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Claims for the general economic benefits of soil maps as planning tools have remained largely unsubstantiated. This study offers a method of assessing the value of the information provided by a soil map. Its value depends on the quality of the map, and on the difference in payoffs between alternative management practices. Using only data normally available to agricultural planners, the value of a map may be calculated before its survey. The problem is one of decision-taking under uncertainty. A computer programme has been compiled to calculate the benefit from soil surveys of differing quality and is applied to data from a peach-growing area in Australia.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地经济可持续发展综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对柴达木盆地8个县市实际情况的调查,从经济、社会以及资源环境方面选用37个具体指 标,建立经济可持续发展评价指标体系,采用主成分分析方法对柴达木盆地经济可持续发展作出综合评 价。评价结果显示, 1999~2012年柴达木盆地经济可持续发展水平总体呈上升趋势,综合得分从1999年的 -15.348 0提高到2012年的28.732 9。特别是2005年国家级柴达木循环经济试验区批准建设之后,地区 的可持续发展综合水平得分增长幅度较大,说明柴达木盆地循环经济的发展对可持续发展水平的提升有显 著支持作用。通过分析指出影响柴达木盆地经济可持续发展的四个主因子,分别是地区经济总量规模因 子、产业结构因子、人口素质范畴、社会基础设施发展因子。并通过主因子的变动情况,指出影响该地区 经济可持续发展的主要问题有:柴达木盆地公共基础设施不完善,制约经济的可持续发展;资源禀赋不均, 限制经济发展的持续性;人力资源实力较弱,科教投入不足,影响其工业转型;产业结构不合理。最后, 提出促进柴达木盆地经济可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

目的 绿色农业技术的环境与经济收益核算,对于推进技术应用、解决农业面源污染问题和实现生态文明建设具有重要的参考价值。究竟绿色农业技术有没有顺利实现农户的经济目标与社会的环境目标?现有研究诸多争议与困惑。方法 文章以水肥一体化技术为例,基于山东省649份苹果种植户的实地调查数据,借助内生转换模型,从微观层面探讨了水肥一体化技术的环境效应和经济效应。结果 (1)总体来看,农户采纳水肥一体化技术实现了节肥增收的目的。(2)采纳水肥一体化技术后,样本农户能够节约化肥施用量11.79%~20.98%,提高农产品收入8.15%~9.07%。(3)不同规模农户采纳水肥一体化技术的节肥增收效应存在显著差异。对于采纳水肥一体化技术的规模户而言,其化肥减量作用强度明显高于小规模农户。与此同时,采纳水肥一体化技术只对规模户有明显的农产品增收作用。结论 注重完善市场流通机制下农产品质量监督体系,使绿色农产品能够获得质量溢价的收益。同时创建有利于水肥一体化技术推广应用的土地规模条件,获得规模化带来的节肥增收效应。推动外部性内部化补偿制度实施,政府对具有正外部性行为的农户给予补偿。  相似文献   

Probability techniques, when combined with climatological records and known responses of domestic animals to environment permit prediction of production losses during periods of adverse environment. These predictions plus the additional costs and returns associated with an environmental control system provide the necessary information to determine its profitability. The "present value" method is utilized to determine the profitability of a summer environmental control system, using production responses of dairy cows and climatological records for Columbia, Missouri, as a specific example .
LE COÛT ET LES AVANTAGES D'UN CONTRÔLE DES CONDITIONS DE MILIEU POUR LE BÉTAIL: Les rapports climatologiques combinés avec les reactions connues des animaux de ferme à une certain milieu permettront la prédiction des pertes dans la production, sous des conditions de milieu variées. Ces prédictions en plus des renseignements sur le coût d'un contrôle des conditions de milieu fourniront l'information nécessaire afin de déterminer l'efficacité d'une telle méthode. Cette dissertation évalue l'efficacité d'une méthode de ce genre duranl l'été, en employant comme exemple le rendement dans la production des vaches laitières et les rapports climatologiques dans la région de Columbia, Missouri .  相似文献   

山区生态经济系统是一个人地相互作用、互相制约,有利于其它生态经济系统的巨系统。西北山区是经济相对落后的地区,生态环境保护面临许多问题,对祁连县生态经济系统进行了研究,运用衡量可持续发展的新指标-生态足迹方法对该县1999年的生态足迹进行了计算,发现该年经济发展在其所提供的生态承载力范围内;对该县在实现生态经济系统的协调发展中应注意的问题进行了简要的探讨。  相似文献   

An historical sketch of the professionalisation of agricultural economics since the mid-1920s placing special emphasis on the close links between government and universities, the pioneering role of the Ministry of Agriculture's economists during the inter-war years, and their changing post-war status and functions as compared with other economists in Whitehall. Other topics considered include the composition and functions of the Agricultural Economics Society, recent academic trends in agricultural economics, and the implications of the current crisis in economics for the future of the discipline.  相似文献   

A revaluation of the German Mark has been hindered by the effects that this would have on German farm prices, given the E.E.C. agricultural policy. The article therefore examines the implications of (a) a common agricultural price level, and (b) fixed or adjustable exchange rates within a customs union such as the E.E.C. It concludes that a change in relative price levels between countries couldbe tackled by means of exchange rate changes, while retaining a common agricultural price level; but even with adjustable exchange rates, a common price level may give rise to diBculties unless agricultural productivity in the member countries grows in a particular way. It finally suggests that a wider European economic union would require niorejexible arrangements than those at present in force in the E. E.C.  相似文献   

A representative farm policy impact model was developed using linear programming and primary survey data. The model was used to estimate farm-level effects of proposed national government policies aimed at increasing food security through greater bread wheat production. The four policy options analysed included the introduction of a bread wheat variety resistant to an insect pest, an increase in the official bread wheat support price, potentially unlimited availability of nitrogen fertiliser, and rationing of nitrogen fertiliser at 500 kg per farm. The various policies increased farm income between 2.45 and 18 percent, as farmers made trade-offs between the production of bread wheat and the more profitable durum wheat. Adjustments were made by farmers in the model to meet government-targeted levels of bread wheat production in order to support national food self-sufficiency at minimum cost. Simultaneously, the resources freed were used to produce more durum wheat. The results suggest a need to analyse interregional and international comparative advantages in wheat production prior to implementing proposed policies aimed at increasing bread wheat output.  相似文献   

In the past, management of marine fisheries has concentrated largely on biological matters, but a cursory glance at any major fishery reveals that such an approach has not been successful. This article considers the fundamentally economic control techniques which might be used to improve the economic (and biological) condition of the world's fisheries. The principal alternatives are regulation by taxation, licensing or some kind of property rights system, and the merits and demerits of each measure are analysed. It is concluded that a property rights system appears to hold the most promise for improved fisheries management in the future.  相似文献   

渔业可持续发展的利益关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利益关系是经济学研究的一个核心问题。本文以此为出发点,探索渔业可持续发展中内在的、本质的经济利益关系,提出如何调整利益关系,促进渔业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

环境与自然资源经济学研究的新趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在总结欧美发达国家环境与自然资源经济学研究成果的基础上,系统地论述了本学科研究的新课题和发展趋势。不确定性问题研究及新理论工具的引入将是本学科理论创新的焦点:环境与资源价值评估主要集中于发展新的方法和检验假设;资源经济学研究,将把生态效益、环境效益、政策法规引入资源开发模型;经济增长与环境、资源的相互关系,将成为重要的研究课题;应用研究与交叉学科研究将成为本学科未来发展的主题。  相似文献   

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