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阐述了油气开采用机械类产品的分类和特点、标准的编制原则和对标准内容的要求,介绍了新疆油田在审查机械产品标准中的做法,讨论了对产品标准编制和审查中涉及的常见问题,对机械产品标准的制修订和审查工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

食品添加剂是食品企业生产中必备的原料之一,提高食品添加剂的质量能够保证食品的安全性。本文通过对食品添加剂企业产品标准的调查发现,一些企业的产品标准技术无法反映出产品的特征和安全要求;或其标准的内容与我国的标准间存在偏差;还有一部分企业标准的检验方法在实际操作中难以有效完成,对产品质量的检测具有不利的影响;企业在生产添加剂过程中不能够严格按照标准执行现象也比较常见。本文将针对食品添加剂企业产品标准中的安全隐患问题进行分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

橡胶制品广泛应用在油田生产和生活各个方面。为了提高油田橡胶制品质量,中原油田技术监测中心产品质量监测总站对油田生产和生活用橡胶制品进行了抽检,共抽检了16种产品120件。其中质量合格的78件(套),质量不合格的42件(套),合格率为65%。根据检测结果,现将油田橡胶制品质量分三个方面综合分析如下: 一、橡胶制品抽检中发现的主要质量问题 1.O型胶圈外观质量差。根据GB3452.2—87《O型橡胶密封圈外观质量检验标准》的规定:“O型圈外观不允许存在气泡、杂质、裂纹,表面应当光滑、清洁,表面缺陷应不超过所规定的极限”。但是实际抽检的部分O型胶圈,外观质量严重缩边,严重影响了橡胶制品质量。  相似文献   

技术标准是产品生产和检验的依据。在依据标准对产品进行检验的过程中笔者发现有些标准存在问题 ,影响了产品的检测和判定。现结合工作实际 ,就两个行业标准中存在的问题提出看法和建议 ,与同行探讨。SY/T5757— 1 995《油田注入水杀菌剂通用技术条件》  该标准是由原中国石油天然气总公司于 1995年 12月 2 5日发布 ,1996年 6月 30日实施的行业标准。标准中规定了杀菌剂的技术要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。适用于油田注水用的有机类杀菌剂的性能测定及评价。标准中存在以下两个问题 :(1)技术要求第四项“溶解性…  相似文献   

企业产品标准中的技术指标体现了该产品的特点和性能,因此正确和合理地编写产品标准的技术指标,是产品标准起草的关键,也是企业标准水平的主要体现从企业产品标准中的技术方面入手,讨论了科学编写技术指标的重要性。  相似文献   

讨论了GB/T 5019系列标准近三个版本试验方法项目的差异,并对部分项目的试验方法和单项材料规范中的部分要求与实际运用中存在的差异及影响结果进行了详细分析说明,并提出了修改建议和意见。  相似文献   

测量油田化学剂中腐蚀速率项目,主要是依据石油天然气行业标准SY/T5405—1996《酸化用缓蚀剂试验方法及评价指标》中规定的方法。在腐蚀速率质量检验过程中发现,同一产品相同条件下加入不同质量分数缓蚀剂得到的测量结果存在明显差别的情况.影响了产品质量判定;标准中的判定指标与实际测量结果存在矛盾;高温高压动态条件无法准确确定反应时间。酸化缓蚀剂行业标准中存在加入质量分数不明确、评价指标错误、高温高压动态腐蚀试验方法操作不严谨及相应测定仪器的不适宜等问题.造成对依据此行业标准进行产品质量检验工作的困扰,影响了对依据该行业标准产品的质量判定结果。根据对存在问题剖析情况提出了系列建议。  相似文献   

在对现有产品管理相关标准一致性评估的基础上,分析新时期产品化标准建设方面存在的问题,明确新时期航天标准体系的建设需求,提出标准体系的建设思路与原则,结合航天产品化发展特点,构建覆盖基础管理、过程管理、通用产品管理的标准体系框架。基础管理面向产品化全流程,规定了基础与通用要求;过程管理面向产品型谱、产品成熟度等工作过程,规定了过程管理要求;通用产品管理面向通用产品,规定技术状态管理等产品保障要求,各方面相互支撑、共同作用,为后续标准建设提供理论指导,为新时期航天产品化持续发展提供基础保障。  相似文献   

由于人们生活水平的提高,对于传统的家电要求越来越高,普遍要求外观精美、使用起来舒适方便,因此家电企业对产品自身的外观设计、产品性能等越来越重视。但对于家电的包装,却少有人关注,大多时候人们把包装和产品自身区别对待,并没有把包装当作产品的一部分。同时家电行业对包装设计人员的素质要求也不高,据不完全统计,家电行业从事包装设计的人员中,60%以上并未接受过包装设计专业知识的学习或培训。由于对包装的不重视,造成家电行业的包装设计领域存在一些误区,直接导致了产品包装设计不理想,成本高但保护性能不足,在一定程度上制约着企业的发展。因此了解家电行业包装设计领域存在的误区,有助于提高家电包装设计人员的认识,降低产品破损率,降低包装成本,提升产品质量和企业品牌形象。  相似文献   

