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基于1995~2012的统计数据,运用状态空间模型分析方法研究了中国农村劳动力转移对林业产业产出和林业产业结构的影响。结果表明:中国农村劳动力转移对林业产业产出和林业产业结构的影响弹性呈现出完全相反的态势,中国农村劳动力转移促使林业产业总产值不断提高,并且影响效应越来越大,农村劳动力转移使得林业第一产业产值与第二产业产值之间的差距逐步拉大。因此,应重视农村劳动力技术培训,提高劳动力的整体素质;调整林业产业结构与农村劳动力的转移相适应;积极探索新的发展模式和发展机会,吸纳劳动力就业,带动中国经济的整体协调发展。  相似文献   

绿色苹果生产的投入产出与经济效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一手调查数据,研究绿色苹果与常规苹果在成本结构、产出结构、成本收益、生产效率及要素密集度等方面的差异,以期把握安全果品产业的规律。研究表明,绿色苹果生产的资本绝对密集度和劳动绝对密集度均高于常规苹果生产,成本收益和生产效率总体上也高于常规苹果生产,绿色苹果生产较多地吸纳了农村劳动力就业,其产业内涵质量的提高也促进了农民增收。  相似文献   

我国长江三角洲地区无公害农产品生产的经济效益分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对长江三角洲地区嘉兴市 2 0 0 2年 1 1家无公害农产品和常规农产品生产企业的调查与经济效益分析表明 ,无公害农产品生产投入更大 ,成本结构发生改变 ,比较收益率大于成本溢出率 ,生产经济效益更高 ,但也存在优质不优价等问题。各级政府应在市场建设、公益性宣传和生产者补贴等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

This article explores the economics of input decision under production uncertainty. The article develops a methodology to specify and estimate cost-minimizing input decisions under a state-contingent technology. The analysis is applied to time series data on U.S. agriculture. It finds strong empirical evidence that expected output alone does not provide an appropriate representation of production uncertainty. The results provide empirical support for an output-cubical technology. This indicates that an ex post analysis of stochastic technology appears appropriate. The analysis also provides evidence that the cost of facing production risk has declined in U.S. agriculture over the last few decades.  相似文献   

Three production systems for sheep are modeled: spring, winter and accelerated lambing. Actual market price and lamb size over a seven‐year period (1992–98 inclusive) were used to determine which production/marketing system provides the most contribution margin,1 taking into account costs of production for each system. To determine the cost of production for each system, consensus meetings (a modified Delphi Method) are used to determine costs for 1998 and are then indexed back over the seven years using the Farm Input Price Index. Linear programming2 (contribution margin maximizing) computer models are designed. The results indicate that over the seven‐year period, one ewe would show a total contribution margin of $357 in a spring lambing system from a total of 9.80 lambs, $517 in a winter lambing system from 12.25 lambs, and $755 in an accelerated lambing system from 17.64 lambs. Although preference has shifted to larger lambs in the past five years, Christmas and Easter are by far the most important and preferred target markets for any size lamb. Trois systemes de production d'agneaux ont été modelés: agnelage d'automne, agnelage d'hiver et agnelage accéléré. Le prix du marché actuel et la taille des agneaux ont été résuméà travers une période de sept ans (1992–1998 inclusivement). Le prix et la taille ont donc été utilisé pour déterminer quel systéme de production/marketing fournirait la plus grande marge de contribution en ce qui a trait à la taille et le prix des agneaux ainsi que le coût de production. En 1998, plusieurs sessions de discussion ont eu lieu pour en arriver à une opinion commune sur le coût de production pour chaque système. Les prix ont alors été indexe pour les sept années précédentes. On a ensuite conçu des modèles d'optimisation (maximisation de la marge de contribution). Les résultats indiquent qu'il y a une préférence de poids des agneaux associéà des différents périodes au niveau du marché. On a également conclu que certains systèmes d'agnelage sont plus économiques que d'autres dans la production d'agneaux et ce, pour chaque marché.  相似文献   

超级稻生产集成技术经济效益分析与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超级稻在获得单产量高于一般水稻产量的同时能否为稻农带来更多的经济利益?通过对超级稻品种“协优9308”和“沈农606”生产试验示范点的投入与产出效益的调查和分析,发现超级稻不仅在产量方面具有比优质稻和普通稻2倍的优势,而且在效益方面也表现出更强大的优势。本文根据雪级稻产量和效益的优势特点,提出在我国水稻主产区应加快超高产水稻品种的推广与种植等几项措施。  相似文献   

