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Ecotourism potentially provides a sustainable approach to development in Malaysia. However, to realise this potential the adverse effects of visitor activity and associated infrastructure on the natural environment and the tourism experience must be identified to guide management actions and thus to sustain the resources on which ecotourism ultimately depends. This study, conducted in Bako National Park on the island of Borneo, reports one of the first efforts to identify the impacts of ecotourism in Malaysia from the perspective of visitors. Environmental conditions of greatest influence on visitors’ experiences included litter and biophysical conditions such as soil erosion and vegetation damage. These conditions were of greater concern to visitors than social conditions, such as the number of people. These results suggest that management efforts can be directed towards indicators of greatest concern such as litter, soil erosion and vegetation damage. The broad support given by those surveyed for a range of management actions provides managers with a choice of strategies to sustain ecotourism in Bako National Park. This study, with its sociopolitical approach, contributes to a greater understanding of the implications of the ecotourist experience for ecotourism management in Malaysia.  相似文献   

This study was designed to gain an understanding of the perceptions of foreign tourists traveling to Iran of the image of Iran (both pre- and post-travel), trip value, satisfaction, intention to revisit Iran, and likelihood to recommend Iran as a travel destination to others. The empirical data was conveniently obtained from 298 tourists who visited Iran. Using SPSS 19 and LISREL 8.8 programs, the results showed that there was a significant difference between the pre- and post-travel image of Iran. Before the visit, tourists had a negative image of Iran. This changed, however, after their visit. The results also showed that the post-travel image directly influenced trip value and tourist satisfaction. Furthermore, trip value and tourist satisfaction directly influenced revisit and recommend intentions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual analysis of the crossover between religious tourism and archaeology. It begins with a clarification of what religious tourism is and continues to consider the link between archaeological sites, religious heritage and religious tourism. It then moves on to a supply-focused typology of sites and a typology of visitors according to their characteristics. It also discusses the primary conflicts existing today between archaeology and religious tourism. In light of this discussion, it concludes with thoughts on possible future research needs. The paper conceptualized the multiple relationships between religious tourism and religious archaeology. Archaeological remains that also serve as attractions for religious tourism appear to have unique characteristics, the understanding of which is important for long-term planning and development that will take into consideration archaeological, religious, political, and tourism needs. A better understanding of these contexts may also ultimately contribute to our understanding of the development versus conservation arguments facing archaeological areas.  相似文献   

This study aimed to reveal local residents’ perceptions of the impacts of sport tourism development (STD) in Taiwan's North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area (NCGNSA) and estimated both the monetary values of STD's positive benefits and its negative impact costs to serve as references for Taiwan's government in developing sport tourism policies. Based on the theory of the triple bottom line, the contingent valuation method was employed to ask residents about what prices they were willing to pay to possess and develop the resources of sport tourism and then a Tobit regression was used to implement parameter estimation and value calculation. The results indicated that the estimated total positive benefits for STD in the NCGNSA were approximately US$87.47?million per year and its negative impact costs were approximately US$24.47?million per year.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among cognition, emotion, sensory, well-being perception, satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and intention to revisit airline lounges. Results of the structural analysis revealed that travelers’ overall perceptions of well-being were more dependent on the cognitive and sensory dimensions of the lounge experience, and cognitive evaluation was more influential than sensory evaluation in enhancing this perception of well-being. Our results indicated that travelers’ perceived well-being with regard to the airline lounge experience induced high levels of satisfaction. Moreover, it was identified that this perception of well-being was not enough to generate travelers’ positive word-of-mouth, but it did ensure their repatronage.  相似文献   


The pernicious existence of race serves as the underlying force in modern societies. As such, the aim of this discussion is to postulate that leisure is a tool of racecraft: 1) the articulation of power, 2) the erection of places of demarcation, and 3) reification of the racial order. What is presented here is in one part a re-examination of seminal texts on Race in leisure studies and another part a case study of the 1919 Chicago race riots and the Biloxi wade-ins from 1959 to 1963. Both of these historical cases illustrate the simple act of recreational swimming in legally or socially segregated waters and pools outraged the White social order in the United States. This history is mirrored in the present day, not as another isolated horrible aside that arises from time-to-time in leisure but rather as the seemingly perpetual role of leisure to maintain the proper racial order, racecraft.  相似文献   


The current research study attempted to identify to what extent the overall, generic image of a place is determined by, or related to, site specific locations within the destination. A series of answers to open-ended questions were elicited from 102 respondents in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The data were analyzed using thematic and textual analysis using the neural network program CatPac?, a principal components analysis of dichotomous variables and Spearman rho tests of frequency ranking. The results from this study imply that two homogeneities of image are able to exist simultaneously in the visitors' minds, even though little correlation appears to exist between the images.  相似文献   