《安全帽生产与使用管理规范》在实际应用中,发现有不完善甚至影响实际操作的地方,经过对安全帽的生产、检验、应用方面的调研和实践工作经验,针对标准中的技术要求得出如下结论:部分技术要求遗漏并与国标有差异,相关参数在修订过程中需要整改。安全帽帽壳的材质单一,造成带有防静电、阻燃性能安全帽的硬度低、工艺过程中质量控制难度大;吸汗带材质限定为纯棉布,在实际应用中汗液挥发慢吸汗效果不理想;需增加防静电性能检验的预置时间,预置时间对防静电检验结果影响较大;安全帽式样及种类单一,不适应集团公司作业场所复杂化的要求,应分工种向多元化安全帽产品发展。  相似文献   

钻井液处理剂是钻井液技术的关键,是核心组成部分,没有质量合格的处理剂就没有满足钻井要求的钻井液体系。因此,对处理剂的质量进行评价就显得非常重要;将钻井液处理剂分为4类:各项检测指标均达到相关标准要求的产品判别为合格品,对于不合格产品,根据产品质量特性的重要度(极重要、重要、一般)以及产品质量特性不符合规定的程度(极严重、严重和轻微),并依据建立的产品质量分等原则将不合格产品划分为A、B、C类不合格品;针对钻井液处理剂,建立了产品质量评定原则,具有较强的现场应用价值。  相似文献   

中原油田采用先进的质量检测技术与方法,建立了产品质量监测体制,制定了产品质量监测各项制度,在油田内部形成产品质量监测网络,使中原油田产品质量检测逐步走向了规范化、科学化、程序化。通过产品质量监督抽查,提高了油田总体产品质量,促进了油田综合管理水平,使中原油田的社会效益和经济效益全面提高。  相似文献   

从焊管的生产、检验记录、检验方法、标准等方面,对裂纹和未焊透缺陷产生和漏检的原因进行了分析、实验。结果表明,在提高探伤人员素质的基础上,稳定的生产、规范的跟踪标示,同时合理控制探伤速度,才能确保焊管质量。  相似文献   

通过分析油田橡胶密封制品质量检测依据和质量现状,提出了制订适应油田特殊要求的石油行业系列质量标准的建议,并对其主要内容和关键指标进行了阐述,以此指标作为组织指导产品生产、质量检测评价、选型应用、保养维护等的依据,可以从根本上解决目前油田橡胶密封制品质量方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

Product Technology Transfer in the Upstream Supply Chain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article addresses the transfer of new product technologies from outside the firm for integration into a new product system as part of a product development effort. Product technology transfer is a key activity in the complex process of new product development and is the fundamental link in the technology supply chain. Product technology transfer too often is dealt with in an ad‐hoc fashion. Purposeful management of the product technology transfer process leads to more effective transfers in terms of timeliness, cost, functional performance, and competence building. Better management of product technology transfer gives firms access to a greater variety of new technology options, improves a firm's ability to offer significantly differentiated products, deepens the firm's competitive competencies, and positively influences sustained product development success. The central objective of this article is to gain insight into product technology transfer so that companies can manage this process more successfully and so that researchers can investigate this critical activity further. This article describes the technology supply chain as a unique form of a supply chain that poses a set of managerial challenges and requirements distinguishing it from the more traditional component supply chain. Because a single product technology transfer project is the fundamental piece in the technology supply chain, understanding this piece well is key to leveraging the extended technology supply chain and to improving overall product development performance. This article integrates literatures on new product development, supply chain management, and technology management and builds on organizational theory to present a conceptual model of determinants of product technology transfer success. The core proposition is that product technology transfer effectiveness is greatest when companies carefully match (or “fit”) the type of technology to be transferred (the “technology uncertainty”) with the type of relationship between the technology supplier and recipient (the “interorganizational interaction”). A quite detailed framework characterizing technology uncertainty along the dimensions of technology novelty, complexity, and tacitness is presented to help in assessing the challenges associated with transferring a particular product technology. This article also considers detailed elements characterizing the interorganizational interactions between the technology source and recipient firms. This helps firms consider the appropriate means to facilitate the interfirm process of technology transfer. Overall, this article provides practical insight into characterizing technologies and into improving the product technology transfer process. This article also provides a strong theoretical foundation to aid future research on product technology transfer in the technology supply chain.  相似文献   

