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Does agglomeration matter for growth? This paper addresses this question by evaluating the impact that intra-regional income distribution has on regional growth in Europe. By using a spatially augmented Solow growth model, we investigate the convergence process among 188 EU regions between 1991 and 2004 and extend the traditional growth models to account for the impact of regional inequality on growth, as well as the effects of interaction among regions. Our assumption is that existing levels of inequality between sub-regional territorial units could positively contribute to regional economic growth in Europe, through the positive effects generated by the emergence of agglomeration economies. Our results show that while we cannot find any overall significant relationship in Europe between agglomeration and growth, once we distinguish between Objective 1 and Non-objective 1 regions we are able to find that agglomeration positively impacts subsequent growth, but only in the less developed regions.  相似文献   


Regional convergence of German labour markets represents a politically important question. Different studies have examined convergence processes in Germany. We derive equations to estimate the speed of convergence on the basis of an extended Solow model. The technique of geographically weighted regression permits a detailed analysis of convergence processes, which has not been conducted for Germany as yet. It allows the estimation of a separate speed of convergence for every region resulting from the local coefficients of the regression equations. The application of this technique to German labour market regions shows regions moving at different speeds towards their steady states. The half-life periods in the model of conditional convergence disperse less than the same coefficients in the absolute convergence model. Moreover, the speed of convergence is substantially slower in the manufacturing sector than in the service sector.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new methodology of spatial econometric modelling for regional public investment in local economies. The approach, based on the financial concept of net present value of cash flows, can be applied in the analysis of regional public investment with long-term financial inputs and outputs. With local public revenues related to spending in the model, one can observe economies of scale of investment with possible saturation effects and a marginal investment multiplier, explaining the extent to which public investment costs translate into public revenues. The main advantage of the proposed model is to behave counter-cyclically due to accumulation over the periods and to cover multi-period investments as well as postponed effects. This paper gives an example of public investment efficiency in Polish NUTS-5 municipalities regions.  相似文献   


Verdoorn's law is estimated in a spatial econometric framework for individual manufacturing industries using EU regional data. Estimates of encompassing returns to scale are large, but other explanatory variables, including measures of industrial specialization and diversity, tend to be insignificant. The method of normalization with either output or input growth as the regressor matters, and the use of an instrumental variable approach does not resolve this problem. As in other studies, the static-dynamic Verdoorn law paradox exists. A theoretical argument is made, however, that the dynamic Verdoorn law is the correct specification and this is confirmed empirically.

Rendements croissants et croissance des industries dans les régions de l'UE: paradoxes et énigmes

Résumé La loi de Verdoorn est estimée dans un cadre conceptuel économétrique spatial pour les industries de fabrication individuelles en utilisant des données régionales de l'UE. Les estimations des rendements croissants à l’échelle, englobant, sont importantes, mais d'autres variables explicatives, comprenant des mesures de spécialisation et de diversité industrielles, ont tendance à être insignifiantes. La méthode de normalisation utilisant comme variable indépendante soit la croissance d'entrée soit celle de sortie importe, et l'utilisation d'une approche IV ne résout pas ce problème. Comme dans d'autres études, le paradoxe statique-dynamique de la loi de Verdoorn est présent. Cependant, dans un argument théorique, nous avançons que la loi de Verdoorn dynamique est la spécification correcte, ce qui est confirmé empiriquement.

Aumento de las ganancias y crecimiento de la industria en las regiones de la UE: paradojas y acertijos

Résumén Se estima la Ley de Verdoorn en un marco econométrico espacial para empresas manufactureras individuales usando los datos regionales de la UE. Las estimaciones para las ganancias englobadas a escala son grandes, pero otras variables explicativas, incluyendo las medidas de especialización y diversidad industrial, tienden a ser insignificantes. Importa el método de normalización ya sea usando crecimiento de ganancias o entradas como regressor, y el uso de un enfoque IV no resuelve este problema. Al igual que en otros estudios existe la paradoja estática-dinámica de la ley de Verdoorn. Sin embargo, se argumenta teóricamente que la dinámica ley de Verdoorn es la especificación correcta y esto se confirma empíricamente.



