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随着城市的快速发展,历史文化街区作为文化遗产的重要组成部分,对其进行保护与开发,已成为城市更新的重要途径。在“双碳”目标背景下,历史文化街区旅游发展面临着新的机遇与挑战。文章以福建省福州市三坊七巷历史文化街区为研究对象,首先回顾其历史演变过程,接着梳理其在保护与发展过程中面临的问题,最后提出相关建议,以期推动文化遗产保护与旅游协调发展,助力碳减排目标实现。  相似文献   

世界文化遗产旅游深度开发研究——以曲阜为例   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文以旅游者问卷调查为基础,对曲阜世界文化遗产旅游深度开发进行了研究.认为文化遗产旅游的深度开发应该有两个纬度的内容:基于遗产特性的产品体系的深化与扩展以及旅游产品质量的提升.用因子聚类归纳了曲阜文化遗产内涵的产品表现形式,分析了产品体系开发的路径;通过满意度分析,明确了完善旅游服务质量的对策,进而提出了文化遗产旅游深度开发的基本框架模型.  相似文献   

肖光明 《旅游学刊》2001,16(3):72-75
自然保护区的旅游产品开发水平要求比一般旅游地应该更高。鼎湖山生物圈保护区在旅游产品的精品化、层次化尤其是旅游产品的绿色开发和旅游解说系统的设计方面比较成功,值得我国自然保护区在开发旅游产品时借鉴:不足之处是有城镇化与盆景化的倾向,要坚决控制。鼎湖山未来旅游产品的开发必须以生态环境保护为前提。明确产品的目标市场定位,重点开发生态旅游产品。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产与旅游的不解之缘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据联合国教科文组织通过的《保护非物质文化遗产公约》中的定义,非物质文化遗产指被各群体、团体、有时为个人所视为其文化遗产的各种实践、表演、表现形式、知识体系和技能及其有关的工具、实物、工艺品和文化场所。  相似文献   

作为老祖宗创造并流传给后人的财富,文化遗产已经成为国内外旅游业发展的重要资源。随着我国旅游业发展的不断深化,文化遗产与旅游产品  相似文献   

卫威  姚瑶 《西部旅游》2023,(24):49-51
<正>在文旅融合背景下,非物质文化遗产的重要性日益凸显。实现文旅融合的核心在于以文化塑造旅游,通过挖掘非物质文化遗产,打造新的旅游业态;以旅游突显文化,通过旅游业展示非物质文化遗产的魅力、作用和价值。文章以南京云锦为例,探讨开发非物质文化遗产旅游的必要性,并深入分析开发过程中可能面临的阻力,据此提出一系列促进南京云锦非物质文化遗产旅游开发的策略,旨在推动文旅深度融合发展。  相似文献   

龙永红 《旅游学刊》2011,26(11):71-77
运用参与观察和深度访谈的个案研究方法,在现代社会结构与文化变迁的背景中,文章探讨了背包旅游文化的特征、功能及其局限性。背包旅游是在制度化与商业化旅游之外的一种旅游形态,它以真实与虚拟并存、游憩与抵制并重、"新人"与信任同在的特征重构了城市资本下压力化的社会关系,打破了家庭与工作空间的封闭性,它仍以城市话语体制为"归宿地",与西方"背包客"认同乡村融入当地居民的"行路文化"追求不同,因而其文化自主性精神必然将受到城市资本文化的侵入。它延展于城乡贫富之间、不同阶层之间、陌生人之间的对话合作经验有着重要意义。国家与学界可以此为点,积极关注并放大其延展乡土文化、拓展空间体验、倡导健康生活等正向功能,助推其和谐社会功能的实现。  相似文献   

梁丹丹  熊龙 《当代旅游》2013,(10):89-90
茶马古道源于中国古代西南边疆的茶马互市,兴于唐宋盛于明清,二战中后期最为兴盛。茶马古道是一条世界上自然风光最壮观,文化最为神秘的旅游绝品线路,它蕴藏着开发不尽的文化遗产。自20世纪90年代以来,以其独特的自然资源和丰富的人文旅游资源吸引了众多游客前去游览。同时茶马古道的研究和旅游资源的开发引起了广泛的关注。在分析茶马古道的人文旅游资源并在此基础上,提出了围绕茶马古道开发文化旅游产品的思路。  相似文献   

旅游作为文化遗产保护的一种选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全球化席卷世界每一个角落的当下,传统文化的生存空间日渐萎缩。不同文化、不同区域、不同发展道路下的族群,几乎无一例外地选择了发展和进步,纷纷走向了现代化之路。因此,人们毫不思索地放弃了代代传承的文化传统,丢弃了丰富多彩的文化遗产。  相似文献   

