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Goods under duty reduction or exemption is a tariff preference measure that the state gives to the qualified enterprises and units.When enjoying the right of duty reduction or exemption, enterprises and units shall value this right and assume the responsibility to apply for, to use, to take care of and to deal with the goods under duty reduction or exemption in accordance with laws and regulations. In order to make the enterprises and units understand the requirements for the application for and supervision over the goods under duty reduction or exemption, to enhance the internal administration and to promote the sound relationship and win-win cooperation between Customs and enterprises and units, here Customs will notify the relevant affairs seriously as follows:  相似文献   

Location Romania is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe and shares borders with Hungary to the northwest, Yugoslavia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south, the Black Sea and Ukraine to the southeast and to the north and the Republic of Moldova to the east. Roughly the size of Oregon, Romania is the second largest country in the area, after Poland.  相似文献   

With the adoption of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, more and more foreign enterprises (including overseas Chinese, Hongkong and Macao ones) wish to establish permanent representative offices in China. In order to help foreign businessmen understand the rules and regulations and the procedures relating to the establishment of representative  相似文献   

What materials are needed for foreign-funded enterprises to increase capital? Where to handle? For foreign-funded enterprise adjusting registered capital,please submit the examination and approval materials to the former approval organ for direct examination and approval in according to the provisions including the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on Relevant Provisions and Procedures for Foreign Investment Enterprises to Adjust Total Investment and Registered Capital (Wai Jing Mao Fa [1995] No. 366) and the Notice on printing and distributing the Provisions on the Alteration of Investors' equity in Foreign Investment Enterprises.  相似文献   

As a courageous entrepreneur,he decided to invest in the mainland at the beginning of reform and opening-up and step by step creating a colossal business empire.Wisdom and courage always help him to keep pace with the times.He constantly seized opportunities and exceeded himself from good to great. As a renowned business leader,from the member of CPPCC of Henan Province to the member of the Standing Committee of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas,he fully devoted himself to the social and economic development of the country and also made great contributions to the well-being of Hakka people.  相似文献   

The United States and China have signed an agreement to facilitate Chinese group leisure travel to the United States. This agreement provides the necessary framework to permit group leisure travel from China to the United States. U.S. companies can now enter into business relationships with Chinese travel agencies to organize and market travel packages for group leisure travel to the United States. It also attracts more and more Chinese to go to America, as more and more convenience and comforts are coming up during the travel.  相似文献   

The United States and China have signed an agreement to facilitate Chinese group leisure travel to the United States. This agreement provides the necessary framework to permit group leisure travel from China to the United States. U.S. companies can now enter into business relationships with Chinese travel agencies to organize and market travel packages for group leisure travel to the United States. It also attracts more and more Chinese to go to America, as more and more convenience and comforts are coming up during the travel.……  相似文献   

At the Chinese Listed Companies to Build the Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum and Enterprises Transnational Investment Conference held recently,(hereinafter referred to as the Forum),attending officers from foreign business associations and embassies and consulates said they would continue to promote intergovernmental policy coordination,establish regional coordination mechanisms,build a trade and investment platform,boost key industry projects,and improve the service system to more effectively support Chinese listed companies to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.  相似文献   

Shanghai, which is abbreviated to "Hu" in Chinese, is situated at latitude 31°14″ N and longitude 121°29″ E. Located at the mid-point of China's north-south coast-line and the front of Yangtze Delta Region, Shanghai is bordering on East China Sea to the east, Hangzhou Bay to the south, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces to the west and the estuary of Yangtze River to the north. Thanks to the advantageous geographic position, Shanghai is an excellent port. It boasts convenient transportation and easy access to a vast hinterland.  相似文献   

Goods under duty reduction or exemption is a tariff preference measure that the state gives to the qualified enterprises and units.When enjoying the right of duty reduction or exemption,enterprises and units shall value this right and assume the responsibility to apply for,to use,to take care of and to deal with the goods under duty reduction or exemption in accordance with laws and regulations.  相似文献   

“Becoming more confident and mature,more and more domestic enterprises begin to make overseas investments and are devoting themselves to bringing their brands and products to the international markets and even tually bringing them to the whole world,” said Luo Jialiang,Ambassador from the Republic of Singapore to China,when commenting on the Chinese enterprises' efforts to invest abroad in an interview with China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