This paper sheds empirical light on the relationship between agglomeration and economic growth and its impact on the convergence hypothesis. Using a sample of 208 European regions over 25 years, ‘standard’ growth regressions are estimated using panel data techniques. Both the effect of agglomeration within one's own region and the interregional aspect of agglomeration are looked at. The estimation results show that, on average, denser regions grow slower than other regions, indicating a net negative effect of agglomeration. However, being located close to other growing regions is found to stimulate growth in one's own region. The implied convergence rate is also affected when the inter- and intraregional aspects of agglomeration are taken into account, where the former (latter) results in lower (slightly higher) convergence estimates.  相似文献   


In this paper we adopt an entropy econometrics-based estimator to study regional variations in regression coefficients and apply it to analyse productivity growths generated by R&D activities at a regional level. Considering the possible effects of the region's own R&D stock as well as the spillovers produced in other regions, the paper proposes the use of an entropy-based technique to estimate these effects for a specific location. Depending on the degree of heterogeneity of the set of regions analysed, it is possible that some of these regions present characteristics that enable them to more easily convert R&D efforts (generated in the region itself or obtained from other regions by R&D spillovers) into productivity gains, whereas in other regions the effect of (direct or spillover generated) R&D activities may be irrelevant. We illustrate this idea with an empirical application for Spanish regions.

RÉSUMÉ Dans la présente communication, nous adoptons un estimateur d'entropie à base économétrique pour l’étude de variations régionales des coefficients de régression et leur application pour l'analyse de d'augmentations de la productivité produites par des activités de recherche et développement à l’échelon régional. En se penchant sur les effets possibles du stock de recherches et développement propre à la région, ainsi que les retombées produites dans d'autres régions, la communication propose l'emploi d'une technique à base d'entropie pour effectuer une évaluation de ces effets pour un lieu spécifique. En fonction du degré d'hétérogénéité du groupe de régions analysé, il est possible que ces régions présentent des caractéristiques leur permettant de convertir plus facilement des interventions de recherche et développement (R&D) (générées dans cette même région, ou obtenues d'autres régions par retombées de R&D) en gains de productivité, alors que dans d'autres régions, l'effet (direct ou par retombée) d'activités de R&D pourra n'avoir aucune pertinence. Nous illustrons cette idée avec une application empirique pour des régions d'Espagne.

EXTRACTO En este estudio adoptamos un estimador basado en máxima entropía para estudiar las variaciones regionales en coeficientes de regresión, y lo aplicamos al análisis de los crecimientos de productividad generados por actividades de I+D a nivel regional. Considerando los posibles efectos del stock de I+D propio de la región, así como los spillovers producidos en otras regiones, el estudio propone el uso de una técnica basada en entropía para estimar estos efectos en relación con una ubicación específica. Dependiendo del grado de heterogeneidad del conjunto de regiones analizadas, es posible que algunas de estas regiones presenten características que les permitan convertir más fácilmente los esfuerzos de I+D (generados en la región misma u obtenidos de otras regiones a través de spillovers de I+D) en ganancias de productividad, mientras que en otras regiones el efecto de las actividades de I+D (directas o generadas de spillovers) podrían ser irrelevantes. Ilustramos esta idea con una aplicación empírica para regiones españolas.


本文中, 我们采用基于熵计量经济学的估计器研究回归系数的区域变化, 并用它分析地域级R&D活动带来的生产率增长。考虑到区域自身R&D储备和其他区域的人才流入可能带来影响, 本文提出一种熵方法估计这些因素对某个特定区域的影响。根据所分析区域集的异质程度, 其中有些区域可能会表现出一些特征, 使其更容易将R&D能力 (该区域自己产生或者从其他区域流入)转化为生产收益, 而另外一些区域R&D活动的影响 (直接或者流入)与生产收益无关。我们以对西班牙地区的实验应用为例证明了这一论点。  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach developed to measure regional economic resilience across Europe which is novel in three key dimensions. Firstly, it seeks to date regional downturns as opposed to assuming that all regional economies are affected by economic shocks at the same point in time; secondly, it measures the amplitude and duration of economic downturns and subsequent recoveries; and thirdly, as well as measuring recovery, it measures the resistance of regional economies to economic shocks. The paper applies this methodology to selected European countries to provide an analysis of differential regional responses to several economic shocks since the early 1990s. The paper then reflects upon the utility of this methodology for operationalizing regional economic resilience in cross-comparative studies.  相似文献   


