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富与贵的界限在哪里?不到最顶级的会所,你是无法感受到的。财富从来都不是衡量贵族和平民的唯一砝码。贵族总要靠种种普通人难以企及的特权彰现身份。会所(顾名思义,就是实行会员制的场所),或许是受着这样的启发,用一张小小的卡片,把“来者不拒”变成“非请勿进”。沪上最著名的几家会所,都实行严格的会员制,入会资格经过严格的审查,VIP会员常常要经过董事会的批准。动辄数万美金的入会费、职业职位背景、社会声望等等都是决定你能否成为会员的因素。而具备这些条件的人们,总会迫不及待地加入会所来为自己正身。  相似文献   

陈茜 《走向世界》2008,(6):82-85
“会所”是舶来词,英文为“Club”,音译为俱乐部。会所由来已久,是中产阶级的产物,为一群身份不凡人士的聚会场所,会员资格后来渐渐演变成某种身份的象征。  相似文献   

我在上海创办了一家“美国会所”(American Club),由于会所的会费动辄二十多万,因此会员要求的服务质量是很高的。营运“美国会”这类私人会所最大的难度在于让当地外资公司信任你是“美国会”,而且可以提供相同质量的服务,但其实维持高质素的服务并不容易。 在上海,要一位员工笑一下,原来是这样困难!这点与香港人完全不同,香港人有很强的传统去接受服务行业,但上海人认为服务业是低档次的。  相似文献   

题记:有这么一处会所,有这么一种生活,有这么一种尊崇,有这么一种创意,让人欲罢不能…… 2003年8月,阳光百货开业前,会员俱乐部便成功举办了“空间艺术”主题沙龙, 为青岛这个文化韵味深厚的百年老城,带来了一股清新亮丽的时尚之风。创办以来, 阳光百货会员俱乐部就像一个精灵,于动静结合中,恰到好处地服务着6万会员,同时也让会员感受、体验着自己。  相似文献   

杨芳 《沪港经济》2012,(2):69-69
长长的T台,闪亮的聚光灯,古典艺术气息浓郁的长廊——这是上海东方丽星会员酒店的一隅。这家由丽池集团精心打造的高端会所类酒店,集住宿、餐饮、娱乐、会议、商务为一体,2011年10月开业不久,就被媒体誉为“渗透东方魅力,流露中国酒店特有的洒脱”。  相似文献   

12月12日,与本刊共建“企业家金融服务中心”的中山大学管理哲学博士研修班同学会首届博研沙龙之《法律》专场在风景迷人、环境优雅的番禺金海岸花园紫园会所区圆满举行。此次博研沙龙由本刊合作联盟中山大学管理哲学博研同学会,中山大学CEO同学会主办,广州市番禺置业房地产开发有限公司承办,博研同学会,CEO同学会会员及各界知名人...  相似文献   

<正>会所行业的神秘由来已久,仅仅是"会所"二字,便能吸引许多外行人趋之若鹜。关于会所经营,业界精英们,都有着自己的看法。——题记会所特有的文化历史氛围:会所应该是文化的集合体"仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱",会所是人精神诉求的更高形式。所以会所不应该只是奢华的代名词。他应该是文化的集合体。人们在这个圈子里实现着更高的精神诉求。会所应该和当地的文化特色相结合。如将会所选址在北京故宫,应该体现明清两朝的文化特色。如果会所地址在山西,应该有山西特有的文化历史氛围。  相似文献   

2010年2月23日,象山县定塘镇叶口山村洋溢着喜庆祥和的气氛,一幢投资120万元,建筑面积780平方米的多功能农民会所在春节前正式落成并投入使用。新建的叶口山村农民会所以新农村建设星级农民会所标准建造,会所内设有村民活动室、图书阅览室、医疗卫生室、警务室以及村干部办公室等,会所紧邻大塘港,环境干净整洁优美,为广大村民营造了一个休闲学习的好去处。  相似文献   

