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The adoption of specific conflict management strategies has usually been linked to various factors, such as litigation avoidance, union substitution and the pursuit of strategic benefits. This study advances the hypothesis that actors’ different frames of reference impact how workplace conflicts are interpreted and managed by unions and employers. Drawing on original data from the Brazilian banking sector, this article shows that companies and unions have different interpretations of workplace bullying. Unions understand workplace bullying as an organizational or sectoral problem inherent to labour relations in the banking sector. In contrast, employers see workplace bullying as a problem caused by individual managers. These different understandings of the same type of conflict are shaped by each actor's frame of reference and influence their responses to workplace bullying. With a pluralist or critical frame of reference, unions favour conflict management tools that try to promote structural changes in the sector. With a unitarist frame of reference, employers try to transform individual behaviour or simply remove individual managers from the workplace. Therefore, organizations with a unitarist frame interpret and respond to conflicts in notably different ways from organizations holding a pluralist or critical frame of reference.  相似文献   

This study approaches coopetition as a strategic change and aims to bridge the gaps in micro level cognition and strategy by exploring how a coopetitive frame is constructed, as well as how individual level differences in this creation can be explained. The empirical case study findings contribute to existing coopetitive research by showing that individuals differ in their ability to create future accounts of engagement in strategic activities, as well as in modifying established frameworks of competition to fit an emerging coopetitive frame. Based on the case study findings, a model of sensemaking is presented, which indicates the influence of attitudes and expectations over time on the development of a coopetitive frame. Managers that were unable to update their expectations from the past accordingly struggled in their sensemaking, whereas the interpretative process was aided by optimism and high expectations of the future. A key contribution of the empirical study lies in the focus on sensemaking differences that sheds light on the complexities inherent in coopetitive strategizing.  相似文献   

本文以属于战略性新兴产业的A股上市公司为研究对象,使用门限面板模型研究了研发投入对成长性的非线性影响。研究结果表明,研发投入强度对战略性新兴产业的成长性存在显著的门限效应,随着研发强度的增加,其对成长性的促进作用表现出边际递减的规律。进一步基于空间异质性视角进行研究,结果表明:在东部、中部和西部地区分别存在唯一的门限值,在东部地区,研发强度对战略性新兴产业成长性始终表现为促进作用,而在中西部地区,研发强度一旦超过门限值,其对战略性新兴产业成长性转变为抑制作用。  相似文献   

This article addresses which food security frames can be identified in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2013 reform process, and which actors deploy particular food security frames. The concept of frames refers to relatively distinct and coherent sets of meaning attributed to a concept, such as food security. The article shows that in the European Union (EU) food security is a consensus frame which can be broken down in six conflicting and overlapping sub-frames and which has complicated the debates about the future of the CAP. We demonstrate that during the CAP-reform debates of 2009–2012 a variety of food security arguments were deployed by a broad range of stakeholders, who attached different meanings and made different claims about the relationship between the CAP and food security. Inductive frame analysis reveals that the consensus frame of food security can be broken down into six conflicting and overlapping sub-frames: (1) the productionist frame, (2) the environmental frame, (3) the development frame, (4) the free trade frame, (5) the regional frame, and (6) the food sovereignty frame. Each of these frames was invoked by a specific group of stakeholders, whereby the productionist and environmental frames were deployed most often. The European Commission, meanwhile, invoked various frames at the same time in its communications. As a result of these various framings of the relationship between the CAP and food security, a clear political vision on this relationship is lacking. We conclude that politicians and policymakers may need to develop a coherent vision on what food security entails, and on how the CAP could contribute to both European and global food security.  相似文献   

本文利用2004~2011年我国行业的面板数据,用非参数的Malmquist指数的方法测算中国八大行业的全要素生产率,通过GMM方法分析我国对外直接投资传导的国际研发存量和我国的研发存量以及两者的交互项对这8个行业的全要素生产率的影响,以便了解对外直接投资的逆向技术溢出效应。实证结果表明:现阶段国内各相关行业通过对外直接投资途径传导的国外逆向技术有一定的溢出效应,但对技术进步的影响并不显著;只有在国内研发和其他方面的投入跨越一定的门槛值后,才能使我国对外直接投资产生逆向技术溢出效应。   相似文献   