杨永鹤 《西部旅游》2023,(6):72-74+78
<正>文创产品被认为是国家与民族传统文化的现代延伸,文创产品的传播有利于提升本民族传统文化的号召力、影响力和知名度。与一般的文创产品相比,旅游文创产品承载着特定地域的特殊文化。文章对旅游文创产业进行了深入的调查研究,结合云南省丽江市的情况,梳理民族文化资源,对丽江文创产品的开发现状、问题进行分析,探索丽江市旅游文创产品开发对策,理清旅游文创产品的表现形式,总结丽江旅游文创产品设计的三大原则,以期为旅游文创产品开发和旅游文创产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国遗产旅游的文化政治意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):48-52
本文提出一个我国遗产旅游界尚未关注的问题--遗产旅游的文化政治意义.文章首先讨论了我国遗产的文化政治价值,接着提出我国遗产旅游应当发挥的文化政治功能,最后分析了提高我国遗产旅游文化政治效果的必要举措.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and application of a mechanism to assess the tourism potential of cultural and heritage assets. The assessment tool considers cultural, physical, product and experiential values. It was tested on a sample of 16 secondary museums, historic sites and temples in Hong Kong that are currently being promoted by the local destination management organisation. While their cultural and physical values were rated strongly, their tourism and experiential values were low. Indeed, a number of fatal flaws were identified that effectively precluded most of them from ever functioning as viable attractions. Remoteness, isolation from other attractions, small scale, a lack of uniqueness and poor setting exacerbated their weaknesses.  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下遗产资源管理是目前学术界与实践领域争论的一个焦点。其核心包括两个方面:(1)遗产资源是否一定要政府管理,政府怎样管理?(2)风景与遗产资源是否可以由市场来经营,怎样经营?究其理论实质,这两种争论实际上是规避公共资源“公地悲剧”的两种模式——政府强权干预与产权明晰化(私有化)的争论。文章在评述近年来国内关于遗产资源管理争论的基础上,认为这两种观点并不是对立的非此即彼的关系,而是解决问题的两种途径,其关键在于合适的制度安排。文章还提出了公共选择与制度分析的方法研究这一问题的框架。  相似文献   

中国世界遗产类旅游产品的感知度研究   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
朱竑  李鹏  吴旗涛 《旅游学刊》2005,20(5):21-25
中国世界遗产地开发旅游已经成为一种热潮。事实也说明遗产地确实具有开发旅游的先天优势。但是,通过在北京、广州、珠海三地的问卷调查发现,国内各世界遗产地在国内游客的感知中并未处于相同的地位,而存在较大的差异。成为世界遗产地并不就意味着绝对的旅游吸引力。世界遗产地名誉的获得是影响游客感知、促进旅游发展的一个重要因素,而非唯一因素。决定旅游地发展的往往是多方面因素共同作用的结果。因此,世界遗产地开发旅游不能仅仅依靠遗产地名誉的获得,而要结合实际、合理规划、恰当宣传.进而促进其旅游的全面发展。  相似文献   

Mauritius is a nation of immigrants who have harmoniously come together, working to make their new homeland an economic success story. To continue this unprecedented economic growth Mauritius is consciously aware of the need for diversification in all its industries, including tourism. Known for being a quintessential beach vacation destination, Mauritius desires to expand the tourism sector to include aspects of cultural heritage tourism. To accomplish this task several questions must be answered about the meaning of Mauritianness and its relationship to tourism. Here it is argued that in order to further develop cultural heritage tourism in Mauritius, the understanding of Mauritian national identity must also be advanced.  相似文献   

This paper examines how innovation management could bring greater opportunities for cultural heritage tourism at the community level. A two-stage investigation using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key informants and random, on-site, short, structured interviews with tourists was conducted to uncover the preconditions and categories of innovation that support cultural heritage tourism in the Amphawa Waterfront Community, a renowned tourist destination in Thailand. The results from the study suggest that the “willingness” and “capability” of those involved in a community-based cultural heritage initiative are key to fostering a multitude of innovations but may not guarantee its long-term success. A mind-set towards sustainability that considers economically, socially, and environmentally viable innovations is required for sustainable growth. A call for innovation management from this sustainable angle is proposed at the end.  相似文献   

This research adopts the system dynamics method from complex science to develop a model to address conflicts of development among interest groups in the context of cultural tourism. This study deploys various surveys at different cultural heritage sites and incorporates findings from a literature review of industrial development motives within the fields of economics, geography, sociology, and tourism. Consequently, this research identifies critical factors related to the evolution of the cultural tourism system. Based on these factors, we present a dynamic model including (1) 3 level variables, (2) 6 rate variables, and (3) 35 auxiliary variables. We discuss the three sub-systems of the derived model and the relationships among these sub-systems. The dynamic model suggests that cultural tourism managers should evaluate the benefits of cultural assets, protective investment ratios, crowding ratios, and resident tourism participation ratios as key leverage points in sustaining the development of cultural tourism.  相似文献   

刘恒武  袁颖 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):40-41
本文通过对联合国教科文组织大会于1972年颁布的<保护世界文化和自然遗产公约>英、中、日3种文本中"文化遗产"定义的比照分析,指出<公约>现行正式中译本的"文化遗产"定义中存在若干表述不当之处.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine whether a causal relationship exists between perceived restorativeness and emotional healing, visitor satisfaction, and intention to revisit with respect to a visit to the Seooreung Shrine in South Korea. Attention restorativeness theory claims that four factors (being away, fascination, extent, and compatibility) induce a restorative environment. The results of the conducted survey support the four factors of attention restorativeness theory. Two distinct groups were identified and differences were discovered between the groups with respect to satisfaction and perceived restorativeness. Emotional healing exerted more influence on intention to revisit than visitor satisfaction. This study delivers a significant outcome as pioneer research on healing tourism by discovering emotional healing as a precedent variable to visitor satisfaction and intention to revisit in the area of cultural heritage tourism.  相似文献   

Due to its rich stock of heritage assets, extraordinary pace of market liberalisation, and its political administration, the People’s Republic of China is at a crossroads in terms of the management of its heritage assets. In order to better understand the threats and opportunities that market liberalisation may pose for cultural heritage assets as future tourism products, this study examines two examples in the Beijing municipality; the Hutongs and the section of the Great Wall at Huanghua. These case studies are used to investigate the coordination of policy to balance modernisation and conservation of heritage assets in Beijing, and place it against a general model of stakeholder roles that can drive the sustainable use of heritage assets. Teasing out the nature of these roles has identified where tourism development aids or detracts from existing heritage conservation policies. Without better coordination of roles in policy implementation, the sustainability of many heritage assets as future tourism products is in question.  相似文献   

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