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从生物质能源电价补贴政策视角出发,构建了政府、企业、中间人和农户为一体的农林生物质发电产业系统动力学模型,通过模拟、对比不同补贴政策组合下的实施效果,对现行补贴政策进行量化评价。结果表明:现行补贴额度无法扭转发电企业亏损状态,且现行的直接退出机制将导致企业出现更为严重的亏损,而适当调整补贴额度并实行逐减退出方式可提高各主体及产业整体利润。因此,为了促进中国农林生物质发电产业的快速发展,就要保障生物质补贴资金优先及时发放,同时推进可再生能源配额制度和绿证交易制度建设,以促进产业快速良序发展,实现生物质资源充分利用。  相似文献   

The process by which producers form expectations has implications for model building and policy analysis. An econometric model of the Australian wool market is estimated. It is shown that the rational expectations hypothesis is not inconsistent with the data for both the period before the floor price scheme was implemented and since that date. This finding has important implications, since it has been shown that the welfare gains from stabilisation are small if producers form rational expectations.  相似文献   

基于2016年7~8月南方集体林区福建省三明、南平、龙岩地区512个样本农户的微观抽样调查数据,运用Probit模型分析林地转入户资源禀赋、经营方式对其林地流入行为的影响,并通过平均边际效应测其影响程度。结果表明:第一,资源禀赋中林地面积、林业劳动力数量、社会关系均正向显著影响农户林地流入行为,家庭总收入负向显著影响农户林地流入行为;第二,经营方式中营林形式、单位面积资金投入对其林地流入行为均有显著正向影响。鉴于此,为了更好地实现"森林资源增长"和"农户增收"双重目标,在集体林权制度改革中,政府应通过加快林地流转交易平台建设、鼓励"联户经营+集约化"经营方式、培育中青年林业经营主体及引导木材市场价格健康有序发展等方式来推进林地流转进程。  相似文献   

Against a background of steadily mounting cereal surpluses in the European Community and a recognition that the cereals sector is a major contributor to the Community's budgetary problems, a survey was carried out of English farmers' attitudes and preferences concerning a range of alternative cereal supply policy instruments. Personal interviews were held with 102 farmers in two contrasting agricultural districts — one an intensive cereal-growing district in eastern England, the other an area of mixed livestock and arable farming in western England. Amongst cereal producers in both areas a quota was the preferred policy instrument; in the east because of the security it offered, but in the west because it was perceived to be the least damaging instrument for the industry as a whole. A price reduction was the preferred option of small livestock farmers in the western area. None of the other instruments — co-responsibility levy, set-aside, nitrogen use restrictions — received much support. Farmers were particularly negative about schemes involving the withdrawal of land from agricultural use.  相似文献   

A macroeconometric simulation study is undertaken to evaluate the impact of commodity price stabilisation (CPS) schemes for the export tree crop industry in Papua New Guinea. The findings suggest that there is a negligible level of favourable macroeconomic impacts of CPS. Contrary to the expectation, CPS adversely affects the stability of monetary and external sectors (BOP). CPS policy has failed to stabilise the macroeconomy. The price stabilisation policies are no longer appropriate from the macroeconomic point of view. Technical change, futures market and rural savings are the possible alternative policy options to manage the price risk.  相似文献   

玉米已成为我国播种面积最大的粮食作物,同时玉米在主要粮食作物中比例也不断攀升。文章利用2003~2010年河北省农户玉米种植的动态面板数据,建立了农业供给反应(适应性预期)模型,采用广义矩阵估计方法(GMM),对影响河北省9个县534户农民的玉米供给和调整的价格、政策以及气候等因素进行了动态面板实证分析和相关探讨。基于农户玉米生产供给反应模型的理论框架,推导出研究所采用的动态面板适应性预期模型。结果表明,首先,河北省农户的玉米种植面积对于价格变化很敏感,玉米种植面积的长期价格弹性较大。其次,补贴政策对于农户种植玉米有一定的积极促进作用,但是农户对于补贴额的反应程度很小。再次,生产成本投入增加会制约河北省农户玉米种植。最后,降水对于保证玉米生产具有重要作用。因此,稳定玉米价格、继续加大政策支持力度、完善水利基础设施补贴力度对于保证河北省玉米生产和供给会产生积极促进作用。  相似文献   

