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范雨荷 《中国市场》2022,(20):22-24
新冠肺炎疫情影响武夷山经济发展,在后疫情时代,政府如何转“危”为“机”至关重要。文章分析了新冠肺炎疫情对武夷山经济发展带来的冲击,指出消费结构升级将为武夷山产业升级带来新机遇。文章提出以产业结构升级带动居民消费升级、大力推广旅游、培育本土茶叶电商、多途径增加农民收入、发展数字经济等措施来推动武夷山经济增长。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情突然暴发,给人们的生活带来严重影响,传统消费活动大幅减少,以O2O商业模式为主要代表的“到家经济”迅速增长。对“到家经济”这一新概念进行研究,有助于分析和把握疫情影响下O2O商业模式和即时物流模式的发展趋势,从而对后疫情时代“到家经济”的发展进行合理的展望。  相似文献   

2020年,新冠肺炎席卷全国,对人们的生活都造成了极大的影响。为了控制疫情的继续蔓延,国家采取了停产停工、居家隔离的政策,借此减少控制人员流动与接触。新冠疫情的出现,给我国当前的经济带来了很大的负面的冲击,尤其对对我国的实体经济造成了巨大负面影响。本文将针对新冠肺炎疫情的出现对我国实体经济产生了什么样的影响以及我们应该如何应对做出讨论以促进社会的共同进步,协助国家经济发展。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情突如其来,给我国经济发展带来了强烈的冲击,服务、基建、咨询等劳动密集型企业受到了更为严峻的挑战.随着国内疫情的有效控制以及国际疫情逐渐好转经济正在缓步修复,但是疫情对企业的影响已无法逆转,如何应对后疫情时代所带来的经济影响,在后疫情时代,企业在展开经济管理的工作过程中,需要了解后疫情社会背景下的经...  相似文献   

李丹 《现代商贸工业》2023,(18):150-152
大学生“疫压力”是指大学生在新冠肺炎疫情流行期及后疫情时期因学习方式转变、人际交往转型、家庭经济困难、就业形势严峻等多重因素导致的新冠肺炎疫情相关压力。运用文献资料法和理论分析法,探讨大学生“疫压力”产生的原因及消解路径。研究认为,“疫压力”对大学生的心理健康造成不同程度影响,学习方式转变带来学习压力、人际交往转型带来沟通压力、家庭经济困难带来的精神压力、就业形势严峻带来就业压力,从而导致大学生焦虑、抑郁和恐慌。消解路径:注重心理危机干预,开展心理健康教育;加强正向宣传引导,强化压力管理意识;增强体育运动意识,构建积极校园文化;聚焦学生发展问题,助推学生健康成长。  相似文献   

裴超 《中国会展》2020,(8):32-39
“新冠肺炎”疫情对中国服务贸易经济的发展带来一定冲击。受本次疫情的影响,人与人之间的交往受到限制,采购方式也从线下转移到线上,造成线下消费业态的低迷。而旅游、会议、展览、赛事、酒店、餐饮与娱乐等众多依赖线下活动发展的行业也面临极大挑战。  相似文献   

国内国际经济发展形势与每个行业息息相关,拍卖行业当然也不例外。放眼世界经济形势,今年走向基本上已经定型;世界经济衰退已成定局,不确定性增大。今年最大的“黑天鹅事件”新冠肺炎疫情对全球带来的影响是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情将在未来1至2个季度内从总需求和总供给两个方面改变中国经济的宏观环境。本文通过对“非典”前后的宏观经济和消费形势复盘,并比较新冠肺炎疫情与“非典”疫情分析新冠肺炎疫情对消费经济造成的潜在影响。在宏观经济层面,既包括疫情的客观影响,如社会零售总需求下降、投资放缓、CPI波动、进出口萎缩等;也包括各方采取应对措施后对大环境的改变,包括企业融资环境(货币政策)、税费环境(财政政策)等。在消费经济层面,整体消费所受冲击较大;细分零售行业受影响的类型可分为平稳增长型、增速下滑型和逆市上扬型;超市、专业连锁和多业态零售表现较好。疫情将加速零售商业模式变革,无人配送、下沉市场、“宅经济”等需求结构的改变将重塑未来商业模式。总体而言,尽管消费领域受到疫情的影响最大,但疫情之后的“补偿性消费”会一定程度缓解对全年消费增长所造成的冲击。  相似文献   

