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In describing methods of analysing and evaluating alternative policy options of large systems, like the Australian Telecommunications Commission, this article proposes a set of criteria to test the policy options of Telecom Australia. The criteria are developed through three levels of enquiry. The rational enquiry describes the objective characteristics of the system; the mythological enquiry describes that set of beliefs which justifies the system's organization; and the ecological enquiry evaluates the adaptability of the system. This article concludes that re-evaluation at the mythological level is necessary for the successful continuation of Telecom Australia.  相似文献   

Telecommunications is at a critical juncture in the development of technology, policy and industry structure. The industry is becoming increasingly global and competitive; technology is developing faster than it can be implemented; and telecommunications is becoming strategically important to user organizations. Regulatory bodies and standards organizations are struggling with these developments. Public policy that encourages both competition in the telecommunications industry as well as the organized participation of users in the development of new technology applications, technical standards and industry regulations is essential for realizing the prospective benefits of the information age.  相似文献   

Australia is the first jurisdiction in the world to introduce a national private telecommunications industry ombudsman. Created in 1993, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has grown in jurisdiction and importance, becoming a regulatory cornerstone of the fully competitive post-1997 Australian telecommunications regime. This paper examines the role of the TIO as a mechanism for dispute resolution and as an industry regulator, suggesting that it provides an example of an innovatory regulatory process which transcends the divide between deregulation and proregulation. This raises the question as to the applicability of the ombudsman institution in terms of the regulation of telecommunications. Through highlighting the conciliatory nature of the ombudsman, the role of the TIO as a regulator is considered in its Australian context.  相似文献   

The aim of telecommunications policy in the less developed countries should be to contribute to general development goals, but the links between economic development and telecommunications are not clearly understood. The authors suggest a dual approach to this problem. First, this involves the construction of models of demand based on the interaction between regional economic development and telecommunications use. Second, corporate models are required to explore the feasibility of particular supply strategies. The progress of practical work in these areas is described and includes the results of some specific research in Kenya.  相似文献   

2008年下半年爆发的金融危机和原油价格的大幅下滑给亚洲LNG市场带来了巨大的变化。由于亚洲主要LNG进口国需求骤降,再加上大量投产的LNG生产线给市场带来了可观的LNG供应,亚洲LNG市场出现供过于求的局面,并由2008年的强势卖方市场转为买方市场。LNG短期价格和现货市场价格迅速下降,长期合同下的LNG供应紧张状况得到缓解,价格公式回归常态。买方市场为我国LNG进口项目获取资源带来了机遇,我国应加紧资源的落实,争取有利的价格条款和灵活条款,进口更多的LNG现货;同时,当前的市场情况也给执行卖方市场环境下签署的高价合同带来了挑战。我们应充分利用长、中、短期和现货多种合同供应形式,以便既实现资源的稳定可靠供应,又能及时应对市场的各种变化。  相似文献   

This paper employs a composite cost function toexamine the cost structure of Australian telephoneservices. The composite cost model combines thelog-quadratic input price structure of the translogmodel with a quadratic structure for multiple outputs. Quadratic output structures permit the measurement ofeconomies of scale, economies of scope, andsubadditivity without prejudging their presence. Model estimates, on Telstra system data from 1926 to1991, show that the production of Australian telephoneservices exhibits economies of scope but no rayeconomies of scale.  相似文献   

This article presents the main findings of a major research project jointly sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The purpose of the project was to shed some light on the ways in which telecommunications contribute to economic and social development. The author also describes one approach to rural telecommunications explored by the project — the GLODOM concept.  相似文献   

Further comments on the debate concerning the use of telecommunications for development, in response to John H. Clippinger's article ‘Can communications development benefit the Third World?’  相似文献   

In many developed countries there has recently been serious erosion of the monopoly position of national telecommunications authorities. Such authorities have long found difficulty in adjusting to the furious pace of electronics technology. The private sector may find less difficulty and should benefit as both user and provider of new information services. However, there are likely to be costs involved, and those who have traditionally made least use of telecommunications seem destined to bear the bulk of these costs. In developed countries, this may be unfortunate: in developing countries, the consequences could be much more serious.  相似文献   

The existing research of aggregate statistical analysis on the relationship between telecommunications and economic development is largely organized around the hypothesis that telephone growth fosters economic development. Although considerable evidence supports that hypothesis, there is also a growing realization that the growth of telecommunications, in turn, requires a sound economy. The existing research, however, ignores the reciprocal relationship between these two variables. Employing Singapore data, this article formulates a simultaneous equation model to assess the reciprocal relationship between telecommunications and economic development. These data support the reciprocal relationship hypothesis. Policy implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional discussions of telecommunications pricing utilize microeconomic models that are often timeless. In reality, static models of price-based decision making in telecommunications do not capture an important reality: that the price feedback is substantially delayed. Since consumers have no immediate feedback on which to base rational decisions, they must utilize their expectations of price. This article analyses the implications of this, using the alternate operator services as a discussion case. This analysis shows that few alternatives beyond price regulation exist to resolve the rampant complaints in this industry.  相似文献   

