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Recognition of the firm's tendency toward local search has given rise to concepts celebrating exploration that overcomes this tendency. To move beyond local search requires that exploration span some boundary, be it organizational or technological. While several studies have encouraged boundary-spanning exploration, few have considered both types of boundaries systematically. In doing so, we create a typology of exploration behaviors: local exploration spans neither boundary, external boundary-spanning exploration spans the firm boundary only, internal boundary-spanning exploration spans the technological boundary only, and radical exploration spans both boundaries. Using this typology, we analyze the impact of knowledge generated by these different types of exploration on subsequent technological evolution. In our study of patenting activity in optical disk technology, we find that exploration that does not span organizational boundaries consistently generates lower impact on subsequent technological evolution. In addition, we find that the impact of exploration on subsequent technological evolution within the optical disk domain is highest when the exploration spans organizational boundaries but not technological boundaries. At the same time, we find that the impact of exploration on subsequent technological development beyond the optical disk domain is greatest when exploration spans both organizational and technological boundaries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extant studies suggest that the potential benefits arising from exploration are associated with access to diverse and distant knowledge across organizational and technological boundaries. However, exploration is not sufficient to assure if innovation actually occurs. Our study identifies exploration into two types, organizational and technological, and argues that the innovative effect of a firm's explorative search beyond organizational and technological boundaries is best leveraged by its technological status in an industry. Data derived from the global pharmaceutical industry indicate that a firm's search across organizational boundaries has a positive effect on its innovation impact, and such effect is strengthened when the firm is high in its technological status. However, the firm's search moving beyond its technological boundary increases innovation impact only for the group of high technological status but decreases it for the low‐status group. It appears that, in the global pharmaceutical industry, a firm's technological status is most critical to exploit knowledge from distant technology domains.  相似文献   

Although the significant performance implications of exploratory learning and exploitative learning have been well documented, the issue of whether they are complementarities or substitutes still remains a puzzle. This study investigates the relationship between exploratory learning and exploitative learning in different organizational structures. Based on a survey of Chinese firms, we find that exploratory learning and exploitative learning are substitutes when the organizational structure is mechanistic, and they are complementarities when the organizational structure is organic. Overall, this study joins the debate on the relationship between exploratory learning and exploitative learning by connecting different perspectives with the characteristics of organizational structure to offer a more comprehensive understanding on such an issue.  相似文献   

I study affirmative action subcontracting regulations in a model where governments use auctions to repeatedly procure goods and services at the lowest possible price. Through using disadvantaged subcontractors, prime contractors build relationships over time, resulting in lower subcontracting costs in future periods. I find that regulation in the form of a minimum subcontracting requirement expands bidder asymmetries, favoring prime contractors with stronger relationships over those with weaker ones. Simulations show that the manner in which relationships evolve determines not only the utilization of disadvantaged subcontractors but also the procurement costs attained under affirmative action.  相似文献   

A major focus of national and institutional research policies during the 1990s has been on improving linkages between publicly funded research activities and industry for the purpose of advancing economic and other national objectives. The transfer of scientific knowledge, however, within and between public research institutions, universities and other innovative organizations is taking place within rapidly changing organizational environments. The emergence of new organizational structures that transcend institutional boundaries, scientific disciplines and the boundaries between basic and applied research are all contributing to as well as responding to changes in the ways science intersects with industrial innovation.
Recent international evidence suggests that innovative organizations during the next decade will depend more on their ability to maintain quite complex organizational research linkages than on their internal organizational research capabilities. Case studies of the organizational approach adopted by companies and commercial-research agency consortia in China and Australia lead to a discussion of a typology of academic-industry alliances. The typology provides insights into different collaborative R&D management strategies associated with different forms of science-industry alliance.  相似文献   

I empirically consider the effect of horizontal subcontracting on firm bidding strategies in California highway construction auctions. Subcontractors are hired by prime contractors prior to the auction, and the subcontractor may also be a competitor in the primary auction. While horizontal subcontracting may improve productive efficiency, it softens the horizontal subcontractor's bid strategy, since winning the auction may entail losing subcontracting business. I find that while each additional competitor supplied by the firm is estimated to increase its bid by 1.4 per cent, the winning bid is uncorrelated with horizontal subcontracting. This points toward an efficiency motive for cross‐supply.  相似文献   

The complexities of the triangular relationship between employer, worker and agency are explored in two sectors to establish the extent to which the use of agency workers constitutes strategic and rational decisions on the part of employers. Evidence of strategic subcontracting to agencies is evident in the ICT examples, but, as in the healthcare case, organizational outcomes need to be understood with reference to workers’ preferences, the agencies’ own sophisticated strategies, operational pressures and labour market context. Relationships with agencies were embedded but inherently contingent, reflecting their own dependency on clients or, in the case of healthcare, government.  相似文献   