突发的新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,给世界经济发展带来强烈冲击。受疫情和外部市场环境恶化影响,中亚国家经济普遍出现了固有与新发问题交织激荡的现象,经济发展出现萎缩。具体表现包括主要经济指标大幅度下滑、生产和投资等领域复苏艰难、市场价格出现波动、货币贬值和财政危机等。随着各国政府采取各项经济复苏措施,中亚地区经济形势稳中出现向好迹象。中亚国家位于我“一带一路”建设沿线重要地区,其经济形势与我实现“一带一路”高质量建设紧密相连。中亚国家通过扩大出口规模、改善营商环境、发展数字经济和农业现代化等措施带动经济复苏,同时也给我国在中亚地区继续推进“一带一路”建设带来新合作契机。  相似文献   

蔡筱梦 《浙商》2020,(8):82-84
受新冠肺炎疫情、经济下行与外部不确定增多等多重因素影响,不良资产行业逆周期功能显得尤为重要。2020年开局,一场疫情让世界各地的经济被不同程度地按下了“暂停键”.中国经济在未来很长一段时间里,都将持续消化这次黑天鹅事件带来的冲击.对于无数活跃在中国供给侧结构性改革过程中的企业与金融机构来说,2020年的疫情显然会让一系列改革举措加剧阵痛,拉长战线。  相似文献   

本文在对财务学学科体系研究的历史梳理中,提出了构筑以“技术”和“文化”为两翼的具有中国特色的“和谐”财务学科新体系,即“技术财务学”和“文化财务学”并存的现代财务学科体系。在阐述新体系“文化因素”经济学意义的同时,也强调了该体系在当下中国建立的时代意义。  相似文献   

成都自古即有“天府”和“天府之国”之称,其最初得名略晚于关中,以后取代关中,这已成千古定论。根据苏秦、张良、诸葛亮之定义,所谓“天府”和“天府之国”,必须具有“四塞之国”、“沃野千里”、“天子之都”三个标准。后来太原、北京、沈阳、汪淮以南、闽中等地先后有“天府”之称,但均因缺乏其中一条或多条标准而够不上“天府”和“天府之国”之称谓,也自然为历史所淘汰。目前在成都未丧失上述条件前,来开展评选“新天府”活动则毫无意义。  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption manifolds and mobilizes one’s conscious choice to express a politically implied stance on environmental/cultural/social issues, to address social and/or ecological injustices, to reproduce or restore order and justice, as well as to fulfill responsibilities of a citizen consumer. Based on this premise, this paper attempts to explore what sustainable consumption means to young adults in Hong Kong. Findings from three focus groups and six follow-up interviews reveal that Hong Kong young adults’ sustainable consumption embeds their political ideals to construct collective civil power to fight against the structural inequalities, market hegemonies, imperial dominance and social/ecological injustice locally. The findings point to the need to further define and refine the unspecified concept of “reflexivity” in existing literature. The paper also unveils how the concept of “sustainable consumption” has evolved from the “individual,” “global,” “rational,” “remotely moral” and “ideological” to the “communal,” “local,” “emotional,” “politically civil” and “actional.”  相似文献   

现代流动商贩是在古代商贩数次分化中沉淀下来的包容性最强的底层社会群体。承袭了古代商贩流动谋生的特点,但在“职业”与“身份”、发展的“时间”与“空间”、活动的“集市”与“常市”以及所处的“阶层”和“地位”等方面具有特殊性。尤其是城市化的发展,使商贩从一个概念,发展成一个群体,演变成一种现象,甚至转化为一个“问题”。进城流动商贩问题的形成包括流动性爆发和治理问题两个方面。流动商贩的治理应以民生为导向,以其城市融入为目标,在政府与市场构成的二维坐标内寻求出路。从宏观到微观形成一个“三维九元”的立体治理体系。  相似文献   

