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After surveying the evolution of the major methodologies in inflation hedging, this study presents a unique methodology that uses principal component factor analysis to separate the effects of variability in the real rate of return from the nominal rate of return. This approach allows the effects of both anticipated and unanticipated inflation on rates of return to be estimated more precisely. This study finds that art objects perform well in terms of average real rates of return and that the market, though not perfect, integrates anticipated inflation into the rates of return. However, unanticipated inflation is very often negatively related to the rates of return.  相似文献   

What are the steady-state implications of inflation in a general-equilibrium model with real per capita output growth and staggered nominal price and wage contracts? Surprisingly, a benchmark calibration implies an optimal inflation rate of -1.9 percent. The analysis also shows that trend inflation has important effects on the economy when combined with nominal contracts and real output growth. Steady-state output and welfare losses are quantitatively important even for low values of trend inflation. Further, nominal wage contracting is found to be quantitatively more important than nominal price contracting in generating the results. This conclusion does not arise from price dispersion per se, but from an effect of nominal output growth on the optimal markup of monopolistically competitive labour suppliers. Finally, accounting for productivity growth is found to be important for calculating the welfare costs of inflation. Indeed, the presence of 2 percent productivity growth increases the welfare costs of inflation in the benchmark specification by a factor of four relative to the no-growth case.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates corporate sensitivity to relative price risk and inflation risk and suggests how the existence of various nominal contracts, particularly debt and forward contracts, may modify firm behavior under uncertainty. By differentiating between the two types of price risk, this paper demonstrates the distinct risk reduction functions served by forward contracts and debt. Debt primarily protects against inflation risk whereas forward contracts can be used to protect against relative price risk. Complications arise, however, because forward contracts, which are denominated in nominal terms, also have an impact on the firm's degree of inflation risk.  相似文献   

We study an economy characterized by competitive search and asymmetric information. Money is essential. Buyers decide their cash holdings after observing the contracts posted by firms and experience match-specific preference shocks which remain unknown to sellers. Firms are allowed to post general contracts. In the baseline model with indivisible goods, we show that, when the number of potential buyers is fixed, inflation decreases markups. This, in turn, increases aggregate output and ex ante welfare. When goods are divisible the negative effect of inflation on markups holds for unconstrained agents but is ambiguous for constrained agents. Still, optimal monetary policy implies a positive nominal rate. When there is buyers' free entry, asymmetric information causes a congestion effect that can be corrected by monetary policy.  相似文献   

This article presents joint econometric analysis of interest rate risk, issuer‐specific risk (credit risk) and bond‐specific risk (liquidity risk) in a reduced‐form framework. We estimate issuer‐specific and bond‐specific risk from corporate bond data in the German market. We find that bond‐specific risk plays a crucial role in the pricing of corporate bonds. We observe substantial differences between different bonds with respect to the relative influence of issuer‐specific vs. bond‐specific spread on the level and the volatility of the total spread. Issuer‐specific risk exhibits strong autocorrelation and a strong impact of weekday effects, the level of the risk‐free term structure and the debt to value ratio. Moreover, we can observe some impact of the stock market volatility, the respective stock's return and the distance to default. For the bond‐specific risk we find strong autocorrelation, some impact of the stock market index, the stock market volatility, weekday effects and monthly effects as well as a very weak impact of the risk‐free term structure and the specific stock's return. Altogether, the determinants of the spread components vary strongly between different bonds/issuers.  相似文献   

This paper develops a macro model of contractual wage setting that is used to test the importance that increased contract length has in generating wage inertia. Using an errors-in-variables format to isolate the effect of price and productivity shocks, it is shown that the sensitivity of union wages to unanticipated disturbances would increase by only a small amount in the absence of long-term, three-year, labor contracts. Our results suggest that formal contracts are not a major source of nominal wage rigidity and the price surprises play a relatively small role in generating business cycles.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of unanticipated inflation on the market value of equity in a system with corporation tax and historic cost depreciation. It is shown that there exists a unique combination of debt and equity under which inflation neutrality is obtained, Whether or not unanticipated inflation hurts or benefits the stockholders in a particular firm depends upon a number of conditions. These include the depreciation rate of its assets relative to the amortization rate of its debt. Finally, the present tax system is contrasted with a fully indexed system involving replacement cost depreciation and indexation  相似文献   