The authors examined 905 new product innovations introduced since September 1988 to determine the influences on product innovativeness, with a specific interest in strategic alliances, or cooperative strategies. Findings suggest that single firms, horizontal cooperative strategies, small and mixed'sized firms, biochemical industries, cross-industry product offerings, cross-industry cooperations, the progression of time, and European firms tend to indicate significantly more innovative products. Implications are proposed for business practitioners and researchers with specific application to the diffusion of innovation.  相似文献   

Developing new products, and customer involvement in the process, have been frequent topics in the management literature. Focusing on the benefits and risks of customer involvement, prior research mostly black-boxed the process through which customers are involved. Little has been reported on the activities and timing related to customer involvement in new product development (NPD), and the literature provides limited guidance for how to orchestrate customers' involvement. Building on a longitudinal case study of the development of a new product over five years, we offer a comprehensive model of customer involvement in the NPD process, and elaborate on the role of sales in customer involvement. The contribution of this paper is threefold: first, we develop the concept of customer involvement as a pattern of interactions at the interface of the customer and supplier organizations. Second, we posit that NPD in a B2B context is an iterative process consisting of various parallel sub-processes. Third, we demonstrate that in a B2B context, sales function plays a central part in interfacing the supplier and customer organizations. Based on our findings we identify organizational capabilities critical for developing an effective customer-supplier interface.  相似文献   

The article highlights the need for a national dimension in Canada's telecommunications systems. But the national dimension is undermined by the country's haphazard regulatory structure, and the consequent barriers to fair and equitable access to telecommunications services. A solution is proposed in the form of a national regulatory body which, without constitutional rearrangement, would yield effective federal authority and simultaneously ensure that valid concerns of a local or intraprovincial nature are taken into account.  相似文献   

Telecommunications offer benefits to women in their changing work roles, such as helping working mothers by providing more flexible schedules and facilitating the establishment of child-care, reducing the need for relocation and/or separation of members of dual- career families, and easing discomfort of male-female work interactions by helping to depersonalise the working environment. While discussion focuses on the implications for women, many of the benefits already apply to men and will become even more applicable as men take more active roles in their families and engage in more leisure-time activities.  相似文献   

The article begins with a discussion of the importance of the public services sector in the development of a modern economy, with specific reference to the organization and growth of public services in Israel. While the telecommunications sector is becoming increasingly important in national economies, it is often mismanaged in developing countries and its profits are used to subsidize other areas of the economy, particularly the postal services, which are run at a loss. The author analyses the various reasons for the lack of effective telecommunications policies in developing countries, and concludes with a series of recommendations for Israel which arise from that analysis.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s, Botswana has pursued a policy of telecommunications liberalisation. This article, based on fieldwork conducted in Botswana in the summer of 2000, analyzes several notable aspects of the process of reform and denotes those worthy of emulation by other African states. The participation and protection of domestic telecommunication users, transparency in decision-making, the creation of an independent regulatory agency, and the introduction of competition in the form of private cellular service providers are among those policy features that are recommended for replication. Various facets of the tendering process and subsequent licences granted to the mobile operators as well as recent legislation are also examined and commended.  相似文献   

New business ventures have rather limited resources, generally suffer from liabilities of smallness and newness and rely on external business relationships, typically with suppliers, for developing and acquiring necessary resources. Yet, to date, research on how new ventures develop initial relationships with suppliers and how these affect the nascent business has been limited. Taking the business network perspective and relating it to studies of supply chain and supplier involvement in product development, our study contributes to the rather limited body of knowledge on new ventures' supplier relationships. Empirically, we draw on a longitudinal, in-depth single-case study of the first two years of operation of a start-up. Our study shows that the development of the key initial supplier relationships starts from open-ended expectations of mutual future relational benefits and involves a stepwise ‘inter-definition’ of solutions in interaction between the parties. We observe that interdependences arise between the new venture and its key suppliers and these enable but also limit, the development paths of both partners. We argue that the key initial supplier relationships extend a new venture's resource and capability base and are an integral part of a new venture's business model.  相似文献   

Companies in the twenty-first century are exposed to a variety of pressures to respond to environmental issues, and responding to these pressures affects several aspects of business such as purchasing, marketing and logistics. Managers increasingly view sustainability as a complement to their corporate agendas, or even as an opportunity. It is important to understand how firms integrate environmental issues into their businesses and how these integration strategies affect performance. The process of sustainable new product development (SNPD) is a key strategic focus to achieve economic and environmental sustainability. This paper examines the integration of environmental specialists into new product development teams that are composed of other functional specialists including marketing, manufacturing, and R&D personnel, and its impact on SNPD project performance across three stages: concept development, product development, and product commercialization. We empirically test our theoretical model using a sample of 219 firms from a range of business-to-business industries. We present evidence that integrating an environmental specialist into a new product team has a positive influence on SNPD project performance beyond what the traditional members of such a team would accomplish. We analyze this relationship across the stages of SNPD to obtain a clearer picture of the effects of this integration. In particular, the integration of the environmental specialist was more effective on SNPD project performance in the final stage of the SNPD process when the product was being launched; this effect is even greater for high-innovative projects.  相似文献   

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