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日本的邮政事业涉及公共服务、金融、社会保障等诸多经济领域,其邮政机构——日本邮政公社兼营邮递、储蓄、保险三大业务,目前是日本,也是世界最大的金融机构,因而日本小泉内阁将于2007年实施的日本邮政民营化,即将邮政公社分为邮政业务、保险、储蓄及邮政资产管理公司4家公司的改革引起了世界各国的瞩目。 相似文献
This paper adopts property rights and organization theory perspectives to analyze the process of privatization of state enterprises and performance of newly created shareholding corporations in China. Relying on case study information, the paper concludes that although the shareholding corporations have contributed, to a certain extent, to better performance, their potentials have not been fully realized due to various economic environmental and ideological constraints. 相似文献
Gaetana Trupiano 《Atlantic Economic Journal》1993,21(1):27-36
This paper considers the process of transition from state owned enterprises to the market situation. It also presents a model
of transition. In particular, it analyzes various systems of carrying out privatization, such as the voucher system, self-management
of enterprises, spontaneous privatization, creation of financial intermediaries, and public organizations. The second part
of the paper deals with the effects of privatization on the public budget. 相似文献
《国有企业民营化的均衡模型》一文主张国企尽快私有化,认为其原因在于市场竞争的要求和选择,设计了一个兼顾四方利益的“均衡模型”。但其模型并非均衡,强调的重点是突出收购者的利益,政府出售国企不必“纠缠”价格,实际上等于贱价出卖或一送了之,形成四种不均衡。大量的实际材料证明,MBO已经出现了不少严重问题。如果取消了国企的主导地位,实现私有化,那就一定是灾难性的“非均衡模型”。我们坚持社会主义方向,应当鼓励更多的优秀企业家为改善国企经营管理服务,而不能去充当私有化的主角。 相似文献
4月12日,中国石油化工股份有限公司(下称中石化,上海交易所代码600028,香港交易所代码0386)同时公布旗下四家公司要约收购的情况报告,表示已基本完成对旗下四家公司的要约收购。中石化发布公告称,截至要约期届满之时,即2006年4月6日,齐鲁石化(600002)、扬子石化(000866)、 相似文献
《World development》1999,27(1):215-224
From the perspective of someone who has observed the private and public sectors in emerging economies for many years, it is interesting to recall that in the past it was the World Bank that supported the development of state-owned utilities and industrial enterprises in developing countries, especially Latin America. It is also in Latin America that the World Bank became a convert to and promoter of privatization. A key lesson of privatization in emerging markets is the importance of competition, not only in the sale process but in the subsequent operation of privatized enterprises. Protective devices, such as core shareholders and areas off-limits to foreign investors, are counterproductive. Privatization has spawned a new generation of entrepreneurs and been especially beneficial to the development of domestic capital markets. 相似文献
《World development》1999,27(1):201-213
In spite of spirited efforts over a decade, only a few African countries can boast of any appreciable success in the privatization and/or reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). This paper argues that previous studies have not paid adequate attention to identifying and addressing the factors that affect the outcome of privatization and/or SOE reforms in Africa. After highlighting some flaws in these studies, the paper focuses on the absence of the prerequisites for successful SOE reform. It then suggests policy issues that need to be addressed first, and, the role of interested parties, including the multilateral and bilateral financial institutions, in enhancing the success of SOE reform efforts in Africa. 相似文献
日本邮政私有化改革的基本背景是邮政为政府干预经济提供了必要的资源和渠道,日本邮政不仅是世界上最大的银行,而且也是日本政府进行财政政策支出的资金来源。降低政府支出、发挥私人经济活力是日本政府邮政改革的目的。由于日本邮政自身独特的发展经历和当前的市场环境,日本邮政私有化过程中仍充满着很多不确定性因素。 相似文献
利比亚现任领导人卡扎菲1969年上台后.建立“人民社会主义民众国”。推行计划经济政策,兴建了众多国营工矿企业和公司,生产、销售、原料供应、进出口贸易等都由国家一手包办,并且禁止私人经商。1986年后,这种计划经济体制的弊端日益明显,而且严重阻碍了利比亚国民经济的发展。1987年,利比亚开始允许私营经济有限度的参与经营活动。1988年“洛克比”空难发生后,国际社会对利实施全面制裁,利比亚经济从此遭受严重打击。 相似文献
析论日本邮政民营化改革 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
日本在邮政事业改革中面临的问题与我国现阶段有很多类似,日本邮政民营化改革过程中,渐进式改革路径、配套的法规制度建设、邮政专营范围的确保、分解邮政业务、推进效率化管理和运营等改革理念和具体措施,对于今后我国的邮政体制改革具有重要的参考借鉴意义。 相似文献
台湾银行民营化进程的借鉴与启示 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
中国经济改革开放20多年,促进了民间经济的发展,激发了民间资本的活力。在金融对外开放的同时,对内开放亦是大势所趋。中国金融体制改革对中国未来经济制度结构的演进与变革的影响力正在加强。本文以台湾地区金融自由化和金融体制演进中的银行民营化改革为研究对象,解析了台湾银行业在民营化过程中出现的主要问题和成因。 相似文献
Yang Yao professor & deputy director China Center for Economic Research Beijing University 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2005,(1)
China has undergone massive yet quiet and spontaneousprivatization since the mid-1990s(Cao,Qian,and Weingast,1999).The number of SOEs had fallen by40percent between1996and2001(Garnaut etal.,2003).With exception to very large SOEs,mostcities havefinished theirprivatization programs.Thispaperstudiesthecauses andoutcomes(efficiencyand employment)ofthe Chinese privatization by using firm-level panel data collected on683firmsin11citiesduring theperiod1995-2001.Brandtetal.(2003);Liand Lui(2004… 相似文献