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在现代社会中,旅游已经成为人的一种重要的生活方式,因而也日益增添了越来越多的价值负载.但是在旅游业的发展过程中,却不断地出现各种“乱象”,因而关于旅游的“异化”问题,关于文明旅游的问题越来越受到关注. “文明”这一概念的内涵是不断扩展或生长的,也就是说,在不同的时空条件下,其意义指涉和价值引导都呈现为一种动态的节律,立足于当下,针对各种旅游异化现象,文明旅游在价值意义上主要呈现为这样三重维度: 一、人与人的和谐  相似文献   

阈限体验是旅游体验研究的重要话题,旅游场域中员工的类阈限体验并未像旅游者般受重视.文章以西双版纳傣族园“天天泼水节”为个案,从人类学阈限理论视角,运用深度访谈和非参与观察方法,深入剖析泼水演员日常生活和类阈限体验的关系、类阈限体验的特征及其动因.研究发现:泼水演员的类阈限体验可以理解为离开日常生活村落,在旅游空间从事泼水工作中的体验.泼水工作相对于演员的日常休闲生活来说是乏味的,但与日常工作中繁杂的农活相比又充满了愉悦和精神意义,对其日常生活产生积极影响.泼水演员的类阈限体验表现为对工作规范及纪律模糊化,感到“快乐”“舒服”“兴奋”和“自由”;乐而忘忧,短暂沉浸于愉悦的泼水氛围中;和游客共同体验泼水乐趣,遵守泼水规则,处于和谐交融的共睦态状态.演员的类阈限体验使得泼水工作具有休闲的性质,是演员日常生活的延展,其性质是促成演员类阈限体验的主要因素.  相似文献   

基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缺乏对外派驻地的地方认同感、难以在驻地从事有益的休闲活动来调适外派压力,已成为长期派驻大陆的台资企业台籍人员外派失败的主因之一.文章以广州市台资企业台籍人员为研究对象,通过实证研究探讨外派人员在驻地休闲时空涉入与地方认同的关系,并以结构方程模型方法验证建构基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型.研究表明:(1)台籍人员的职业倦怠与休闲感知自由呈显著负相关、与休闲调适策略呈显著正相关,休闲感知自由对于职业倦怠与休闲调适策略的影响关系存在显著负向的中介调节效果;(2)台籍人员的休闲感知自由与休闲调适策略、休闲时空涉入两者皆呈显著正相关,休闲调适策略对于体闲感知自由与休闲时空涉入的影响关系无显著的中介调节效果存在;(3)台籍人员的休闲调适策略与休闲时空涉入无显著的因果关系存在;(4)台籍人员的休闲时空涉入与地方认同呈显著正相关,地方认同与休闲时空涉入呈显著正相关、存在正向的互惠效果;(5)就休闲涉入前因关系模型而言,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由影响休闲时空涉入的因果关系影响敏感性强于通过休闲调适策略,即当处于同等程度的职业倦怠时,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由程度影响休闲时空涉入程度的效果较好.研究成果可作为海峡两岸相关主管部门、台资企业协会与台资企业完善台籍人员休闲生活管理制度的参考.  相似文献   

大众休闲时代的到来,生活方式变革与社会发展批判的双重需要,休闲与日常生活理论研究凸显紧迫性和重要性.列斐伏尔的日常生活批判和休闲批判独树一帜.他主张通过节庆和都市化进行日常生活的微观改造,倡导生活和艺术融合的文化革命,成就“需求-劳动-愉悦”三位一体的“总体的人”.他坚持马克思主义的辩证法和实践论,其理论具有浪漫主义美学的“乌托邦”色彩.今天,休闲之哲学本位是从日常生活的日常性中突围出来对自由和诗性的追求.休闲在实践中是人们摆脱日常生活困境的自然选择,同时担负着理论上审美救赎和思想解放之功能.休闲——反抗异化的休闲、超越物质占有的休闲,是生活方式变革的重要组成部分.休闲既是日常生活的一部分,也意味着日常生活的反正.  相似文献   

