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While business networks and relationships in international and industrial marketing studies are explored extensively, relationships between firms and socio-political actors are rarely been studied. This paper addresses this gap and examines how MNCs manage their relationship with socio-political organizations. The study builds from the proposition that business firms, besides their actions in business market, have to manage their socio-political market. The study aims to develop a theoretical view that is based in business networks and contains the three concepts of legitimacy, commitment and trust. The proposition is that business firms behave proactively towards the actors in the socio-political environment which is related to their business goals. The three conceptual elements will enable us to understand more deeply the varieties in the firms' managerial behavior. Two cases test the concept in the model — those of Daewoo Motor Company (a South Korean MNC) and the Swedish MNC, Vattenfall. The study will contribute towards deeper understanding of socio-political market and how firms manage their socio-political relationships. The conclusions describe the theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This empirical study explores the potential impact of the marketspace—the virtual world of digitised information—on the process of internationalisation within small technology-based firms (STBFs). Research findings demonstrate several effects relating to the firm's increased use of the marketspace for international business activities. In relation to internal resource-related effects, increased marketspace use is associated with: a stronger internal resource-base for international operations; and higher levels of internal international business information. Moreover, in relation to external resource-related effects, increased marketspace use is associated with: an increase in the firm's international orientation; an increase in the range and diversity of international business contacts; and an increase in unsolicited orders from foreign markets. This study confirms that the entrepreneur's prior Internet experience is a critical factor influencing use of the marketspace to support the firm's international operations. Similarly, organisational use of the marketspace (influenced by the previous experience of the entrepreneur) impacts upon certain aspects of the firm's internationalisation behaviour. Despite the significance of these findings, the marketspace is neither a replacement for traditional marketplace-based activities, nor is it a panacea that ensures effective small firm internationalisation. Complementary exploitation of both the marketspace and the traditional marketplace is likely to provide the optimal internationalisation route for small firms.  相似文献   

Military strategy is directly relevant to current business conditions. While business always has used attack strategies to acquire market share and defense strategies to protect market territory, deterrence—the indirect approach—has been largely ignored. But deterrence is the ultimate business strategy. It offers companies the opportunity to win conflicts in the marketplace without resorting to fratricidal battles with competitors.  相似文献   

Marketing excellence is a key success factor in virtually any industry or company focused on consumer products or services. Defining what marketing excellence really means and how to mobilize the organization to achieve that goal, however, can be extremely challenging. This article examines the changing nature of the relationship between consumer and marketer and identifies the characteristics of excellent consumer marketing companies. While there is clearly no single right answer in designing marketing organizations, a number of companies in a variety of consumer industries have begun experimenting with promising results. While the solutions are different in each case, a number of common themes—including a clear linkage between strategy and marketing skills, seamless integration across the business system, and a clear marketing culture—are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have emerged as major actors in international business. NGOs have assumed a particularly prominent role in influencing the interaction between business and governments over the terms of international business rules, norms, and practices, especially the conditions applied to international investment projects. In this paper, we argue that the rise of NGOs as important institutional actors requires new perspectives on state–firm interactions in an era of increasing globalization. Host governments and multinational corporations (MNCs) must now critically assess the potential impact of nongovernmental actors on investment plans and projects. Drawing from institutional, agency, and stakeholder theory, we develop a model to help organizations evaluate and assess the relative importance of NGOs to the stability and longevity of international investment projects and the emergent impact of NGOs on investment projects at different stages of the investment cycle. We use the specific circumstance of infrastructure privatization and state-owned enterprise restructuring to demonstrate the potential value of this perspective to MNCs and host governments. We suggest this approach is also useful in evaluating classes of other stakeholders, and in examining other situations in which governments, companies, and NGOs negotiate over the terms of international business exchanges.  相似文献   