Digital transformation has undoubtedly become a key enabler of innovation as evidenced by the numerous firms that use digital technologies to manage their innovation processes. This issue is even more relevant today when innovation processes have become more open and require greater resources in the different implementation phases to capture and transfer knowledge within and outside the firm's boundaries. This implies additional challenges in managing the increasing amount of knowledge and information flows. Accordingly, digital technologies can be used and implemented to manage open innovation processes through easier access and sharing the knowledge created and transferred. Nevertheless, literature in these fields does not provide a structured view of how and why digital technologies are used to manage innovation processes in an open perspective. This paper aims to bridge this gap by adopting the theoretical lenses of change management to identify the managerial actions at organizational and process level that companies perform to implement digital technologies in their open innovation processes. Accordingly, the paper investigates how and why these managerial actions required for and enabled by digital technologies help firms to develop and nurture open innovation. From an empirical point of view, the exploratory multiple case study analyzes nine firms operating in different industries and varying in size, market share, and organizational structure.  相似文献   

A key issue in community research is the set of motivations stimulating individuals to participate and contribute voluntarily to communities. This article examines the motivations of employees, who are traditionally not involved in the innovation process, to (not) participate in organizational innovation communities. Building on an in‐depth single case study, we aim to answer the following research questions: (1) What motivates participants of organizational innovation communities to participate? and (2) What motivates nonparticipants of organizational innovation communities to not participate? We find and categorize multiple factors that motivate non‐research and development employees to participate and to not participate. Moreover, we find an overlap as well as differences in the set of motivations of participants and nonparticipants. With nonparticipants normally being a large but barely explicitly recognized group, we argue that the found deviations contribute to the understanding of motivations in the context of organizational innovation communities and allow for direct design implications for innovation managers.  相似文献   

A major issue for organizations planning for technological turnaround concerns the question of how to internalize the new technology. This article reports the findings of an exploratory research that addressed this problem. A multiple case study approach has been used to study and analyze the different strategies and organizational approaches to absorb alien technologies (in-house development, intercompany co-operation, purchase of technology, contract research, joint-venture, acquisition). On the basis of the results, a propositional framework has been developed which offers managers a perspective to develop a strategy with respect to the appropriate organizational design to 'de-mature' technologically mature business units.  相似文献   

This paper explores the boundaries that emerge and exist within an information and communication technology (ICT)‐enabled project‐based organising context and the ways knowledge workers manage these boundaries through the use of technology. This is done through an exploratory qualitative case study of an early instance of the phenomenon in a knowledge‐intensive professional services organisation. Through the experiences of a group of knowledge workers who started to work in project‐based ways that were highly mediated by ICT, this study aims to understand the boundaries that they faced and the practices they undertook to manage these boundaries. In so doing, this study contributes to the existing literature on new forms of work and organisation, particularly on the issue of boundaries where ICT‐enabled project teams are used. In particular, this study extends our current understanding of boundaries through expanding the lens of investigation beyond a predominant focus on work–home boundaries and considers boundaries within the work sphere.  相似文献   

国际外包陷阱产生机理及其跨越研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以全球价值链分工体系下发展中国家承接国际外包实践为背景,从承包企业所面临的风险角度审视国际外包,认为承包活动将伴随着陷阱,并提出了分析国际外包陷阱的一个初步理论框架。国际外包陷阱描述了承包企业陷入长期低水平接包而难以自拔的一种状态,其在理论溯源、概念假设、形成机制及产生效应等方面区别于比较优势陷阱。承包企业对发包企业技术上的严重依赖和对低劳动力素质的过度依赖是前者极易落入国际外包陷阱的主要原因,落入国际外包陷阱的后果则是从长期看承包企业人力资本积累缓慢、缺乏技术创新能力积累导致与发包企业间技术差距和边际生产率差距同时不断扩大。基于以上理论框架,本文构建了国际外包陷阱产生机理的数理模型,阐明了承包企业内部技术积累及外部需求推动两大跨越国际外包陷阱的途径,归纳了国际外包陷阱跨越的"单脚"、"双脚"及"跳跃型"三种模式,并对承包企业发展战略和发展中国家相关产业政策制定提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文将知识产权保护水平看成是价值链治理者的一个策略性变量。当全球链主通过一个激励性合同诱使本土企业放弃自建品牌的努力时,更高的知识产权保护水平会使本土企业陷入赶超陷阱。其内生性机理在于:一方面,强知识产权保护吸引了更多的全球链主将其订单和技术向发展中国家转移;另一方面,强知识产权保护降低了本土企业代工的机会成本,导致更多的本土企业加入代工行列。基于2006—2009年间29个行业的面板数据,结果显示链主对知识产权实施的控制造成了国有企业和非国有企业收益的显著下降,并导致国有企业同全球链主之间技术差距的拉大,从而为赶超陷阱提供了间接证据。  相似文献   