‘Accueil’ is a French word that means feeling welcome somewhere and being introduced into a process that takes the visitor from being an outsider (a stranger) to being an insider (one of us). Accueil also means feeling the host’s genuine pleasure in welcoming his or her guests through words, attitudes, and actions. Based on a survey (n = 1,003) done for the Quebec Department of Tourism1, we look at how different segments of visitors perceived the ‘accueil’ they received while traveling in the province of Quebec. The results are analysed for lodging, restaurants and attractions. We found that accueil is perceived differently depending on the age of the visitor, the group size and its composition. To a lesser extend, it is also influenced by gender and social status. The characteristics of the trip (distance, purpose and length) have little impact on accueil.  相似文献   

This study examines trekkers' perceptions of risk and death associated with high mountain adventure tourism based on their actual experience during the trek to the Everest Base Camp. The study is based on the authors' fieldwork conducted during April to May 2014. Interview questions focused on trekkers' perceptions of risks associated with their own activities, and the risks taken by professional mountaineers and Sherpa guides. Results show that trekkers realized the differences in risks associated with climbing and trekking, and celebrated the accounts of risk taken by the mountaineers. But when risk was self-experienced during the trek, celebration turned into fear and emotional distress. Trekkers generally held foreign mountaineers with much higher reverence than Sherpa climbers. The study concludes with the suggestion that more research is needed to examine the dynamic emotional state of adventure tourists, commodification of high mountain adventure, and understanding local perspectives of adventure tourists.  相似文献   

The tourism efficiency in scenic areas is influenced by multi-factor joined effects, presenting multi-scale fluctuation characteristics in temporal terms and regional differences in spatial terms. This paper, by adopting the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method and Bootstrap-DEA model, calculates their tourism and decomposition efficiency. Then, based on methods of empirical mode decomposition, wavelet decomposition and Morlet wavelet multi-scale decomposition, the paper reveals the fluctuation characteristics, process and its spatial differentiation of tourism efficiency change in scenic areas from the perspective of the time–frequency domain, quantitatively investigating the important factors influencing its dynamic change, so as to summarize and refine the dynamic evolution models of tourism efficiency. Lastly, the mean generating function method is applied to conduct statistical prediction for scenic areas’ tourism efficiency in different regions, combined with the principal component method for regional integration, which provides an effective way for studying temporal–spatial differentiation characteristics of tourism efficiency change in scenic areas.  相似文献   

This study examines how the readers’ credibility assessment of a travel blog article written about a destination relates to the following: intention to adopt the opinions expressed in the article; intention to recommend the article to others; intention to visit that destination; and place familiarity with and attachment to that destination. Partial least squares analysis revealed that past experience with the destination is needed for readers to use their credibility assessment of the article to recommend it to others. Place identity negatively moderates between blog’s credibility and review acceptance. Past experience is needed for place familiarity to be a moderator.  相似文献   

A Korean TV drama series (Daejanggeum), with a story line focusing on Korean food, was exported to over 50 countries resulting in a surprisingly popular mega-hit. The popularity of this TV drama, transcended across countries and cultural boundaries, has brought an enhancement to the national image of Korea or national brand, and led to a surge in sales of Korean industrial products, as well as an increased interest in Korean tourism resources. This study attempted to empirically investigate the effects of the TV drama series on the national image and intention to visit Korea as perceived by Chinese diners. Interestingly, the “peculiarity of Korean culture” was a main reason for preferring Korean cuisine, which positively affected the perception of the national image and the intention to visit Korea to partake in food tourism. Further, this study suggests that future studies are needed to compare the results of this research according to national, ethnic, regional, or religious boundaries. The comparison of other ethnic groups will be helpful for establishing different marketing strategies according to the different cohorts with different consumption patterns.  相似文献   

This article investigates the constructs of tourists’ place attachment to a traditional Chinese urban destination as well as the differences of these constructs across tourists with different cultural backgrounds. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis show that place attachment consists of four major factors: place identity, place dependence, affective attachment, and social bonding. Estimation results also reveal differences in the importance of place attachment constructs between Chinese and Western tourists. In addition, tourists’ socio-demographic and travel characteristics are found to be associated with their attachment to places in the urban destination. Based on the empirical results, policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

Tour guides play a key role in the archaeological site visitor experience by providing interpretation and information. The archaeological site of Jarash, Jordan, is an important heritage destination for a diverse tourist market. It is located in a cultural landscape setting where many archaeological and historical monuments are well preserved. However, at present, this heritage rich seems far from being completely interpreted and valorized by not only local people but also by visitors. This paper reflects on the information and stories provided by tour guides about sites where heritage tourism experiences take place. Within this context, interpretation by tour guides is analyzed. A mixed-methods approach is used to accomplish this and includes qualitative data from semi-structured interviews, participant observations and desk research. The analysis is helpful in confirming that the way tour guides interpret a site influences site valorization and visitor experiences directly. From a practical perspective, the findings provide important insights for understanding how to develop an interpretative model that utilizes site values and the potential for providing better visitor experiences. The findings of this study provide a better understanding of guided package tours and provide suggestions for tour guides and heritage site managers in Jordan.  相似文献   

