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Abstract.  A political economy approach to the neoclassical gradualist model of transition requires the exposition of what I define the primary elements of the model, which are economic analysis, definition of a good society, speed, political structure, ideological structure and whether the initial conditions were incorporated in the model. After the identification of the primary elements of the neoclassical gradualist model the next step is to identify secondary elements, the desired changes with respect to price liberalization-stabilization, privatization, institutional structure, monetary policy and the financial system, fiscal policy, international trade and foreign aid and social policy. The analytical framework developed makes possible to understand the neoclassical gradualist model from a new and more enlightening perspective. We are better able to comprehend the complexities involved and the disagreements about the reform process. The adoption of a gradual process of transition did not only involve specifying the required policies of a successful transition but also entailed a process, a sequence by which the reforms should be introduced. As such, a process of transition consistent with the policies recommended by the neoclassical gradualists economists is developed. The conclusion reveals the inconsistencies in the model.  相似文献   

A bstract .   The ferocity of Knight's comments on Henry George may come as a surprise to those who are not familiar with his criticisms of other economists and philosophers. But, in fact, his criticisms of George are not due to specifically Knightian insights on George's approach, but rather reflect the different philosophical framework from which neoclassical economists like Knight think. At the core of Knight's disagreements with George is his neoclassical theory of rent, as the Georgist critics of Knight understand. The article reviews the philosophical, economic, and ethical ideas that underlay Knight's neoclassicism, and hence inform his criticism of George.  相似文献   

A bstract . This study in the sociology of economics analyzes the probable effects of selected social and institutional variables on the academic hiring of economists. Authorship data on minority economic problems in 29 principal economic journals were related to data on the ranking of graduate programs in economics and to data on the ranking of economic journals. Formally, this is a problem in conditional probabilities, suggesting the use of transition matrices with elements Pij. High ranking schools tend to be net Ph.D. producers, thus exporting their "surpluses", and perhaps ideas, to other institutions. Graduates of these schools, reflecting a homogeneous grouping, tend to publish in the high ranking economic journals. Examination of the relationship between the school that granted the author's Ph.D. and his academic employment reveals a picture of interinstitutional concentration and hierarchy. Through the hiring process, these social and institutional variables probably significantly influence the direction and pace of economic idea production.  相似文献   

The collapse of the centrally administered economies gave rise to a transition process towards economic systems based on market relations. Nevertheless, the transition process is not restricted to the economic field. The political and ideological aspects of the transformation are fundamental. As such an analysis of the shock therapy model requires the exposition of what I define the primary elements of the shock therapy model which are: 1) The body of economic analysis used by the shock therapy model. 2) What structure of society the shock therapy model desires to achieve? 3) The speed of the reforms. 4) The political structure consistent with the model. 5) The consistent ideological structure. After the identification of the primary elements of the shock therapy model the next’step’is to identify secondary elements, the desired changes with respect to: 1) ’Price liberalisation–stabilisation. 2) Privatisation. 3) Institutional structure. 4) ’Monetary policy. 5) Fiscal policy. 6) International trade and Foreign Aid. 7) ’Social policy. The analytical framework developed makes possible to understand the shock therapy model from a new and more enlightening perspective. We are better able to comprehend the complexities involved and the disagreements about the reform process.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Although the neoclassical turn in economics demoted land as a factor, important economists of neoclassical thinking, from neoclassical predecessors such Hermann-Heinrich Gossen through figures such as Leon Walras, did view land as a distinct factor of production. Walras, in particular, favored the use of land rent for public revenue. This paper examines the treatment of land by several neoclassical and Austrian economists and shows how, although the neoclassical school today has managed to bury land, some of the key figures who founded these schools did confront land as a factor. The burial of land is thus not inherent in neoclassical economics, but is a historical development that can be reversed.  相似文献   

Many of the problems neoclassical economic theory has in explaining the real world stem from its narrow view of human nature—the “rational economic man” model, which forces economists to exclude social and historical context. Every social theory starts with a view of human nature that necessarily comes from outside the social sciences. Philosophy and theology are the sources of our ideas about the nature of humans, society, and the good that humans pursue. Catholic Social Thought has a rich understanding of human nature, which includes both the uniqueness of persons and their inherently social nature. Starting from this foundation, economists can develop a deeper understanding of the nature of the economy. Catholic Social Thought does not offer a different economic theory or model, but it does provide an alternative vision upon which more adequate and realistic economic theories can be constructed.  相似文献   