基于1273户农户调研数据,通过Logistic回归模型厘清政策引导因素和贫困程度对农户林业规模经营意愿、行为及其偏差的影响,并构建“无意愿无行为”“有意愿有行为”和“有意愿无行为”“有意愿有行为”这2个模型分析林业规模经营从意愿向行为转化的制约因素。研究结果表明:林业政策对农户林业规模经营行为的影响程度更显著,贫困程度只在区域宏观层面对农户林业规模经营行为有影响。其中,是否获得森林抚育补贴、林业收入所占比例和地区经济发展水平等因素均能显著促使农户林业规模经营意愿向行为转化。因此,建议优化采伐限额制度,加大对林农的资金补贴力度,特别是经济欠发达地区;提供非农就业的安置和引导,为农民提供就业指导和帮扶;加强林业经营体系建设,推进林业适度规模经营。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how some aspects of agrimonetary system of the Common Agricultural Policy may be analysed using spatial equilibrium diagrams, modified to include foreign exchange sectors. The model analyses the effects of monetary compensatory amounts on intra-Community trade. The results are: first, when the intervention price is below the market price, both the importing and the exporting country gain in social welfare; and second, when the intervention price is effective, only the importing country gains. In each case the cost of the MCA's exceeds these welfare gains. From a budgetary viewpoint there is a trade-off between the cost of intervention buying and the cost of the trade subsidy.  相似文献   

The implication of price stabilisation under a volatile exchange rate is an increasingly volatile price denominated in a foreign currency. Time series analysis is used to model the relationship between exports, prices and AWC stocks. This model is used to assess the distribution of the impact of exchange rate shocks on prices denominated in local and foreign currencies. It is found that the AWC has significantly reduced the impact of exchange rate shocks on domestic prices.  相似文献   

在介绍天然橡胶的产业和价格波动的基础上,从天然橡胶产业“红线”与“红利”的视角出发,解读了天然橡胶政策“红线”不能保障战略资源安全和天然橡胶市场“红利”不能保障农户生计发展。最后,提出了争取天然橡胶国际定价权,通过股权运作等方式控制产量和交易成本等;设定合理天然橡胶“红线”,以进口依赖度、胶园开割率和单产等指标确定中国天然橡胶“红线”为110万hm 2;释放双向天然橡胶“红利”,在宜胶区实施“价格支持”政策,在非宜胶区实施“退胶还林”政策等建议。  相似文献   

Motivated by the policy trend of exposing European Union farmers to more market risk by reducing price support, this paper evaluates the compensation required by EU cereal growers to accept the complete removal of price support. Additional considerations are whether this policy change also includes the removal of set‐aside, or features only a partial removal of price support. A model is developed which captures the main on‐ and off‐farm factors influencing grower perceptions of the impact of this policy change. This model is subjected to a numerical analysis which shows that divergent assessments of the expected profitability of releasing to production land previously set‐aside mean growers are unlikely to agree whether compensation is even required. It is concluded that the retention of set‐aside for environmental purposes is likely to mean growers are more united in their perception of the need for, and amount of, compensation to accept the removal of price support.  相似文献   

Producer price changes are dependent on final demand, marketed volume and marketing cost, but the less than perfect competition which may determine this last is ignored in formulating the cobweb theorem. Attention to monopsonistic buying of farm products has importance in the choice between stabilisation measures directed at producers and marketing firms, and also as regards the need for integration of the theory of imperfect competition and the analysis of agricultural price cycles. Cyclical instability is a serious problem in the New Zealand vegetable industry. The size and inflexibility of retail margins significantly accentuate producer price fluctuations. Auctions are the main mechanism for price formation, and high retail margins appear to be permitted by the non-competitive elements in this marketing system. The most promising avenues for improvement would be in reform of auction procedures and exploration of alternative marketing channels for vegetables.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the motivation for government intervention in agriculture to support farm prices and incomes. A model is outlined in which the government has a preference for higher farm incomes but fails to provide farmers with the socially optimal level of price support, even when one accepts the government's income redistribution goals as a valid reflection of social preference. It is shown that agricultural policy has an intervention bias: government price supports generally are higher than would be socially optimal. The source of the intervention bias is a time inconsistency in optimal agricultural policy formation, caused by the government's inability to precommit to a rule for setting future price support levels. Simulation results indicate that in some circumstances the intervention bias in agricultural policy can be substantial.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates a representation of producers' price expectations (ARIMA) in a two-period production process to characterise short-run cattle supply. The model provides a framework for examining the role of biological factors and changing expectations of future cattle prices in generating a negative short-run supply response. The biological link between cattle generations requires the farmer to make a decision between production today and production tomorrow. This decision is based on a trade-off between the possibilities of increasing current profit levels by increasing current output weighted against the possibilities of increased future profit by maintaining animals in inventory under the expectation of future price increases. Application of the model to Canadian data for the period 1978-81 shows that the necessary condition for a negative supply response exists, but that the total supply elasticity remains positive.  相似文献   

在理论层面,国有林区改革引发新能源政策指导思想从以经济效益为主到生态效益与经济效益并重的跨越式发展,加速生物质能源政策的制定与推行;在实践层面,国有林区改革实施的指导意见促进生物质能源政策的具体化与细致化,为生物质能源在财税补贴、能源林种植奖励、生物发电及技术研发等方面的政策制定提供了参考建议,带动了生物质能源相关产业的发展,为改善民生和保护生态提供了强大的助力。  相似文献   