Subordinated to the Ministryof Metallurgical Industry theChina National Gold Corporationis the only state-run national groupcorporation in China.It isauthorized to perform itsobligations in the control andoperation of the state ownedassets of its subordinatedenterprises and undertakinginstitutions.And it is alsoresponsible for working out andimplementing the long-termprogrammes and yearly plans ofthose enterprises and officesdirectly affiliated to the corporationand for the investment and buildupof the entire gold industry in China.It has the autonomy to developinternational economic andtechnical exchange andcooperation with its foreigncounterparts and to conduct importand export business of thematerials,equipment andtechnologies for use in the industry.  相似文献   

India,the largest coun- try in the Indian Sub- continent,shares bor- ders with Pakistan to the west,China and Nepal to the north,Bhutan to the north-east,and Ban- gladesh and Myanmar to the east.To the north it is bordered by the world's highest mountain chain, where foothill valleys cover the northernmost of the country’s 26 states. Further south,plateaus, tropical rain forests and  相似文献   

Companies operating across borders face greater challenges in ensuring compliance with company strategy in different cultural contexts. Recent research shows the cognitive and emotional benefits of utilizing visual representations of knowledge in organizations. This study aims to test if mapping a corporate strategy visually can improve attitudes toward firm strategy and the intention to comply with it. An experiment is conducted comparing two knowledge maps to a textual version of the same company strategy. In order to measure attitudes toward the strategy, a scale was developed and tested in Europe and China. The study outcome provides a parsimonious and effective tripartite scale of attitude with cognitive, affective and behavioral components. The scale was then applied to a different sample to test the effect of mapping a company strategy visually on attitude toward the strategy, and to test if the effect is persistent in Europe and China. The results of the experiment show that subjects exposed to the visual conditions had significantly more positive affective and cognitive attitudes toward the content.  相似文献   

It is the third session of Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference,attracting both domestic and foreign government officials and entrepreneurs to walk away from the troubles the financial crisis brought,sit down and carry on discussions,however,the topic has changed unexpectedly echoing with the big environment.Different from surrounding with"how to help Chinese government walk out and be accepted by the world?"in the beginning,the foreign delegations turned to concentrate on"how to persuade Chinese enterprises to come and settle down?".  相似文献   

Forty years have passed, and themagazine China's Foreign Trade hasentered the years of prosperity. Forty years ago, a group ofexperts and intellectuals came here to set upthe first trade and economic magazine—China's Foreign Trade—to make the peopleof the world understand New China. Toproduce this magazine well, they made everyeffort to introduce the valiant and industriousChinese people creating miracles in the poorold China—the great achievements of NewChina's economic construction. At the sametime, they introduced China's economic andtrade policy to the world's people and industrialand commercial circles, and expressed the  相似文献   

Article 1 These regulations are formulated according to the rules of the State Law on foreign investment and the requirements of industrial policies to direct foreign investment, ensuring that it adapts to the programmes of China's national economy and social development and protecting the legal rights and interests of investors.  相似文献   

Asia Society is the leading global organization working to .strengthen relationship and promote understanding among the people, leaders, and institutions of Asia and the U.S. Every year the Society presents a high-profile Corporate Conference in a selected city in Asia to examine the implications of macroeconomic trends and geopolitical developments for the region and the world. It provides a leading forum for executives to meet the policymakers and business leaders who shape the Asia Pacific business environment.  相似文献   

During the period of the 11 th FiveYear Program, Chinese govern ment will be inclined to take policies to realize a balanced economic growth, equalized opportunities and social justice so as to avoid that the poor people become extremely poor and the gap between poor and wealthy become larger, according to the analysts.  相似文献   

On February 12,the Anhui ProvincialPeople's Government made a decisionon the speeding up of the use of foreigncapital.The decision involved the followingseven aspects: 1.To seize the opportunity to reviseideology and to open up a new situation formaking use of foreign capital.The decisionurges the various localities to seize the righttime to shift their focus to making good useof their own advantages,and improving thelocal investment climate and the quality ofservice in the light of their actual conditionsso as to absorb more foreign funds.Meanwhile,enterprises must be led to face the marketand to join equal competition so as to pushforward the use of foreign funds to a new  相似文献   

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