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网络银行的风险与监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络银行是指依托信息技术因特网的发展而兴起的一种新型银行。网络银行即有经营管理上的风险,又有不安全的因素,根据网络银行不可替代的优势,又需要尽快发展和完善。在监管方面应采取的措施:应尽快缩短中国金融业的分业经营步伐;对金融业实行功能监管;简化金融新业务和金融创新的审批程序;尽快设立社会资信咨询机构(CRA);督促商业银行加强内控建设和管理;人民银行应加强电子货币统一化标准的开发和强制执行方面的管理。  相似文献   

网络银行是传统银行与现代信息科技相结合的产物,其具备与以往传统银行不同的新特点,同时也产生了一系列新的风险。我国网络银行还处于起步阶段,监管方面还有很多不足之处有待完善,这些风险的存在与监管问题密不可分。文章对我国网络银行存在的风险及监管问题进行分析,以规避这些风险,对于我国金融改革的发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

网络银行的出现,改变了我国传统银行的经营方式和管理理念,但同时也造成了新的风险.本文认真分析了我国网络银行存在的特殊风险,并详细论述了我国实施网络银行监管的目标、监管的方法和监管的内容.  相似文献   

张龙涛 《特区经济》2006,(9):246-247
网络银行系统漏洞、信息不对称以及风险的高破坏性,需要加强外部监管;目前我国网络银行风险监管所存在着诸多不足,文章提出了改善的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国网络银行发展与监管问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁梁 《美中经济评论》2005,5(3):36-38,47
我国网络银行在发展过程中出现了快速、跳跃式、单一形式等特点,且存在诸多问题。为促进网络银行的进一步发展,进行适当监管是十分必要的。针对目前监管的难点,我们需要注意监管框架、市场准入与退出、相关法律法规、监管人员素质等几个方面的问题。  相似文献   

戴明 《华东经济管理》2003,17(3):98-100
网络银行受到多方面需求的拉动,诸如出于降低经营成本、实施差异化营销、应付多元化竞争的需要,使网络银行应运而生。在我国加入WTO后,网络银行会成为外资银行进入中国金融市场的突破口。对我们来说,加速发展网络银行,意义重大。  相似文献   

王巍 《华东经济管理》2001,15(4):127-128
随着信息技术的发展 ,网络银行将成为未来银行的重要组成部分 ,促使银行机构虚拟化 ,推进货币电子化和全球金融一体化。传统银行应调整经营战略 ,裁减营业网点 ,增强网上交易功能。  相似文献   

网上银行业务的出现极大改变了银行的经营环境,对金融业和金融市场产生了多重的影响。我国银行业应高度重视网上银行的起步和发展问题,早作策划,尽快形成规模,以迎接迫在眉睫的挑战。  相似文献   

关于完善我国网络银行监管的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐静 《北方经济》2006,(3):47-48
网络银行以其独特的优势,赢得广大客户和商业银行的青睐。近年来,网络银行在我国迅猛发展,但是网络银行的发展不可避免要带来一定风险。监管部门应该看到这一点,采取相应措施加以防范和化解。建立健全我国的网络银行监管制度,有效途径是借鉴国外网络银行监管经验。转变传统的银行组织框架和监管方式,同时积极培养适应网络银行发展要求的复合型人才。  相似文献   

网络银行的法律风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆鸿飞  沈飞 《特区经济》2004,(11):127-128
银行风险作为银行的固有附随,伴随着银行的产生而存在。既然是传统银行的延伸,网络银行就必然在经营中带有传统银行的各种风险。而网络银行同时又是建立在开放网络上的银行,是对传统银行的突破与创新,因此,其风险又带有自身的特性。其中,法律风险处于不可或缺的考虑范畴。充分认识到网络银行的法律风险及其特征,分析其存在的根源所在,对加强监管、制定防范风险的措施有着重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

论我国统一的功能性银行监管体制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨亦龙 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):90-93
当前,我国的银行监管体制仍然存在监管基础不牢、监管原则与方法不适应监管要求等不足。面对金融国际化和自由化浪潮的冲击,我国应从转变银行监管理念、完善银行监管法律体系、健全银行监管组织体系以及强化银行监管合作等方面着手,构建统一的功能性银行监管体制,确立良性的银行监管运行机制,实现银行业稳定、健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