战略性新兴产业的发展对国民经济和社会发展具有重要的战略意义,目前中国战略性新兴产业仍面临着“高端产业,低端技术”的发展困境,如何突破产业关键技术促进产业健康、可持续发展已成为亟待解决的问题。战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成是突破产业关键技术、共性技术及前瞻性技术的核心环节,中国正在兴起的产业技术研究院、航空高技术产业园等跨组织知识集成平台为培育和发展战略性新兴产业集群创新网络提供了重要的支撑平台。本文依托跨组织知识集成平台探究了战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成机制,构建了创新主体间的灰靶双边匹配模型,并采用平衡计分法建立了以创新能力为重要衡量标准的综合评价指标体系,最后通过案例进行了分析,证明了其有效性和实用性,可为促进战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成提供理论指导。  相似文献   

发展战略性新兴产业是提高我国经济发展质量效益的重要举措,得到了各地政府的积极响应.但战略性新兴产业在迅猛发展的同时也遇到了诸多问题,产业选择和布局不合理是制约其健康发展的主要因素之一.战略性新兴产业是战略性产业与新兴产业的交集,既有一般产业的共同特征,又有“战略”和“新兴”的特殊性.文章从“战略性”和“新兴性”的经济学内涵出发,分析了战略性新兴产业的产业规模、产业组织和产业技术特征,构建了基于产业经济学理论的选择指标体系,为进一步深化该领域研究搭建了基础平台.  相似文献   

中国高端制造业空间结构变动的实证研究:2003~2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各地发展战略性新兴产业出现了一哄而上的低水平发展现象,因此亟需规划各个战略性新兴产业的空间布局.产业空间结构现状及变动趋势可以为产业布局决策提供现实依据.高端制造业是战略性新兴产业的重要部分,本文利用修正后的E-G指数实证研究了其在2003~2009年的空间结构变动.结果显示:高端制造业集聚空间结构呈现出聚集和扩散两者并存的特性.东部沿海地区是高端制造业的主要集聚地,中西部地区的河南、河北、湖北和四川成为产业扩散的主要承接地.本文认为战略性新兴产业的空间布局要体现出“适度集聚”和“因地制宜”的特征.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业组织的劳资分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略性新兴产业组织的主导形态是模块化契约网络组织,具体包括模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商三类组织形态。本文认为,战略性新兴产业组织的劳资分配是对税后增加值(即税后V+M部分)的分配,具体分为两个层面:一是劳资作为一个整体(法人形式出现)以中间产品件工契约方式所进行的产业组织层面的分配,劳资群体的分配受益格局是按模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商顺序依次显著递增;二是劳资在产业组织层面的分配基础上所进行的企业层面的分配。本文分析指出,三类企业的劳资分配范式分属于三种不同范式:模块制造商——物质资本主导的分配范式,系统集成商——人力资本与物质资本共同主导的分配范式,规则设计商——人力资本主导的分配范式。三类企业劳资在分配中的身份、地位、收入模式、分配依据、分配顺序以及分配治理等都存在很大的不同,本文对它们进行了较系统的研究。  相似文献   

Two key issues within the debate around ‘technological sovereignty’ in the European Union are (i) access by countries and firms to enabling and emerging technologies and (ii) how strategic dependencies can be managed in order to preserve competitive positions in global value chains. In this paper, we present and discuss a multidimensional synthetic metric – the Technological Sovereignty Index (TSI) – to provide a global measure that captures the degree of exposure to specific technologies by a country (or group of countries) as well as the vulnerabilities that may be present. The paper validates the TSI by examining the EU's position (until 2021) within the global value chain of advanced 5G mobile communications, focusing on the hardware and component segments. Our findings reveal a weak degree of technological sovereignty due to (i) the shortage of specialized human capital in the EU and (ii) outsourcing trends in the relevant segments; however, untapped capabilities may exist that could partially offset strategic shortcomings.  相似文献   

Researchers in technology and innovation, organization research, and product standardization in economics have noted that innovations may become the dominant designs in their product classes for reasons that may have little to do with design. The emergence process for dominant designs has typically been viewed as a black box process involving a sophisticated interaction of technological and non-technological factors. This paper shifts the discussion to a strategic perspective. It argues that firms can frame the emergence process and can systematically manage elements of it in the pursuit of competitive advantage from innovation. An analytical framework is developed and discussed, with particular emphasis on the roles of certain external conditions, non-technological forces, and complementary assets, as well as the implications for R&D strategists and for future research. Four distinctive examples illustrate different aspects of the framework's utility.  相似文献   

利用《中国高技术产业统计年鉴》中的高技术产业数据与同花顺iFinD数据库的A股上市公司数据对我国战略性新兴产业及其细分行业的所有制结构进行了分析。结果显示,所有制结构在不同战略性新兴产业存在的差异.不同所有制结构企业的营业收入与利润增长也有很大不同,民营企业的盈利水平通常要高于国有企业。  相似文献   