Both economists and sociologists generally recognize the importance of reputation in coordinating economic transactions. In a perfectly competitive and anonymous market characterized by faceless buyers and sellers, the issue of reputation would be irrelevant and unnecessary. In reality, however, markets are often filled with varying degrees of information asymmetry, which can threaten the very existence of the market system itself. In critical reaction to the standard neoclassical model, some economists, on the one hand, argue that when there is an information problem, reputation serves as a valuable source of market signal of quality. Sociologists of economic life similarly contend that reputation, along with trust, is critical in lowering transaction costs and thereby facilitating various economic activities among individual actors. The purpose of this article is to apply this broad theoretical observation to a specific empirical phenomenon. It does so by highlighting the role of social networks that connect actors on both demand and supply sides of the market. Specifically, this study examines how interpersonal networks in the market for legal services affect the duration of ties between buyers and sellers. Quantitative analysis based on a random sample of Chicago lawyers, a project funded by the American Bar Foundation, reveals that ceteris paribus the lawyer-client relations are significantly driven by social network factors.  相似文献   

In his protracted dispute with Jan Adam over the early benefits of the Polish shock therapy approach to economic reform, a key, and still intact, component of Jeffrey Sachs' case has been a relatively favourable 1991 opinion poll about Poles' perceptions of the benefits of economic reform. This reported that a substantial majority of Poles felt their standard of living had improved as a result of the first two years of economic reform. This was an apparently powerful argument in favour of Poland's particular shock therapy approach to economic reform, as residents of other East European countries, some subject to more gradualist reforms, responded much less positively to the identical question put as part of the same research programme. However, the cited result should be seen as posing a mystery that is at odds with other monthly polls in Poland and seems incompatible with the results of the 1991 Polish Parliamentary elections, which showed a return of support to post-communist parties. A deeper analysis of opinion polls which follows solves the mystery, when it is shown how the cited result was in error and was published in a form diametrically opposite to the true result.  相似文献   

The nature of the challenge to mainstream economics needs to be carefully considered. This article presents an overview of the challenge, emphasizing that it is not just a matter of heterodox economists developing non‐neoclassical economic theories. The embrace of a pluralist method and pedagogy is equally significant. The development of a transdisciplinary approach adds further to the breadth of the challenge. Weaving these elements together as political economy provides an alternative paradigm to mainstream economics. Extending its influence requires focus on adult education, the media, and public policy, as well as sustained efforts within universities.  相似文献   

A bstract . The diversity of thought among American economistsis investigated using samples of the memberships of the American Economic Association, the Union for Radical Political Economists and the Association for Evolutionary Economics. Discriminant analysis reveals a complex web of theoretical and organizational integration and separatism involving theoretical orientation in economics, emulative economists, scholarly research focus, organizational membership, and political values. The modal radical economist espouses a radical political economic philosophy and pursues Marxist/radical scholarship in an academic setting. The modal neoclassical economist , radical in neither disciplinary nor personal political beliefs, is found, more often than the other types, in nonacademic administrative work. Marxist/radical and institutionalist scholarship are mutually exclusive. Other dimensions of the professional role, as well as a number of social and biographical background characteristics, do not differentiate between types of economists.  相似文献   

A bstract . The differences between the neoclassical concept of substantive rationality and the recently proposed alternative, procedural rationality, is clarified. It is demonstrated that abandoning neoclassical rationality does not, in itself, provide a rational basis for evaluating alternative institutional or policy goals. Hayek contradiction-resolution model is examined as one way to evaluate such goals. The possibility that ends must be based on explicitly ethical criteria , selected according to the concept of "ontological rationality," is considered. It is argued that economic analysis employing either substantive or procedural rationality of evaluate alternative goals is inadequate since both take institutional and policy ends as givens. Both the orthodoxy and its critics must be able to explain the origins of values , and to provide criteria for evaluating alternative values before any policy proposals can be defended as rational or progressive. Tillich, Galbraith, Hodgson and Dewey are considered.  相似文献   

Economic sociology improves on neoclassical economics but underanalyzes the economic activity of the consumer, leaving the assumption of consumer sovereignty unchallenged. We believe economic sociology marginalizes consumer activity because it is written from the standpoint of privileged men. Using institutional ethnography, we examine economic activity beginning from a standpoint of the person who grocery shops for a family. Starting from this standpoint exposes the gendered character of both the economy and economic sociology's conventional approach to analyzing it.  相似文献   