阐述了质量监督和标准实施监督的内涵及主要任务,通过事实论正、正反对比阐明了两者的关系.指出,企业是贯彻各级标准的基本单位,企业只有将贯彻实施标准与全面质量管理紧密结合起来,通过全面质量管理,严格贯彻实施标准,才能生产出合乎规定要求的产品,标准也只有在质量监督中才能得到提高.全过程的质量监督,产生了全过程的标准实施监督,最终达到提高产品质量,增加企业效益.  相似文献   

A Product and Process Model of the Technology-Sourcing Decision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technology‐sourcing decision traditionally has examined the choice either to innovate internally or to acquire technology from outside sources. The increasing complexity of this decision requires a move beyond the simple “make‐versus‐buy” dichotomy. We seek to test factors that influence the technology decision of subsidiaries for product and process technology across the continuum of options from internal development to outsourcing. We also explore concordance between the research streams of new product development and technology sourcing. Regression models are used to analyze data from 187 subsidiaries that suggest product and process technology development decisions sometimes are associated with similar factors and at other times they diverge. In particular, we find that external product and process technology acquisition decisions are associated negatively with differentiation goals and associated positively with product dynamism. While external product acquisition is associated negatively with a low cost goal and positively with increasing distance between primary marketing and R&D operations, external process technology acquisition is associated positively with high competitive intensity. Implications include the following: (1) While external product technology acquisition may provide quicker or even less expensive initial solutions, external reliance makes it difficult to maintain a long‐term positional advantage; (2) When greater distances separate key functional activities, external partners may provide solutions that are more responsive to local consumer needs, and the potential for improved communication may allow for quicker adaptation and increased flexibility; (3) In highly dynamic product situations, internal development, while providing greater control, can be expensive and can result in technologies that are not accepted by the marketplace; and (4) As competitive intensity increases, strategic imperatives may reduce the focus on product design and development and may require increasing concentration on manufacturing costs and efficiencies.  相似文献   

Product design has been recognized as an opportunity for differential advantage in the market place. The appearance of a product influences consumer product choice in several ways. To help product development managers in optimizing the appearance of products, the present study identified the different ways in which the appearance of a product plays a role in consumer product evaluation and, hence, choice. In addition, the implications for product design of each role are listed, and managerial recommendations for optimizing the appearance of products are given. Based on a literature review, six different roles of product appearance for consumers are identified: (1) communication of aesthetic, (2) symbolic, (3) functional, and (4) ergonomic information; (5) attention drawing; and (6) categorization. A product's appearance can have aesthetic and symbolic value for consumers, can communicate functional characteristics and give a quality impression (functional value), and can communicate ease of use (ergonomic value). In addition, it can draw attention and can influence the ease of categorization of the product. In a large qualitative study (N=142) it was tested whether these roles indeed exist in consumers' process of product choice and whether they are sufficient to describe the way in which product appearance plays a role for consumers. In addition, qualitative insight into these roles was gained. After making a choice between two answering machines, subjects were interviewed about the reasons for their choice and the product information they used to form the judgments underlying their choice reasons. The six appearance roles indeed proved relevant for consumers and were sufficient to describe the influence of product appearance on product choice. The number of ways in which appearance played a role for consumers differed between 0 and 5; most subjects mentioned two different ways in which appearance influenced their product choice. The aesthetic and symbolic roles were mentioned most often. The preferred shape (e.g., rounded or angular), color, or size were found to differ depending on the way in which product appearance played a role for subjects. For example, bright colors may be valued from an aesthetic point of view but may diminish the impression of quality (i.e., functional value). This makes it difficult to optimize all roles and illustrates that the product value that is most important for consumers when purchasing a specific kind of product should be the starting point in the design of the product appearance. Furthermore, the influence of shape, color, or size on a certain kind of product value—aesthetic, symbolic, ergonomic, or functional—differed between subjects. One person may like a rounded shape, while another may prefer a rectangular shape. This means that the value of guidelines indicating how the perception of a specific kind of product value can be engendered by means of shape, color, and size is limited. This is especially the case for aesthetic and symbolic product value, which are very personal. Therefore it is recommended to test the performance of the appearance of a newly developed product on these six roles with the target group of consumers. Insight into the different ways in which appearance characteristics, such as form and color, may influence consumer choice will increase managers' awareness about how to use product appearance as a marketing tool. In addition, distinguishing these six appearance roles will help product development managers to optimize the product appearance better to market needs, as the roles have different and sometimes even conflicting implications for the design of the product appearance.  相似文献   

泡沫排水采气工艺成败的关键取决于起泡剂的性能。在起泡剂检验工作中发现,各厂家产品标准差异很大。针对产品标准中存在的问题,建议制定一个科学、合理、适用的泡沫排水采气用起泡剂标准,作为油田签订合同、入库验收和质量监督检验的技术依据。  相似文献   

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