The regional economic convergence/divergence issue has been discussed extensively recently, but results obtained are not always interpretable unequivocally as a consequence of the different estimation strategies used. As it is widely recognized, the most common theoretical framework applied to measure the speed of economic convergence among countries or regions remains the β-convergence approach, linked to the neoclassical Solow model. There have been many attempts to consider variations of the basic cross-sectional specification ranging from panel data models to Bayesian spatial econometric techniques. The application of spatial econometric methodologies is an essential tool for proper statistical inference on regional data. In this context, the aim of this paper is to connect the different results obtained in the literature. More specifically, we address whether or not evidence on convergence depends upon the estimation strategy, by taking the same set of data and systematically comparing the results obtained from different estimation strategies. The results from a set of NUTS2 EU regions conclude that both the model implied by the cross-sectional analysis and the one referring to the space-time dynamics incorporated in the panel specification point to convergence. The concept of convergence implied is, however, quite different, as demonstrated throughout the paper.  相似文献   


In this paper we summarize and comment on the papers published in issue 6.3. The papers reviewed are: ‘In Search of “W”’ by Richard Harris, John Moffat &; Victoria Kravtsova; ‘Cross-national Neighbouring Effects on European Regional Specialization’ by Toni Mora, Patricia Garcia-Duran &; Montserrat Millet; ‘Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa–Samuelson Effects in Italy’ by Andrea Vaona; ‘Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective’ by Paul Plummer &; Michael Taylor; and ‘Development of a Large-scale Single US Region CGE Model using IMPLAN Data: A Los Angeles County Example with a Productivity Shock Application’ by James Andrew Giesecke.

Analyses économiques spatiales: éditorial

Résumé dans la présente communication, nous résumons les communications publiées dans le numéro 6.3, et nous présentons nos commentaires. Les communications en question sont les suivantes : « A la recherche de W » (In Search of W) par Richard Harris, John Moffat et Victoria Kravtsova ; « Effets du voisinage transfrontière sur la spécialisation régionale européenne » (Cross-national neighbouring effects on European regional specialisation) par Toni Mora, Patricia Garcia-Duran et Montserrat Millet ; « Parité du pouvoir d'achat intranational et effets de Balassa-Samuelson en Italie (Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy), par Andrea Vaona ; « Entreprise et Avantage sur la Concurrence dans le contexte de l'Australie : une Perspective économétrique spatiale » (Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective) par Paul Plummer et Michael Taylor ; et « Développement d'un modèle CGE à grande échelle pour une région individuelle des États-Unis à l'aide de données IMPLAN : un exemple du comté de Los Angeles avec une application choc de la Productivité » (Development of a large-scale single U.S. region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application), par James Andrew Giesecke.

Análisis económico espacial: editorial

Extracto En este estudio resumimos y hacemos comentarios sobre estudios publicados en la edición 6.3. Los estudios revisados son: ‘In Search of ‘W’’ (En busca de ‘W’) de Richard Harris, John Moffat y Victoria Kravtsova; ‘Cross-national neighbouring effects on European regional specialisation’ (Efectos de la contigüidad transnacional sobre la especialización regional europea) de Toni Mora, Patricia García-Duran y Montserrat Millet; ‘Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy’ (Paridad del poder adquisitivo intranacional y los efectos Balassa-Samuelson en Italia) de Andrea Vaona; ‘Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective’ (Empresa y ventaja competitiva en el contexto australiano: una perspectiva econométrica espacial) de Paul Plummer y Michael Taylor; y, ‘Development of a large-scale single U.S. region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application’ (Desarrollo de un modelo CGE a gran escala de una región estadounidense única utilizando datos IMPLAN: un ejemplo de Los Angeles County con una aplicación de choque de productividad) de James Andrew Giesecke.


This paper examines the potential effects of European Community (EC) integration. It develops a number of assumptions representing the EC directives, and introduces them in the INFORUM system of models, which links inter-industry dynamic macro-economic models of 10 countries. These assumptions include the deregulation of financial services, abolition of border controls, increased competition, economies of scale and opening up of government procurement. According to the system results, the European economies will experience higher economic growth and higher per capita income, with lower prices and higher labor productivity. It is expected that the rest of the world economies will not be affected significantly by the European integration. Finally, the integration process will generate diverse results across sectors in different countries.  相似文献   

本文分析了国外大学城到国内大学城的形成和发展,论述了两者之间的关系,并例举了一些比较知名的大学城对其周边的区域经济的辐射带动作用以及尚待协调发展的方向提出一些思考和建议。  相似文献   


Regional economics appears to be losing its currency in academic discourse, with a clear preference over recent years for the term ‘spatial economics’. This essay examines the nature of the developments in order to explore their implications for regional economics, focusing on four key aspects: empirical methods and the ‘tools’ of regional economics; theory and the appropriate spatial scale; the ‘regional problem’; and regional policy. It finds reasons to suggest that the ‘region’ is of less importance, but argues that the use of the term ‘spatial’ does not reflect dissatisfaction with regional economics, but rather it signals the reinvigoration of the subject from its formal connection to mainstream economics. This is primarily in the form of the new economic geography model, although limitations with this have led to an unsatisfactory form of regional policy that is based on growth theory.