产业创新平台建设是我国发展战略性新兴产业的重要举措,文章在阐明创新平台本质和特征的基础上,概括了江苏省战略性新兴产业发展状况,分析了产业创新平台建设运营情况及存在的问题,进一步探讨加强产业创新平台建设的策略。  相似文献   

本文以战略性新兴产业实施为准自然实验,利用2007~2019年我国上市公司面板数据,构建双重差分模型,考察产业政策冲击对企业全要素生产率的影响。研究发现:战略性新兴产业政策促进了处理组企业全要素生产率的提升,并且这种促进作用先增强后减弱;相比于国有企业,非国有企业受到产业政策影响更大;相比于市场化程度低的地区,市场化程度高的地区受到产业政策影响更大;产业政策主要通过改善企业的融资约束状况来提高其全要素生产率。因此,政府应该努力营造良好的融资环境,缓解企业融资约束压力,充分发挥战略性新兴产业政策对企业全要素生产率的提升作用。  相似文献   

The importance of Prahalad and Bettis's concept of dominant logic is in emphasizing business relatedness at the strategic rather than the operational level. By examining dominant logic in relation to the functions and systems of corporate management, it is possible to operationalize the concept of dominant logic and identify the key components of relatedness at the strategic level.  相似文献   

Research summary : Emerging markets are characterized by underdeveloped institutions and frequent environmental shifts. Yet, they also contain many firms that have survived over generations. How are firms in weak institutional environments able to persist over time? Motivated by 69 interviews with leaders of emerging market firms with histories spanning generations, we combine induction and deduction to propose reputation as a meta‐resource that allows firms to activate their conventional resources. We conceptualize reputation as consisting of prominence, perceived quality, and resilience, and develop a process model that illustrates the mechanisms that allow reputation to facilitate survival in ways that persist over time. Building on research in strategy and business history, we thus shed light on an underappreciated strategic construct (reputation) in an undertheorized setting (emerging markets) over an unusual period (the historical long run). Managerial summary : Why are some firms able to persistently survive in challenging, uncertain, and underdeveloped business environments? To explore this question, we analyze in‐depth interviews with leaders of emerging market firms that have survived over decades and even centuries. We find that firm reputation is a key strategic driver, and propose new ideas about the ways through which reputation facilitates survival. We elaborate how a favorable reputation allows a firm to more fully utilize its existing resources by decreasing uncertainty. We also propose that reputation has offensive and defensive properties that make it valuable to firms during both positive and negative economic cycles. Finally, we discuss why a reputation‐based source of competitive advantage is hard to imitate, and outline three general approaches for building reputation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy whether price spikes in energy markets represent demand shifts in the presence of inelastic supply or strategic withholding by suppliers. This paper sets out a new method for distinguishing the two possible explanations, namely, determining whether supply shifts to the left during periods of high demand. Such behavior would be inconsistent with ordinary profit-maximization, that is, “business by usual methods.” This approach is applied to a period of unusually high prices in the New York wholesale electricity market in 2001. There is evidence of strategic withholding for one brief period.  相似文献   

Two of the most common objections to laboratory research in strategic management are presented and critically evaluated. Commonly accepted normative models of the research process in strategic management are based on the assumption that field research is appropriate in an emerging field and that laboratory research is only appropriate after sufficient field research has been done. The alternative normative model for research in strategic management presented in this paper involves the simultaneous use of laboratory and field methodologies.  相似文献   

Previous studies on strategic groups have mainly focused on their static characteristics in order to test the theory of strategic groups and intraindustry performance differences (Porter, 1979; Cool and Schendel, 1988; Fiegenbaum and Thomas, 1990). In contrast, this study takes a longitudinal, dynamic perspective and describes the forces driving strategic group membership and structural evolution. It proposes that a strategic group acts as a reference point for group members in formulating competitive strategy. A partial adjustment model of strategic mobility is then developed which incorporates the idea of a strategic group as a reference group. It models strategic change in an industry both within and across strategic groups. The model is tested in the context of an in-depth industry analysis of the more significant firms in the insurance industry over the 1970-84 time period. The results suggest that strategic groups act as reference points for firm strategies and that predictions of future firm strategies and industry/group structures may also be successfully derived.  相似文献   

从外部环境用内部因素的关注、从静态资源到动态能力的分析,动态竞争理论将战略研究的重点转向企业间的竞争互动,注重企业战略管理过程中的行为特征;强调企业战略管理过程中互动的动态特征。互动性、层次性、合作性及其柔性构成了战略管理的重要特征,这为企业在动态环境下构建持续竞争优势提供了一个新的战略思维模式。  相似文献   

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