The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise: How The Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business by Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. (Reading, Massachusetts: Perseus Books; 1998. pp. xiii + 253. ISBN 0-7382-0004-2, Price: $25.00) is an interesting, timely, and provocative book that uncovers the alliance revolution and other forms of cooperative activities taking place in global business. The work is one of the first genuine attempts to share many years of a groundbreaking research at Booz.Allen & Hamilton on corporate networks, interorganizational alliances, and cooperative activities of global companies. The concept of the trillion-dollar enterprise that Freidheim convincingly puts forward provides a refreshing and new addition to the lexicon of global business. In this interview with Thunderbird International Business Review's Book Editor, Syed Tariq Anwar, Freidheim describes the trillion-dollar enterprise, its place in the twenty-first century, and its future impact on world industries. Freidheim predicts that the trillion-dollar enterprise will change the way companies do business in the domestic and international markets. Alliances, corporate networks, and megaventures will be the name of the game in the future, eventually bringing new types of companies and competitive environments that will have a lasting effect on multinational corporations (MNCs) as well as consumers. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impacts of the recent global financial crisis on the relative attractiveness of 125 countries between 2007 2011. Using a strategic model of international expansion that quantifies incorporates countries’ market potential (population size, gross domestic product [GDP] growth, per capita GDP), market risks (economic, political, legal, regulatory), distance (cultural, geographic), it confirms that some countries have become significantly less attractive (Ireland, Greece, Japan, etc.), while others have become much more attractive (Taiwan, Korea, etc.) as expansion markets for international companies. This study underscores the need for a strategic approach to international expansion decisions. The model can be used by business executives as a risk management tool in international expansion decision making. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study operationalised the network model of internationalisation [Johanson, J., & Mattsson, L.-G. (1988). Internationalization in industrial systems—a network approach. In N. Hood, & J.-E. Vahlne (Eds.), Strategies In Global Competition (pp. 303–321). New York: Croom Helm] to test the association between experiential knowledge, firm degree of internationalisation and market degree of internationalisation. Adaptations of Eriksson et al.’s three knowledge constructs [J. Int. Bus. Stud. 28 (2) (1997) 337] were employed in regression and ANOVA tests. The regression results indicate that internationalisation knowledge is re lated to firm internationalisation, foreign institutional knowledge is associated with both firm and market internationalisation, and foreign business knowledge is strongly related to internationalisation knowledge. The ANOVA results confirm that foreign institutional knowledge levels differ for the Early Starter, Late Starter, Lonely International and International among Others firms. Implications are drawn relating to the effect of different international strategies on the generation of internationalisation knowledge, the vicarious acquisition of foreign institutional knowledge, especially in relation to parent companies and government organisations, and the need to more effectively measure the outcomes of the ac cumulation of foreign business knowledge.  相似文献   

The Reasons Behind Non-Ethical Behaviour in Business and Entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the recent increase in interest in corporate social responsibility and the propagation of corporate governance in both business and academic literature, from observations of actual practice, the author has seen at all company levels, in everyday operations, instances of non-ethical behaviour vis-à-vis the whole gamut of stakeholders. This state of affairs is linked with: pressure from stakeholders, short-term tactics, hegemony of financial considerations, ‘juridisation’ of business, the tyranny of communications and the media and the difficulties in translating strategy into practical implementation. The paper scrutinises the motivation and the psychology of entrepreneurs and business people, and their behaviour is compared to other professional groups and confronted with the decline in ethics in society as described by some important observers. The conclusion drawn is that the recent positive evolutions do not provide sufficient ethical guidelines for the day-to-day activities of middle managers and entrepreneurs in the present competitive environment. Managers will always be confronted by difficult choices with ethical dilemmas. There will always be a tension between theory and pragmatism, but progress can be made with the effective implementation of the ethical discourse in companies. To achieve this, ethical management should not be confined to the large strategic issues but also applied to the small practical matters of everyday business life. Ethics in business and entrepreneurship requires more than corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR).  相似文献   

Dynamic capabilities in international expansion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article articulates a dynamic capability perspective on international business. The three essential ingredients of dynamic capability—capability possession (distinctive resources), capability deployment (resource allocation), and capability upgrading (dynamic learning)—have become increasingly fundamental to international expansion and global operations. Capability possession is critical to gaining competitive advantages and determining firm-level strategies to exploit such advantages. Capability deployment is crucial to mitigating the disadvantages of foreignness and preempting emerging opportunities. Capability upgrading is essential to the evolutionary development of sustainable advantages and creating new bundles of resources. Each of these capabilities is a necessary condition for sustained success in today’s world economy characterized by increasing technological advancement and business globalization.  相似文献   

