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李霞 《税务与经济》2008,(3):105-108
国外大量的经验研究表明,税收是影响公司资本结构的重要因素。而我国具有自身特有的制度与经济背景,通过对我国上市公司财务数据进行检验,可以为我国税收是否影响公司资本结构,以及影响程度的大小提供实证方面的证据,并为进一步改善税收经济调节作用提供思路。  相似文献   

资本结构也就是财产所有权的结构安排,而财产所有权往往最终与收益权对应,所以资本结构又牵系着产权安排,或者说资本结构决定了产权安排结构。这样作为股权资本与债券资本比例关系的资本结构,反映的是市场经济条件下企业的金融关系,即以资本和信用为纽带,通过投资与借贷构成的股东、债权人和经营者之间相互制约的利益关系。  相似文献   

In this paper, estimates of the effects of local domestic property taxes (rates) on local house prices are presented, and the effect of local taxes on owner-occupied dwelling prices is calculated for a number of English cities for the period up to 1990. The methods used enable estimation to be made of the effect of the introduction, during 1990, of the Community Charge or poll tax in England, when the local tax base was moved from housing consumption onto individual residency. It is estimated that the reform could have increased house prices by around 15 per cent and contributed substantially to house price inflation.  相似文献   

本文调查了上海证券交易所A股非金融业上市公司(2003—2005数据),从风险分散化的角度考察了股权结构(第一大股东持股)对资本结构(公司负债)的制度影响。作者发现,第一大股东持股对公司资产负债率均具有显示的负向影响;即使在控制了公司其他主要特征(资产规模、资产结构、盈利能力和市场价值)的影响之后,第一大股东持股对公司负债的负向效应仍然显著。这意味着,第一大股东持股越高,他们减少公司财务杠杆的动机就越强。该经验结果支持了本文风险分散化的理论预期:第一大股东具有显著的通过降低公司负债回避风险的融资倾向和管理动机。作者还观察到。作为法人(或非国有股东)的第一大股东比作为国有股东的第一大股东具有更强烈的动机降低公司债务。这一发现为风险分散化的理论解释提供了进一步的经验证据。本文的研究表明,股权集中化的公司可能会偏离最优财务决策的轨道。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between corporate taxation, firm age and debt. We adapt a standard model of capital structure choice under corporate taxation, focusing on the financing and investment decisions typically faced by a firm. Our model suggests that the debt ratio is associated positively with the corporate tax rate and negatively with firm age. Further, we predict that the tax-induced advantage of debt is more important for older firms than for younger ones. To test these hypotheses empirically, we use a cross-section of around 405,000 firms from 35 European countries and 127 NACE three-digit industries. In line with previous research, we find that a firm's debt ratio increases with the corporate tax rate. Further, we observe that older firms exhibit smaller debt ratios than their younger counterparts. Finally, consistent with our theoretical model, we find a positive interaction between corporate taxation and firm age, indicating that the impact of corporate taxation on debt increases over a firm's lifetime.  相似文献   

The corporate tax claim of the government is internalised in the analysis of the corporation's capital structure. In this framework the M-M Propositions are rederived. In the proposed approach, the current value of the firm is calculated on a before-tax basis, and is equal to the sum of present values of equity, debt, and government claim. An enhanced M-M model is derived, which is more representative of modern financial realities, and has significant implications for the practice of financial analysis. The paper highlights the potential conflict of interest among the different claimholders in making an investment decision. The model presented here allows us to analyse the tradeoffs among various policies available to the government to encourage investments to their socially optimal level.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of multinational firms and double taxation treaties for corporate income taxation in open economies. We show that it is optimal for a small open economy to levy positive corporate income taxes if multinational firms are taxed according to the full taxation after deduction system or the foreign tax credit system. Positive corporate taxes also occur in the asymmetric case where some countries apply the exemption system and others apply the tax credit system. If all countries apply the exemption system, the optimal corporate income tax is zero. We also show that, under tax competition, corporate income taxes are not necessarily too low from the perspective of the economy as a whole. While the undertaxation result is confirmed for the case of the exemption system, tax rates may also be inefficiently high if the deduction or the credit systems are applied.  相似文献   

Taxes and production: The case of Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the effectiveness of investment incentives and corporate income taxes in influencing production and investment decisions in the Pakistani wearing apparel and leather products industries. Three tax instruments are considered: the corporate income tax (CIT), the investment tax credit (ITC), and the capital cost allowance (CCA).The results show that since there are significant capital adjustment costs, it is important to distinguish between the short, intermediate, and long-run effects associated with the tax instruments. Production decisions are relatively more responsive to changes in the ITC rate compared to changes in either CCA or CIT rates in each run. However, only in the long run for the apparel industry are the ITC and CCA rates cost effective in stimulating investment. The CIT is never cost effective. Thus targeted instruments outperform the general CIT instrument. In addition, although the incentive to invest is enhanced, there is little effect on output. Therefore, tax incentives essentially make production techniques more capital intensive.  相似文献   

This paper advances expressions for the firm's valuation and cost of capital as a function of leverage. The framework is arrived at by introducing leverage in Dempsey's (1996 and 1998) cost of capital framework and is applicable in the context of both classical and imputation tax systems. The framework reveals that both the historical stability of corporate leverage and the firm's choice of financing structure as revealed by the Pecking Order hypothesis are consistent with a tax-based explanation.  相似文献   

通过对人力资本与人均征收额相关性的分析,可以看出,在其他因素相同的情况下,人力资本水平越高,税收的人均征收额越高.据此,对地方税务系统人力资本的发展提出两点建议:各地区应提高税务人员人力资本的积累;在既定的人力资本存量下,提高人力资本的利用效率.  相似文献   