本文采用SERVQUAL模型对上海国际酒店用品博览会服务质量进行评价。在调研所得数据的基础上,分析了该展会所提供的服务和参展商期望之间存在的差距,以实证计量方法计算出该展会的总体服务质量得分,并据此对展会服务提供针对性建议。  相似文献   

姚博 《新财经》2006,(5):116-117
华灯初上,夜色中的顶级私密会所,璀璨而神秘,像一个传奇让人有种获知的渴望。由于京城四大富豪俱乐部之一的中国会公开活动最少,应对媒体最低调,致使外界甚少知道这里的情况。几经周折之后,本刊记者于近日敲开了中国会的神秘“宫殿”之门……神秘背后虽然人们常说北京有“四大会所”,但亲临中国会却发现,中国会不能算是真正的私人俱乐部,它实际上是个餐饮俱乐部,没有健身设施,也基本没有会员活动,“偶尔晚上会有些中国民族歌舞表演,这也只是针对外国会员。”中国会会籍部助理向本刊这样介绍。中国会地址原是康熙二十四子府邸,这也是中国会吸…  相似文献   

This article develops a contest model to compare social welfare in homogeneous leagues in which all clubs maximize identical objective functions with mixed leagues in which clubs maximize different objective functions. We show that homogeneous leagues in which all clubs are profit maximizers dominate all other leagues. Mixed leagues in which small‐market clubs are profit maximizers and large‐market clubs are win maximizers (type‐I mixed leagues) are dominated by all other leagues. From a welfare perspective, large‐market clubs win too often in (purely) win‐maximizing and type‐I mixed leagues; whereas, small‐market clubs win too many games in (purely) profit‐maximizing leagues and in mixed leagues in which large‐market clubs are profit maximizers and small‐market clubs are win maximizers (type‐II mixed leagues). These results have important policy implications: Social welfare will increase if clubs are reorganized from non‐profit member associations to profit‐maximizing corporations. Moreover, we show that revenue sharing decreases (increases) social welfare in mixed (homogeneous) leagues.  相似文献   

This article studies the transfer market for international football players. Analyzing a sample of 5,760 player transfers over 14 years, we provide evidence that clubs in English football pay larger transfer fee premiums compared to clubs in the top leagues of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. While the popular press often mentions the English premiums, we empirically demonstrate both their existence and their causal source. Using annual data, we show that the dramatic increase in English premiums is causally linked to the 2012 television contracts the EPL signed with domestic and international broadcasters. These findings have policy implications for the clubs, players, and governing bodies of European football, as well as indirect consequences for export‐oriented football clubs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the formation of convergence clubs and examines the drivers of growth convergence in Africa by accounting for individual heterogenous effects and establishing transitional paths. We particularly employ the sophisticated log t test to identify underlying convergence clubs and use LSDVC as a benchmark model for analysing the drivers of convergence. We also apply the System Generalized method of moments (GMM) model for sensitivity purposes. Our results reveal four core convergence clubs; seemingly characterised by the measures of institutional stability with distinct transitional paths. We consequently highlight the importance of initial conditions, human capital and institutions in the formation of convergence clubs. Thus, the paper provides insights into the adoption of differentiated development policies consistent with the specific conditions of African countries with the integration agenda driven by accelerated levels of human capital development and technological progress.  相似文献   

In 1978, the Malawi Government through its Ministry of Agriculture introduced farmer clubs into the smallholder agricultural system. These clubs were intended to be channels through which credit facilities and agricultural advice would be made available to larger numbers of farmers than hitherto.

This paper suggests that apart from their present functions, fanner clubs could form the basis of joint action for the construction of infrastructure, purchase of farm equipment, pooling of labour and the representation of small farmers’ interests. It is further suggested that these additional functions might make farmer clubs more attractive and make people want to belong to them, and more importantly, to remain members.  相似文献   