Thailand's business environment is changing dramatically in the wake of the worst financial crisis and economic recession in the country's recent history. Some of these changes may be ephemeral, and Thailand will return to old business practices once the crisis eases, but many of the economic and political reforms now being implemented can make trade and investment in Thailand easier, more transparent, and less affected by corruption. Some of the reforms will not deliver the expected results. Others may increase uncertainty that will be counterproductive in the short run. But some of the constitutional changes—the restructuring of family controlled conglomerates, better regulation of the financial sector, demands for stronger corporate governance, and new incentives for private investment—can have profound impacts on the country's business climate and the way American companies do business in Thailand. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Within the international human resource management literature, it is recognized that a range of “host‐country effects” can influence how multinational corporations approach the management of human resources within overseas subsidiaries. This article seeks to further knowledge of these effects by using the findings obtained from two case studies conducted in companies that had come under the control of French multinationals through the Jordanian government's privatization program to explore how subsequent processes of human resource reform were shaped by governmental policies and wider political considerations and the dynamics underlying these shaping processes. In particular, it explores the tensions that arose between government policies and corporate business objectives, the negotiating strategies that the companies adopted in order to resolve them, and the factors that influenced the usage and outcome of these strategies. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that most developing countries now generally welcome multinational companies, political risk still represents a huge concern for international business. In fact, multinational companies today probably face a much broader array of risks than during the nationalization wave of the 1960s and 1970s. To substantiate this claim, a theoretical framework is presented herein which outlines the key causal relationships in the political risk landscape. It is explained why a discernible attitude change in the developing and emerging world does not necessarily equal a reduced overall level of political risk. To illustrate the framework and the complexity of the political risk phenomenon, a number of recent case examples are presented from the international bauxite and aluminium industry—an industry whose wide-ranging value chain, international focus, global significance, and natural exposure to risks make it very suitable for analysis. The conceptual discussion and the empirical examples presented in this article suggest that political risk is now surely a highly complex, multidimensional phenomenon. This trait poses major challenges for the global business community, particularly in terms of accurately assessing these risks.  相似文献   

The state is a key driver of corporate social responsibility across developed and developing countries. But the existing research provides comparatively little knowledge about: (1) how companies strategically manage the relationship with the state through corporate social responsibility (CSR); (2) how this strategy takes shape under the influence of political institutions. Understanding these questions captures a realistic picture of how a company applies CSR to interacting with the state, particularly in countries where the state relationship is critical to the business operation. This article draws on political legitimacy as a useful concept to directly address both strategic and politically embedded natures of CSR. This work extends the currently under-specified political implication of the strategic view of CSR and provides fresh insights to the political legitimacy research by specifying a typology of CSR-based legitimacy strategies and its contextual variation. China and Russia are the focal settings. A qualitative analysis of business?Cstate interaction cases is done using a database that contains the majority of CSR reports published in Chinese and Russian as the end of 2009. As a result, this paper identifies four qualitatively different types of CSR-based political legitimacy strategies and reveals how the adoption of these strategies differs across Chinese companies, Russian companies, and multinational corporations.  相似文献   

Dealing with international projects, a reflexion on recent changes of international environment as well as client expectations suggests to emphasize the importance of two additional types of business relationships which tend to complete the “traditional” big international bi-/multi-laterally supported projects scheme: — (a) big international “self-supporting” projects requiring partnership with client or, even, direct provider's involvement (if not investment), — (b) big multi-national clients developing a huge range of projects of all size worldwide, with a more or less developed need of integration of sourcing.The key issue for the providers lies, in fact, in the organisation of relationships with existing and potential clients in those two developing types of complex international operations. Hence, it suggests to re-define the company contacts systems with the client and, above all, the role and profile of the sales engineers, traditionally in charge of these responsabilities.The purpose of this article is to evaluate the environmental changes as well as their impact on international project features and to make a first attempt to evaluate the consequences of these changes on coordinators'/managers' profiles.  相似文献   

Most empirical studies of corporate social responsibility (CSR) focus on variables at the company level. In this article, I focus on the sector level: I consider features of the international clothing business and of the global economy in general, that may influence the CSR potential. There is high ‘CSR potential’ when sector-specific features indicate that the risk of violating CSR standards is high. Thus, ‘high CSR potential’ indicates that there is a potential for positive influence through CSR-related actions. Based on several empirical studies of the clothing business, I identify six features that indicate a high CSR potential. These features are shown to be consistent with more general features of the global economy. This holds whether we emphasize asymmetric relations and unequal distribution, the product cycle, or transnationalization. Thus, the CSR potential of the international clothing business seems not only to be a product of sector-specific properties, but also of more systemic and general features of the global economy. This suggests that the CSR performance of individual companies may enhance their social and environmental impact, but will probably have little effect on the features that determine the CSR potential. In order to affect these features I argue, we rely on other institutions to act – mainly governments. Finally, I conclude that this study shows that it is useful to identify the CSR potential of a business sector. We get a picture of which part of the international CSR standards companies run the greatest risk of violating and of which structural issues intergovernmental actions should address to reduce the potential for violating CSR standards.  相似文献   