基于税收视角的上市公司资本结构选择分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优化的上市公司资本结构有助于资本要素的合理配置和充分利用,规避投资风险,增加公司资本收益。据此,公司资本结构理论研究的重点应放在各种融资方式之间选择的动机和适当的比例等问题上。但是,以往的研究往往忽′略了税收这个极其重要的因素对于公司资本结构选择的影响。通过对影响资本结构选择的税收因素的理论和实证分析,可以证实税收的重大影响作用,并借以提出促进债务融资发展和资本市场建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

国有商业银行人力资本产权的作用日益突出,人力资本产权直接影响国有商业银行公司治理结构。要充分肯定商业银行公司治理结构发展的“路径依赖”特征,在原有制度的运行基础上充分体现商业银行的特殊性——人力资本产权,对现有公司治理结构进行渐近式的边际调整,最终在引入人力资本产权的基础上形成国有商业银行公司治理结构设计。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a methodologyfor computing time-consistent, strategic capital taxes in a largeopen economy and to analyze the nature of these taxes. Our resultssuggest that even if a full set of nondistortionary taxes isunavailable and even if the government has redistributive goals,the country which imports capital should tax corporate capitaland the capital exporter should subsidize it. We perform comparativestatics experiments to show how strategically chosen taxes varywith the parameters of the model. JEL classifications: H21,E62  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes companies' capital structure and dividend decisions under distributed profit taxation (DPT), Estonia's corporate taxation regime since 2000. The sample covers 26,000 observations of Estonian companies from 1995 to 2004. The results show that the DPT system has led companies to pay less in dividends and retain more profits. Simultaneously, the importance of external financing in companies' total capital has decreased. The undistributed profits appear to be partially retained as surplus cash, instead of being reinvested into long-term productive assets. DPT seems to support companies' liquidity and sustainability; however, the allocation of funds is potentially inefficient.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interaction between financial structure,liquidation values and product market equilibrium. Liquidation values depend on how many firms are liquidated, and therefore on the industry equilibrium of capital structures and of technology choices.We show that firms using a technology with high liquidation value issue lessdebt than those with low liquidation value even if these ones may beinefficiently liquidated. With respect to the equilibrium in the industry,we obtain that even if in equilibrium all firms use the same technology,firms will use widely different capital structures.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional evidence on the relationship between corporate taxes and debt using panel data on Italian companies. The panel covers 1054 companies for the years 1982–1994.The paper follows the Graham-Shevlin methodology for calculating company specific marginal tax rates (MTR) relying on the non-linearity of corporate tax schedules resulting from company losses and the ensuing tax provisions (carry-forward and backward rules). In the period covered by the panel there were in Italy two taxes on corporate income (IRPEG and ILOR), with different loss carry-forward rules, whose statutory tax rates and tax bases changed several times. For these reasons the simulated MTRs display both cross-sectional and time-series variation.The paper tests whether taxes encourage the use of debt by analysing incremental financing decisions. In order to cope with the endogeneity of the MTR the paper considers two different specifications. The first uses the lagged value of the simulated MTR. The second employs the estimate of before-financing MTR proposed by Graham et al. (1998). Significant cross-sectional tax effects are identified under both specifications whereas time-series variation cannot be identified if due account is taken of firm-fixed tax effects.The paper also investigates whether personal taxes affect corporate financing decisions. The MTR may either overstate or understate the fiscal benefit of debt financing according to whether, at the personal level, interest income is taxed at a rate that is higher or lower than the tax rate on returns from common stocks. Differences in the dividend-payout ratio across companies and several reforms in interest, dividend and capital gains taxation provide sufficient cross-section and time-series variations to identify the effect of personal taxes on debt usage.  相似文献   

This paper empirically assesses the determinants of future net capital expenditures for a broad cross-section of COMPUSTAT firms from 1973 to 1989. We explore three general categories of factors expected to affect investment: (1) external equity financing, (2) internally generated accounting information, and (3) tax incentives. We find that external financing and information plays a role in that both positive stock returns and equity issuances indicate future increases in investment. The results suggest that high stock prices not only lower the cost of capital, but also signal good investment opportunities. Accounting information about internal sources and uses of funds are also important in the investment decision. In particular, net income and depreciation are positive indicators of future investment while there is a tradeoff between the payment of dividends and investment. Further, positive changes in available cash liquidity also motivate future investment. While taxes are not important in the investment decision on average, we find that firms with previously higher income taxes invested substantially more in 1985 and 1986. This coincides with the repeal of the investment tax credit and the accelerated depreciation schedules in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. We view this as evidence that federal tax policy in the 1980's induced firms with high income tax obligations to accelerate capital expenditures just before the favorable tax treatment of capital expenditures was eliminated.  相似文献   

In this article I expand on Turnbull’s presentation by highlighting two important aspects of regulations and their effects on land use. First, I summarize what we know about the dynamic effects of property taxation and discuss alternative tax regimes and their implications for land use. Second, I analyze the role of development impact fees and consider ways in which this new financing method may be rationalized.  相似文献   

国有资产管理改革的路径是由客观环境制约下的公共选择机制所决定的 ,清醒地认识这一点 ,并因势利导 ,平衡好利益矛盾 ,使之迂回渐进地趋近符合公共财政要求的规范目标 ,是我们的必然选择。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between a firm's capital structure and its information acquisition prior to capital budgeting decisions. It is found that low-growth industries can sustain a large number of levered firms. In these industries, leverage is negatively related to a firm's incentive to acquire information during the capital budgeting process. In contrast, high-growth industries only sustain a small number of levered firms. In these industries, levered firms acquire more information than all-equity financed firms. The model yields empirical predictions regarding the effects of leverage on the expected amount and the volatility of corporate investment. While leverage does not affect firm value, highly levered firms generate a more volatile cash flow than firms with low debt levels.  相似文献   

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