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The 17th Dalian Intemational Garment Fair was held in Dalian city.Liaoning provinee from Sep.10 to Sep.13. With merchants and exhibitors attraeted from 29 countries and regions.around 100 thousand-more people partieipated in the fair. The fair is commonly recognized as a platform for the garment and textile produets trade which has been eultivated for 17 years and enjoys a fame in both domestic and over seas matkets.……  相似文献   

Basic Information of 17th Dalian International Garment Fair   The 17th Dalian International Garment Fair will be held from September 10 to 13, 2005at Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center (old hall) and newly-built World Expo Square(new hall) simultaneously. The fair area is about 50,000 m2, 2.5 times than the last one.……  相似文献   

Basic Information of 17th Dalian International Garment Fair The 17th Dalian International Garment Fair will be held from September 10 to 13, 2005at Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center (old hall) and newly-built World Expo Square(new hall) simultaneously. The fair area is about 50,000 m2, 2.5 times than the last one.  相似文献   

The 15th Dalian International GarmentFair & China Garment Export Fairwere held from September 13 to 16, 2003in Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Cen-tre. The clothing hall is set up on the firstfloor and the fabrics are exhibited in func-tion hall on the second floor. The areas ofexhibition amount to about 18000 squaremeters. There are 450 enterprises in 18 coun-tries and regions participating in this fairincluding South Korea, Japan, Singapore,France, Germany, Britain, Denmark, Nor-way, U.S.A., Italy, Canada, Turkey,Austria,Russia, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, Tai-  相似文献   

The 17th Dalian International Garment Fair is a new starting point. In the face of the main development trend of international and domes tic convention and exhibition industry, the fierce competition among the domestic exhibition industry, Dalian International Garment Fair sizes up the situation and the golden opportunity that China will revitalize the Northeast old industrial base and turn Dalian into the international shipping center in Northeast Asia; it takes the new Dalian Convention and Exhibition Center as a turning point. Under the leadership of Dalian Mu-nicipal Party Committee and Dalian municipal government, and under the support and assistance of the sponsors, Dalian International Garment Fair emancipates the mind and plans the future with the viewpoint of scientific development, innovative thinking and practical operation.  相似文献   

Starting from 1988, the 18th Dalian International Fashion Festival has been suc cessfully held for 17 sessions with the goal of carrying forward fashion culture,enriching the people's life, promoting the international communication and pushing the economic development. Dalian International Fashion Festival has become one of the major grand city festivals with the longest time and with the communication platform integrated trade, culture and tourism.  相似文献   

Adhering to the principle of "ush ering world books into China,introducing Chinese books to the world", the size of Beijing International Book Fair has seen constant expansion, international position undergoing continuous upgrading and its influence becoming increasingly profound since the first Fair was held in 1986.  相似文献   

Adhering to the principle of “ush ering world books into China,introducing Chinese books to the world“, the size of Beijing International Book Fair has seen constant expansion, international position undergoing continuous upgrading and its influence becoming increasingly profound since the first Fair was held in 1986.……  相似文献   

At the news conference, Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice-Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, clearly states: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade fully supports "Auto China".  相似文献   

徐丰伟 《江苏商论》2011,(10):58-60
大连建设东北亚国际物流中心是实现国家发展战略和东北区域经济发展的客观要求,也是提升大连城市竞争力的有效途径。本文分析了大连建设东北亚国际物流中心过程中已具备的优势和面临的问题,并从政策和服务体系、港口资源和物流网络体系、物流市场及主体、物流信息化网络和平台等方面提出了推进大连东北亚国际物流中心的建议。  相似文献   

本文从国际航运中心发展的本质特征及实证角度,阐明国际航运中心软、硬环境的关系及软环境建设的重要性,分析了大连建设东北亚国际航运中心软环境的优势与差距,并提出具有针对性的对策与建议。  相似文献   

依文 《中国市场》2009,562(51):30-31
10月21日上午8:30,义乌国际博览中心繁花似锦,人如潮涌,由商务部、浙江省人民政府、中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国轻工业联合会、中国商业联合会主办,浙江省商务厅、义乌市人民政府承办的第15届中国义乌国际小商品博览会(简称“义博会”)经过紧张的筹备工作后,在这里正式拉开了帷幕。  相似文献   

The 26th China Autumn Motorcycle and Parts Fair,the 3rd China (Guangzhou) International Motorcycle Parts Exhibition (CAMPF),organized by China National Automobile Industry Sales Corp.,Guangzhou Baiyun District Government,China Federation of Industry and Commerce Auto & Motorbike Parts Articles for Use Chamber of Commerce,undertook by Guangzhou Baiyun Motorbike Parts Wholesales Market,opened on November 12 in Guangzhou.  相似文献   

一汽红旗、上汽荣威和华晨骏捷等新下线的国产轿车,将参加第五届“中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展”,与其余30多辆中国自主品牌汽车组成编队,行驶在从圣·彼得堡至喀山的公路上。据悉,本届中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展无论在规模、档次还是参展汽车的品牌等方面,均成为历届中国汽车国际巡展之最。  相似文献   

2003年4月21日至25日,以“科技领先、服务至上、引领未来”为主题的第十届上海国际汽车工业展览会在上海新国际展览中心举办。共有来自美国、德国、英国、意大利、瑞典、西班牙、奥地利、丹麦、比利时、以色列、俄罗斯、捷克、巴西、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、印尼、中国以及香港特别行政区和台湾省等23个国家和地区的730多家厂商参加了展览。作为一家专业的汽车市场研究与咨询公司,北京源流汽车市场咨询公司对车展观众进行了一次深入的调查。  相似文献   

2009年8月20~23日.第11届中国国际工业装备(青岛)展览会在青岛拉开帷幕。本次展会最终仅有20余家船舶配套企业参展,而且难见知名船企出席,这从侧面反映了当前船舶市场低迷.给会展业带来小利影响。虽然如此,本届展会还是汇聚了海内外近100多家相关企业参展,其中部分船舶配套企业的最新产品集中亮相,成为本届展会相关亮点。  相似文献   

The 3-day China International Food Industrial Fair ended on November 7 in Huangpu Town Zhongshan City. According to Huangpu Town Government, the organizing party, the Fair attracted more than 3000 purchasing groups with over 30,000 purchasers, increased by 50% compared with last fair. Over 1000 sorts of food from home and abroad staged on the fair and the total value of transaction reached RMB 3.8 billion.  相似文献   

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