The sports industry is characterized by dominant leagues andclubs exercising economic power unconstrained by rivals or thethreat of entry, often featuring market-division schemes. Leaguesand clubs can raise price, lower output, and lower quality tofans, create an artificial scarcity of top-tier teams resultingin publicly subsidized stadiums, and impose labour-market restraintsthat significantly harm consumers by misallocating players,most obviously by inhibiting low-quality teams' quick improvement.Business decisions made by club-run leagues feature significanttransaction costs, resulting in even greater inefficiency thanwould occur if leagues were controlled by a single entity. Manycountries have employed settled principles of competition law,originating in the common law of restraint of trade, as a usefuland meaningful constraint on the abuses of economic power insports. Courts have prohibited agreements between clubs or leaguesthat distort prices or output, or render output unresponsiveto consumer demand, unless the agreement is shown to be demonstrablynecessary to achieve a pro-competitive goal. In this paper,I argue that consumers and sports fans will benefit from a moreambitious enforcement of these established principles of competitionlaw.  相似文献   

Characteristics of communal club members who use input packages are studied using a survey of communal clubs serviced by Africa Co‐operative Action Trust (Acat) in KwaZulu during 1989. Discriminant analysis shows that full input package adopters tend to belong to older clubs, have less formal savings and receive more visits each year from KwaZulu Department of Agriculture (KDA) extension officers. They also have a greater proportion of land under sugar‐cane, larger farm sizes and a higher rand monetary value of livestock.

Members of older clubs benefit from greater club experience in ordering inputs and liquidity for securing discounts on bulk orders. Clubs also enable scarce KDA extension manpower resources to be used more effectively by focusing extension efforts on groups rather than individual farmers. Sugar‐cane production probably indicates member willingness to innovate and the availability of funds to buy complete input packages for other crops. Increased access to land promotes input package adoption which can raise agricultural productivity. Development of institutional arrangements for a land rental market in KwaZulu should be considered. Higher monetary values of livestock reflect Increased ability to bear risk associated with technology adoption and that adopters have the means to purchase input packages  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the relationship between initial government policies and the emergence of convergence clubs in post‐reform China. We test the structural stability of a global convergence equation using China's provincial data over the period 1985–2000. We find that the provinces cluster around two basins of attraction defined by initial opening‐up. Domestic market reform exerts a positive and significant influence on provincial economic growth but has no threshold effect. The two convergence clubs exhibit strikingly different growth behaviors, suggesting that the roles of some growth‐promoting factors, such as human capital and infrastructure, depend on whether an openness threshold is passed.  相似文献   

This study tests for convergence in economic freedom across the 50 U.S. states from 1981 to 2019. In particular, we test for stochastic convergence in overall economic freedom using unit root tests that account for structural breaks and bounded processes, two sources of parameter instability. We find limited evidence of stochastic convergence. Further analysis of relative (club) convergence and weak σ-convergence rejects the presence of overall convergence in the panel of the U.S. states, but the emergence of two convergence clubs with respect to state-level economic freedom. The logit analysis of the determinants of the convergence clubs reveals that more prosperous states and states with a higher initial level of economic freedom have a higher probability of being in the club with more economic freedom. However, more racially diverse states have a lower probability of being in the club with more economic freedom.  相似文献   

刘国强 《特区经济》2012,(5):146-148
我国高尔夫旅游在开发中存在诸多瓶颈,主要表现在开发主体的局限性、国家税收政策及大众普及程度低和环境容量等问题。本文提出了发展我国高尔夫旅游五大对策:推进其"平民化"进程;加强市场促销,重视多市场策略;旅行社要加强对高尔夫旅游产品的策划管理;高尔夫球会充分开发自身资源,加强与旅行社的合作;利用政府力量,合理规划。  相似文献   

Using spatial econometric techniques, this paper presents an empirical analysis of the growth performances of Chinese prefectures over 1991 to 2007 period. Based on the Solow growth theory with technology spillovers, a Spatial Durbin growth model recently developed is employed to capture the spatial externalities. We find strong evidence of positive spatial dependence between Chinese prefectures after 1991. Apart from the usual divergence conclusions, we find evidence for significant conditional convergence force when the spatial spillover effects are controlled. Our results also indicate the competition effect of capital accumulation and urbanization growth among neighboring regions. Moreover, spatial convergence clubs are detected and the spatial interactions and growth behavior varies.  相似文献   

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