我国网上银行发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子银行以成本低、方便快捷、分流柜台压力、为金融创新提供可能性等优势正成为各家银行争夺的焦点。文章通过对我国网上银行的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了全面的分析,并在此基础上提出了我国网上银行的发展对策:重视市场营销、提高网上银行安全能力、提高网上银行分析评估能力、建设一支优秀网上银行人才队伍、优化操作流程。  相似文献   

借鉴成功经验 进一步推进我国银行业并购   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
银行并购是目前国际银行业发展的大趋势,也是业已入世的中国银行业必须思考、面对的问题。国际银行业的并购浪潮汹涌而束,势必对中国银行业造成巨大的冲击。并购,以其复杂性、风险性向中国银行业提出了严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

Although banks are investing more into online banking innovation to be at par with the world information technology advances, the internet banking services adoption (IBSA) in Jordan is still lagging behind. This paper is concerned with an empirical investigation of factors that could predict successful IBSA in Jordan through the applications of planned behavior theory (TPB). This theory suggests that three independent variables (exogenous): attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control could have a direct impact on intention and indirect impact on IBSA. This study uses a questionnaire survey data of 517 Jordanian public university employees as customers of internet banking services. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the composite reliability and convergent validity of the measurements, and the structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate the causal model. Results of the study demonstrate significant and positive direct relationships between attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and behavior intention. Similarly, direct significant and positive linkages between attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, behavior intention and IBSA were observed. However, behavior intention does not have a mediating effect on the three linkages (attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control) with IBSA. This study concludes that the original TPB has a strong predictive power to explain IBSA in Jordan.  相似文献   

The Chinese financial industry has developed rapidly during the past two decades. The transformation of financial regulation, supervision and operations from those of planned-economy to marketed-orientated economy is well underway, but not yet complete in key respects. There still exist many financial management policies that cannot meet the need to build up a prudent and risk-focused banking supervision system. At the end of this year, China will have to open its financial market completely to the world. So it is an urgent task for China to reform these unfitting financial management policies.  相似文献   

当前我国银行非现场监管存在的问题与法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,银行非现场监管具有其他监管方式所不具有的作用。建立并完善银行非现场监管是实现银行持续监管目的的重要一环,但是,当前我国银行非现场监管制度还存在规范性不够、设计的指标体系不合理、手段还较为落后等问题。因此,有必要进一步改进与完善该制度,以充分发挥银行非现场监管的风险预警功能。  相似文献   

建立、健全单位内部会计监督是加强经营管理的内在需要。而强化单位内部会计监督必须建立内部控制制度和内部审计制度 ,同时 ,要使单位会计监督发挥有效作用 ,必须要有外部监督对内部会计监督进行再监督。  相似文献   

Financial technology has greatly revolutionized the finance industry. However, the impact of financial technology on the shadow banking activities of non-financial firms has not been examined. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2011 to 2018, we find that regional financial technology is positively associated with the shadow banking activities of non-financial firms, which is more pronounced for firms with low profitability and firms listed only in China’s A-share market. We show that financial technology can enhance the shadow banking activities by alleviating financing constraints. In addition, an increase in the equalization of profit rate and an increase in investment in the real economy reduce the positive effect of financial technology on the shadow banking activities. Further analysis suggests that financial regulations can attenuate excessive shadow banking activities of non-financial firms driven by financial technology.  相似文献   

Branchless banking has the potential to significantly enhance financial inclusion among Indonesia’s large and geographically disparate unbanked population and to connect Indonesia’s micro, small and medium enterprises to the global economy. Why has the branchless-banking revolution not yet materialised? Constrained by regulation, deployments have failed to attract a critical mass of users. Indonesia’s fragmented telecommunications sector has made it difficult for providers to emulate the success stories in other countries, in which dominant providers are competing for the market with a proprietary platform. In Indonesia, it is likely that a considerable degree of interoperability will be required for providers to unleash network effects and attract users. Indonesia’s providers are experimenting in this space. Recognising branchless banking’s potential to accelerate financial inclusion, Bank Indonesia appears committed to improving the regulatory framework. This article identifies the components of an enabling regulatory environment. Success in Indonesia would provide a model for a more widespread uptake of transformative branchless banking.  相似文献   

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