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Data from the 1986 Consumer Expenditure Survey were used to examine the relationship between wife's employment and spending on services that are expected to be sensitive to the value of time. Tobit regression analysis indicated that wife's employment status was influential in explaining expenditure on food away from home, child care and total services only. Other independent variables, such as income, education and age. were more influential in explaining expenditure than was wife's employment status.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):564-588
Families at the bottom end of the Edwardian white-collar income spectrum demonstrated middle-class status through observable consumption, at the cost of squeezing other expenditures, including ‘necessities’. This had negative economic impacts, lowering living standards due to inefficiently high budget shares for positional goods. Drawing on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, we examine how railway clerks sought to demonstrate ‘distinction’ from manual workers through certain conspicuous expenditures and how this strategy was progressively undermined by falling real incomes over the Edwardian period.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(2):59-67
Five flaws often occur in evaluating capital expenditures. But these flaws can be avoided, along with their disastrous consequences for resource allocation and a firm's competitive position.  相似文献   

The research studied the extent to which the employment size of a new firm is set the start, how many subsequently grow, and whether those that survive and grow have any identifiable characteristics. Answers to these questions would help to determine whether future assistance programs aimed at improving the performance of new firms should concentrate on the actual start-up process or on the first few years of trading.The study was pan of a series conducted in St. Joseph County, Indiana, a county that had experienced the same economic decline as the rest of the midwest, rust-belt of the United States. It formed part of a community effort, named Project Future, to develop a strategy for industrial regeneration. The series first examined the characteristics of the new firm population during the years 1976–1982 (Birley 1985, 1986), and two results emerged that were pertinent to this study. First, 92% of the firms that ceased trading in the first two years were the smaller ones, employing less than 20 people: second, the entrepreneur in the county tended to use only the informal networks of family and friends when gathering the resources of the firm, rather than the formal networks of accountants, lawyers, realtors, and banks. The question that remained, therefore, and which formed the basis of this article, was the extent to which it was possible to identify, and thus focus the strategy upon, those firms or industrial sectors that exhibited growth characteristics. Three research questions were posed: how many tended to grow during the first few formative years; what was the rate of growth and on what dimensions did it occur; and when did growth occur—were there differences in the growth of firms of different ages?The primary measure of growth used was that of employment. For both the start of the firm and at the time the questionnaire was administered (1983), data were collected on the number of owners, part-time and full-time, and on the number of employees both part-time and full-time and on their level of skill. Financial data included sales level, profits level, and forecast sales trend. Indicators of possible change were either an altered legal structure or a move of premises. Control variables included incubator characteristics, industry, and supplier and customer geographic base.The results of the study show that, for the majority of the firms, employment size was set at the start. No aggregate growth occurred in either full-time or part-time jobs, nor was there any apparent age effect. During the six years studied, firms that had increased the number of employees were of all ages. Those firms that grew sales during the early years did so by increasing the customer base, and without generating further jobs.Analyzing growth by industry, only one significant result emerged: Entrepreneurs from smaller companies tended to set up in competition with their incubator firm, while those from larger firms tended to start firms with no apparent relationship to their previous employment.The major inference from this study is that growth would appear not to be a primary objective of the entrepreneur. Further research to test these results is clearly necessary. Should they be replicated elsewhere, however, future strategies to improve the job generation capabilities of new firms would be most fruitful if directed at building a solid foundation for all firms rather than trying the impossible task of “picking winners.” Such assistance can only be provided at the time that the resources necessary for the successful launch of the firm—premises, equipment, orders, employees, money—are being assembled. Since almost all of these firms are local in nature, strategies that devise specific schemes tailored to meet local needs and using local people are most appropriate. By contrast, the small number of high-growth firms should be easily identifiable in the community and assisted individually.  相似文献   