Going beyond the traditional East/West consumer differentiation in studying service failure, this article examined the impact of acculturation, together with ethnicity of service staff and origin of a hotel brand on consumers’ perceptions and behavioral responses. The research drew on four focus groups conducted in Beijing with 34 participants, followed by an experiment for which data were collected from 451 Chinese-Americans and 464 Mainland Chinese. Results showed significant differences in perceptions and behavioral responses following a service failure between Chinese-Americans and Mainland Chinese, and among Chinese-Americans with different acculturation strategies. Implications of study findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Social movements exist in a liminal space between labour and leisure. Movements require an inordinate amount of work – mobilising communities, studying policy issues, raising funds, organising events and participating in direct action – but protesting can also be fun. Demonstrations engender community through singing, shouting, marching and confronting authority figures. Activists often pass up typical leisure activities and take time off of work to protest. This article examines the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) to understand how people engage in both labour and leisure when participating in social movements. During the summer of 1968, a racially, geographically and politically diverse coalition of poor people caravanned to Washington, DC, and built a temporary city where they lived in wooden A‐frame huts for over six weeks in an attempt to expose poverty. Volunteers provided participants with social services and basic necessities they lacked at home, while participants conducted daily protests at nearby government agencies, demanding assistance for the basic needs of housing, food and jobs. While participants suffered under gruelling conditions – living in the summer heat and muddy conditions due to torrential rains – many have recounted how pleasurable the experience was. Most participants had never travelled beyond their home state, and the PPC provided participants with a free trip to the nation’s capital, three square meals a day, a chance to meet new people, and the opportunity to unite with other poor people and demand justice.  相似文献   

A clear understanding of residents’ attitudes towards tourism development and its determinants is a crucial pillar for designing tourism development strategies to promote sustainable development. The literature on the influence of host–tourist interactions and place attachment on residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in developing countries is still scarce. To extend knowledge in this field, this study aims at developing and testing a structural model to examine direct and indirect causal effects of place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive and negative tourism impacts on the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in an island tourism destination – Boa Vista Island in Cape Verde. Results suggest that the residents’ attitudes are positively affected by place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive impacts; and negatively affected by perceived negative impacts. Host–tourist interaction emerges as the strongest (direct and indirect) determinant of the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development. Moreover, although both positive and negative perceptions of tourism impacts have significant impacts on the residents’ attitudes, the influence of the former is stronger than that of the latter. The paper ends with relevant theoretical and practical implications to promote positive residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in Boa Vista.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a survey of urban and rural residents’ of the perceived impacts of change induced by tourism in Ankang, China. The paper will initially indicate the literature that informed the research and the geographical context of the study. Second, results derived from a questionnaire that incorporated both open-ended and closed questions will be presented. The concepts that informed the research were derived from past similar studies, place attachment and senses of modernity. Initial analysis showed no differences between urban and rural residents, both on impact assessment scales and categorical data derived from the coding of responses to open-ended questions. Overall it was found that residents had favourable attitudes toward tourism. The use of comparison based likelihood ratios did reveal some nuanced differences between ‘high’ and ‘low scorers’ relating to the issues of economic development and pollution independent of place of residence but based on a sense of that place of residence being ‘special’. The total number of respondents was 474. Implications for future studies are discussed and include comments on the need for direct contact and observation.  相似文献   


In recent years the British media have made much of the apparent decline of standards in British sports. In order to interrogate the veracity of media assumptions regarding the standards of conduct in major British sports, a selection of British sports spectators were interviewed in order to examine: (i) their perceptions of the values and norms of sport; (ii) whether they thought that sporting conduct as currently demonstrated by UK sportsmen and women was positive and related to some ideal notion of the ‘ethos of sport’ and the ‘spirit of the game’; (iii) whether they thought that there had been an improvement, a decline or no change in the ethical standards of conduct in those sports; and (iv) views on the impact of new technologies on the values and norms of sport. At least 200 questionnaires were collected from spectators at each of the following major sporting events: (a) the English Nationwide Football League Divisions 2 and 3 play‐offs, Cardiff, May 2001; (b) the All England Tennis Championships, Wimbledon, July 2001; (c) the England vs Australia Cricket Test match, Edgbaston Birmingham, July 2001; and (iv) the British Open Golf Championships, Royal Lytham and St Annes, Lancashire, July 2001. Results showed that there were statistically significant differences in what sports spectators thought about British professional sportspersons acting in a fair and sporting way and also that standards of conduct had generally declined over the last 10 years. A general pattern of distribution emerged where the team sports (cricket and football) were less favourably perceived than the individual sports (golf and tennis).  相似文献   

The role of meeting planners is essential to the successful completion of a meeting. Their involvement includes coordinating every detail of a meeting, such as budgeting, solicitation of sponsorship, preparation of request for proposals, reservation of facilities or services, translation, and interpretation. Despite meeting planners’ significance, no real effort has been made to identify their competencies, motivations, and benefits. In this study, six competency, four motivation, and two benefit domains were identified. The most important competency domain was the “ability to understand social trends and good manners,” whereas the “ability to perform foreign languages” domain was a relatively low-importance competency. Regarding the benefits, the respondents showed appreciation for opportunities to globalize and gain social recognition by becoming a meeting planner. Compared with the female respondents, the male respondents believed that they had a higher level of evaluative knowledge regarding current competency and specialized expertise.  相似文献   

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