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This paper uses a dataset of Zimbabwean migrants living in South Africa to examine the determinants of the probability of their returning to their country of origin. It analyses migrants' return migration intentions using a logistic regression that examines 10 demographic and socioeconomic factors. Six factors – reason for migrating, the number of dependants supported in the home country, the level of education, economic activity in the host country, the level of income and the duration of stay in the host country – are found to be statistically significant determinants of the return migration intentions. The main policy implication of these findings is that the chances of attracting back skills are high if political and economic stability can be achieved.  相似文献   

为适应旅游业的迅速发展,中俄两国在旅游高等教育方面都比较重视.我国各高校旅游专业设置时间普遍不长,专业教学体系尚待进一步完善和提高,研究俄国高等学校旅游专业的教学经验,对完善我国旅游专业教学体系有重要参考和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the findings of a study of population mobility conducted under a Ministry of Economic Development and Center for Migration Studies project led by Zh. A. Zayonchkovskaya. A questionnaire survey was conducted in ten Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Nalchik, Nizhni Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Smolensk, and Orenburg. The survey data are analyzed to establish correlations between the migratory attitudes of the residents of ten Russian cities and their material situation and housing conditions.  相似文献   

Our paper provides a comparative perspective on the development of public primary education in four of the largest developing economies circa 1910: Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). These four countries encompassed more than 50% of the world's population in 1910, but remarkably few of their citizens attended any school by the early 20th century. We present new, comparable data on school inputs and outputs for BRIC drawn from contemporary surveys and government documents. Recent studies emphasize the importance of political decentralization, and relatively broad political voice for the early spread of public primary education in developed economies. We identify the former and the lack of the latter to be important in the context of BRIC, but we also outline how other factors such as factor endowments, colonialism, serfdom, and, especially, the characteristics of the political and economic elite help explain the low achievement levels of these four countries and the incredible amount of heterogeneity within each of them.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic conditions define the effectiveness of the forecast variants of the metallurgical industry’s development. It is shown in the article that the results of the work of the Russian metallurgical industry in the 2000s were a consequence of changing conditions in the functioning of enterprises. An analysis of the principal factors defining the competitiveness of the metallurgical industry (raw material base, metal demand, and investment potential of development) is presented.  相似文献   

The author substantiates the idea of integrating the Russian nuclear power complex into the worldwide energy system. It would involve the transformation of the Rosenergoatom Concern into a Transnational Metacompetitive Corporation. If the transformation of the Rosenergoatom Concern is to take place there is a need to pursue an active forward strategy, which means giving up the role of a passive performer and becoming an active participant in its development.  相似文献   

语言学习中的中俄文化差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于不了解所学语言国家的文化背景知识,交际时常常会产生误解,甚至造成交际失败,所以学习俄语时掌握中俄间的文化差异对有效交际是很有帮助的。中俄在年龄观点、词汇的文化伴随意义、身势语、问候用语、馈赠礼物等方面均存在着文化差异。  相似文献   

Demographic factors and educational changes are producing, in many less developed countries, a "pushdown effect" in which recent graduates are forced to take jobs that would earlier have been filled by those with less education. In Indonesia, for example, 1990 senior high school graduates will have to take jobs that were filled by junior high school graduates in 1980 as a result of increases in the supply of educated manpower. While the increase in employment positions in Indonesia is under 5%/year, the number of graduates from junior high school, senior high school, and universities is exceeding this increase. Each year, there is an excess of 2.60 junior high school graduates and 3.83 senior high school graduates/1000 labor force in terms of availability of the types of jobs filled by people with these educational qualifications in 1980. The pushdown effect has further resulted in a fall in the educational differential of income. Between 1976-86, earnings for employees with less than a primary school education quintupled while those for employees with college degrees did not even triple. The presence of large numbers of disillusioned, overqualified workers in the labor force is a potential source of social unrest and there is a need for serious attention to the changing relationship of job and educational status. Possible solutions to this discrepancy include: expansion of the economy; restructuring of economic workers; reorientation of the educational system to enhance the productivity of graduates; raising the status of employment in agriculture and rural small industry; and acceptance by the labor force that the pushdown effect is an inevitable stage of the development process.  相似文献   

陈杰 《华东经济管理》2000,14(4):104-105
本文从教师在教育中的地位、作用及国际经验比较的角度 ,论证了教师思想政治工作是高校思想政治工作的重中之重 ;提出教师思想政治工作必须体现“教师为本”思想 ;在此基础上 ,就创新新时期高校教师思想政治工作的内容 (途径 提出了基本思路。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the “Equalization Program of Basic Public Health and Family Planning Services for Migrants” (EHFPSM), a novel internal migrant-targeted public health policy, of China implemented in 2013. By combining the individual-level data from the “China Migrants Dynamic Survey” and city-level statistical data, we find that EHFPSM contributes to a 6.9% statistically significant increase in the probability of electronic health records coverage and a 7.2% increase in the probability of reimbursement in the last inpatient visit, as well as a 1.2% decrease in the probability of one-year prevalence. The mechanism test shows that this program promotes the migrants' understanding of the policies and social insurance coverage to enhance their health status. EHFPSM brings about more significant decreases in disease prevalence for male and less-educated migrants, and higher reimbursement probability for urban hukou migrants. Our paper facilitates better understanding of the role of public health policies in promoting the internal migrants' health from the perspective of China.  相似文献   