保健食品剂型多样,生产工艺多元,先进的生产技术对于保证保健食品质量,提高生产效率具有重要意义。随着科学技术的进步,新的生产工艺、剂型、技术不断应用在保健食品工业中,为了更好地开展保健食品审评检查工作,本文从生物技术、微胶囊技术、膜分离技术、超临界流体(SCF)萃取技术、冷冻干燥技术、冷杀菌技术6个方面分析了新技术在保健食品原料生产、提取纯化、浓缩、干燥、杀菌包装等生产工艺中的应用,以指导保健食品审评检查工作。  相似文献   

This note takes the view that existing studies of the impact of the Agenda 2000 cereal reform package have mis‐specified the impact of this package on a producer's price distribution. It is argued that an accurate assessment of this package requires use of the methodology outlined in Fraser (1991), and that use of this methodology highlights the central role of expected world prices in determining whether producer perceptions of this impact are favourable or unfavourable. A numerical analysis in the context of wheat producers generates an estimate for expected world prices of 111–112 Euros/tonne above which producers will perceive the package favourably. This estimate is found to be robust with respect to the key parameters of the analysis.  相似文献   

食品生产者诚信问题的经济学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,食品安全问题日趋成为人们关注的焦点。无疑,食品生产者的诚信问题对目前严峻的食品质量安全形势有着至关重要的影响。本文从经济学角度对食品生产者的诚信问题做出分析,指出诚信缺失的经济后果,并进一步提出治理的对策。  相似文献   

本文以预期效用理论为基础,从农户生产行为的视角对农业保险制度的环境经济效应给出一个理论分析框架,从而有助于更好地理解农业保险制度下农户生产行为的变化,为设计有利于环境保护的农业保险制度提供一种理论参考。  相似文献   

Interventions affecting producers and consumers of agricultural commodities are a major topic of public debate in Canada at present. The impact of federal interventions affecting eight commodities (wheal, barley, oats, potatoes, beef, pork, poultry and eggs) is examined using concepts of nominal and effective protection. Lessons to be drawn from this analysis are that intervention is much more pervasive than is often realized, and that decisions about altering intervention must be made commodity-by-commodity because the economic situation of each is unique.
Les interventions affectant les producteurs el les consommateurs de denrées agricoles. est un sujet majeur de débat public au Canada, en ce moment. Ľimpact des interventions affectionnant huit denreés (le blé, ľorge. ľavoine, les pommes de terre. le hoeuf, le porc, la volaille el les oeufs) est examiné en utilisant des concepts de protection nominate et effective. Les conclusions devant être tirées de cette analyse, sont que ľintervention est beaucoup plus répandue que ľon peul le réaliser. et qu 'il est conseillé. en ce qui concerne les modifications sur ľintervention. de procéder denrée par denrée. car la situation économique de chacune ďentre elle est unique.  相似文献   

The calculated profitability of using Bovine Somatotropin (BST) on typical dairy farms in The Netherlands ranges from Dfl.160 to 300 per cow per year, assuming 1985 prices and circumstances, and ignoring the costs of BST. A 20% increase in milk production and no change of the feed/milk relation were used for the calculations. BST is more profitable on intensive farms or on farms with more opportunities for alternative uses of land, buildings and labour. The quota system, however, leads to a considerable reduction of profitability. At a national level, and with an unchanged milk price, a 28% adoption rate of BST would increase national income about Dfl.120 million. However, the cost of BST or any decrease in milk price could reduce this amount, even to below zero. It is apparent that some dairy farmers who apply BST will earn more income whereas others will lose income.  相似文献   

谷物粮食的脂肪降解方式是水解和氧化反应。总结了谷物三酰甘油(TG)脂肪酶、脂肪酰基水解酶(LAH)在谷物籽粒中的活性分布、生理作用,以及脂肪酶解的生化机制。并指出氧脂途径的分析对谷物及其加工品品质劣变机理的了解有指导意义。  相似文献   

以2009年北碚区集真村、綦江县石坪村、忠县普乐村社会经济统计资料和农户抽样调查数据为基础,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,对不同经济区的农村劳动力转移及其对耕地利用的影响进行了研究,结果表明:劳动力转移在转移规模、转移时间、转移距离、文化结构、性别结构、年龄结构等方面存在一定的差异性;经济发达地区相对次发达地区和落后地区其劳动力转移对耕地利用程度、产出效益、种植结构、利用方式的影响更为强烈,复种指数和粮食作物比例的变化程度同地区经济发展程度正相关,劳动力转移对各地区粮食单产的影响不明显,劳动力转移比例高的地区农户土地流转的意愿更为强烈。  相似文献   

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