丁工 《全球化》2021,(2):114-124,135
近几年,“第三方市场”合作发展迅速,已成为凝聚多方共识、实现互利共赢的重要创新合作模式。考虑到“第三方市场”合作是一项复杂的系统工程,我国在“一带一路”框架下倡导和推进“第三方市场”合作显然不适宜“大水漫灌式”的平均用力。因此,为更好实现优势互补、多方共赢,中国同相关各方在开展“第三方市场”合作,探索以中等强国作为“一带一路”框架下实施第三方市场合作的优先方向和重点对象。通过发挥中等强国的独特作用和相对优势,将中等强国打造成“五通”布局和区域合作的支点,以此既能减少“一带一路”建设中的恶性摩擦和同质竞争,还可以增强和优化“第三方市场”合作的资源和运作效率。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of “One Belt & One Road” as an exogenous policy shock on the utilisation of foreign capital in China in the short term. Based on provincial panel data for the years 2003–15, the empirical study is conducted with difference‐in‐differences design. The first difference is whether a province is an OBOR province, and the second is whether “One Belt & One Road” initiative has been proposed. The empirical results suggest the utilisation of foreign capital in OBOR provinces has decreased significantly compared to non‐OBOR provinces after the initiative has been proposed. The study has further shown that the OBOR construction not only means factor movements and projects but also stands for policy shock. Its impact on utilisation of foreign capital cannot be simply captured by the commonly quantifiable “going global” indicators, namely outward direct investment, overseas contracted projects or overseas labour services. The negative impact of the initiative on foreign capital utilisation is strongly reflected in the OBOR provinces with low levels of economic development, heavy fiscal burdens and high proportions of state‐owned economy. In the short term, the negative impact of the initiative on foreign capital utilisation may be due to its role in resource competition and signal delivering. The former means that the OBOR initiative may induce resource competition between “going global” and “bringing in,” and the latter suggests that this initiative is likely to be regarded as a “signal” by foreign investors that “going global,” not “bringing in,” has become the priority of the government.  相似文献   

The current regime of floating exchange rates has been characterized by a number of informed observers as economically unsatisfactory. Use of terms such as “overshooting”, “bandwagon effects”, “destabilizing”, and “insufficient speculation” reflects serious misgivings on the part of many toward the long-run viability of a floating, rather than a fixed or semi-fixed, rate regime. Using fairly standard procedures, the authors have attempted to determine the extent to which the foreign exchange market exhibits the adverse features noted above. The authors conclude that by and large foreign exchange markets have not performed particularly poorly. The foreign exchange markets seem to be efficient at least in the weak form sense. Past exchange rate changes are not useful in predicting future exchange rate changes. This empirical finding contrasts sharply with the view that the markets “overshoot”, or that there are “bandwagon effects”, or that the amount of price stabilizing speculation is inadequate.  相似文献   


Interest in the role of marketing has grown in recent decades due to its impact in brand value, value creation for customers, profitability of customer base, and organizational results. The paper shows an overall view on marketing research to explore the development of research trends, showing the high-frequency keywords at different time periods. Using bibliometric methods, the research analyzes publications between 1990 and 2017 found in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The paper shows the evolution of keywords to reveal emerging topics as demonstrated in the connections network which includes “advertising,” “consumer behavior,” “trust,” “innovation,” and “customer satisfaction.”  相似文献   


This paper explains the basic social process of “personal legitimising” and illustrates its influence on marketing activity. Personal legitimising is the process by which individuals manipulate situations to suit their own agenda. The link between personal legitimising and an organisation's marketing activity was discovered using a grounded theory research strategy within a UK management consulting firm.

Personal legitimising has two groupings of behaviour, namely “obstructing existing marketing activity” and “driving new marketing activity”. Within the former are the categories of “stigmatising”, “pseudo endorsing” and “smokescreening”. The latter incorporates the categories of “latching on”, “self indulging” and “bragging”.

The paper has three parts. The first explains the basic social process of personal legitimising. The second shows how grounded theory methodology was used in this context. The third develops the possible contribution of personal legitimising to the understanding of marketing.  相似文献   

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