Avance de l’économie spatiale: une communication sur la nature et la pertinence de l’économie régionale

RÉSUMÉ L’économie régionale semble avoir perdu du terrain dans les discussions académiques, et on lui préfère clairement, depuis quelques années, l'expression ‘économie spatiale’. La présente communication se penche sur la nature des développements, afin d'explorer leurs implications pour l’économie régionale, en examinant les quatre aspects principaux suivants: les méthodes empiriques et les ‘outils’ de l’économie régionale; la théorie et l’échelle spatiale appropriée; le ‘problème régional’; et la politique régionale. Il détermine des raisons pour affirmer que la ‘région’ joue un rôle moins important, mais estime que l'usage du mot ‘spatial’ ne reflète pas le mécontentement avec l’économie régionale, mais indique un renouveau pour ce sujet après ses liens officiels avec l’économie générale. Ce renouveau se présente principalement sous forme du nouveau modèle de géographie économique, bien que certaines de ses limitations risquent de donner lieu à une forme peu satisfaisante de politique régionale, basée sur la théorie de la croissance.

Avance de lo espacial: un trabajo sobre la naturaleza y la importancia de la economía regional

RÉSUMÉN?La economía regional parece estar perdiendo su difusión dentro de la disertación académica, mientras que durante los últimos años se observa una preferencia clara por el término ‘economía espacial’. Este trabajo examina la naturaleza de los desarrollos con objeto de explorar sus implicaciones para la economía regional, centrándose en cuatro aspectos clave: métodos empíricos y las ‘herramientas’ de la economía regional; teoría y la escala espacial apropiada; el ‘problema regional’; y política regional. Encuentra razones que sugieren que la ‘región’ tiene menor importancia, aunque arguye que el uso del término ‘espacial’ no refleja insatisfacción con la economía regional, sino que indica la revitalización del tema con respecto a su conexión formal con la economía dominante. Esto se da principalmente en la forma del nuevo modelo de geografía económica, aunque sus limitaciones pueden resultar en una forma insatisfactoria de política regional basada en teoría de crecimiento.


海洋经济研究一直在探索中前进,并形成了不同的研究体系。从海洋经济的概念不同影射研究范围的不同,到研究方向的区别,加上现在海洋经济在国民经济中的重要性,使海洋经济研究渗透性很强。通过对海洋经济文献的研究,发现所有的文献均未能考虑地区间可能存在空间自相关,进而提出了运用空间计量分析方法来研究海洋经济区域差异的可能性。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the European Union's Cohesion Policy in reducing regional socio-economic gaps remains an open empirical issue, while evidence as to how the policy is affected by specific territorial factors and which social groups benefit most from it remains sparse. This article seeks to address this gap by disentangling the impact of the European Social Fund (ESF) on youth education and employment prospects. Drawing on macro-level data for the European NUTS-2 regions, we assess the impact that this fund has on different education-specific youth population shares and employment rates. In the case of education, we find that the receipt of funding is associated with a human capital polarization of regional populations. Specifically, we identify a positive impact of the ESF on population shares with lower-secondary and tertiary education, and a simultaneous negative impact on the share of those with upper-secondary education. In the case of employment, we find a positive response for youth of all education levels. A heterogeneity analysis indicates that both the education and employment responses of the youth population to the receipt of the ESF are strongly influenced by local specialization in high-skilled activities.  相似文献   


This paper employs spatial econometrics techniques to estimate the impact of bankruptcy regulation on small firm formation. The estimation of the model is computationally challenging due to the joint appearance of a lagged endogenous variable and the unobserved heterogeneity which requires modelling of initial conditions as described in Heckman (1981). We test for the joint significance of the state dummy variables in a way that can be viewed as an interesting alternative to the Hausman procedure. This was important for our analysis since, as sometimes happens in finite samples, the estimated variance–covariance matrix was not positive semi-definite. We found that the predicted probability of starting a business is 25% higher in states with higher bankruptcy exemptions than their neighbours relative to states with lower exemptions than their neighbours.

