持,但其仍存在较大的不确定性。鉴于此,在国际投资协定中纳入明确的公共卫生例外条款对于保护东道国的公共卫生规制权具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the communication strategies employed by MeritCare’s public relations staff during the fen–phen case. The ethic of significant choice was the primary lens for the study. The study revealed that MeritCare’s public relations staff members believed they did, in fact, follow the ethic of significant choice. Specifically, they perceived that the biases held by staff helped maintain the public’s safety as the primary issue during the fen–phen events. They also believed that their communication strategies allowed them to avoid ambiguity and emotionalized language. Finally, the staff members felt that teaming with Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota enabled them to influence the marketplace of ideas by capitalizing on the credible standing of Mayo Clinic.Renae A. Streifel (M.A., North Dakota State University) is a public relations specialist for the MeritCare Hospital group in Fargo, North Dakota. She studied the MeritCare case for her Master’s thesis.Bethany L. Beebe (M.A., Purdue University) studies crisis communication from an organizational perspective. Shari R. Veil (Ph.D., North Dakota State University) is an assistant professor in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma. She studies crisis communication from a public relations perspective.Timothy L. Sellnow (Ph.D., Wayne State University) is professor of communication, North Dakota State University. Along with an extensive publication record, he has worked with several US government grants which provide some of the context for his study of crisis communication from an organizational perspective.  相似文献   

In this paper the importance of public affairs management in multinational corporations in India will be examined. After briefly discussing the state of the art in international business and society literature, a conceptual framework for public affairs management in multinational corporations will be developed. This framework serves as the theoretical basis for an empirical study among German multinational corporations in India. In the main part of this paper the results of this study will be presented and discussed. The paper ends with a critical assessment and some major implications for future studies.  相似文献   

Consumer involvement or patient and public involvement (PPI) in health research is a UK policy imperative and a prerequisite for many funders. PPI in research is defined as research carried out with or being carried out by the public (or service users), rather than research on patients and public as subjects or participants. Despite the clear policy driver, there is relatively little empirical evidence on the extent, processes and impact of user involvement in research. This paper aims to add to the international evidence base on PPI in research by providing a key overview of current trends and impacts. In order to understand the current extent and variation of PPI in research, a scoping exercise and survey were carried out on selected UK studies. Six research topic areas (cystic fibrosis, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and public health) were selected to ensure a range of designs, study populations and histories of PPI in research. A total of 838 studies (non‐commercial studies and not older than 2 years) were contacted. The response rate for the scoping was 38% and the survey 28%. In the scoping, 51% of studies had some evidence of PPI and in the survey 79%. The most common PPI activity was steering committee membership and reviewing patient information leaflets. There appeared to be some blurred roles with patients participating as research subjects as well as carrying out patient involvement roles. A major finding was the limited amount of available information about PPI in publicly accessible research documents. We suggest that the invisibility of this type of involvement and the lack of routinely collected information about PPI results in a lack of shared understanding of what optimal PPI in a study should look like, with important implications for practice. Furthermore, without a framework to review PPI it is difficult to know if different approaches to PPI have a different impact on key outcomes of the research.  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件会冲击社会经济运行,特别是具备传染性时这种冲击的程度和范围会更深更广,而通过建立模型来模拟传染病类突发公共卫生事件,将为传染病评估和应对提供积极有效的依据。故以SEIR模型为基准,针对SEIR模型存在的不足,将重大传染病事件分为三个阶段发展三阶段模型,将相关参数由静态参数改进为动态参数,分类模拟封城以及传染病存在复发可能性的情形,并利用2020年新冠肺炎疫情数据进行动态模拟。对经典SEIR模型以及改进的三阶段模型分别进行参数估计和系统仿真发现,在无人为干预的自然传播情况下,传染病感染数量峰值会出现在1~2个月后;加强隔离、加大医疗资源投入能显著减小传播规模;改进的三阶段模型能对传染病类事件起到很好的预测作用,可为未来传染病评估和应对提供有效依据。由此,为有效应对传染病类突发公共卫生事件,建议从加强隔离、加大医疗资源投入、疫情后期持续关注等角度着手完善我国传染病应急防控体系,在传染病发生时能够对相关人员做到尽早隔离,提高治愈率,减少传染数量,从源头上降低突发公共卫生事件对经济的负面影响。  相似文献   

The sub-prime crisis has rejuvenated a public dialogue about the regulation of financial systems. This paper examines the impact of culture on the regulation of bank entry. Based on data from 53 countries, the paper's empirical estimations are inconsistent with the prediction of ‘public choice theory’, while supporting the ‘social choice view’ that cultural value has significant influence on regulatory policy and bank performance. The estimated structural model also suggests that social context can affect the formulation of cultural values across countries.  相似文献   

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