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The reported study helps move the literature beyond conceptual arguments that have been made and repeated in the literature by investigating the equivalence of three psychological contract (PC) measures that were based on alternative conceptualizations of the PC construct. Employees from a wide range of organizations (n = 1054) were randomly assigned to complete either an expectation, obligation, or promise based measure of their PCs. The equivalence of the PC measures was assessed by comparing factor structures across the three forms, and examining the observed pattern of correlations between the PC measures and external criteria (e.g., trust, equity sensitivity, work centrality, education level). The results indicate that while the three PC measures evoke the same general mental framework in the minds of respondents, and behave similarly for some purposes, depending on the specific relationships being investigated, the measures may yield significantly different results (i.e., they are not fully interchangeable). Implications for theorizing and future research regarding the PC construct are discussed. Also reported is new evidence linking individual differences (e.g., work centrality, equity sensitivity) to perceived responsibilities and rights in the employment relationship.  相似文献   

赵勇宾 《价值工程》2012,31(8):269-270
随着社会的发展,合同相对性原则的缺陷不断暴露出来,于是合同相对性原则出现例外,各国开始承认合同相对性原则的例外。因此,通过从理论基础以及例外的实践应用探讨,寻求其合理性是有必要的。本文即以此为论。  相似文献   

泰勒规则与我国货币政策反应函数的实证研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文依据泰勒规则对我国1993-2003年期间货币政策进行了实证检验,发现基于利率平滑假设基础上的泰勒规则模型可以较好地拟合利率变动,并且总体而言,我国利率水平弹性不足,导致实际利率逆向变动,加大了产出和物价的波动。但1997年以后,名义利率的弹性有所增强,这有助于解释宏观经济波动幅度大幅下降的原因。  相似文献   

技术性贸易措施的风险评估,是开展准确预警的重要前提,目前相关的理论与实践较为缺乏。本文在指标评价法的基础上,采用德尔菲法、层次分析和模糊综合评价等数学方法,探索建立了技术性贸易措施损害的风险评估体系,并进行了实际验证,具有实践与指导意义。  相似文献   

企业经济合同管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,是联结企业外部经营活动和企业内部各管理环节的纽带,同时也是协调企业外部经济关系,改善和加强企业间协作关系的重要手段。只有加强企业的法制教育、设置精干高效的合同管理机构、建立健全完善的合同管理制度,才能够加强合同管理。只有加强合同管理,企业的生产经营活动才能够处处依法办事。只有依法办事,才能够依法治厂。  相似文献   

An Empirical Assessment of Country Risk Ratings and Associated Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  Country risk has become a topic of major concern for the international financial community over the last two decades. The importance of country ratings is underscored by the existence of several major country risk rating agencies, namely the Economist Intelligence Unit, Euromoney, Institutional Investor, International Country Risk Guide, Moody's, Political Risk Services, and Standard and Poor's. These risk rating agencies employ different methods to determine country risk ratings, combining a range of qualitative and quantitative information regarding alternative measures of economic, financial and political risk into associated composite risk ratings. However, the accuracy of any risk rating agency with regard to any or all of these measures is open to question. For this reason, it is necessary to review the literature relating to empirical country risk models according to established statistical and econometric criteria used in estimation, evaluation and forecasting. Such an evaluation permits a critical assessment of the relevance and practicality of the country risk literature. The paper also provides an international comparison of risk ratings for twelve countries from six geographic regions. These ratings are compiled by the International Country Risk Guide, which is the only rating agency to provide detailed and consistent monthly data over an extended period for a large number of countries. The time series data permit a comparative assessment of the international country risk ratings, and highlight the importance of economic, financial and political risk ratings as components of a composite risk rating.  相似文献   

物流企业员工绩效考核的内容主要包括员工的态度和能力考核,物流企业员工绩效指标设计的内容分为绩效维度、能力维度、态度维度和个人素质等方面.物流企业员工指标体系设计的考核采用360绩效考核,考核方法主要采用KPI法和AHP法,把绩效考核的结果在报酬运用、工作调整、开发潜能等方面进行运用.  相似文献   

工程项目中合同内容及签订一直是人们最关注的问题,合同可保证签订的双方必须要按照所签订的内容去履行,受法律保护,这也是约束双方的有效手段。而建设项目合同作为建设方与施工方之间的合同关系,同样受到法律的保护。本文就工程项目合同管理中同施工方签订合同的注意事项及风险评估进行了详细的分析说明,以便大家今后在工程项目合同管理中,处理、评估好合同风险。  相似文献   

Testing the existence of excess filter rule trading profits is one of the weak-form tests of market efficiency. Using intra-daily Deutsche mark/U.S. dollar exchange rate data from February 1985 to August 1989, this study applies the x' statistic in Sweeney (1986) to examine whether significant excess filter rule profits exist. The results show that many combinations of in and out filters generate significant x' statistics. Among them, in and out filters around 0.05–0.1 % generally lead to the highest excess filter rule profit. Furthermore, the performance of the filters remains stable when the sample period is broken down into three equal subperiods. Such findings indicate that there may be inefficiency in the intra-daily Deutsche mark/U.S. dollar market. An investor may earn excess profit in this market by applying the filter rule strategy.  相似文献   

熊璟 《物流技术》2012,(13):107-110,281
物流企业员工绩效考核的内容主要包括员工的态度和能力考核,物流企业员工绩效指标设计的内容分为绩效维度、能力维度、态度维度和个人素质等方面。物流企业员工指标体系设计的考核采用360绩效考核,考核方法主要采用KPI法和AHP法,把绩效考核的结果在报酬运用、工作调整、开发潜能等方面进行运用。  相似文献   