A steady supply of entrepreneurs who will build the growth firms of the future has always been seen as fundamental to the economic health of a country. However, as companies have grown to the point where many have balance sheets larger than many countries, the role of the Top Management Team in managing these corporate giants has also received more prominence. Unfortunately, research into the two groups of current entreprenurs and large corporation managers has been both sparse, and has followed different, though parallel, paths. This research examines their backgrounds and asks the question whether the basic assumption that they are, in fact, different is correct—who are the high flying entrepreneurs, and are they any different from successful corporate leaders?Data was drawn from three sources. A questionnaire was sent to the 167 founders listed in the July 1984 edition of Venture Magazine as the “Venture 100”—“the nation's top entrepreneurs who run the companies they founded in the past ten years”. Sixty-seven useable replies were received from 40% of the founders and 52% of the companies. Comparative data was extracted from the “Korn Ferry's International Executive Profile: A Survey of Corporate Leaders” which surveyed five senior executives from each of the Fortune 500 companies. A response rate of 47% was received from a survey of 3640 executives. Further comparative analysis was extracted from the characteristics of senior executives of all firms in five selected industries (Dairy, Mobile Homes, Tires, Footwear, and Machine Tools) as listed in Duns Reference Book of Corporate Management 1983/1984. Data was collected on personal characteristics (age, family background, and education), previous employment experience, managerial style, and work patterns.The null hypothesis of there being no significant difference between high flying entreprenurs and their counterparts in the largest U.S. corporations was not sustained. Whereas certain characteristics showed similar patterning—previous employment experience, managerial success traits—the remaining variables demonstrated significant differences. The entrepreneurs were younger, better educated, had more international experience, and worked harder than their corporate colleagues. If replicated elsewhere, the results of this study have particuloar implications for the type of educational and employment experience necessary to affect the supply of the entrepreneurs of the future.  相似文献   

本文以2000年12月31日前在沪深两地上市的905家公司为研究对象,考察了债务期限结构对公司经营业绩的影响状况。研究结果表明,债务期限结构对上市公司的经营业绩具有显著的正向影响作用。这就意味着,对管理层来说,当前应积极发展长期资金市场,努力降低上市公司进行长期融资的成本,从而使上市公司有更多的长期资金来进行更长远的规划,避免公司投资的短视行为或过度行为,以便从根本上提高其主营业务的盈利能力。  相似文献   

Based on the ‘Partnership Model of Corporate Ethics’ (Wood, 2002), this study examines the ethical structures and processes that are put in place by organizations to enhance the ethical business behavior of staff. The study examines the use of these structures and processes amongst the top companies in the three countries of Australia, Canada, and Sweden over two time periods (2001–2002 and 2005–2006). Subsequently, a combined comparative and longitudinal approach is applied in the study, which we contend is a unique approach in the area of business ethics. The findings of the study indicate that corporations operating in Sweden have utilized ethical structures and processes differently than their Canadian and/or Australian counterparts, and that in each culture the way that companies fashion their approach to business ethics appears congruent with their national cultural values. There does, however, appear to be a convergence of views within the organizations of each culture, as the Swedish companies appear to have been more influenced in 2005–2006 by an Anglo-Saxon business paradigm than they have been in the past.  相似文献   

The analysis of Political Action Committee activities is dominated by the perspective that PAC contributions are a rational investment in political candidates; they yield valuable short-term payoffs. PACs buy access to officeholders and their votes on important legislation. Despite broad acceptance of this morally suspect theory, the evidence upon which it is based is weak. An alternative perspective — what we call the principled approach — both fits the evidence and rejects the morally repugnant interpretation of the relationship between business and politics that permeates the rational investment perspective. Joanna Banthin and Leigh Stelzer are both Assistant Professors of Management and Industrial Relations at W. Paul Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University. Together they wrote: Teachers Have Rights, Too(Social Science Education Consortium, Boulder, 1980). Leigh Stelzer also wrote: Mandate for Change: The Impact of Law on Educational Innovation(The American Bar Association, Chicago) and Capitol Goods: The New York State Legislature at Work(Capital Associates, 1975).  相似文献   

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