Un modèle spatial de l'impact des lois sur la faillite sur la création d'entreprises

Résumé La présente communication emploie des techniques d’économétrie spatiale pour évaluer l'impact de la réglementation en matière de faillite sur la constitution de petites entreprises. L'estimation du modèle pose des difficultés sur le plan computationnel en raison de l'apparition conjointe d'une variable endogène décalée et de l'hétérogénéité non observée, qui rend nécessaire la modélisation de conditions initiales, de la façon décrite par Heckman (1981). Nous testons la signification conjointe des variables indicatrices de l’état d'une façon qui peut être considérée comme une alternative intéressante à la procédure de Hausman. Ceci était important pour notre analyse, car, comme nous le relevons parfois dans des échantillons finis, la matrice variance–covariance estimée n’était pas semi-définie positive. Nous en concluons que la probabilité prévisible du lancement d'une affaire est plus élevée de l'ordre de 25% dans les états qui appliquent des exemptions pour les faillites supérieures à celles des pays avoisinants, par rapport aux états qui appliquent des exemptions inférieures à celles de leurs voisins.

Un modelo espacial del impacto de la ley de bancarrotas sobre las iniciativas empresariales

Résumén Este artículo emplea técnicas de econometría espacial para estimar el impacto de las normativas de bancarrotas sobre la formación de empresas pequeñas. La valoración del modelo es computacionalmente desafiante, debido a la aparición conjunta de una variable endógena rezagada y heterogeneidad inadvertida que requieren la modelación de las condiciones iniciales, como se describe en Heckman (1981). Ensayamos la significancia conjunta de las variables de prueba estatales de una forma que puede percibirse como una alternativa interesante al procedimiento Hausman. Esto fue importante para nuestro análisis, ya que, como ocurre a veces con muestras finitas, la matriz estimada de varianza–covarianza no fue semidefinitiva positiva. Descubrimos que la probabilidad predicha de iniciar un negocio es un 25% mayor en los estados con mayores exenciones de bancarrota que sus vecinos, en relación con estados con menos exenciones que sus vecinos.


轨道交通对房地产价值影响研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了轨道交通对房地产价值影响的国内外相关研究成果,指出分市场效应是导致已有研究结论之间不一致的重要原因.同时,列出了未来值得研究的一些问题,包括对商业及办公物业价值的影响,轨道交通影响在空间和时间上的变化特点,以及空间计量经济学的应用,例如空间自相关和分市场效应的处理等.  相似文献   

欧盟生态纺织品标准的迅速提高,趋向越来越严格,特别是新版Oeko-Tex Standard 100和修订后的Eco-label标签,使我国现有的纺织服装生态标准与其规定的标准差距正在不断地拉大。文章对欧盟纺织品生态标签体系进行深入地研究分析,阐述国内外纺织品生态标签体系的现状和发展趋势,解读欧盟生态标签体系给我国纺织行业带来的影响和冲击,提出操作性强的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper estimates a Ricardian model of farmland value across the counties of the semiarid Southwestern United States. Compared to previous contributions, we focus on one climate zone and include the presence of extreme weather events and of farm subsidies in our analysis. We also control for heterogeneity and for various types of spillover effects. Once calibrated, the model is used to project changes due to future climate conditions. We find that the probability of a decrease is great in highland counties while an increase or decrease is equally probable in lowland counties where climate impacts farmland value less.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the concept of human resource management was created and has been developed in the United States of America. The relevance of that model in other parts of the world is open to exploration, conceptually and empirically. Looking at Europe, the paper examines successively the differences between the US and European HR management systems; the differences between regional groupings within Europe; and then the differences at national level. Finally, the article looks at some of the explanations for the differences identified and whether there are signs of convergence and outlines some of the implications for scholarship in the field.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100978
This paper shows that R&D subsidy policies at the European Union (EU) and national levels stimulated labor productivity in Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) in the years after their entry to the EU. However, the average impact of national funding on labor productivity was higher for countries in the Western control group than in the CEEC sample. EU R&D subsidies compensated the CEEC in part for the greater innovation impact of Western economies. Although they crowded out some R&D subsidies by local governments at the country level, the EU subsidies crowded in many national and local subsidies at the firm level. Local/regional state innovation aid to enterprises encouraged no increase in labor productivity in all but one of the sample CEEC countries. These impacts are assessed in a sequential structural econometric model estimated using Eurostat’s collection of Community Innovation Surveys covering the years 2006–2014.  相似文献   

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