This paper uses stamp catalogue prices to investigate the returns on British collectible postage stamps over the period 1900–2008. We find an annualized return on stamps of 7.0% in nominal terms, or 2.9% in real terms. These returns are higher than those on bonds but below those on equities. The volatility of stamp prices approaches that of equities. Stamp returns are impacted by movements in the equity market, but the systematic risk of stamps remains low. Stamps partially hedge against unanticipated inflation. Estimates of average after-cost returns for individual investors show that stamps may rival equities in terms of realized performance.  相似文献   

Evidence presented here indicates that the relationship between stock returns and unexpected inflation differs systematically across firms. The differences are shown to be consistent with cross-sectional variation in firms' nominal contracts (monetary claims and depreciation tax shields). The differences are also partially explained by proxies for underlying firm characteristics that could create interaction between unexpected inflation and operating profitability. Finally, much if not most of the differences appear to arise because unexpected inflation is correlated with changes in expected aggregate real activity, the effects of which tend to vary across firms according to their systematic risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between the interest rate sensitivity of common stock returns and the maturity composition of the firm's nominal contracts. Using a sample of actively traded commerical banks and stock savings and loan associations, common stock returns are found to be correlated with interest rate changes. The co-movement of stock returns and interest rate changes is positively related to the size of the maturity difference between the firm's nominal assets and liabilities.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and quantifies ex ante components of bond yields – real rate of returns and risk premiums – from observed prices of nominal and indexed bonds in the United Kingdom from 1983 to 2000. The estimation uses an asset pricing framework based on a habit consumption model together with a joint formulation of consumption growth and inflation. Nominal yields carry a time-varying inflation premium that is significant throughout the period, increasing in the bond's maturity and contributing up to 25 basis points to yearly nominal yields. The analysis allows the extraction of the ex ante real rate from indexed bonds by properly taking into account both the incomplete indexation on these instruments and the inflation premium embedded in the nominal bonds.  相似文献   

We identify two types of momenta in stock returns—one due to returns relative to other stocks and one due to firm-specific abnormal returns, where abnormal is determined by a stock's idiosyncratic return variation. Despite similar performances over the first year, these momentum portfolios perform dramatically differently beyond year one. Relative-return momentum reverses strongly; abnormal-return momentum continues for years. This complexity in return momentum challenges the current theories of momentum. We propose that both momenta are consequences of agency issues in the money management industry and provide empirical support for this economic rationale of momentum in returns. Incentives induce institutions to chase relative returns and to underreact to firm-specific abnormal returns.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(4):282-296

What return should you expect when you take on a given amount of risk? How should that return depend upon other people's behaviour? What principles can you use to answer these questions? In this paper, I approach these topics by exploring the consequences of two simple hypotheses about risk.

The first is a common-sense invariance principle: assets with the same perceived risk must have the same expected return. It leads directly to the well known Sharpe ratio and the classic risk-return relationships of arbitrage pricing theory and the capital asset pricing model.

The second hypothesis concerns the perception of time. I conjecture that in times of speculative excitement, short-term investors may instinctively imagine stock prices to be evolving in a time measure different from that of calendar time. They may perceive and experience the risk and return of a stock in intrinsic time, a dimensionless time scale that counts the number of trading opportunities that occur, but pays no attention to the calendar time that passes between them.

Applying the first hypothesis in the intrinsic time measure suggested by the second, I derive an alternative set of relationships between risk and return. Its most noteworthy feature is that, in the short-term, a stock's trading frequency affects its expected return. I show that short-term stock speculators will expect returns proportional to the temperature of a stock, where temperature is defined as the product of the stock's traditional volatility and the square root of its trading frequency. Furthermore, I derive a modified version of the capital asset pricing model in which a stock's excess return relative to the market is proportional to its traditional beta multiplied by the square root of its trading frequency.