Institutions cannot “work” by themselves, that is, without necessary efforts for enforcing, preserving, and improving them. For many economists, these efforts represent the costs of the economic system at work. Nowadays in institutional economics, the costs of running the economic system are generally called “transaction costs.” This article will offer a critical approach on the significance of transaction costs. This study highlights the necessity of subordinating the efficiency criterion to the ethics criterion, not only in the human action area, but mostly in institutions, as rules of the game in the society.  相似文献   

Subjectivist methodology has attracted an increasing number of adherents as a result of the recent reemergence of the Austrian school. The new Austrian school has challenged the methodological approach of neoclassical economics in many areas. This essay seeks to extend that challenge into the area of labor economics. Modern labor economics, viewed from a subjectivist perspective, is argued to merit a mixed review. However, it is also argued that neoclassical labor economists (as compared with neoclassicists in other specialized areas) seem quite amenable to incorporation of subjective elements into their analysis.  相似文献   

The potential link between Catholic social teaching (CST) and the theoretical developments associated with new institutional economics (NIE) are explored. The emphasis is on the contributions of two Nobel Prize winners in economics—Douglass C. North and Elinor Ostrom—and on the work of political scientist Vincent Ostrom. By adjusting the neoclassical presumptions dominating modern economic theory to include culture, ideas, and religious beliefs in the analysis of economic behavior, the economic and social theorizing developed by these scholars advances a framework that has significant affinities with CST’s foundational critique of economic concepts and theories and with its normative position regarding the nature and functioning of social and economic systems.  相似文献   

The neoclassical concept of the market is built on a number of assumptions that lead one to view it as a type of ether, devoid of any institutional content. In opposition to this point of view, this article proposes an alternative characterization of markets based on the fundamental principles of institutional and post‐Keynesian economics. After reviewing the main features that characterize the behavior of economic agents, we analyze the set of interrelations between these agents within markets and the role of institutions in the regulation of these interrelations. Finally, we discuss some of the consequences generated by the institutional dimensions of markets with regard to their origins and evolution, the justification for their existence, or the evaluation of their results.  相似文献   

刘少峰  黄晓洁 《价值工程》2012,31(16):96-97
中国建筑企业的管理模式受到中国市场的经济转型期制度因素和市场因素双重影响。我国经济转型期的特殊制度环境造就了中国既具有统一性又具有分割性的市场特征。为适应市场环境,建筑企业积极通过横向整合管理模式适应环境的变化,但企业在横向整合的过程中出现了很多的困境。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to elucidate the relationship between the reform process and economic performance in the states of the former Soviet Union (FSU). There were two strategies used by the former Soviet states to cope with the collapse of the USSR. Some of the FSU countries, in an effort to overcome the institutional vacuum caused by the disintegration of the federal economy, centralized their government authority to manage industry. Others decentralized power in an attempt to regain economic independence for domestic enterprises. To evaluate the essential differences and progress gaps among transition strategies, FSU countries can be divided into three groups, which reflect variations in institutional control of the government-business relationships. The differences in economic performance in FSU countries can be explained to some extent by examining the diversity of institutional patterns that characterize each category. The results of various empirical analyses positively support the validity of such an analytical framework. In this sense, this paper presents a new viewpoint on the transition process in FSU countries that may complement that shown in existing literature.  相似文献   

The surplus approach to value and distribution represents an older and in this author's opinion much more relevant way to model capitalistic socio‐economic systems than the mainstream neoclassical approach. This essay develops the analytical structure of the surplus approach by tracing its origins to the groundbreaking work of the circular flow concept in the Physiocrats and Quesnay's Tableau Economique, the Classical economists, Marx, and Piero Sraffa. Original archival material from the Sraffa Papers at the Wren Library, Trinity College, University of Cambridge is also presented in support of the thesis advance. Finally, the surplus approach is developed in terms of the distribution and growth nexus.  相似文献   

Neoclassical economics is based on and structured around the notion of homo economicus. The theory of consumer choice, the theory of the firm, industrial organization, and welfare theorems all require the assumption that agents act in accordance with the scheme of individualistic rational optimization. In this context, our contribution is threefold. First, we delimit the notion of homo economicus according to five characteristics or dimensions. Second, we critically review this anthropological scheme from five distinct approaches, namely, behavioral economics, institutional economics, political economy, economic anthropology, and ecological economics. Third, we conclude that the scheme of homo economicus is clearly inadequate and deficient. However, despite its inadequacies, it remains one of the fundamental pillars of the neoclassical paradigm in economics, which allows us to discuss why we have not yet overcome this paradigm.  相似文献   

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