泰勒规则与麦克勒姆规则在中国货币政策中的检验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
麦克勒姆规则不能为我国的货币政策提供一个参考尺度,主要原因在于我国不适合将基础货币作为货币政策的操作目标;泰勒规则可以为我国的货币政策提供一个参考尺度,衡量货币政策的松紧,货币市场利率应成为我国的货币政策操作目标。但我们的估计表明,通胀缺口和产出缺口对利率的调整系数皆为负值,这是一种不稳定的货币政策规则,这要求货币当局在实施货币政策中应提高利率时通胀和产出的调整程度。  相似文献   

随着企业发展不断变革,国企总部机关人员能力考核评价的重要性被提升到了新的高度,受到广泛关注.然而,当前较多国企对于机关人员的能力考核存在各类问题.本文系统介绍国内某大型电力公司对于本部机关人员能力考核的实践研究,以胜任素质模型为标准,引入现代化考核工具和方法对人员能力进行扫描,并与人员发展相结合,促使考核评价结果落地,探索适用于国企机关总部人员能力发展的系统方法,以期为其他国企总部机关人员的能力素质考核提供借鉴和启发.  相似文献   

软件外包在过去二十年的发展引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。本文用定量研究的方法,对国际软件外包中接包商外包绩效的影响因素做实证研究。研究结果表明,在软件外包中,交流成本与接包商的外包绩效负相关,而接包商的规模、声誉、价格优势以及专业能力都与接包商的外包绩效正相关。研究的结果有助于我们认识中国和印度软件外包发展的差距,同时从理论和管理实践上为中国的软件外包发展提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

通过总经理薪酬—业绩之间的敏感性来考察薪酬委员会特征(独立性、规模以及成员平均报酬)对于我国上市公司高管薪酬契约有效性的影响,研究结果表明,薪酬委员会特征确实对上市公司高管薪酬契约的有效性产生影响,但是这种影响在国有和民营上市公司之间存在差异。对于国有公司而言,薪酬委员会中独立董事的比例越高,尤其当薪酬委员会成员全部为独立董事时,以及薪酬委员会规模越大,总经理薪酬—业绩之间的敏感性越强;对于民营公司而言,当总经理担任薪酬委员会成员,或者薪酬委员会中独立董事的比例越低,以及薪酬委员会规模越大,总经理薪酬—业绩之间的敏感性越强;薪酬委员会成员的平均报酬对于这两类公司总经理薪酬—业绩之间的敏感性都没有影响。  相似文献   

姚海凤 《物流科技》2014,(12):100-102
商品质量因素越来越成为影响市场需求的一个重要因素。当考虑零售商的质量评价水平时,单一的契约(如退货契约或者折扣价格契约)无法使供应链系统达到协调,此时考虑两种或者两种以上契约的复合契约不失为一种可行的协调方法。文章基于退货和折扣价格复合契约通过建立具体的数学模型分析供应链系统的协调问题,得到了预期的协调效果,进而通过一个具体的算例更为详细直观地分析了复合契约的协调问题。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论认为企业是所有利益相关者缔结的一系列多边契约,是要素所有者交易产权的结果.缔约主体的专用性投资要有相应的财务收益作为回报,而企业绩效评价应该是考核企业财务履约的情况.通过构建利益相关者财务收益指标,并按终极产权观点对我国上市公司进行股权分类,实证研究了2004年-2007年我国上市公司对利益相关者财务履约的情况.结果显示,我国不同终极产权性质的上市公司财务履约存在类别差异,国资部门控股的国有上市公司和私有产权上市公司的财务履约表现要好于其他股权性质的上市公司,股权结构影响上市公司财务履约表现.  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析评价模型,对南通一个第三方物流企业进行了实证分析提出了改进对策.分析结果表明,不完全有效的分公司应控制固定资产的规模,减少工资支出,提高新业务的比例和收入,才能改善该企业的总体效益.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ability of firms to integrate a critical strategic issue, the natural environment, into the strategic planning process within the natural resource-based perspective. Using survey data collected from a wide variety of firms and industries based in the United States, we empirically examined the antecedents and effects of integrating the natural environment into the formal planning process. These data were analysed using structural equation modelling with the LISREL technique. Overall, our data provided strong support for the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, we found that the level of integration of environmental management concerns in the strategic planning process was positively related to financial and environmental performance. Furthermore, we found that the greater the functional coverage and the more resources provided to environmental issues, the greater the integration of environmental issues in the planning process. These results suggest that concern for environmental issues may yield competitive advantages in the marketplace as the natural resource-based perspective suggests  相似文献   

在三方代理理论框架下探索了经营者个人利益、董事会对资本结构的影响,通过结构方程模型的建立,揭示了其内在关系。结果表明,经营者出于各种利益的考虑对不同的融资方式有所偏好,而董事会作为股东的代表,会在一定程度上影响着经营者的自利行为,并对资本结构产生一种间接的影响。  相似文献   

国际原油是资本市场兵家必争之地,原油价格受很多不确定因素影响,且各个因素之间的相关关系错综复杂,因此要从理论上彻底弄清楚原油指数的变化机理十分困难。然而原油指数是一个运动的、特殊的系统,它必然存在着规律。本文基于ARIMA-GARCH金融时间序列理论,对WTI波动率进行实证分析,经过平稳性检验、ARIMA参数选择、ARCH效应检验和GARCH模型优化,建立了ARIMA-GARCH预测模型,通过预测值与真实值的对比认为ARIMA-GARCH模型可以很好拟合WTI波动率并且进行短期预测。  相似文献   

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