I also present a model for the joint interaction of long-term calendar-time investors and short-term intrinsic-time speculators that leads to market bubbles characterized by stock prices that grow super-exponentially with time.

Finally, I show that the same short-term approach to options speculation can lead to an implied volatility skew.

I hope that this model will have some relevance to the behaviour of investors expecting inordinate returns in highly speculative markets.  相似文献   

Short selling allows investors to shape prospective investment return opportunities along desired lines, offers the ability to hedge factors such as unanticipated inflation, provides a means to exploit perceived return anomalies, and facilitates the equilibrium pricing of securities. Currently, a short position can be created directly, with options, or with futures contracts. Each procedure has some advantages and some drawbacks with respect to the others. The alternative of mutual fund short selling in the family of funds framework neither dominates nor is dominated by existing methods. Implementation would, therefore, augment investor welfare.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the interaction of inflation with the tax code and its contribution to aggregate fluctuations. We find significant effects operating through the tax on realized nominal capital gains. A tax on nominal bond income magnifies these effects. Our innovation is to combine monetary policy shocks with non-indexed taxes in a model where the central bank implements policy using an interest rate rule. Monetary policy had important effects on the behavior of the business cycle before 1980 because policymakers did not exert effective control over inflation. Monetary policy reform around 1980 led to better control, and with more stable inflation, the effect of the interaction between monetary policy and the nominal capital gains tax has become negligible.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies suggest that nominal interest rates and expected inflation do not move together one-for-one in the long run, a finding at odds with many theoretical models. This article shows that these results can be deceptive when the process followed by inflation shifts infrequently. We characterize the shifts in inflation by a Markov switching model. Based upon this model's forecasts, we reexamine the long-run relationship between nominal interest rates and inflation. Interestingly, we are unable to reject the hypothesis that in the long run nominal interest rates reflect expected inflation one-for-one.  相似文献   

Hyperbolic Discounting and the Phillips Curve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a standard dynamic general equilibrium model, we show that the interaction of staggered nominal contracts with hyperbolic discounting leads to inflation having significant long-run effects on real variables.  相似文献   

本文通过Bloomberg与Wind相关日频数据,利用主成分分析的方法,提取了我国银行间市场与国债债券市场的利率期限结构截距因子、斜率因子与曲率因子。在此基础上,该文研究了美国非预期货币政策冲击对我国利率期限结构的外溢作用。研究结果表明,该外溢作用显著存在,它扭曲了我国银行间市场与债券市场的利率期限结构,会导致我国利率期限结构“倒挂”,提高短期利率水平,压低长期利率水平,进而加剧我国金融市场中系统性风险集聚。  相似文献   

Univariate time-series models for consumption, nominal interest rates, and prices each appear to have a single unit root before 1979. If nominal interest rates have a unit root but inflation and inflation forecast errors do not, then ex ante real interest rates have a unit root and are therefore nonstationary. This deduction does not depend on the properties of the unobservable ex post observed real return, which combines the ex ante real interest rate and inflation-forecasting errors. The unit-root characteristic of real interest rates is puzzling from at least two perspectives: many models imply that the growth rate of consumption and the real interest rate should have similar time-series characteristics; also, nominal returns for other assets (e.g., stocks and bonds) appear to have different times-series properties from those of treasury bills.  相似文献   

Do individual investors have better information about local stocks? Our results demonstrate that they do. Large trading imbalances by investors living close to a firm's headquarters predict the stock's earnings announcement return. Stocks with the most net buying by local investors average significantly higher market-adjusted announcement returns than stocks with the most net selling by local investors. This return difference is pronounced for small and medium-sized firms, but absent among large firms, which have significant analyst coverage. Local investors' information advantage comes at the expense of nonlocal traders.  相似文献   

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