旅游体验审美精神论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘海颖 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):88-93
旅游体验的审美体系是建立在人本基础上的.从审美心理的角度看,旅游体验具有主体性、浸入性、互动性和不确定性,其核心价值在于审美.旅游体验造就了审美的人、完整的人.旅游审美体验是旅游者在情境互动之中,追求审美存在和生命创造的强烈内心感受.文章从旅游体验的审美感知、审美情感和审美想象三个层面展开.旅游体验充满着人在旅途的跨文化审美意蕴,它是为了探寻生活溶解在心灵中的秘密,并借由想象获得存在的真实和生命的沉醉.旅游体验体认的是人与物化、神与物契的审美情怀,高扬的是生生之德的审美境界.旅游体验中所体现的审美精神是彰显的、独立的、本真的人性;它所追寻的审美境界是自由的、升华的、解放的审美人生.  相似文献   

张骁鸣 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):14-21
流行文化中有关“旅行的意义”的说法并不少见,但如何对“旅行的意义”进行阐释却很少有人研究.该研究从“意义”的3种常见用法——价值与目的、含义与语义、语境与范畴——入手,主要借鉴现象学的分析方法,得到了如下主要观点:①存在两种阐释“旅行的意义”的可能方式,即可以将其理解为旅行行为本身在语境、含义、价值之间的一种整体性关联,也可理解为嵌套于人们的整个生命时空或生活世界之中的一种基于“旅行-意义”的关联,因此未来的相关研究需要从旅行这个相对封闭的小世界跨入日常生活这个开放的大世界;②人们是先行在前语言的层面上获得了原初的“旅行-意义”,然后才有可能在一定的语境中用语言来获得派生的“旅行的意义”;③对“旅行的意义”这个命题来说,更合理的提问方式应该不是问旅行的意义“是什么”,而是问旅行的意义“如何(发生)”.  相似文献   

休闲:“以人为本”、充满“人文关怀”的事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个拥有14亿人口、一年享有115天假日、社会进步的国家,如何让民众"聪明地"用闲,引导民众享受健康、积极、文明的生活方式,对于提高国民素质、增强国家软实力意义重大.<于光远马惠娣十年对话--关于休闲学研究的基本问题>通过对休闲实践领域所蕴含的"以人为本"与"人文关怀"的核心价值的阐述,为我国正在兴起的休闲经济、休闲消费、休闲产业和休闲旅游提供了及时的理论指导.  相似文献   

生活、旅游、美,都是复杂的概念,其内涵在实践领域不断被拓展,其本质在理论领域不断被重新认识和探究.从马克思主义美学的历史起点“美是生活”,到实践论美学,再到美学的生存论转向,以及美学“生活论”回归,这些都为研究本体论视角的旅游审美提供了理论和现实基础.当代的旅游审美趣味是多元和世俗的.在生活美学视野中,旅游之美在于天人合一,在于能动超越.从观光旅游到休闲度假,反映了人们审美情趣和审美方式的流变.观光旅游审美注重感性认识,休闲旅游审美注重感性存在,是对生命中感性价值的确认.从观光到休闲,审美是感性超越的过程,体现在对时空的超越、对审美主客两分的超越,以及对体验的超越.旅游审美通过活泼泼的生命体验,最终超越感性,能动地从生命存在的意义上获得美,完满生活、成就生命.日常生活既充满着感性的愉悦,也承载着深沉的精神期望.生活本身的丰富性造就了旅游审美的丰富性,生活关学视角的旅游审美是激发、是唤醒、是重新发现.旅游审美本质上是对生命归属和文化价值的寻觅,其本体意义在于成就审美的人.  相似文献   

调查表明:湖南长沙的休闲产业可分为歌厅休闲、酒吧休闲、洗浴休闲、电视休闲、“农家乐”休闲、广场与公园休闲等七种类型。歌厅休闲始于20世纪80年代,年接待170万人次,营业收入逾亿元;上规模的酒吧20多家;足浴城17000多家,长沙已成为“脚都”;“农家乐”877家,年接待273万多人次,营业收入2亿元。居民休闲最主要的目的是愉悦身心,放松自己。95%的居民认为长沙休闲消费水平为中上,可以接受。73%的居民1周至少休闲1次。  相似文献   