目的 为了估计价格支持政策对不同粮食品种期现货价格波动的直接影响,实证分析和比较了政策及其调整对粮食期现货价格波动实施效果的影响,为深化粮食价格形成机制改革提供一定的理论参考和实证支撑。方法 文章利用稻谷、小麦、玉米和大豆的现货与期货价格日数据,将政策以虚拟变量的形式引入GARCH模型实证分析最低收购价政策、临时收储政策及其调整对平抑粮食期现货市场波动的作用。结果 价格支持政策对粮食价格波动产生了显著影响,最低收购价政策能够明显降低稻谷和小麦现货市场的波动程度,但对期货市场波动的作用则相反;玉米和大豆临时收储政策的取消导致现货市场波动性提高,而对期货市场波动的影响存在差异。结论 价格支持政策具有降低价格波动的作用效果,政策调控效果与实施品种的国内供求及市场形势、国内外市场的联系程度密切相关,政策的完善还需关注对期货市场波动的影响。  相似文献   

A longstanding puzzle in comparative economics is the ‘developmental paradox’, the tendency for government support for agriculture to increase with national income and to decrease with the proportion of economic activity and of the population in agriculture. This paper offers a microeconomic explanation for that puzzle. It establishes analytically the microeconomic basis for coalition alignments with respect to food price policy, then numerically simulates the comparative static effects of alternative food policies on coalition structure. A parsimonious household model applied to a heterogeneously endowed society demonstrates how variation in individual welfare effects might beget distinct coalitions in the debate over food price policy and how those policies are inextricably linked to land, population, and technology policies in food agriculture. Moreover, coalition alignments on particular policy debates are path-dependent. In particular, food price policy creates its own political support.  相似文献   

目的 中国大豆政策几经更迭,截止大豆生产者补贴政策制定实施之前的支持政策均未达成理想的政策目标,而大豆生产者补贴政策已初见成效。为深入探究大豆生产者补贴政策在试点地区与非试点地区、同一地区内区域定位差异对农户大豆种植行为响应的异质性,由此实现对后续大豆生产者补贴政策的完善提供实践参考。方法 农户是政策施行的微观行为主体。文章基于吉林省和山东省农户调研数据,利用倾向得分匹配模型和混合回归模型进行实证分析,借助更换变量法对模型结果进行稳健性检验。结果 大豆生产者补贴政策的实施促进了农户种植行为响应,政策试点地区农户相较于非政策试点地区农户大豆种植行为响应更为积极,且政策试点地区内因资源禀赋差异,不同区域间农户的大豆种植行为存在异质性。结论 政策区与非政策区农户、政策区内因资源禀赋形成的区域差异下的农户对大豆生产者补贴政策行为响应存在异质性。未来政府针对大豆相关政策的修订应着重于政策的精准化实施、调整大豆与同等替代作物比价关系、总结经验并适时推广。  相似文献   

鉴于中国原木进口需求弹性的参数值信息有限,利用月度时间序列数据构建中国原木进口需求函数,在Johansen协整框架下展开计量分析。向量误差修正模型的估计结果显示:中国原木的进口需求对所有变量都是缺乏弹性的,且在1%的统计水平上显著;中国国内经济产出和实际进口价格的弹性分别为0.86(±0.05)和-0.68(±0.15),短期对长期均衡的偏离的调整系数为0.61。基于估计参数的预测结果显示,受经济新常态的影响,2020年中国原木进口量约为5067万m3~6464万m3,并呈现平稳增长的态势。  相似文献   

[目的]最低收购价政策实施以来,在稳粮价、促生产、保粮安的同时,也产生了显著的负面影响,探索以市场机制为核心的粮食价格支持政策改革势在必行。[方法]文章以稻谷为例,通过构建局部均衡模型,模拟逐渐下调最低收购价、取消最低收购价、取消最低收购价并大幅增加农业补贴等方案对我国稻谷的产量、总消费、库存和净进口等方面的影响,进而探究最低收购价政策调整对我国粮食安全的影响。[结果](1)下调稻谷最低收购价,对稻谷市场价格、总产量和总消费的影响较小,而对库存和净进口量的影响较大;(2)取消最低收购价,虽然能大幅度减小国内外差价、库存量和进口量,但短期内也会显著减少稻谷产量,对我国的粮食供给安全带来了巨大冲击;(3)取消稻谷最低收购价,并大幅度提高了农业补贴后,稻谷总产量下降水平明显减少,既解决了托市收购带来的负面影响,也降低了取消托市收购对粮食供给安全的冲击。[结论]最低收购价政策的支持效应显著,为充分保障国内粮食安全,在推行粮食市场化改革时,应首先考虑小幅度下调最低收购价,而不是一次性取消最低收购价政策;同时,要配套相应的补贴政策,优化农业补贴结构,来保障粮农的种植积极性。  相似文献   

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