This paper provides an estimate of the dynamics in expenditures on health care and education made from all sources in Russia in the 1995–2012 and viewed as investments in human capital. These data from Russia are compared with those from other countries. The problems of efficiency in the functioning of these systems and different affordability of these services are considered.  相似文献   

The article gives a systematic analysis of the state, problems, and prospects for developing ship-building in Ukraine. The experience in forming and implementing the cluster concept in Ukraine and Russia, including in the shipbuilding industry, has been analyzed. The prospects for cluster cooperation between Ukraine and Russia in the shipbuilding industry have been assessed, and proposals for its effective implementation have been made.  相似文献   

我国煤电价格水平、交易方式及其相关决定因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国和美国煤炭与电力价格水平与结构及其决定因素的比较分析发现:中国煤炭价格过高,电力价格过低,单位发电量电煤成本、单位发电量电煤成本占上网电价或销售电价比重,中国都是美国的2~3倍,中国煤炭价格扭曲问题较为严重,在对资源的所有权、环境和安全补偿尚存不足的情况下,就已达到美国的1~3倍;煤炭运输瓶颈和中间环节及其他不当收费较多导致中国煤炭成本偏高;畸形市场准入和资源整合政策制约了煤炭供给;偏向工业特别是重工业的产业结构和严重依赖煤炭发电的电源结构不断拉升电煤和电力的市场需求;长期合同交易机制的缺乏和不合理的定价机制也是导致中国煤电关系紧张的重要因素。理顺中国煤电关系需要从上述根本原因入手设计有效的政策。  相似文献   

Very few empirical studies have analysed the labour market performance of migrants in European countries in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This article uses a rich new micro‐dataset to examine the occupational attainment of migrants, mostly internal migrants, in the city of Barcelona, a key destination from the late nineteenth century onwards, adding to the literature on internal migrations in Spain during the period of industrialization. The study shows that the occupational outcomes achieved by early migrants tended to match those of natives, the reference group. However, some groups of migrants who arrived at the end of the period covered by the study show poorer outcomes than natives. The relative underachievement of these groups is explained by changes in the type of migrants and in the characteristics of the labour market. Our estimates also suggest that Spanish migrants did not experience upward occupational mobility after settling in Barcelona.  相似文献   

This article investigates the association between alcohol consumption and labor market outcomes in Russia, using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS). It estimates cross-sectional and fixed effects models of the impacts of alcohol consumption on employment and wages for males and females using three different measures of drinking. The cross-sectional findings indicate that alcohol consumption has an inverse U-shaped impact on employment and wages for females. The impact on males appears to be positive but the inverse-U shape is less pronounced. Once the unobserved individual heterogeneity is accounted for using fixed effects, alcohol consumption is found to have no significant effect on employment for either males or females. The fixed effect wage models indicate that alcohol consumption has a small, positive, but linear impact on the wage rate for both males and females. Models including fixed effects generate estimates that are smaller in magnitude compared with those of cross-sectional models. The findings are robust to several diagnostic checks.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the Indonesian overseas employment program. It is limited to overseas deployment through the official channels, i.e. organised by licensed labour suppliers and approved by government authorities. The main destination of this official labour migration is the Middle East. Indonesian officials have indicated that the government aims to increase overseas employment and to shift deployment from houseworkers to better skilled workers. It is argued in the paper that, in view of a shrinking labour market for migrants, even limited realisation of these hopes would depend upon some distinct changes in the overseas employment program."  相似文献   

梁娇娇 《魅力中国》2010,(3X):162-164
Language,thinking mode,translation are correlative to one another and have formed an integral system.This paper tentatively makes a research on the differences between Chinese and English thinking modes,and the influence on the accuracy of translation caused by those differences.  相似文献   

The main trends in the Russian nuclear industry are analyzed taking into account the development of the global nuclear industry. Measures of state support for all forms of financing for the Russian nuclear complex in 2005–2013 are assessed, as well as their impact on the relevant output growth.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies suggest that the negative correlation between the quantity of children within a family and their educational attainment, which is widely observed in developed countries, is inconsistent or even rejected in developing countries. This paper aims to integrate these divergent empirical results into a unified theoretical framework by introducing scale economies into the classical model of Becker and Lewis (1973). As a result, the “anomaly” of an observed upward or an inverted U-shaped relationship can be expected as the scale economies effect dominates when there are few children in a family. Using data from the China's 1990 and 2000 censuses, this study further tests some hypotheses induced from the model. Educational attainment increases with sibling size at first and then drops. Children with one or two siblings achieve the highest education during the period our sample covers. The inverted U-shaped correlation is more robust for rural subsamples, for older cohorts and for economically underdeveloped regions and groups, which is consistent with the prediction of the model.  相似文献   

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