2006年11月14日及其随后的几天,南方某大学投稿人薛某等,以“花生米”的化名和“未验证”的“搜狐网友”的名字,先后多次在搜狐博客留言,散布对本刊刊用稿《也论休闲与旅游》一文来源的怀疑(该文独立撰稿人为本刊编辑部成员)。在该文作者刘德谦几次耐心解释后,流言散布人仍然煞有介事地说《也论休闲与旅游》与她投寄《旅游学刊》的稿件“是这样地一致”,并进而怀疑到了“旅游研究领域,旅游学科发展”的整体。让未能够读到她的文章的人不知道产生了多少的怀疑与猜测,使本刊的声誉受到了损害。  相似文献   

In many north-western European countries, the family practices of drinking and eating used to be largely located in the private domain of the home. This situation has recently begun to change, particularly in gentrified urban areas where middle-class families are growing in number and family outings in bars and restaurants are becoming more widespread. This paper examines the new practices of family consumption from two perspectives: the providers and the consumers. Entrepreneurs shape family-friendly spaces by reducing boundaries between eating, drinking and playing and by offering out-of-home pleasures in home-like environments for both parents and children. They balance between accommodating the families and retaining their childless clients. Families that consume in the food and drink spaces are primarily local middle-class families, and fathers and mothers equally participate. This study further reveals that leisure time spent with the family cannot always be classified as leisure time as a family. Parental involvement with the children differs. We distinguish leisured caring time with high parental involvement, own leisure time mainly directed at parents’ personal activities and social leisure time mainly directed at maintaining social relationships beyond the family. We discuss earlier research on the complicated character of family leisure related to the caring duties of parents. Empirical evidence comes from an exploratory study of ten consumption spaces in the inner city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

In search for the ‘good life’, the current generation of European retirees is striving to materialise a self-determined way of life by moving to locations that provide a higher quality of life, such as the Mediterranean coast. Migrants’ leisure practises and distinct spatial features, e.g. leisure infrastructures, hereby frame a production of desirable spaces.

The contribution is theoretically informed by Henri Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space that suggests space to be a social product emerging from congruities and contradictions in a triad of practices, representations and localities. It is discussed how everyday leisure practices reproduce collectively or individually imagined representations of spaces of the ‘good life’ and how such spaces are contested.

The presented case study is mainly based on qualitative interviews depicting narratives associated with the realm of leisure. Empirical data were collected among German retirees, who relocated to a small municipality at the Costa del Sol (Southern Spain).

The analysis of empirical data reveals mostly consistencies within the realms representations, practices and localities, but depicts contestations of spaces of the ‘good life’ with regard to ongoing ageing processes. Lifestyle migrants ascribe meaning to practices of leisure in order to fulfil the desire for consuming tourist; sights that frequently represent highly symbolic places. Constructing notions of sociability with friends and acquaintances through leisure, the migrants hold meaningful social ties, which provide security through reliable networks. Nevertheless, this article points out that spaces of the ‘good life’ are deconstructed through age-related mobility constraints.  相似文献   

生产性旅游:一个初步的理论探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李仲广 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):74-78
生产性旅游具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文首先分析了生产性旅游存在的客观基础:闲暇活动的二重性;接着,从旅游层次、旅游在休闲活动中的核心地位以及旅游供需的角度具体地分析了旅游的生产本质。本文还构造了一个生产性旅游模型,旅游者从中获得人力资本和社会资本,这些旅游效益决定着人们的旅游决策。最后,本文还提出了八种主要的生产性旅游活动。  相似文献   


A theory‐based model distinguishing three kinds of leisure from required nonwork activity has been examined through research on adult leisure in three communities. In the research sequence, the defining dimension of relative freedom and constraint is found central to the perceptions of respondents, but the work‐relation dimension does not significantly differentiate types of leisure. The model is revised to replace work‐relation with meaning to the participant that is either intrinsic to doing the activity or primarily social. Further, anticipated satisfactions in building and maintaining relationships are found more salient in leisure choices than in meeting role expectations. The revised typology is employed to classify activities from the New Town phase of the research as (1) unconditional, (2) recuperative, (3) relational, and (4) role‐determined.  相似文献   