EPC工程项目分包合同管理是EPC工程项目管理的核心,贯穿于EPC工程项目管理的全过程。加强EPC工程项目分包合同管理是EPC工程项目实现工期、质量、安全、环境和成本目标的关键要素,也是创造项目效益最大化的保证。结合一工程公司承接的油田一小型化工EPC工程项目分包合同管理的一些经验做了探讨。  相似文献   

This research adopts a triangulation strategy based on ethnographic case study and questionnaire survey shedding light on how Chinese software engineers acquire codified and tacit knowledge in their daily development work. Software engineers make effective use of complementary resources within a broad spectrum of choices for seeking advice, learning how to solve technical problems, and transferring knowledge to the local community of practice from far beyond the organizational boundary. The analysis focuses on patterns of advice seeking relations within and across project team boundaries, also highlighting the Internet software technology forums as an important channel for technical information sharing across organizational boundaries. The implications for R&D managers are also discussed with special reference to software development and other knowledge intensive computer related work in China.  相似文献   

This study examines factors underlying arbitrators' decisions in disputes involving subcontracting. A framework devised by Dash (1963) is used to code arbitration decisions according to the issues arbitrators raised in reaching their conclusions. In addition, external factors such as geographical location, background of the arbitrator, industry, and when the decision occurred are evaluated. The results of logit analyses indicate that Dash's framework explains much of the variance in the arbitrators' decisions. External factors are unrelated to the decisions.  相似文献   

The inverse of vertical integration, ‘impartition’, is defined as an entrepreneurial behaviour which consists in casting other firms (partners) for different parts of its overall system of activities. A firm imparts when, in order to allocate its own resources to activities more congruent with its strategic objectives, it contracts out instead of doing in-house. This concept also involves a cooperative attitude towards partners for a mutual profit based on external synergies. The developed pattern has a large range of applications: subcontracting, proxy agreements, agency contracts, international production sharing, product mandating, franchising, licensing and a growing number of intangibles. The use of the impartition leverage may amplify the strategic power of a firm and its capacity for fast growth. In response to severe worldwide competition and accelerating technological and social changes, four overall principles underlie an impartition policy: high turnover, organizational flexibility, strategic mobility and external synergies. In conclusion the author insists on the necessity of mastering the art of resources management.  相似文献   

Organizational scholars have highlighted the importance of interpretive ambivalence for mindfulness, creativity, and strategic change. Ambivalence occurs when an issue is seen simultaneously as positive and negative. We examine organizational factors that influence the propensity of organizational leaders to evaluate a new strategic issue ambivalently. Data come from a survey of 220 German CEOs confronted with the enlargement of the European Union. We find that CEOs of firms with a more ambidextrous strategic orientation and a moderate sense of organizational control over their environment are most likely to be ambivalent about this issue. Our findings affirm the prevalence of interpretive ambivalence at the executive level and suggest ways for organizations to promote or prevent ambivalence in strategic sensemaking. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The radical political and economic reforms sweeping through former socialist countries during the last decade have opened rich opportunities for privately owned businesses to emerge and develop. Since the market institutions and infrastructures in these countries are largely underdeveloped, private firms in transition economies rely extensively on interfirm partnerships. This raises the question of how—in the absence of institutions that legitimate markets, contracts, and private property—managers of new business ventures develop new relationships. This paper addresses this issue through analysis of multiple subcontracting relationships formed at a private garment company in Vietnam. This analysis suggests that firms in transition economies develop interfirm trust in ways that are quite different from their counterparts in more highly developed economies.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study of the structure of three lead firm‐network relationships at two points in time. Using data on companies in the packaging machine industry, we study the process of vertical disintegration and focus on the ability to coordinate competencies and combine knowledge across corporate boundaries. We argue that the capability to interact with other companies—which we call relational capability—accelerates the lead firm’s knowledge access and transfer with relevant effects on company growth and innovativeness. This study provides evidence that interfirm networks can be shaped and deliberately designed: over time managers develop a specialized supplier network and build a narrower and more competitive set of core competencies. The ability to integrate knowledge residing both inside and outside the firm’s boundaries emerges as a distinctive organizational capability. Our main goal is to contribute to the current discussion of cooperative ties and dynamic aspects of interfirm networks, adding new dimensions to resource‐based and knowledge‐based interpretations of company performance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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