Advertising expenditures account for 1 per cent of developed country GDP, having grown at an average real rate of 5 per cent p.a. over the 1980s. Trends in New Zealand have been similar to trends overseas. Hence analysis of the determinants of advertising in New Zealand should assist understanding of the determinants of advertising expenditures in other developed countries. We discuss changes in NZ's advertising industry and use a multi-equation co-integration framework to model the determinants of NZ advertising expenditure, both in total and across different media. We find that expenditure on advertising in all media is strongly pro-cyclical, that the allocation of expenditures depends on circulation patterns, and that press and magazines are complementary media and are substitutes for TV advertising.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和科技的进步,就业市场竞争日趋激烈,很多用人机关和单位都希望招聘到专业知识扎实、专业技能过硬的人才,而对于那些只掌握书本知识,相关技能不过关的刚刚毕业的高职生的选择却不是很乐观,这就导致高职生毕业后在市场上缺乏一定的竞争力.尤其是对于那些专业不热门、学校不出名的高职毕业生来说,就业情形更加困难.面对这种情况,我们可以通过高职生在校期间参加职业培训,提升自身的就业能力.本文分析和阐述了高职生在职业能力培养中应注意的问题,并对职业培训创新方面提出了可行性建议.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和科技的进步,就业市场竞争日趋激烈,很多用人机关和单位都希望招聘到专业知识扎实、专业技能过硬的人才,而对于那些只掌握书本知识,相关技能不过关的刚刚毕业的高职生的选择却不是很乐观,这就导致高职生毕业后在市场上缺乏一定的竞争力.尤其是对于那些专业不热门、学校不出名的高职毕业生来说,就业情形更加困难.面对这种情况,我们可以通过高职生在校期间参加职业培训,提升自身的就业能力.本文分析和阐述了高职生在职业能力培养中应注意的问题,并对职业培训创新方面提出了可行性建议.  相似文献   

近几年随着高校毕业生人数的逐年递增,就业形势日趋严峻,大学生就业问题受到社会各界的高度关注.政府和高校都积极发挥各自作用,政府的导向型机制配合学校的培训机制,共同构建大学生就业的良性机制,努力为大学生就业服务.  相似文献   

Recently the relationship between “socially responsible” activities and the financial performance of corporations has received attention in the business literature. Most studies have focused on the market reaction of shareholders to the disclosure of both monetary and nonmonetary corporate contributions relating to pollution control, employee welfare, affirmative action, and other activities deemed to be in the public interest. Results of this research have been mixed, with some authors finding favorable market response to socially responsible actions, and others finding no difference between the market performance of more and less responsible firms. The purpose of this paper is to examine financial performance and socially responsible activities from a different perspective. Specifically, it examines the relationship between the disclosure of monetary expenditures for various social initiatives and composite financial accounting profiles of disclosing and nondisclosing firms. Using two-group discriminant analysis, the authors conclude that management tends to disclose monetary expenditures for these generally nonproductive purposes at times when the financial statements of the firm otherwise look favorable to shareholders. Such disclosure in a sample of Fortune 500 firms in 1976 and 1977 was clearly not unrelated to financial performance, and neither did it appear to occur in order to explain relatively poor financial statements.  相似文献   

一、美国所得税税式支出管理的具体做法 (一)个人所得税 美国个人所得税方面与投资有关的税式支出有:投资的税款抵免、加速折旧,资本收入不予计列,部分债券免税,人寿保险储蓄利息不予计列,净利息的扣除。股息与利息的税款抵免。与住房有关的税式支出有:抵押贷款利息的扣除,财产税的扣除,出售住房的资本收益。养老金、受益与保险方面的  相似文献   

Traditionally economic analysis has focused on new capital investment, while ignoring expenditures to maintain or repair existing stock. Recent, broader theories of replacement have emphasized the important role played by both maintenance and utilization rates. However, the decision to extend the service life of capital has been given scant empirical attention, owing partly to a lack of appropriate data. This study exploits survey data that report annual maintenance/repair expenditures for Canadian manufacturing industries. A standard production framework, modified to incorporate endogenous depreciation, guides the econometric analysis. The empirical results indicate that the cost of capital, among other variables, has a statistically significant effect on maintenance/repair decisions.  相似文献   

Start-ups and employment dynamics within and across sectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a decade of longitudinal data on start-ups and employment in Swedish regions to analyze the effect of start-ups on subsequent employment growth. We extend previous analyses by decomposing the effect of start-ups on total employment change into within- and cross-sector effects. We find that start-ups in a sector influence employment change in the same as well as in other sectors. The results illustrate that the known S-shaped pattern can be attributed to the different effects of start-ups in a sector on employment change in the same sector and in others. Start-ups in a sector have a positive impact on employment change in the same sector. The effects on employment change in other sectors may be negative or positive, and depend on the sector under consideration. In particular, start-ups in high-end services deviate from manufacturing and low-end services in that they have significant negative impacts on employment change in other sectors. The findings are consistent with the idea that start-ups are a vehicle for change in the composition of regional industry.  相似文献   

Households with children spend more on food at home than do households without children. On the other hand, compared with households without children, households with children who are at least 12 years of age are associated with higher expenditures on food away from home expenditures. Households with employed spouses are associated with lower expenditures on food at home. Other determinants of expenditures on food at home are seasonality, house ownership, region, household size, education, age and income. House ownership, region, household size, race, education and income also affect expenditures on food away from home.  相似文献   

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