何景明 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):71-74
本文通过对成都市“农家乐”经营模式、经济效益以厦对农村社会文化的影响等方面的演变轨迹的勾勒,分析了我国城市郊区乡村旅游的发展。研究发现,成都“农家乐”已朝着规模化方向发展,娱乐服务设施逐渐与度假村趋同;与此同时。在外来投资者的竞争下,本地农户经营者的效益普遍下降,“农家乐”经营的“飞地化”特征日渐突出。创新开发模式。加强政府对“农家乐”的引导和规制。成了城市郊区乡村旅游可持续发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

Book reviews     

This article examines the cultural field of fitness as a network of producers, consumers, products and practices that has developed around the care of the body through physical exercise. Drawing on a thematic text analysis of US exercise manuals, the paper focuses on how the commercial fitness field naturalizes associations between physical exercise and leisure, and between leisure and self‐work. In particular, the analysis examines three themes and their relevance to our broader understanding of leisure in contemporary consumer society: the management of leisure time; the use of leisure for self‐investment strategies; and the promotion of consumption as the framework for leisure and an accompanying notion of pleasure. The fitness field casts light on how leisure more generally is constructed as a sphere of obligations to make productive use of one’s time, to improve one’s body and self, and to do so through the wares of the consumer marketplace. The cultural imaginary of leisure as a time of freedom from work and responsibility is thus recast, in an age of individualization, as a time of freedom to accomplish the work of self‐production.  相似文献   

Using a communitarian framework to explore relationships between individuals and community, survey research was used to examine relationships among volunteers’ personal value orientations of individualism and collectivism, experiences of volunteering as serious leisure, and perceptions of sense of community and social cohesion. Based on survey responses from 300 current volunteers at ten voluntary organizations, findings linked collectivism and individualism to serious leisure, which in turn strongly associated with sense of community and social cohesion. In these empirical findings, serious leisure emerged as a pathway for nurturing community.  相似文献   

Two facets of leisure, perceived determinants of well-being and enjoyment of common leisure activities, were investigated in 388 participants. For well-being, a principal components (PCA) analysis yielded five components: competence, relatedness and health, wealth, personal values, and freedom of choice. For the enjoyment of leisure activities, another PCA generated seven components: wellness, sedentary leisure, intellectual leisure, social leisure, routine activities, self-realization, and inner peace. Different leisure enjoyment of young adults (18–30 years old) in contrast to adults and seniors was attributed to social transformations as also predicted by several theories of social change. The relationship between the determinants of well-being and enjoyment of leisure activities was statistically significant but meaningfully debatable.  相似文献   

While recent studies have demonstrated the significance of leisure in the initial phases of spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation, the impact of leisure experience on adjustment and the dynamics of that influence have yet to be adequately clarified. Development of skills to effectively manage leisure becomes critical in the community reintegration process, especially for those who are at risk for poor social and psychological adjustment after injury. Although leisure activities may contribute to well-being among individuals with SCI, the lack of understanding of the dynamics of that influence offers little direction for selection of activity alternatives and design of leisure interventions. This study attempted to answer the following research questions: (1) Does leisure engagement influence the adjustment of individuals with SCI? (2) If leisure engagement does influence adjustment, what influence do variations in leisure activity have on the adjustment of individuals with SCI? (3) Does social support mediate the influence of leisure on adjustment of individuals with SCI? The leisure and SCI adjustment model was constructed to provide one possible explanation of the influence of leisure on the adjustment of individuals with SCI. The model proposed that: (a) leisure engagement has a direct influence on the adjustment of individuals with SCI and (b) leisure engagement has an indirect influence on adjustment to SCI through the promotion of social support. Results from structural equation modeling confirmed that the leisure and SCI adjustment model was an "acceptable" fit to data but left a sufficiently large amount of unexplained variance to suggest the need for further examination of alternative models of SCI adjustment. The use of multiple regression and bivariate correlations suggested that diversity, frequency, and intensity of leisure engagement were associated with the adjustment of individuals with SCI.  相似文献   

国内外休闲研究扫描--兼谈建立我国休闲学科体系的设想   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):46-54
本文全面地介绍了国内外休闲研究的发展背景、演变历程、研究现状、相关机构和代表文献,提供了一个把握休闲研究脉络和体系的图景,并就建立适合我国国情的休闲学科研究体系提出了设想。  相似文献   

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